Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Monday, May 24, 2021

Critical Thinking when Evaluating Sources of Information

Critical thinking is "the process of gathering information, analyzing it in different ways, and evaluating the purposes of gaining understanding, solving a problem, or making a decision" (Bishop, Carter, & Kravits, 2007, Ch.3). When writing many people can get caught up citing sources that do not have credible information; many people may also find information that has been tailored to suit specific needs. These sources are not quality sources that should be used for academic or professional writing. This article will provide you with tips on how to use critical thinking when evaluating sources of information.

1. Question who is funding the written document. Many written documents can be swayed in certain directions depending on who is paying for them. There are definitely agendas that should be looked for. Some may be positive and some negative; for example an article written about solar energy may be from someone who genuinely cares about renewable resources or it could be from someone trying to sell you a solar panel.

2. When checking the credibility of information, research the facts and references and compare them. Critical thinking suggests that you analyze the information you are provided with, and there is not better way to do this. This is why people get second opinions from doctors; it is important to double check facts and references when evaluating your sources.

3. Also check to see who is publishing the work and their core values. It is important to see who the publisher is, what other information have they published, and what are their core values and beliefs? Evaluating all of this background information can make a difference in the credibility of your sources.

4. When using critical thinking to evaluate a book the first thing to check is if they are part of the library of congress. This will usually appear on the first or second page of the book, and it is a good beginning indicator of the credibility of your information.

5. Research the author as well; is the author an expert on the topic discussed. What experience allows them to claim knowledge of this information? Critical thinking asks us to question the author's credibility when we are curious of the validity of a source of information.

Using critical thinking, when evaluating sources of information, is a valuable practice. No one wants to put faith in a source that has invalid information, and you can use your critical thinking skills to help find reliable sources. These tips will help you differentiate between sources of information that are credible and incredible.

Bishop, J., Carter, C., & Kravits, S. (2007). Keys to college studying:becoming an active thinker [2nd ed.]. Retrieved from

Kounin's Theories on Lesson Management and Discipline in the Classroom


Kounin's theories on lesson management and discipline in the classroom shaped education as we know it. This article will discuss his basic theories known as withitness, momentum, smoothness, group alerting, accountability, overlapping and satiation. CONTENT: Kounin's theories on lesson management and discipline in the classroom shaped education as we know it. Kounin was an educational psychologist who "became known for his detailed investigations into the effects of classroom management and lesson management on student behavior." (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.56). This article will discuss his basic theories known as withitness, momentum, smoothness, group alerting, accountability, overlapping and satiation (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.56).


This simple term means to know what is happening in all areas of the classroom at all moments. Teachers are much like managers because they must know what is going on with all the students just like a manager must know what all the employees are doing.


Kounin described this skill as "starting lessons with dispatch, keeping lessons moving ahead, making transitions among activities efficiently, and bringing lessons to a satisfactory close" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.58). Momentum keeps the lesson moving. It creates discipline through lesson management.


This ability is important in a classroom in order to keep students focused on the lesson. Management of distractions and consistency will add to discipline throughout the lesson. Smoothness keeps students involved and active in the classroom.

Group Alerting

Lesson Management and discipline rely on group alerting to keep students focused in the busy classroom. Successful teachers have "systems for gaining student attention and clarifying expectations" ( Charles & Senter, 2004, pp. 58).


Effective lesson management is achieved through the theory of accountability. Teachers can manage a classroom and instill discipline in students by making sure to keep them accountable for the actions and their learning. This method should be practiced "regularly calling on students to respond, demonstrate, or explain" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.59).


When trying to instill discipline in a classroom overlapping is a valuable tool. Overlapping requires teachers to focus on more than one area of the classroom at the same time. A teacher must be able to "attend to two or more events simultaneously" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.60). This lesson skill will achieve lesson management in a classroom and promote discipline.


In effective lesson management a teacher will inspire and maintain a students involvement, but a teacher must also monitor it. Effective lesson management requires a teacher to know when "students have had their fill of the topic as indicated through disengagement, boredom, and misbehavior" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.61). Discipline in the classroom is easier to achieve when students remain interested in the subject matter. It is important for a teacher to know when to move on.

