Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The History, Use and Cultivation of Aconite


Aconite is a beautiful flower with a strong history. It is a perennial with a "smooth, round, and leafy stem" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.1). The flowers of the aconite are a purplish blue in color, and it bears 5 petals in the late summer and fall. The flowers are slightly bell shaped. This plant is located in "the mountains of France, Switzerland, and Germany," and it is "widely cultivated in Europe and North America" (Kowalchick, 1987, p.1). These plants are lovely, but they are also poisonous.

Aconite is very prevalent in Greek mythology. It is said that the plant became poisonous because it "grew on the hill of Aconitus," and this hill is where "Cerberus, the three headed dog that guards the gates to hell" fought with Hercules; it is said that saliva fell from the dogs mouth onto the plant causing it to be deadly (Kowalchik, 1987, p.1). Aconite seems to have been a choice plant for poisoning people in Greek mythology as well. "Hectate" was said to have used this plant to poison her father, and "Medea" also poisoned "Theseus" with this deadly plant (Kowalchik, 1987, p.1). This plants poison is very toxic.

This plant is harmful, and has been used by many different groups for medicinal purposes, but I believe this plant is best left for show. Witches in the middle ages would mix the poison from this plant with belladonna, which is another poisonous plant, to create a potion for flying. I believe that their reaction to this mixture made them hallucinate and believe they were flying, but too much would surely kill them.

Aconite is a powerful plant, and although Chinese herbalists believe in the benefits of this plant, I believe it is too dangerous to be meddled with. This plant will cause "the heart to slow, decrease in blood pressure, and sweating;" it is also used topically as a pain reliever because when applied it is "absorbed into the skin and produces a warm and tingling sensation followed by numbness" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.2). This is dangerous because such a tiny amount of this plant will cause poisoning.

Although this plant is deadly it does make a beautiful addition to your garden It can be grown from seed and sown in April. It is a hardy plant, but it takes 2 to 3 years to flower. The best method of propagation for Aconite is through the roots. Every four years dig up the plant and break off the small roots that have grown around the old root. Plant these baby roots about a foot and a half away from the mother.

This plant is lovely, but be aware of its chemical properties. It can harm and even kill you if absorbed internally or by the skin.

Kowalchik, C. (Ed.). (1987). Rodale's encyclopedia of herbs. Emmaus, PA: Rodale.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

How to Draw a Tree


Trees are beautiful and amazing parts of nature, and I feel very drawn to trees. I have found that over the course of years that I have been drawing, which is most of my life, that I tend to always come back to drawing trees. Maybe I love nature, or maybe the age and wisdom that a tree suggests is what brings me back to trees all of the time; either way trees are great subjects for any artist, and this article will teach you how to draw a tree in a few simple steps.

First you will need a pencil and paper. Any paper will do, and you can use canvas for this project if you plan on painting it afterwards. Gather your tools and find a peaceful place to relax; if you can try to sit out side so you can be inspired by your surroundings.

Start your drawing by creating a horizon line; this line will help you find the place where your tree will live. Your horizon line can span the horizontal length of the paper, or it can trail off to suggest a mountain or hillside. Next decide what season it will be because the different seasons will add a different touch to your tree.

Now start by drawing the trunk; this is accomplished easily by starting with a line a little below your horizon line. Taper this line in a little bit up from the bottom, follow through in a straight line upward, and have your line branch outward at an obtuse angle. It is okay if your line does not stay completely straight because most trees are not completely straight. Next draw a similar line on the opposite of the line to create the other side of the tree.

If you are creating a tree full of leaves you will not need to make many branches so start out by adding another line to the branches that have extended out of the top of the tree trunk. These lines should be parallel to the first lines, and they should form slender branches. When you reach where your trunk ends create a V shape by drawing a line going back upward. This line does not have to be as high as the first lines. Add another V shape in the middle to show more branches, and fill in smaller v shapes in areas that look empty.

If you are planning to make a leafless tree follow the same method as you did to create the branches on either side of the trunk with the branches on the inside. In order to finish the branches you will have to create smaller V shapes at the end to show tinier branches. It is amazing how many v shapes make up a tree.

If your tree exists in the spring time you can add leaves very simply; all you need to do is start at one side of the tree branches and make a squiggly line. Continue with this line until you have made an oval shape. This part will be the leaves. Now you can make smaller overlapping diamond shapes to add individual leaf details. Remember to round some of the edges because not all leaves will be completely pointy.

To add details to the tree trunk you can add some more lines of varying lengths to the inside of the trunk. These lines should be parallel to the trunk itself. You can also add an oval that is filled with smaller oval shapes to add character to the tree. This is a spot where an owl would live.

I hope this article has taught you the basics of tree drawing, and I hope it inspires you to draw!

