Sunday, April 25, 2021

Developmental Milestones of Five-Year-Old Children


Five-year-old children are growing and developing rapidly. They are active and dexterous; children of this age are also more capable of putting together logical plans and ideas. This is a great age were skills are improved and friendships are strengthened. Five-year-olds are similar to four-year-olds but they are becoming more complex. This article will help you understand the physical, emotional, and cognitive development of children of the age of five, and this will help you become a better parent.

Physically children are growing a lot during this age, and they are slowly learning to use more muscles as these muscles become stronger. Five-year-olds are becoming more adept at movement and balance. They can stand on one foot, hop, skip, and jump rope (Segal, 2006). They can walk backwards and maintain balance. Children of this age are also developing important fine motor skills such as tying shoe laces, writing letters, and figuring out puzzles. During this time I a child's life it is important to provide them with activities that will help them develop these skills.

Emotionally and socially children of five years of age are very different from four-year-olds. They are very interested in singing and dancing. Children at this age want to be more "independence," and they like to spend a lot of time with friends (Segal, 2006). The opinions of friends are important to children of this age, and five-year-olds want to make their friends happy. At this age children can be demanding, but they are more agreeable than at younger ages. They aim to please, and look for praise and reciprocation.

Cognitive learning is very active during this age, and interaction takes a huge role. Children of five years of age love to learn, and they are very interested in reading and writing. They "choose from a menu in the restaurant, read the signs on the road, make lists of things they need to buy, and write their names on their books or their drawings," and children of this age can easily work out simple problems in their head (Segal, 2006). Five-year-olds are into learning, but they are also into the "mastery" of learning, and they spend a lot of time to get the details of projects right (Segal, 2006).

During this age children are become more complex and interesting. It is important for parents to understand the developmental stages of their children in order to nurture their growth.

Segal, M. (2006). Developmental overviews of three-year-olds, four-year-olds, and five-year-olds. Retrieved from

Effective Tips for Monitoring Students in the Classroom


Learning effective tips for monitoring students in the classroom can have a huge impact on the learning environment. All teachers must be able to monitor the learning and comprehension of students in the classroom. This article will provide teachers with several effective tips for monitoring students in the classroom.

Monitoring a student's progress in the classroom can be tricky because there are so many different types of students and classes. Making sure to consider the work assigned and the interaction of the students in the classroom are effective tips for monitoring classroom progress.

Independent Work

During independent work in the classroom students most be monitored in ways that will not disrupt the concentration of the class. Using signals for students to communicate that they need help or are done with the assignment is important to maintain focus and quiet during independent work. Folded hands can mean the work is complete and holding a pencil up can mean help is needed. A student can also stand at the teacher's desk if he needs help. Another important part of monitoring students during independent work is walking around the classroom. This will allow you to see how a student is progressing. IT will also allow you to give individual students help and encouragement.

Group Work

Group work is another time in the classroom where students must be monitored effectively. During this type of assignment students can easily fall of track and lose sight of the assigned work. In order to monitor students during group work a teacher must assign students specific tasks in the group. This will provide students with the responsibility they need to stay focus. It is also imperative to make sure students are paying attention and concentrating on the assignment by asking the students questions about the task at hand. These techniques are an effective way to monitor students in the classroom.

Interaction and Enthusiasm

Another effective tip for monitoring students in a classroom is by making sure the students are interactive and enthusiastic. In order to monitor the students understanding of homework you should discuss the past assignments before leading into the new assignments. This will show a correlation between both lessons, refresh the work in the minds of the students, and monitor their comprehension.

It is important to be aware of these effective tips for monitoring students in the classroom if you want to be a successful teacher. Monitoring students is important because it tracks their understanding and progress.

Kounin's Educational Theories on Management and Discipline

Kounin's educational theories on management and discipline have had a positive impact on education for many years now. Management and discipline in the classroom are important if the students and teacher are to be successful in the learning process. This article will discuss the key points of Kounin's educational theories on management and discipline.

Awareness is one of the key points of Kounin's theories on educational management and discipline. This idea means that a teacher must constantly be aware of what is going on in the classroom. This is difficult, but it can occur through use of routine and organization.

Momentum is another part of Kounin's theories, and it keeps productivity flowing. Momentum is the part of educational management and discipline that keeps the lessons moving along. It is the flow of the introduction, lesson, activities, and conclusion. It keeps students involved and the lesson flowing.

Smoothness is an important part of educational management and discipline that Kounin described in his theories. Smoothness requires a teacher to keep students attentive to the lesson at hand. Smoothness means to handle interruptions easily and maintain the structure of the lesson despite problems that arise.

Keeping the group alert is another aspect of Kounin's educational theories on management and discipline. Group alerting is a skill teachers must obtain in order to manage and discipline the students. This skill requires a teacher to have manners in which to check the awareness and attention of the students through positive interaction.

Accountability is positive point of Kounin's educational theories that will increase discipline in the classroom while teaching students how to manage themselves. Holding students accountable for their learning is important to the learning process. This point requires that a teacher interact with students through questions and conversation.

Classroom discipline and management can be hard when satiation occurs. Kounin's educational theories suggest that a teacher must be aware of when the students have drawn enough knowledge of a lesson. If the students are to be managed and disciplined effectively lessons should not continue to the point of boredom or satiation. Maintaining interest and enthusiasm of a subject is very important to educational management and discipline in the classroom.

Understanding Kounin's educational theories on management and discipline is important when trying to be a good teacher. The key points in Kounin's theories on education, management, and discipline can highly impact the success of a teacher in the classroom.

Person-Environment Fit Theory in Organizational Psychology

The person-environment fit theory is an important aspect in organizational psychology. It can be noticed on a constant basis in any workplace environment, but is commonly not considered as a cause or effect of conflicts in business environments. This article will discuss the importance of the person-environment fit theory in organizational psychology and business; it will also discuss the impact of person-environment fit on occupational stress and tips for avoiding this conflict.