Kounin's theories on lesson management and discipline in the classroom are still held in high regards in our educational system today. Teachers must understand and utilize the theories of withitness, momentum, smoothness, overlapping, group alerting, accountability, overlapping, and satiation to effective instill discipline through lesson management.


Charles, C. M., & Senter, G. W. (2004).Building Classroom Discipline (8th Edition)(8 ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Gordon's Theories on Discipline in the Classroom


Thomas Gordon's theories on discipline in the classroom promote a healthy learning environment for students. Gordon "pioneered the teaching of communication skills and conflict resolution to parents, teachers, youth, and managers of organizations,' and, "2 million people have undergone his training programs worldwide" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.63). His theories on collaborative class management, communication roadblocks, I-messages, you-messages, and no-lose conflict resolution provide a classroom with discipline.

Collaborative Class Management

Gordon's theory on collaborative class management is used by nearly all classrooms in order to instill discipline. This method of management requires students to actively participate and make decisions concerning their learning. Students and teachers work together to determine lessons, set up the classroom, and choose methods of learning. This interactive means of discipline is a productive way to teach kids responsibility and accountability.

Communication Roadblocks

Discipline in the classroom can not exist if there is not effective communication. Communication roadblocks are a deterring force to discipline. These roadblocks can occur with a teacher who is "moralizing and telling the student what he or she ought to do" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp. 63). Teachers should be aware of the presence of communication roadblocks in the classroom.

I-Messages and You-Messages

An important part of Gordon's theories on discipline and classroom management is I and You messages. It is important for a teacher to use the I form of communication instead of you-messages. I-messages explain how you "personally think or feel about another's behavior and its consequences" (Charles &Senter, 2004, pp.67). You messages place blame and do not effectively influence students. Gordon believed that students should be influenced by the teacher to do well instead of quilted into discipline. Being aware of the way messages are conveyed to students in the classroom is important to encourage and instill discipline.

No-Lose Conflict Resolution

This means of conflict resolution is important when trying to maintain discipline in the classroom. Teachers must present the students with a way to resolve conflicts where everyone feels better about it. Conflicts present the students and teacher with a means of learning. No-lose conflict resolution occurs when a teacher can start a discussion which helps the students learn from the conflict and figure out how to avoid it in the future. This effective means of discipline allows students to find a "way of ending disputes by enabling both sides to emerge as "winners" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.69).

Gordon's theories on discipline in the classroom are still utilized today across the world. Educators will benefit from understanding the Gordon's theories on collaborative class management, communication roadblocks, I-messages, you-messages, and no-lose conflict resolution.


Charles, C. M., & Senter, G. W. (2004).Building Classroom Discipline (8th Edition)(8 ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

B.F. Skinner's Theories on Discipline in the Classroom

B.F. Skinner's theories on discipline in the classroom have helped to mold the way teachers instill discipline in their students for decades. His theories were not directed at classroom behavior, but his findings have influenced and led the way in many classroom discipline methods since the 1960s (Charles & Senter, 2004). This essay will discuss the impact of B.F. Skinner's theories on discipline in the classroom.

Behavior Modification

Skinner wrote many articles and essays on "how our voluntary actions are influenced by what happens to us immediately after we perform a given act" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp. 33). These papers led to the theory of behavior modification which is used everywhere in the educational field. Behavior modification refers to the use of reinforcement in order to shape the behavior of a student.

Constant Reinforcement

Skinner noted in many of his works that "much if not most of our voluntary behavior is shaped as we receive reinforcement immediately after we perform an act" ( Charles & Senter, 2004, pp. 45). This theory led teachers to use constant reinforcement as a form of discipline in the classroom. This type of reinforcement allowed students to learn new desired ideas, rules, and skills. This type of discipline must be done every time a student does something correct (Charles & Senter, 2004).

