Showing posts with label Flowering Shrubs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flowering Shrubs. Show all posts

Sunday, April 25, 2021

6 Flowering Shrubs that Love Shade


It is often hard to find flowering shrubs that love shade, and shady areas of your garden can suffer because of this, but there are plenty of flowering shrubs that love shade you just need to know what to look for. This article will provide you with a list of several flowering shrubs that love shade and details about how to grow them.

Butterfly Bush

Another wonderful flowering shrub that loves shade is the butterfly bush. These popular shade loving shrubs flower during summer time, and they come in a very large variety of styles. These flowering shrubs can be planted in full sun to shade, and the colors available are endless. Butterfly bushes smell lovely, and grow to various heights.

A great flowering shrub that loves shade is the glossy abele. This shrub has several pink and white colored flowers. This shade loving shrub has a very long flowering season, and it has pretty red tinged leaves. This shrub does well in zones 6-9, and it enjoys acidic soils.

Banana Shrub

A shrub that loves shade but can also live in full sun is the banana shrub. This flowering shrub bears medium sized yellow flowers and warm weather. The banana shrub enjoys acidic soil that has good drainage. It is a hardy plant that grows to only about 12 inches high.

Mountain Laurel is a flowering shrub that loves shade and well drained soil. It also prefers acidic soil and flowers in spring. This flowering shrub will grow to about 3 feet height; it also grows about 3 feet wide. This flowering shade lover is perfect for your shady spots because it produces bright purple flowers that will attract the eye. This shrub grows hardily and is good in a wide variety of climates.


Another shrub that loves shade and produces lovely flowers is the Juneberry shrub. This flowering shrub loves shade and bears large amounts of white flowers. The white flowers then turn to red berries in the summer and fall for more interest and detail in your shady areas. This flowering shrub likes well drained soil and full to partial shade.

Bottlebrush buckeye is another shade loving shrub that bears pretty flowers. This flowering shrub can grow up to 12 feet high and 15 feet wide. These shade lovers should be trimmed and maintained in order to prevent overgrowth of your garden. They prefer well drained soil and love shade. This shrub cannot tolerate drought and produces flowers in the summer time.

Shade loving shrubs can be flowering if you know the right shrubs to choose. These flowering shrubs will make a great focal point for the shady part of your garden.

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