Person-Environment fit relates to how a person fits into a workplace environment. The Person-Environment fit theory discusses the factors affecting how a person relates to the workplace environment. This can be through motivation, ability, and several other factors.

his concept of person-environment fit can also relate to how a person fits in with the demands of a job or supplies presented by a job. Incorrect person-environment fit can lead to serious conflicts in any business environment. Stress and lack of productivity are natural conflicts associated with a problem in the way a person fits into their workplace environment.

Person-Environment Fit relates strongly to occupational stress because if a person does not fit into their workplace environment they will inevitably be stressed. If an employee does not have the same motives as a workplace then stress can occur because two different ends are trying to be met.

Occupational stress can also occur because if a person does not fit the environment because of inability to complete the demands of a workplace. If someone is incapable of doing their job this is very stressful. This can be caused by personal lack of ability, skill, or knowledge. This can also be caused by insufficient funds or supplies available. If the means to complete tasks are not available this can be very stressful for an employee.

Occupational stress is something that many people face, and it can definitely be caused by person-environment fit issues. If a person is not right for a position and the tools available then they will become stressed out. It is important to match abilities with demands.

The person-environment fit theory is a part of organizational psychology that can help determine conflicts in the workplace. Occupational stress is a part of business that may be caused from insufficient person-environment fit, and this organizational psychology theory can benefit many businesses and organizations. It is important to understand this theory as well as apply it in the workplace environment to ensure success.

Green Garden Crafts: Stepping Stones


Garden crafts should be green, and there are so many fun garden crafts that are easy and eco-friendly. You can use broken dishes and pottery, leaves, and bottles to make stepping stones, and these green garden crafts is inexpensive and uses recycled items.

Broken Dishes and Pottery

Making a stepping stone for your green garden can be done uniquely with broken dishes, plaster, outdoor paint, and a plastic plate. Start by making a fun pattern, design, or shape with the broken bits of pottery and dishes.

Then mix the plaster according to directions and pour it onto the plate. Allow for some room to add the broken pieces and place them gently into the plaster. Allow the entire creation to dry before painting it. This green craft will make a lovely stepping stone for your garden.


Using leaves to make a unique imprint on plaster is a great way to design a stepping stone for your garden. For this green craft you need plaster, outdoor paint, leaves, a paintbrush, and a plastic plate. Start this green craft by pouring the plaster onto the plate; then arrange the leaves in any design or pattern you like.

Allow the plaster to dry thoroughly, remove the stepping stone from the plate. The leaves will come off of the stepping stone easily. Use the outdoor paint to add details to the stepping tone, and seal it with an outdoor sealer spray if you like. This green craft is a great way to make a stepping stone for interest in your garden.


When creating green crafts for your garden you should consider using glass bottles. For this garden craft you will need a few glass bottles, a disposable plastic food container, plaster, and outdoor clear sealer spray.

Start this craft by breaking the glass bottle; this can be done safely by wrapping the bottle in a piece of rug or carpet and hitting it with a hammer. After you have your broken glass you should mix the plaster and pour it into the container. If you are making a very high stepping stone you can add a bottle to the center if you like, but make sure to use less plaster to start.

Use the broken glass pieces to make a mosaic in the top of the plaster; remember to create whatever design you like and pay attention to negative space. When the plaster has dried spray it with the sealer, and place this green stepping stone craft in your garden.

Stepping stones are a great green craft for your garden, and once you start making them you will find new items of interest to make stepping stones with as well. Enjoy these crafts and happy spring!

Recycled Collage Crafts for Your Bedroom


Collages are a great way to make beautiful arts and crafts using many different items and themes. Any room in your home will be enhanced with a unique collage, and your bedroom is a great place to start when creating collage crafts. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating several different recycled collage crafts for your bedroom.

Inspiration Collage

Making an inspiration collage for your bedroom is a craft that will provide you with encouragement everyday. For this craft you should think about what you find inspiring; quotes, colors, and images are all important for this recycled collage craft. You will need a piece of cardboard, glue, old magazines, scissors, and other inspirational recycled items you happen to find.

Now start this project by cutting out inspiring images and words from the magazine. If you all ready have a quote in mind cut the letters out of the magazine and set the aside. Next glue the quote into the middle of the cardboard and decorate around it using the other items you have chosen. When the glue has dried you can hang this recycled collage in your bedroom.

Goal Collage

Creating a collage with a goal in mind will help keep you motivated and on the right track. Start by thinking about a goal you want to obtain. You will need old magazines, a piece of cardboard, glue, scissors, and a photo of your self; you may also like to use markers to add details to this collage. Recycled pieces of ribbon, yarn, and string are also fun to use for this collage craft.

Begin this craft by cutting out images that remind you of your goal. Now glue the photo of yourself to the middle of the cardboard and glue the images related to your goal around the photo. Add lines using the string or yarn to connect the images to your photo. You can also use the markers to add interesting ideas, messages, and inspirational quotes to help keep you motivated. This recycled craft collage is a fun project that will help keep you on track with your goals, and it will look awesome in your bedroom.

Photo Collage

Your bedroom is the perfect place for a photo collage made with recycled items. This collage craft will make your bedroom feel more personal and one of a kind. For this craft you will need several photos of you, your friends, and your family; you will also need scissors, glue, an egg carton, an old cereal box, tape. and other interesting papers.

Start by cutting a rectangle out ofthe center out of one of the large sides of the cereal box, and remember to leave about an inch from the outside edge. Next cut a line from the corners of the holes to the outside edge of the box, and push the inch edge back into the box; use the glue to attach this edge to the inside.