Intermittent Reinforcement

After rules and skills are established a teacher will then need to rely on intermittent reinforcement in order to remain a level of discipline in the classroom. Since the behavior is established the need for reinforcement lessens. The use of reinforcing stimuli is only needed for discipline occassionally (Charles & Senter, 2004).

Reinforcing Stimuli

In order to maintain discipline in the classroom according to Skinner's findings the use of reinforcing stimuli is necessary. Some examples of this type of reinforcement "knowledge of results, peer approval, awards and free time, and smiles, nods, and praise from the teacher" (Charles & Skinner, 2004, pp. 34). This type of positive reinforcement has been used for decades in the classroom as a form of rewards for discipline.


Skinner's theories on how humans react to reinforcing stimuli has played a large role in the education and discipline of students in the classroom. Although Skinner had no intentions on having an impact on education his theories have been popular and utilized for many years. Reinforcement is a positive way to discipline students, and it is a helpful tool in the goal of classroom discipline.


Charles, C. M., & Senter, G. W. (2004). Building Classroom Discipline (8th Edition) (8 ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Effective Tips for Monitoring Students in the Classroom


Learning effective tips for monitoring students in the classroom can have a huge impact on the learning environment. All teachers must be able to monitor the learning and comprehension of students in the classroom. This article will provide teachers with several effective tips for monitoring students in the classroom.

Monitoring a student's progress in the classroom can be tricky because there are so many different types of students and classes. Making sure to consider the work assigned and the interaction of the students in the classroom are effective tips for monitoring classroom progress.

Independent Work

During independent work in the classroom students most be monitored in ways that will not disrupt the concentration of the class. Using signals for students to communicate that they need help or are done with the assignment is important to maintain focus and quiet during independent work. Folded hands can mean the work is complete and holding a pencil up can mean help is needed. A student can also stand at the teacher's desk if he needs help. Another important part of monitoring students during independent work is walking around the classroom. This will allow you to see how a student is progressing. IT will also allow you to give individual students help and encouragement.

Group Work

Group work is another time in the classroom where students must be monitored effectively. During this type of assignment students can easily fall of track and lose sight of the assigned work. In order to monitor students during group work a teacher must assign students specific tasks in the group. This will provide students with the responsibility they need to stay focus. It is also imperative to make sure students are paying attention and concentrating on the assignment by asking the students questions about the task at hand. These techniques are an effective way to monitor students in the classroom.

Interaction and Enthusiasm

Another effective tip for monitoring students in a classroom is by making sure the students are interactive and enthusiastic. In order to monitor the students understanding of homework you should discuss the past assignments before leading into the new assignments. This will show a correlation between both lessons, refresh the work in the minds of the students, and monitor their comprehension.

It is important to be aware of these effective tips for monitoring students in the classroom if you want to be a successful teacher. Monitoring students is important because it tracks their understanding and progress.

Kounin's Educational Theories on Management and Discipline

Kounin's educational theories on management and discipline have had a positive impact on education for many years now. Management and discipline in the classroom are important if the students and teacher are to be successful in the learning process. This article will discuss the key points of Kounin's educational theories on management and discipline.

Awareness is one of the key points of Kounin's theories on educational management and discipline. This idea means that a teacher must constantly be aware of what is going on in the classroom. This is difficult, but it can occur through use of routine and organization.

Momentum is another part of Kounin's theories, and it keeps productivity flowing. Momentum is the part of educational management and discipline that keeps the lessons moving along. It is the flow of the introduction, lesson, activities, and conclusion. It keeps students involved and the lesson flowing.

Smoothness is an important part of educational management and discipline that Kounin described in his theories. Smoothness requires a teacher to keep students attentive to the lesson at hand. Smoothness means to handle interruptions easily and maintain the structure of the lesson despite problems that arise.

Keeping the group alert is another aspect of Kounin's educational theories on management and discipline. Group alerting is a skill teachers must obtain in order to manage and discipline the students. This skill requires a teacher to have manners in which to check the awareness and attention of the students through positive interaction.