Ten Ways to Increase Your Health and Wellness


Everyone wants to feel good and be healthy, and if you are like me you probably think this is an unattainable goal, but it is not. Here I have provided 10 ways to start feeling healthier and happier every day.

1. This may sound silly but dance! Dancing may seem awkward to anyone who is not inclined to dance, but it will make you feel good, and it helps burn fat. You may be thinking when and where am I supposed to dance? I have kids, a job, and a billion things to do everyday. There is no time for dancing. Well you are wrong, you could be dancing the whole time. Next time you are doing the dishes shake your hips a little bit and put on your favorite song. Next time you are in the shower blast some music you like and really work it. No one can see you if you are in the shower. Next time you are on the line at the grocery store listening too whatever music they have on shake it a little bit. Dancing is good for you and for your soul, and forget anyone who would look at you funny or tell you different. They are just jealous that they are not dancing.

2. Eat green, and by green I don't mean money. I mean vegetables. Greens are so good for you. They provide nutrients and fiber. These things are very important in your diet. Especially if you like to indulge in sweet treats and fattening meats. The fiber in greens will help push these nasty things out of your system, and they will make you feel better. So next time you are getting a side of fries also order a side salad. Eating half of each is not the healthiest decision, but it is better than not eating anything healthy, and you got to start somewhere.

3. Remind yourself that you are human and imperfect. If you remember that you are imperfect you will save yourself time feeling terrible. People make mistakes everyday; we are human and not one of is can always do the right thing despite what some people may claim. Remember that you are human just like everyone else, and next time you make a mistake realize what you could do differently instead of hating yourself.

4. Remember that everyone else is human as well. Everyone makes mistakes, and the next time someone makes a mistake that hurts you in some way do not hate them for it. Try to figure out how this happened, why they did what they did, and what feelings make have caused this. Also remember to forgive because to forgive is an amazing trait that most people do not have.

5. Do not sleep too much. I know we are all busy, and because we are all so busy we are all so tired, but there are ways to energize yourself without taking naps or sleeping too much. So next time you feel tired do 10 sit ups or jog up the block. I guarantee this will give you energy that you didn't know you had.

6. Do not avoid conflicts. This is a scary statement, and it is probably intimidating to many people, but avoiding conflict will only cause more conflict in the future. If you can deal with conflict now you will know how t deal with it later on in life. So take responsibility for yourself and deal with problems head on. I promise once you start doing this problems will become less scary.

7. Plant something. Even if it is just a little cactus. Taking care of something teaches us to take care of ourselves. Taking care of a plant is very rewarding because you are the sole person in charge of making sure its life continues. Many lessons can be learned from taking care of plants. If you are feeling spunky start a full fledged garden; if you are not so sure buy yourself a little houseplant and watch it grow. Communing with nature is an important part of being healthy and happy.

8. Many people work at a desk or a chair where they sit all day. Many people come home from work and sit on their couch or in front of their computers, but this is zapping your energy supply. We are like little batteries and the more energy we put out the more energy we have so move around even if it is just pacing in your house.

9. Making eating a special experience, and I am not talking about the gallon of ice cream and a movie experience. When you eat plan it out. Even if you have little time try not to settle for a cheeseburger at the drive through. Set yourself aside at least 30 minutes everyday for meals. This will relax you and your mental and emotional state, and it will allow you to have time to make yourself something special. If you put love and effort into your meals you will be more likely to eat healthy.

10. Smile. I know what is there to smile about? Well for one you woke up this morning. So next time you see someone smile at them even if you don't know them. Smiles are contagious, and your one smile can turn into a thousand so keep smiling!

Ten Tips for Redecorating Your Home on a Budget


Your home is where the heart is, but if you are unhappy with the way your home looks, don't fret. Here are ten tips and tricks for redecorating your home on a budget.

1. Redecorating on a budget is easy, and a couple of simple changes can make a huge difference. Start small. If you are sick of the color of your couch just buy some cheap new pillows and the couch will take on a whole different appeal. You can find a lot of cheap pillows at thrift stores and yard sales.

2. A quick fix in many rooms of your house is shelves. Shelves can be bought inexpensively and many can be repainted or decoupaged to suit your needs. You can find shelves in many thrift stores, yard sales, or craft stores. A new shelf can give you more room, and add a place for your to put your sentimental items.

3. Repainting furniture can completely change the look of a room, and it can be done easily and cheaply. Many home improvement stores have discount paint that people ordered but did not want. All you need is some paint and newspaper. Move the furniture outside and sit on newspaper. Just paint and wait until it is dry, and you will have a whole new look.

4. A great tip for redecorating on a budget is a wallpaper collage or border. Many home improvement stores provide wallpaper sample books. You can use these samples to create a unique wall collage or a border around a room. All you need is wallpaper paste and sample wall paper scraps. This project is fun and super cheap.