Now cut the egg carton into pieces and glue in various parts of the box; this will add depth and intrigue to your collage. Also add the extra paper to cover the box in different areas. Now add your photos using the tape so that they are removable, and your photo collage craft is complete.

Making fun collage crafts are a great way to decorate your bedroom, and these collage ideas are a perfect addition to any bedroom.

Homemade Space Themed Party Invitations


You can make homemade space themed party invitations easily and inexpensively. Making homemade party invitations is a lot of fun for kids. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating homemade space themed party invitations for kids featuring planets and a spaceship.


You can make homemade space themed party invitations featuring planets using very few items. For this homemade invitation you will need heavy paper, scissors, a bowl, a pencil, paint, and a paintbrush. Start by folding the paper in half.

Place the bowl on the paper so that the top of the bowl slightly over hangs the folded edge of the paper. Then trace the rim of the bowl to create a circle. Trace as many circles onto the paper as you can fit without overlapping. Then cut the circles out. Make sure to leave the folded edge to make your invitation have two sides.

Then use the paint and the paintbrush to add the details to your plant. Circles and stripes are fun, and you can use a sponge to add detail and texture. You may want to research what the planets look like before you decide how to paint your homemade space themed party invitation. After the paint has dried you can fill in the necessary information on the inside of the invitation and send it to your guests.

Space Ship

A fun spaceship is a great focal point of a homemade space themed party invitation. For this homemade party invite you will need heavy paper, scissors, glue, a pencil, and construction paper. You may also like to use markers or crayons for smaller details.

Start by folding the paper in half to create the basic homemade invitation. Then use the construction paper to make the space ship. Draw a small circle on gray construction paper. You can use a cup to trace a circle. Then draw a very thin and long oval to be the outer edge of the space ship. Cut these shapes out. Also cut several small circular shapes for windows and three small triangles.

Glue the circle to the middle of the front of the invitation. Place the oval horizontally across the circle and glue in place. Add the smaller circles to the edge of the oval like space ship windows. Then add the three triangles to the bottom of the space ship. Feel free to add more details with the paper if you like. When the glue has dried this homemade space themed invitation is ready to be sent to party guests.

Making homemade party invitations are fun and cheap. These homemade party invitations are perfect for you space themed party; so try them today!

May Day Crafts for Preschool Children with Paper


You can create several lovely May Day crafts with preschool children using paper. May Day, commonly overlooked, offers a lot of fun projects and ways of celebrating. This article provides you with instructions on creating May Day crafts using paper; these craft suit preschool children well.

Flower Crown

A flower crown is fun and easy to make. For this craft you need construction paper in a wide variety of colors, scissors, tape, yarn, and glue. Start by helping preschool kids cut a long strip of construction paper. Then help kids cut several flower shapes from different colored pieces of construction paper. Circles work well for flowers and diamonds work well for leaves.

While the children are practicing their motor skills and shapes, you can place tape over both sides of both ends of the strip of paper. Then use the scissors to poke holes in the tapes area. Cut a few pieces of yarn and tie them to the holes in the paper. This will allow the child to tie the crown around their head.

When everything is cut out and the yarn is tied, allow kids to decorate their crowns using the circles and diamonds. You can also add buttons or mini pompoms to the center of the flowers if these items are available.

Grass Basket

Another May Day craft using paper is a grass basket. This symbolizes spring and the job of this holiday. For this craft you will need green construction paper, scissors, tape, and glue. Help preschool kids cut several long strips from the green paper. Then help them shape a piece of construction paper into a cone. Use the tape to secure it in place tightly. Then help preschoolers trim the wide end of the cone to make it even.

Use one strip of paper to add a handle to the cone basket. Then help kids cut the other strips into grass. This is done by cutting several slits in the top of the paper. Remind kids to not cut the strip all the way through, but if they do cut it all the way through on accident it is ok because it will not affect the way the basket is created. When all the strips are cut attach them to the basket. Start at the top and slightly overlap the strips so the grass can be ruffled outward. When the glue dries, this basket can easily be used to store treats or flowers for your May Day celebration.

These easy paper crafts provide preschool children with fun May Day activities and memories.

Inexpensive May Day Craft for Kids


May Day is a great holiday for crafting with kids; these inexpensive crafts are a fun way to add spring to your home while bonding with your children. This article provides you with instructions on how to create May Day crafts with your kids without breaking your budget.

Flower Charm

This charm is fun and easy to make. For this craft you will need fake or dried flowers, ribbon, clear packing tape, ribbon, scissors or a hole puncher, pins or thumbtacks, and glitter. Start by choosing a small flower or a few tiny flowers. Then help kids arrange them in a design they like. If you are using fake flowers it is important to remove the plastic backing so you only have the flower bud itself. This can be done easily with scissors.

Then cut a large piece of tape and use the pins to secure it to a book or piece of paper. Make sure to keep the sticky side up. Then help kids lay the flowers on top of the tape in the arraignment they chose. Make sure there is excess tape left around the edges of the flowers. Add some glitter now if you like. Also cut a piece of ribbon and find the center. Place the center on the top of the tape.

Then use another large piece of tape to cover the first piece. Help kids press the pieces together to seal the flower in between. Use the scissors to cut the tape into a nice shape, but make sure there is enough tape around the edges to keep the flower and ribbon secure. Kids can add extra layers of tape to the outside of this May Day charm to make it even stronger. It can be worn as a necklace or a keychain.

Indoor Garden

Another fun May Day craft for kids is creating an indoor garden. For this craft idea you will need a large water proof container, dirt, and seeds. You can also purchase small plants if you like. Small toys, beads, knickknacks, and other items your child chooses to add detail to the craft are a good idea as well.