Accountability is positive point of Kounin's educational theories that will increase discipline in the classroom while teaching students how to manage themselves. Holding students accountable for their learning is important to the learning process. This point requires that a teacher interact with students through questions and conversation.

Classroom discipline and management can be hard when satiation occurs. Kounin's educational theories suggest that a teacher must be aware of when the students have drawn enough knowledge of a lesson. If the students are to be managed and disciplined effectively lessons should not continue to the point of boredom or satiation. Maintaining interest and enthusiasm of a subject is very important to educational management and discipline in the classroom.

Understanding Kounin's educational theories on management and discipline is important when trying to be a good teacher. The key points in Kounin's theories on education, management, and discipline can highly impact the success of a teacher in the classroom.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Value of Assessment in the Classroom

Assessment is the process and procedures used to gather data, utilizing a variety of factors, about student performance.
Assessment is a very important factor in education. An educational professional must be able to effectively evaluate and assess the students progress and knowledge of the subjects being taught. A teacher must also be able to assess how a student learns and if the methods the teacher is using is effective.
In order to assess a student's classroom success many processes and procedures must be used to gather data (Lemlech, 2006). This data can be used to evaluate the performance of the student and determine the students grade in the classroom. There are many ways to assess a student's progress in the classroom, and there are many factors that reflect a student's progress in the classroom.
Assessment is a necessary tool in a classroom that all teachers must master. Performance assessment and grading rubrics are both means of assessing a students performance, and they are effective for use in a classroom.
Performance assessment is a very common and effective method of evaluating the progress of a student. This method of evaluating a student's performance does not rely only on tests grades so that students who are not always good at tests can reflect their understanding of the material. "The use of performance assessment helps teachers gain insight that informs curricular and pedagogical decisions" (Lemlech, 2006, p.166).
There are many strategies that are used in performance assessment, and the performance of a student can be assessed during many classroom activities. Group work, oral presentations, tests, artwork, and student made projects are all tools that can be used to to assess the performance of students. An important part of performance assessment is that students have the means of showing the teacher how well they have retained the knowledge in the classroom.
Grading rubrics are also important means of assessing the retention of a child's knowledge of the classroom work. Grading rubrics are not only useful for the teacher, but they can be useful for the student as well. With grading rubrics a child is aware of exactly what a teacher is looking for in an assignment, and a teacher can easily judge an assignment by comparing it to the standards set in the grading rubrics.
As a teacher it is important to be aware of a student's performance in the classroom for many reasons. If a teacher is accurately able to assess a students progress the teacher will know if the teaching methods are working, and if and where the students need help. Assessment is a necessary factor in the educational system, and all teachers should be aware of the many means and methods of assessing.
Lemlech, J.K. (2006). Curriculum and instructional methods for the elementary and middle school. [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-Text]. , : Prentice-Hall/Merrill. Retrieved November 4, 2007, from University of Phoenix, rEsource, Classroom Instruction Web site.

written by Sarah Ganly

Best Practices for Teaching Diverse Learners

The classrooms of today are extremely diverse. There are many teachers who do not take into consideration the diversity of the students they teach. There are many types of diverse learning groups, such as gender, cultural and linguistic. Students all come from different backgrounds, have different interests and have different learning structures that they are accustomed to. It is important to use the best methods of teaching a diverse student population as possible in order to be an effective teacher.

