Sunday, April 25, 2021

Recycled Collage Crafts for Your Bedroom


Collages are a great way to make beautiful arts and crafts using many different items and themes. Any room in your home will be enhanced with a unique collage, and your bedroom is a great place to start when creating collage crafts. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating several different recycled collage crafts for your bedroom.

Inspiration Collage

Making an inspiration collage for your bedroom is a craft that will provide you with encouragement everyday. For this craft you should think about what you find inspiring; quotes, colors, and images are all important for this recycled collage craft. You will need a piece of cardboard, glue, old magazines, scissors, and other inspirational recycled items you happen to find.

Now start this project by cutting out inspiring images and words from the magazine. If you all ready have a quote in mind cut the letters out of the magazine and set the aside. Next glue the quote into the middle of the cardboard and decorate around it using the other items you have chosen. When the glue has dried you can hang this recycled collage in your bedroom.

Goal Collage

Creating a collage with a goal in mind will help keep you motivated and on the right track. Start by thinking about a goal you want to obtain. You will need old magazines, a piece of cardboard, glue, scissors, and a photo of your self; you may also like to use markers to add details to this collage. Recycled pieces of ribbon, yarn, and string are also fun to use for this collage craft.

Begin this craft by cutting out images that remind you of your goal. Now glue the photo of yourself to the middle of the cardboard and glue the images related to your goal around the photo. Add lines using the string or yarn to connect the images to your photo. You can also use the markers to add interesting ideas, messages, and inspirational quotes to help keep you motivated. This recycled craft collage is a fun project that will help keep you on track with your goals, and it will look awesome in your bedroom.

Photo Collage

Your bedroom is the perfect place for a photo collage made with recycled items. This collage craft will make your bedroom feel more personal and one of a kind. For this craft you will need several photos of you, your friends, and your family; you will also need scissors, glue, an egg carton, an old cereal box, tape. and other interesting papers.

Start by cutting a rectangle out ofthe center out of one of the large sides of the cereal box, and remember to leave about an inch from the outside edge. Next cut a line from the corners of the holes to the outside edge of the box, and push the inch edge back into the box; use the glue to attach this edge to the inside.

Now cut the egg carton into pieces and glue in various parts of the box; this will add depth and intrigue to your collage. Also add the extra paper to cover the box in different areas. Now add your photos using the tape so that they are removable, and your photo collage craft is complete.

Making fun collage crafts are a great way to decorate your bedroom, and these collage ideas are a perfect addition to any bedroom.

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