Start by filling the container with dirt, and add water to make the soil moist. Then help your kid plant the seeds by following the directions on the package. You can also use paint or paint markers to decorate the container beforehand if you like. Then place the unique items in the container and wait for your May Day craft to bloom.

These May Day ideas provide fun and fond memories for you and your children. Kids will be proud of their creations, and these inexpensive craft ideas barely cost a thing.

Easy Homemade May Day Decorations


You can make many homemade May Day decorations with these easy instructions. This holiday allows us to bring the beauty of spring into the home. This article provides you with step-by-step instructions for creating May Day decorations for your home.

Flower Ring Garland

An easy homemade decoration for this holiday is a flower garden. For this decoration you will need tissue paper in various colors, scissors, tape, glue, and construction paper. Start by cutting the construction paper into strips for a chain garland. Then cut several circles of various sizes from the tissue paper.

Then lay the strips out flat and glue a circle to each. Add more circles to create layers of lower petals. Make sure to add some glue in between each layer to secure it in place. The tear a few pieces from yellow or orange construction paper and crumble it into a tiny ball. Glue the yellow ball to the center of the flower.

When all the flowers have dried you can assemble the garland. Start by bending one strip of paper into a circle. Tape it shut and loop another strip through the first circle. Bend that strip into a circle and tape it shut. Keep adding circles to complete this easy May Day decoration.

Basket Door Hanger

For a pretty May Day door hanger you will need a paper plate, green construction paper, ribbon, scissors, fake flowers, and glue. Start by cutting the plate in half. Add glue to the curved edges of the plate and press them together. This will create the bottom of the basket. Then cut several sheets of green paper into strips.

Use the scissors to give the strips a grass like look. Do this by cutting lines vertically in the strips, but do not cut all the way through. Then glue the strips horizontally along the top edge of the basket. Add more strips overlapping the first one. Keep adding more strips until the entire basket is covered.

When the grass has dried, cut a hole in each side of the basket. Then add ribbon so you can hang your basket. Place some fake flowers inside the basket, and your May Day decoration is done.

These fun and easy crafts bring the spring spirit alive in your décor.

Five Vintage DIY Wedding Decoration Ideas on a Budget


Vintage themed weddings are one of the most popular styles right now. Adding this style to your wedding decorations can be fun and inexpensive when you do it yourself! This article will provide you with instructions on five vintage DIY wedding decorations ideas you can make on a budget.

1. Vintage Glass Centerpieces

Centerpieces are a great way to display your vintage style. You can find inexpensive vintage and vintage inspired glass vases, bottles, and jars on the internet, thrift stores, and at yard sales. Simply gather a bunch of these glass pieces together on a table and flowers, painted branches, or feathers to the jars to create a one of a kind centerpiece that can also be used as a party favor. You can also add lace or ribbon to the bottles to bring in your color scheme!

2. Suitcase Card Box

A vintage suitcase is a wonderful and unique way to add charm to your wedding decorations. For this DIY project, all you will need is some pretty fabric, fabric markers, some fabric glue, and a small vintage suitcase. Drape the fabric on the inside of the box and add the glue to secure it in place inside. Then use the markers to make a sign for the cards on a smaller piece of fabric. Glue this to the inside of one sides of the suitcase. Just stand the suitcase halfway open to display your sign, and you will receive tons of cards and compliments.

3. Book Page Flowers

Vintage book pages make great flowers that can be added to all different parts of your wedding décor. To make these paper flowers you will need vintage paper, skewers or wooden dowels, hot glue, a glue gun, and scissors. Start by cutting a five-inch circle from a piece of paper. Start on one edge of the circle and use the scissors to cut the circle into a spiral. Then glue the beginning of the spiral to the end of the dowel. Wrap the spiral around the dowel, gluing along the way, and you will have created a lovely flower for your wedding day.

4. Mason Jar Lanterns

To make mason jar lanterns on a budget, simply check out your local dollar store for jars and votives. Then remove the flat part of the lid and add a votive to the inside of the jar. You can tie cord around the lips of the jars to make them hang able if you like. You can also add ribbon or flowers to the outside of the jars to make the DIY decoration even more special.

5. Distressed Fancy Frame Signs

Another useful decoration is a framed sign that is hand distressed. Simply purchase some inexpensive fancy frames from your local craft or dollar store. Then paint them white. Using sand paper, steel wool, or a metal brush, lightly rub the frame to distress the paint and give it a unique and vintage look. Then print out or handwrite the signs on nice paper and add them to the frames.

These DIY projects are inexpensive and easy. They will help you make your own wedding decorations on a budget while incorporating your own unique vintage style.

Inexpensive Wedding Favors for Winter Weddings


There are plenty of inexpensive wedding favors for winter wedding available; you just have to know what to look for. When choosing wedding favors for your big day it is important to keep with your wedding theme. This article will discuss several inexpensive wedding favors for a winter wedding.


A traditional wedding favor is the candle, and you can find plenty of inexpensive winter themed candles for your wedding favors. Candles can come in snowflake, snowmen, or snow capped tree shapes that are great for a winter wedding. You can also choose a plain candle with a wintery smell like hot coco, sugar cookies, pine, mint, and cinnamon.

Snow Globes

Another wedding favor that is perfect for your winter wedding is a snow globe. These can be purchased inexpensively at local dollar stores, or they can be personalized through several different wedding favor companies. Snow globes are an inexpensive and unique wedding favor for your winter wedding.

Sapling Evergreens

A wonderful way to symbolize the growth of your love is by giving out sapling evergreen trees as wedding favors. This is also nice for a winter wedding because they are reminiscent of the season. These inexpensive favors can be placed in champagne glasses or small coffee mugs, and sapling trees can be purchased very cheaply.


Since winter weddings are so close to the holiday season, it is the perfect wedding season for giving ornaments out as favors. There are a large variety of wedding ornaments that are appropriate for winter including snowflakes, snowmen, icicles, bells, and sleighs. These ornaments can be purchased cheaply, and they can even be personalized.