In order to effectively teach students of different genders it is important to encourage equal participation in all classes. If one gender is called on more often than anther there may be confidence issues. It is also beneficial to make sure presentations are done by both sexes in all different subjects, and to not expect certain genders to focus on certain subjects. When planning lesson plans it is valuable to present men and women in roles that are not stereotypical; this will help enforce the idea that gender is not a restriction. It is also a good practice to encourage males and females to pursue careers in non stereotypical roles; this will help students use their talents and skills in areas they are interested in. All of these methods are beneficial ways to help break down fears and stereotypes associated with gender. When these walls are broken down students will be more capable to learn and achieve.
It is important to take into account the diversity of cultures in a classroom in order to be the best teacher you can possibly be. When in a classroom it is very helpful to create a friendly environment in the classroom and encourage all students to participate. If there is a friendly environment where everyone is respected for their differences instead of feared or ridiculed real learning can be achieved. If the classroom environment is a friendly environment than students will be more excited to learn; they will also be less shy and afraid to contribute their own ideas to the class. In the case of English Language Learners and students who are not familiar with American culture it is important to use many concrete examples such as pictures to help teach the lessons. It is also beneficial to assign learning partners to help assist the learning process in culturally diverse classrooms.
Encouraging all students to participate can be applied to both types of learner identified. Interaction is the best method of learning. When a student participates in the classroom they are not only hearing or seeing the lesson be explained; they are interacting and learning the lesson through their own involvement. This has a much stronger impact on a child and leaves a much longer lasting effect on the child. I feel this single strategy can be effective for all learners because interaction is the best method of learning, and when a student is encouraged to participate they will have more confidence in themselves. I think confidence will help a student be capable of learning.
All of these ideas are important when teaching in a diverse classroom environment, and should be taken advantage of when trying to become the best teacher you can possibly be.

By Sarah Ganly

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Becoming an Effective Teacher: Setting and Achieving Goals