5. Sponge borders add a new twist to a room as well, and they can be achieved easily. All you need for this project is some household sponges and paint. Simply cut the sponge into a pattern you like; stars and moons are my favorite for this project. Now dip the sponge in paint and press against the wall. It will leave the pattern of the sponge, and you can continue around the room in a border.

6. A great tip for redecorating on a budget is to change your lampshades. This can be done buy painting them with fabric paint. You can also add a new look to your lamp shades by gluing some beads, flowers, or ribbons to them. Just remember to use glue that can tolerate heat.

7. Another fun project that will update the look of your home is contact paper decals. You can make these easily by using clear contact paper. Simply draw a picture you would like on the paper, paint it in with acrylic paints, and spray it with acrylic sealer. Now using a pen knife cut the picture out of the sheet of paper and remove the backing. Place it on the wall, and it will give the room a dramatic effect.

8. In your kitchen it is easy and inexpensive to add a new twist as well. Buy new handles for all the cabinets and replace them. This is a simple fix that can add a whole new look; I have used many different doorknobs and handles for an eccentric look that I find very appealing.

9. Another easy and inexpensive way to redecorate is to buy slip covers. Many slip covers can be bought cheaply, and you can even make your own if you are feeling crafty. This will change the entire look of a room, and it makes cleaning easier.

10. Hang your photos. Cheap frames can be bought at thrift stores, craft stores, yard sales, and dollar stores. So break out your old photos and hang them. This will make a room feel much more personal, and you will get many memories from these pictures.

It may seem like an impossible task to redecorate your house on a budget, but these simple tips can help you find a new style in your home without putting a dent in your wallet.

Companion Planting Part 1: Plants Need Friends Too


Companion planting is a great way to enhance your garden in many ways. This method of planting allows you to increase harvest size, maximize area space, and enhance strength of crops. Companion planting is also helpful for repelling insects, and adding nutrients that are supportive of plant growth. This method of planting is beneficial in all aspects, and this article will discuss companion plants alphabetically from A - G.

Alfalfa grows well with dandelions.

Apricots are suppressed by potatoes and tomatoes.

Asparagus is aided directly by tomatoes, and tomatoes are affected positively by asparagus as well. Asparagus also does well when planted with parsley.

All Beans grow well with potatoes. Bush, green, dwarf, snap, string, wax, and butter beans grow well with cucumbers, cabbage, and strawberries. These beans do not benefit fennel, and their dislike is mutual. Pole beans will enhance your radishes, but beets, and onions do not fair so well.

Beets really like dwarf beans, onions, and kohlrabi, and these purple vegetables will also help lettuce and cabbage.

Cabbage includes cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, and kohlrabi. Beets are a good match for cabbage, but strawberries are not.

Carrots grow nicely in the presence of peas, leaf lettuce, red radishes, and chives. Planting leeks with carrots will help repel the carrot fly.

Celeriac is benefited by leeks.

Celery enjoys the company of leeks, bush beans, and tomatoes.

Corn grows well with early potatoes. Many plants appreciate the shade of a corn field such as beans, squash, melons, and cucumbers.

Cucumbers are aided by the cucumber beetle repelling power of a few radish seeds. Lettuce, bush, beans, and radishes are also good plants to grow with cucumbers.

Eggplant should be planted with green bean plants to prevent the Colorado potato beetle from attacking the plants

Fennel has a harmful effect on bush beans, kohlrabi, and tomatoes Fennel is harmed by wormwood plants that grow in the same area.

Fruit trees are aided by legumes and mustard; other plants that fruit trees enjoy are garlic, chives, and nasturtiums.

Garlic and roses grow well together, but garlic inhibits the growth of peas and beans.

Grapevine can be enhanced if it is supported by a mulberry tree or an elm tree.

Guava trees are helpful to citrus trees.

There are many different plants that can be grouped with each other in order to enhance the growth and production of each other. Companion planting is a good way to help your garden grow; try companion planting today!

The Tower: Understanding the Tarot


The tarot deck is filled with cards that have positive and negative meanings, but they are all here to assist us. These cards allow us to reflect on ourselves and our current circumstances. The tarot is a deck of cards that reflect life, and sometimes they show us things that we do not want to see, but we must see these things. The tower is a card that may seem ominous, but it is a warning to us. This article will explain the meaning of the tower.

The tower card is pictured with a tower that is aflame and falling down. There is much smoke in the night sky surrounding the tower, and the roof is coming off. People are jumping from the tower in order to save their lives. This symbolism is obvious, and this card represents sudden change, release, a downturn, and revelation. This card is a card of great impact and suddenness.

The tower reflects change, and this change will come without warning. There is a drastic upheaval represented by this card that comes as a surprise. This may be the result of a conflict or emergency, and it is definitely a time of alarm and shock. This change has not been foreseen and it is not prepared for.