Personalized Mint or Candy Tins

A popular wedding favor is personalized mint or candy tins, and this can be a great wedding favor for a winter wedding. Chocolate and mint is suggestive of winter, and you can get any special message printed on the tins to make this inexpensive favor special.

Snowflake Soap

Snowflakes are a favorite winter wedding theme, and they can appear just about everywhere for your winter wedding. Snowflake shaped soaps are pretty and inexpensive. They can be wrapped or placed in small cellophane bags for a one of a kind winter wedding favor.

When choosing winter wedding favors you do not have to spend a fortune. Try these favors for your winter wedding, and you will love the special touch they add to your special day.

Inexpensive Homemade Red Wedding Favors

Homemade wedding favors are personal and inexpensive, and they can be made with any color scheme in mind. Red is a popular wedding color, and it is closely associated with love. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating inexpensive homemade red wedding favors.

Jam Jars

Making jam jars is a one of a kind wedding favor idea that can be done with red. You can use strawberries or raspberries to create jam, and this homemade wedding favor is also inexpensive. All you will need is canning jars, ribbon, berries, sugar, pectin, a large pot, water, and some heavy paper or sticky labels. Start by making the jam accordingly and filling the jars. Seal the jars correctly and set aside. Simply write the names of the couple on the labels and attach them to the jars. Tie the ribbon in a pretty bow and this inexpensive red homemade wedding favor is complete.

Red Rose Candles

You can make a red themed homemade wedding favor using classic red roses. For this project you will need fake red roses, a hot glue gun, glue sticks, small glass jars, red ribbon, and red silk roses. Start this project by pulling the buds off of the stems, but make sure to keep the buds intact. Next glue the ribbon around the top edge of the jar, and decorate the jar with the red roses. When your candle holder has cooled place the candle inside, and it is an elegant red wedding favor that is also homemade and inexpensive.

Candy Champagne Glass

Another inexpensive homemade wedding favor is a candy filled champagne glass. For this wedding favor you will need red candies, and there are many different types of red colored candies on the market to choose from. You can also pick a variety of red colored candies, and you can purchase inexpensive champagne glasses at your local dollar store. If you but multiple different red colored candies for this inexpensive wedding favor you can layer the different candies. You can also add a ribbon bow to the handle, and it is nice to write the name of the couple and the date of the marriage on a piece of paper or ribbon and attach it to the glass.There are many inexpensive homemade wedding favors, and red is a great wedding color for creating wedding favors. There are many sweet and romantic red colored wedding favor ideas that can be made inexpensively; try these homemade favors for your wedding or the wedding of someone you care about!

Inexpensive Homemade Blue Wedding Decorations


Making homemade wedding decorations is a fun and inexpensive way to add a personal touch to your wedding. The color blue is a popular wedding color and it can be incorporated simply into homemade wedding decorations. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on how to create several inexpensive homemade blue wedding decorations.


Creating a blue garland for your wedding can be inexpensive; for this homemade decoration you will need various blue cupcake liners, a hole puncher, big blue colored wooden beads, and thin ribbon. Start this homemade wedding decoration craft by flattening all of the cupcake liners and punching a hole in the center of them.

Next string a couple cupcake liners onto the ribbon, but make sure to tie it in a knot at the end first; it is helpful to tie one of the blue beads to the knot to make it larger. After you have strung some cupcake liners onto the ribbon add a bead. String some more cupcake liners and another bead onto the ribbon, and continue in this fashion until your garland is complete. This inexpensive homemade wedding decoration is an easy and quick wedding craft.


You can make an adorable blue topiary decoration for your wedding. For this inexpensive, homemade wedding decoration you will need coffee filters, blue watercolor paint, a stick that is 12 inches long, two small foam balls, a tin can, some blue pebbles, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, water, and a paintbrush.

Start this homemade decoration by painting all of your coffee filters blue. This can be done easily by running all of the coffee filters underwater and adding a few drops of paint to them; the paint will swirl and expand because of the water. Allow the blue coffee filters to dry while you are assembling the rest of the decoration.

Now place a foam ball inside the tin can, and poke the stick into the middle of the ball. Place the other ball on top of the stick and push it through to secure it in place. Fill the can the rest of the way with the blue pebbles to secure the tree in place.

Find the center of the coffee filters and pinch it to gather it; next glue the pinched section of the coffee filter to the ball. Continue adding coffee filters until the entire ball is covered, and when the glue has dried your inexpensive, homemade wedding decoration is ready.

Making blue wedding decorations is more fun and personal when they are homemade, and you can do this without spending a ton of cash. These inexpensive decoration ideas are a great way to emphasize the color blue in your wedding while adding a custom touch.

Inexpensive Homemade Blue Wedding Centerpiece


Everyone picks a color theme for their wedding, and creating homemade centerpieces with the color blue is easy and inexpensive. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating several inexpensive homemade blue wedding centerpieces for your big day.


Flowers are always a wonderful addition to any wedding centerpiece, and carnations are an inexpensive flower for your homemade wedding centerpiece. For this homemade wedding craft you will need carnations, blue food coloring, water, a vase, scissors, tin cans, and blue ribbon.

Start this project the night before by filling the vase with water; add at least 20 drops of blue food coloring to the water to make it a dark blue. Next use the scissors to cut the stems of the carnations so they fit nicely in the tin cans, but remember to cut the stems under water to prevent air from getting in. You can also cut slits in the sides of the stems to allow the blue food coloring to work faster.

Tie the blue ribbon around the tin can in a bow, and fill it with some water; you can feel free to use the blue water again if you like. Place the carnations in the tin cans and your inexpensive homemade wedding centerpieces is ready!