Being a teacher is a very demanding job in many aspects, and a teacher's job never ends. When the class ends, and the students go home, the teacher is still working, and most teachers work many more hours a day than can be imagined. A lot of work goes into the classes that seem to end so quickly.
Society and students are constantly changing, so there are constantly new things to learn as a teacher; there are also many programs and organizations that can be joined in order to maintain expertise and be a beneficial teacher. In order to become a teacher I will have to achieve many goals, develop professionally on a person level and through the use of programs, learn to assess my progress and teaching strategies, stay motivated, and develop leadership skills. This will be a very demanding task, but it is completely worthwhile in my pursuit of education.
In the next five years there are many goals that I must complete in order to become a teacher. One of the most complicated goals I must achieve in order to become a certified teacher is choosing which state I want to teach in. This is a very difficult decision to make for me because I am not so sure where I want to live, and I know that every state has different requirements in order to become a certified teacher. I suppose that if I am not sure where I want to buy a house, when I am ready to become certified, that I will become certified in the state of New York. If I am certified in New York, I can apply to become certified for whichever state I choose to live in. Another goal I have in the next five years will be to complete many art classes such as art history, figure drawing, ceramics, and mixed media. I will have to take many art classes in order to fulfill the requirements for being an art teacher, and I would like to take these classes in order to improve my artistic skills as well. There are some problems with this goal because the University of Phoenix does not provide art classes to the students, and I will need these classes to complete my goals. In order to do this I will probably have complete my associate degree through the University of Phoenix, and transfer to a local college. I would prefer to continue to take classes on line so I will try to find a college that also supports online classes, and I will have to alternate between attending a college physically and taking classes on the computer. I would also like to eventually become a mentor or support mentoring programs in my school districts. I feel that as a mentor I would be able to help many new teachers, and this would increase the overall levels of education for the teachers and students. I have many goals that will increase my level of professionalism as a teacher and as a person, and there will be many obstacles to overcome, but in the long run it will be worth it. The next five years will require a lot of hard work, but the end results will be great accomplishments.
In the far future I would like to become a nationally accredited teacher, but this will take a lot of work as well. I would like to become a member of the "The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards" because there are many benefits that can come from it. As a member of this board I will meet "most states' definition of "highly qualified teacher" and my abilities to teach will be strengthened (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, 2007). This accreditation will provide me with more opportunities in more areas, and it will make it easier for me to transfer to different states without having to become certified all over again. In many states being a member of this organization will also apply towards the certification process which is also helpful. Becoming a member does take time and effort. Applicants are required to have a "bachelor degree", "Have completed three full years of teaching/counseling experience", and "possess a valid state teaching/counseling license for that period of time, or, if teaching where a license is not required, have taught in schools recognized and approved to operate by the state" (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, 2007). There is an assessment process that you must complete in order to become a member of this organization, and there are fees and funding provided to become a member of the NBPTS. There is a total of 3065 dollars worth of fees, but the board offers payment plans and there are federal, state, and school district funding options(National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, 2007).. This organization is expensive, but it will be a good investment if I want to relocate often. There are many important principles that need to be fulfilled in order to become and continue to be an effective teacher. I think the hardest principle for me would be to understand how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.
There are many important principles that need to be fulfilled in order to become and continue to be an effective teacher. I think the hardest principle for me would be to understand "how students differ in their approaches to learning and create(s) instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners" (INTASC Principles, para. 3). I feel this would be the harder for me because I am not accustomed to dealing with students with disabilities. It is important to be aware of the needs of your students and I would like to be fully capable of teaching students in the way that will be most effective to them. I am also not fluent in other languages, and this would be beneficial with bilingual students and English language learners. There are many programs that I can take in order to become more knowledgeable in the area of diversity in education. The "Heritage Institute" is an institute that provides many programs for teachers; these programs cover many important topics related to English language learners, and special education students (The Heritage Institute, n.d.). I think these programs will be extremely beneficial to me, and it is convenient that they can be taken over the internet. They are not extremely expensive, and the institute is accredited by the "the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools". This school also offers art classes so I am very interested in what opportunities it has to offer me (The Heritage Institute, n.d.). There are many diverse needs that I will have to accommodate as a teacher, and this institute offers so many classes that can be helpful with this challenge. This institute offers programs such as "HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE INSTRUCTION in MIXED ABILITY CLASSROOMS", "ENGAGING LEARNERS Through POPULAR MEDIA", and "CULTURALLY SENSITIVE CLASSROOMS" (The Heritage Institute, n.d.). This institute can provide me with a wide range of course that can help me become a better, more effective teacher overall.
As a teacher there will be a need to constantly evaluate myself. In order to be an effective teacher and to constructively evaluate my actions and how they affect the students, parents, and school faculty around me, I will keep a journal. A lot can go on during the day in a classroom; there is an incredible amount of interaction is schools, and it will be hard to remember everything. I will write down my thoughts on the day, and how they classes went during my lunch break if I can, and after the students are dismissed. This journal will help me organize my thoughts and feelings and it will help me keep track of everything that has occurred. It will also be an excellent record for the future, and I will be able to look back on it at all times. It will be a beneficial tool in my learning and the learning of the students because it will give me the information required to better evaluate and construct lesson plans. It will also give me a more accurate account of events that have occurred and I will later be able to analyze and decide on the best methods of handling conflicts as they occur. This journal will also be extremely helpful as an organizational tool. I can incorporate my lesson plans, the student's reactions, and my reactions as well into the journal, and this will be a huge benefit when I am creating new lesson plans and for the year ahead. I will also be able to make notes on the learning styles of the students which will increase the student's ability to learn because I will be able to accommodate them better in the future. I think creating a journal will also benefit me mentally because I will know what points have gone over and I will be able to pick up where I left off. Emotionally this will also be a productive tool for me as a teacher because it will help relieve some of the stress from the day. By writing down what happened I will be able to release some of the thoughts in my head and look at them in a new perspective. At the very least this will be an excellent tool for substitutes when I get sick because they will have a lot of important information on the class. Creating a journal is a simple idea that does not take a lot of time, but will be extremely helpful in the long run.
As a teacher I am required to lead the class, and there are certain factors that can influence a teacher's leadership abilities. I believe that as a teacher it is extremely important to promote respect, and show respect in all of what you do. If you provide students with respect they will respect you in return. Integrity is another important factor of leadership; it is important to be consistent in order to be respected and instill positive values and productive reinforcement for students. If a teacher has integrity this will increase the teacher's credibility to the students as well as develop a better relationship amongst the teacher and the students and faculty. I will also be sure to be knowledgeable of the subject matter I am teaching because with out knowledge of the subject I can not lead. Knowledge of the students and there abilities and talents is also important. It is also important to be knowledgeable of the community and current events in order to reach students in the most beneficial way. If I am fully aware of the classroom, students, subject, and the world around me I will be respected and capable of leading. In order to be an extremely good leader I will also have to be aware of the needs of my students. I will have to consistently listen to them and I will have to take their concerns into consideration at all times. The student's success is my goal as a teacher so I will have to be an excellent leader in many ways.
Teaching is constantly challenging and requires a person to develop many personal, social, mental, emotional, and professional skills, but it is extremely rewarding in many ways. There are many factors that can influence a teacher's impact on the student's success. As a teacher I will have to consistently continue to learn, and I will consistently have to continue to adapt to me students needs. I will have to maintain leadership while allowing students to learn responsibility and I will have to guide them not only by teaching, but continuing to learn myself. There are many steps I will have to take in order to become an excellent teacher, and I feel that to continue to teach well I will have to continue to learn everyday, and this will be a lot of hard work, but it will be extremely rewarding. Being a teacher is rewarding because I will be instilling knowledge in the world around me, and I will be continuing to grow, develop, and learn as a person. I can not imagine anything better than this, and I think if more people were constantly striving to learn themselves the world would be a better place. This is why I want to teach, and instilling the idea of life long learning in children is more than enough reason for me to continue to face the challenges associated with teaching.
INTASC Principles. (n.d.). Interstate new teachers assessment and support consortium. Retrieved September 29, 2007, from
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. (2007). Eligibilty and policies. Retrieved September 29, 2007, from
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. (2007). The benefits. Retrieved September 29, 2007, from
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. (2007). Fees and financial support. Retrieved September 29, 2007, from
The Heritage Institute. (n.d.). Continuing education for teachers of K-12. Retrieved September 29, 2007, from