Underwater Centerpiece

For a one of a kind and inexpensive homemade wedding centerpiece you will need some large glass bowls, blue food coloring, water, fake flowers, a hot glue gun, glue sticks, permanent paint markers, and old cd cases. Start this inexpensive wedding craft by writing the name of the couple and the date of the wedding on the cd cases.

Next place the cd case in bottom of the bowl, and add glue to secure it. Glue flowers around the edges of the cd case, and when the glue has dried fill a pitcher with water. Add a few drops of blue food coloring to the water and fill the bowl with the blue water. This blue wedding centerpieces is a special homemade addition to any wedding.

Champagne Glass Candle Holders

Another inexpensive homemade wedding centerpiece that features the color blue is the champagne glass candle holder. For this centerpiece you will need champagne glasses, blue beads, marbles, or pebbles, blue taper candles, and ribbon.

Start this homemade wedding centerpiece by tying a piece of ribbon in a bow around the stem of the champagne glass. Next place the candles in the glasses and fill the glasses with the pebbles. This will hold your candle in place, and your inexpensive wedding centerpiece is done.

Making homemade centerpieces for your wedding table can be inexpensive, and it is easy to incorporate the color blue into these inexpensive homemade wedding centerpieces. So try them today!

Three Shabby Chic DIY Wedding Decoration Ideas on a Budget


Shabby chic themed weddings are romantic and unique. The popular theme can be incorporated into your wedding decorations easily and without costing a fortune. This article will provide you with instructions on creating three shabby chic inspired DIY wedding decorations that can be made on a budget!

1. Tissue Paper Garland

This shabby chic inspired DIY decoration is simple and inexpensive. All you will need is cord or ribbon, scissors, and tissue paper. Feel free to use whatever colors you like to match your scheme. Start by cutting the cord to your desired length. Then cut the tissue paper into strips that measure about 12" by 1 inch.

When you have several strips cut, start you garland by folding a strip n half. Place the folded loop underneath the cord and stick the opposite end pieces through the loop. Pull gently and your first strip will be firmly attached to the string. Fill the entire garland with strips. Remember to leave a few inches on the ends of the string to tie your garland.

2. Felted Balls

Felted balls are a fun way to incorporate your colors and style into your wedding. You will need warm water, felting wool, dish detergent, and two bowls. You will also need a place for your felted balls to dry. I use a paper plate on the counter.

Start by breaking the wool into pieces depending on the size ball you want. You can experiment with different amounts until you get the size you like. Then fill a basin with warm water and a little dish soap. You want the water soapy but not all bubbles. Now dip your wool in the water and slowly roll the felt in your hands. Keep the dry basin underneath your hands during this part. The water will cool as you push it out. Remember to roll the wool gently and after a few minutes you will have a wonderful tightly packed felt ball. Leave the ball to dry and continue until you have enough for your wedding decorations.

These felted balls can be glued to skewers and used as flowers. They can be strung on cord with a needle to make a garland, and they can be used as bowl filler.

3. Butterfly Jar Centerpieces

These shabby chic centerpieces are budget friendly to make and also double as party favor gifts. For this DIY wedding decoration you will need mason jars, moss, rocks, sticks, dried flowers, and any other nature items that are inexpensive and available. You will also need butterfly stickers, a printer and scanner, scissors, and glue.

Start by decorating the jar with the nature items. Make a pretty little habitat for your butterflies. Then use your scanner to scan the stickers. Print out the image to the same size as your stickers. Turn the printed sheet upside down and attach the stickers to their matching image. Then cut out the image to have a beautiful double sided butterfly. Fold along the middle and use the glue to attach the butterflies to different parts of your nature scene inside the jar. These special shabby chic jars are easy and fun to make.

These ideas are a budget friendly and fun way to add shabby chic style to your wedding decorations. They are guaranteed to make your big day just as special as you are!

Autumn Crocus: History, Uses and Cultivation


This pretty plant is not very big, and it has strong medicinal purposes, but it is also so poisonous that it can kill you. This herb flowers in "September," and it has pretty lavender or light pink flowers; it grows to only about "12 inches" in height, and it is native to "Europe and North Africa" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.18). This herb looks very much like a regular crocus, but it is not a part of the iris family like most crocuses; it bears six stamens which is the easiest way to identify it. This herb has strong medicinal purposes, but it can also be deadly.

The history of the autumn crocus started way back in the time of the "Egyptians;" they used this herb to treat "gout 4000 years ago" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.18). The healing popularity of this plant decreased when people started to recognize the deadly powers of this herb. The powder of the bulb f this plant is ground up to create a poison, and it is said the "Greek naturalist Theophrastus wrote that when slaves became angry with their owner, they ingested tiny bits of the corm to make themselves ill and thus unable to work" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.18). This plant was widely used in history as a poison, and the ground up bulb was often added to wine.

This plant is a great healing herb, but it is better not to be experimented with. The most common use of the autumn crocus is still for the gout; it is taken in a "tablet form or intravenously," but this is the only form of arthritis that this herb is used for; the active ingredient in this plant is "colchicines," and this chemical "inhibits cell division" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.18). In the 40's colchicines was considered a possible cure for cancer, but the toxicity level appeared to be too high to be safe. An overdose of this plant will cause "nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, purging, extreme thirst, weak pulse, coldness and pain in the extremities," and this plant can also cause "damage to the kidneys and blood vessels" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.18).

Autumn crocuses easily grown from bulbs, and they enjoy moist, loamy soil. These plants are accustomed to full sun or partial shade, and they live in "zone 5" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.18). The autumn crocus is planted in early fall like many other bulb plants. They enjoy enriched soil, and they like to be planted two to three inches deep. This plant can also be planted from seed, but they will not bloom for several years if started this way.