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back to School Countdown Day 2: Backpack Crafts, Wheeled Backpacks, Toddler Backpacks, and Spiderman for the Fans

Okay Day 2 in the Back to School Countdown and Today I am going to provide you with some fun backpack crafts and ideas for kids as they get ready for the first day of class!

Back to School Backpack Crafts for Kids


An easy back to school backpack craft for young kids uses foam sheets. For this craft you will also need scissors, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, fabric paint, a pen, and a backpack. Help young kids write their name on the foam sheets using the pen.
Then help kids use the scissors to cut out the letters. After the letters are cut out, help kids trace their name on the foam letters using the fabric paint. They can add patterns to the shapes as well if they like by using the fabric paints.
Allow the foam letters to dry. Help kids glue the letters to the back pack. This back to school craft is a fun way to help your kid keep track of his backpack.
Paint Markers
Another back to school craft that kids will enjoy is a paint marker patterned backpack. For this craft you will need paint markers in variety of colors, and a pencil. This craft is good for middle school and high school students.
Start this back to school, backpack craft by using the pencil to draw an image, pattern, or design on the backpack. If the backpack is a dark color, chalk can be used to initially draw the preferred pattern or image. Then help kids color in the images and patterns using the paint markers. Remember to allow paint to dry before using a new color marker.
This back to school craft is a great way to get kids involved in designing their back packs. This is an appropriate craft for kids that are young and old. For this craft you will need fabric glue, straight pins, and patches. If the kids are older you can allow them to use an iron for iron-on patches. Younger kids will practice motor skills by using fabric glue.
Start by picking out several patches that your kids like. Then place them in various spots on the backpack. When your kids are happy with where the patches are placed you can apply the glue or iron. If using glue add the straight pins after the glue is already applied. If ironing the patches on the backpack, use the straight pins to hold the patches in place when ironing.
Back to school backpack craft are a great way to help kids personalize their backpack
If you are wondering where to buy backpacks, check out these cute and fun back packs from Amazon. 

Wheeled Backpacks



Toddler Backpacks 

Toddler backpacks are so cute and perfect for the little ones.


This toddler backpack is so cute and cheap It is great for a toddler. 

Oh and spiderman backpacks are super popular. Seeing my nephew get excited about spiderman is reason enough to check out these spiderman backpacks.