The autumn crocus is a lovely plant that has an interesting and slightly criminal history. Its medicinal properties do not outweigh its toxicity so leaves this plant out of your
medicine collection.

Growing Sunchokes in Your Perennial Vegetable Garden


Growing sunchokes in your perennial vegetable garden is a great way to add variety to your garden. This perennial vegetable will produce hardily year after year. This article will provide you with detailed instructions and tips on growing sunchokes in your perennial vegetable garden.

Sunchokes are also known as Jerusalem artichokes although they are not grown in Jerusalem or related to artichokes. The flavor of this tubular vegetable is similar to the flavor of the artichoke. The tubers produced by the sunchoke are delicious vegetables that are low in starch.

Sunchoke tubers should be planted in your vegetable card about 3 weeks before the last frost date. Sunchokes take 100 days to harvest, but they produce many vegetables. This perennial can be planted in winter in warmer climates, and the soil they prefer to be planted in will be a temperature of about 59 degrees ferinheight.

This hardy vegetable is a perennial that can grow up to 10 feet in height. Sunchokes can deal with frost well, and they can even survive a very hard frost if they have a layer of mulch covering them. Sunchokes should be planted in full sun, and they enjoy loose soil that drains well. Adding sand and compost to the soil will increase the production of the plant as well as increase the ease of harvesting.

When deciding where to plant this vegetable in your perennial garden it is important to choose a place that will not be disturbed because your sunchokes will remain there for many years. This perennial spreads quickly, and they will take over any area they are planted in. Sunchokes should be planted in rows that are at least 3 feet apart. They should also be planted about 3 or 4 inches deep and a foot or so apart. Water them regularly, but make sure drainage is adequate. Too much water will cause the tubers to rot. Sunchokes are drought tolerant, and can be planted in containers as well. A large container is required for these plants because they spread very quickly.

When growing sunchokes in your perennial vegetable garden it is recommended that flowers are removed when they first appear. This will allow the tubers to receive the majority of the energy produced by this plant. When harvesting sunchokes you should wait for the leaves to die back. Leave tubers in the grown to produce a new crop in the following season.

Growing sunchokes in your perennial vegetable garden is fun and easy. This perennial vegetable is easy to grow and will spread fast with little care.

Perennial Vegetables for Your Garden


Pulling up the annual vegetables plant at the end of the growing season can be disheartening, but there are perennial vegetables for your garden. Growing perennial vegetables in your garden is a great way to grow crops that will produce without effort for years to come. This article ill discuss several perennial vegetables you can grow in your garden easily.


The perennial vegetable that most people are aware of is asparagus. Asparagus is a great perennial vegetable for your garden that comes in a wide variety. White, purple, and green asparagus are common types of asparagus that can be grown. Asparagus is a perennial vegetable that can be started indoors from seed or crowns can be purchased and planted 3 or 4 weeks before the last frost. Asparagus will not yield for the first 2 or 3 years, but it will produce a bountiful harvest for decades once it has established itself. Asparagus is a perennial vegetable that needs room in your garden to spread.


Rhubarb is another delicious perennial vegetable for your garden. Rhubarb is one of the few vegetables that need cold weather to produce and thrive. Rhubarb needs temperatures below 40 degrees to grow well in the following season. Rhubarb does not do well in warmer climates because it stops growing when temperatures reach 90 degrees. Rhubarb enjoys rich soil and excellent drainage, and should be spaced a few feet apart to provide room for expansion. Rhubarb is a wonderful perennial for your vegetable garden.


Sorrel is a great perennial vegetable for your garden. It can be grown easily and with little care. This perennial can be sown and harvested in roughly 2 months. Sorrel is a leafy green herb that needs little maintenance. Weeding and moisture are beneficial to this perennial vegetable. Growing sorrel in your garden is simple and the leaves should be harvested young. Plants should be placed at least a foot apart, and thinning can be eaten as well. Sorrel is a great addition to any perennial vegetable garden.


Another perennial vegetable for your garden is the sunchoke. This plant is also known as the Jerusalem artichoke, and it produces tubers that look similar to potatoes. These low starch tubers will grow quickly in an 18 inch space around the original tuber. Sunchoke need good drainage to prevent tubers from rotting. This perennial vegetable can be planted a few weeks before the last frost, and they take over 100 days to harvest. Leave tubers in the ground to produce new sunchokes in the following growing season.


A tasty perennial vegetable that is very popular is the artichoke. Artichokes are tender flower buds that have yet to bloom. This perennial vegetable will grow up to 6 feet wide and 4 feet high. It will provide you with many vegetables, and it enjoys full sun in your garden. Rich soil with good drainage is important. Artichokes prefer warmer climates, but they can be winterized in cooler zones using a heavy application of straw mulch and coverage.

These perennial vegetables make a great addition to your garden. Try growing these vegetables this year, and the following years you will be supplied with a bountiful harvest with very little effort or cost.

6 Flowering Shrubs that Love Shade


It is often hard to find flowering shrubs that love shade, and shady areas of your garden can suffer because of this, but there are plenty of flowering shrubs that love shade you just need to know what to look for. This article will provide you with a list of several flowering shrubs that love shade and details about how to grow them.

Butterfly Bush

Another wonderful flowering shrub that loves shade is the butterfly bush. These popular shade loving shrubs flower during summer time, and they come in a very large variety of styles. These flowering shrubs can be planted in full sun to shade, and the colors available are endless. Butterfly bushes smell lovely, and grow to various heights.

A great flowering shrub that loves shade is the glossy abele. This shrub has several pink and white colored flowers. This shade loving shrub has a very long flowering season, and it has pretty red tinged leaves. This shrub does well in zones 6-9, and it enjoys acidic soils.