So hope you enjoyed my backpack crafts and ideas. If there is anything back to school related you would like information on leave me a comment and I will post a reply during this back to school countdown. Stay tuned for tomorrows installment and enjoy picking out and spicing up a backpack with you kid for this school year. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to School Countdown: Bulletin Boards

I'm a lunch lady so I am starting to get into the back to school mood. I know I am not the only ones out there getting ready for the big day. So I decided to start the back to school countdown. Everyday, until school starts, for me it is Sept 6th, I will be posting something new to get everyone ready and excited about going back to school. Okay today I will focus on bulletin board ideas.

If you have any requests or any questions or even need some ideas or advice about anything back to school feel free to leave me a comment and I will do my best to help you!

Here are some bulletin board ideas for the first day of school.

A beach themed back to school bulletin board is a great idea that will remind kids about how much fun they had over the summer while also getting kids excited about being back in school. For this bulletin board you will need blue butcher paper, tan paper, scissors, markers, and a pencil.
Start this back to school bulletin board by covering the top of the bulletin board with the blue paper. Then cut a wavy edge on the tan colored paper and attach that to the bottom of the bulletin board. Provide each student with a piece of tan paper about 6 inches squared.
Help students create seashells by placing their fist palm down on the paper and tracing their fist. They can finish the shell by connecting the bottom lines were their wrist would be in a curved or pointed line. Help students cut out the shell shape and write their name on it. Allow the students to decorate the shell and hang it on the back to school bulletin board.
Tree and Butterfly
Another back to school bulletin board idea is a tree and butterfly theme. For this bulletin board you will need blue butcher paper, brown butcher paper, scissors, construction paper, a pencil, and markers. Start by covering the back to school bulletin board with the blue paper.
Then use the pencil to draw a tree branch shape onto the brown paper. Cut the tree branch out of the paper and attach it to the bulletin board. Hand out various sheets of construction paper and pencils to the students. Help the students trace their hands on the paper to create either leaves or a butterfly. To make a butterfly, students should trace both of their hands with their palms touching. Help students cut out their shapes and write their name on them. Students can hang the leaves and butterflies all over the back to school bulletin board.
Want to use Recycled Materials ?    These ideas are perfect

Wanted Ad
For this back to school bulletin board you will used recycled newspaper to cover the bulletin board. Remember to use the classified section to stick with the wanted ad theme. You can also used recycled magazines to cut out the letters spelling Wanted. This can be posted on the top of the bulletin board. You will also need to ask students to bring in a picture of themselves the first day of school.
Prior to the start of school the teacher should make out an application for students with interesting questions that will get them excited about coming back to school. The questions can pertain to the experience students will be having in the upcoming school year. Remember to leave a blank area at the top of the application to pate the student's folder. Copy and staple these applications together for the first day back to school.
On the first day explain to students that you have an opportunity for them; they have been chosen to participate in your classroom. You would like them to fill out the application. When they are done they can glue the photo to the top of the application and post it on the back to school bulletin board.
This back to school bulletin board idea uses recycled newspapers and magazines. It also provides teachers with a way to get to know students better, and it is appropriate for students in middle school and higher grade levels.
Garden of Learning
Another back to school bulletin board idea that uses recycled paper plates and magazines is the garden of learning bulletin board. For this back to school bulletin board, you will also need green paper, blue paper, scissors, and glue. Remember to have students each bring a photo of themselves the first day of school.
Start this project by handing out the magazines to the students. Help them cut out several strips of colorful paper. Then help them cut them into smaller sections about 2 inches long. Allow students to cut the photo into a circle with their faces in the middle. Also help kids cut the outside edge of the paper plate off.
Help students glue the picture to the center of the paper plate. Also help them add the 2 inch strips to the outside edge of the picture to resemble flower petals. Allow the glue to dry. Cover the bulletin board with green butcher paper. Write a message on the top of the board about gardening and learning and help students post their flowers on the board.
These bulletin board ideas are great for back to school, and they use recycled materials. Try these bulletin board ideas with your new students and they will love learning and recycling at the same time.

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