Banana Shrub

A shrub that loves shade but can also live in full sun is the banana shrub. This flowering shrub bears medium sized yellow flowers and warm weather. The banana shrub enjoys acidic soil that has good drainage. It is a hardy plant that grows to only about 12 inches high.

Mountain Laurel is a flowering shrub that loves shade and well drained soil. It also prefers acidic soil and flowers in spring. This flowering shrub will grow to about 3 feet height; it also grows about 3 feet wide. This flowering shade lover is perfect for your shady spots because it produces bright purple flowers that will attract the eye. This shrub grows hardily and is good in a wide variety of climates.


Another shrub that loves shade and produces lovely flowers is the Juneberry shrub. This flowering shrub loves shade and bears large amounts of white flowers. The white flowers then turn to red berries in the summer and fall for more interest and detail in your shady areas. This flowering shrub likes well drained soil and full to partial shade.

Bottlebrush buckeye is another shade loving shrub that bears pretty flowers. This flowering shrub can grow up to 12 feet high and 15 feet wide. These shade lovers should be trimmed and maintained in order to prevent overgrowth of your garden. They prefer well drained soil and love shade. This shrub cannot tolerate drought and produces flowers in the summer time.

Shade loving shrubs can be flowering if you know the right shrubs to choose. These flowering shrubs will make a great focal point for the shady part of your garden.

Companion Planting Part 2: Plants Need Friends Too


Companion planting is a great way to enhance the productivity and efficiency of your garden. Many plants will help each other grow in many ways. Companion planting can help add nutrients to the soil, prevent pests from attacking plants, and help with wind, rain, and other climate conditions. Companion planting is helpful to any garden, and it will produce positive results; this article will discuss companion plants alphabetically from H through P.

Horseradish is a good plant to group with potatoes, but it should only be planted in a couple of corners of a potato plot.

Kohlrabi is a plant that grows nicely with beets and onions, but do not plant them with tomatoes or pole beans.

Leeks grow really well with celery, celeriac, and carrots. Leeks help repel carrot flies so they grow well together.

Lettuce is a wonderfully easy plant to grow, and it is aided by strawberries, carrots, radishes, and onions. Lettuce, cabbage, and beets enjoy each other's company.

Mulberries will help grapes grow, and grape vines can be easily trained to grow on mulberry trees.

Oats should not be planted near apricot trees.

Onions enjoy the company of beets, chamomile, savory, and carrots. Onions have a negative impact on peas and beans.

Peas like being grown near radishes, cucumbers, corn, beans, and turnips, but it should be kept away from onions and garlic.

Potatoes are a great crop, and early potatoes and regular potatoes have different companion plants. Early potatoes like growing with corn, cabbage and peas. These potatoes like growing with peas especially because the peas add nitrogen to the soil and potatoes need nitrogen to be healthy. If potatoes are planted in an area after a rye crop has grown there they will also grow well. Broad beans, eggplant, and horseradish grow well with regular potatoes, but potatoes should not be grown with tomatoes and pumpkins.

Pumpkins enjoy growing close to corn because corn provides shade and protection from wind, but pumpkins do not grow well with potatoes.

It is easy to understand why companion planting is such a good way to improve your garden; these methods of planting will help aid the nutrient content of your soil, provide climate control, and they will help take care of unwanted pests. People have been practicing companion planting for years, and it is a great way of gardening that more people should take advantage of. I hope this article has helped you understand your plants a little bit better, and I hope it has inspired you to get out in your garden.

American Hellebore: History, Uses and Cultivation


American hellebore is a plant that has a rich history in medicinal use, but it is not a plant that should be used for such purposes. This plant has the ability to make you very sick if ingested. It can grow up to "eight feet tall in the wild," and it flowers in "midsummer" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.8). This plant is a perennial that has greenish-white flowers. It lives in swamp land, woods, "wet meadows, stream edges," and it is "indigenous from Canada to the Carolinas" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.8). This plant grows well in nature, but it should be left there.

This plant was used for many different medicinal purposes in the past. The root was ground into a powder by the "American Indians" and the "early colonists;" this powder was then used to treat wounds and cavities (Kowalchik, 1987, p.8). This plant has serious side effects and using it for toothaches can produce fatal effects. American settlers boiled the sliced root with vinegar and used it to treat "rashes and sores," and they also used it to remove "head lice" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.8). This plant has very strong implications for poisoning, and it amazes me that people used it so much in the past. This plant was even used to treat "epilepsy, convulsions, pneumonia, and peritonitis" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.8).

The toxicity of American hellebore is so high that it should not be used by the home herbalist. There are some medicinal purposes of this herb though; it contains "alkaloid" that slow down blood pressure, heart rate, and stimulate "blood flow to the kidneys, liver, and extremeties" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.9). The uses of his plant unfortunately do not outweigh the toxicity level of the plant. The toxicity level of this plant is so high it should not be used at home. American hellebore can cause "abdominal pain, nausau, diarrhea, faintness, shallow breathing, spasms, loss of consciousness, paralysis, and sometimes death," and one of the only reasons it is not more fatal is because it quickly induces vomiting (Kowalchik, 1987, p.9). This plant is a serious herb that should not be ingested.

Although the American hellebore is a plant that can dangerous results when consumed; it is a very striking plant to have in a garden. These plants enjoy shade, and they grow very tall. The flowers form beautiful "panicles", and the foliage is a bright green color that is very attractive (Kowalchik, 1987, p.9). This herb enjoys moist soil and a hardiness zone of 4.

The American hellebore is an herb that is rich in medicinal history, but it has such a strong level of toxicity that it should not be used for its medicinal purposes. It is great for growing in the shade, and it is lovely as an ornamental plant.

Gishmas 2021 List

 Day 1 Challenge: December 20th – Image or Video What powers GISH? Love, actually. So, let’s spread some cheer. Using the GISH App or search...