This card implies an outburst just as the flames erupt from the top of the tower; this card suggests an explosion. This may manifest itself with anger or sadness, and it may manifest itself as a release of struggle. Either way it is a letting go of everything you possess. The possessions of the keeper of the tower are asunder.

A downturn in luck or fortune is also apparent from this card. The tower foretells of falling from a great height; this may mean loss of status, success, or any other position of value to you. This experience can make you honest and humble. This fall from the tower is far, and it will hurt, but the cycle of life relies on the ups and downs in order for growth to occur. From the ashes of the tower springs new life.

Realizations are an important idea that the tower represents, and this explosion does not have to be one without a gift. The tower you have built for yourself may come crumbling down because a hidden truth has been exposed, and you may have gained a powerful insight. The tower may be an illusion that you have seen through and thus the tower is destroyed.

This is a powerful card that should be taken as a warning and a lesson. If it is seen as something yet to come be aware that you are in store for a surprise; if it is present in the current events or past you must realize that you can use this upheaval as a form of learning.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Devil Understanding the Tarot


The devil is another card in the tarot that people are afraid of, but it is only scary because it is not completely understood. If better understood the devil card would be a card of person awakening. This card is a very personal card, and it suggests things that people may not want to see because it is so personal, but it is extremely important. This article will explain the meaning of it in depth.

The devil card is pictured by a beast like man with horns; he sits on a thrown, and at his sides stand a man and a woman bound by chains. He has large expanded wings, and claws for feet. He is perched on his thrown with a weapon in one hand, and his other hand is raised in a wave. This card symbolizes being stuck, material obsessions, hopelessness, and choosing to live in ignorance.

The devil represents negative situations where you feel stuck. It also represents letting someone else control you and not having your independence. This card suggests submission, and being forceably controlled against your will and desires. This is a bad situation because it allows another person, a habit, or a situation control your every action. This is unhealthy, and when this card is present in a reading one should consider what is ruling their lives.

Obsession with material concerns are often symbolized by this card. The talons of the devil have a firm grip on you. You waves in a friendly manner only to trap you. This card suggests that physical aspects may be more important to you than necessary. In fact this card advises that appearances and overindulgence is dominant in your life and priorities. It can also represent wastefulness and a loss of spirituality or higher awareness.

The devil card represents ignorance, and working with your blinders on. This card implies that you are choosing to not see the entire picture, and you are choosing to live in a manner that is not aware. You may be afraid of what you do not see, but that is not a good reason not to look. You may also be fooled by the charming smile of the devil, and you pretend you do not see the fiery pitch fork clasped in his other hand. You are choosing to limit yourself, and the devil card is here to remind us of this.

This card represents lack of hope, and an extreme negative belief. You may believe that everything is terrible and nothing will ever get better. The devil implies that you have no faith in positive change, and you expect onl y the worst. When you see only the negative nothing can ever be good.

The devil is here to remind us that appearances can be fooling, and looking at life as a misery is a choice. We may feel stuck, but we do not have to let anyone or anything control us. The devil is here to tell you in no uncertain terms to examine yourself.

How to Tie-Dye with Kids: 3 Fun Patterns


Tie-dye is a great project for kids; it is inexpensive and a lot of fun, and it allows kids to be really creative. This article will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to tie-dye a t-shirt three different ways with your kids.


First you will need the essential supplies, and you have two options to choose from. You can buy a tie-dye kit at your local craft store, or you can gather your own items for tie-dying. The items you will need are newspaper, all purpose dye in fuchsia, yellow, and turquoise, rubber bands, squirt bottles, plastic bags, and gloves.

Getting Prepared

Start by covering your work table in newspaper. If you are using a store bought kit you can now mix together the soda ash and water in a bucket. You can also mix together the colors of dye and fill the squirt bottles. For more defined designed you should wet the t-shirt prior to adding the rubber bands, but remember to wring it out well.


To create a lined pattern pleat your shirt by folding it back and forth, but remember if you pleat it vertically your lines will appear horizontally and vice-versa. Kids will find this design easy, and you can help them add rubber bands at various points along the folded shirt.

For a spiral pattern you must start by pinching the center of the shirt. Next spin the point that you have pinched until the rest of the shirt is wrapped around it in a disk shape. This disk shape can then be wrapped in rubber bands to help keep its form.

A simple circle pattern can be created by pinching sections of the shirt and wrapping the rubber bands around it. This may be the easiest pattern for children, and its abstract results are a lot of fun.

Soaking, Dyeing, and Curing

Now that your t-shirts are all wrapped up in rubber bands you can add the dye using the squirt bottles. If you are using a kit remember to soak the shirt in the soda ash water mix for 10 minutes prior to dyeing. After the color has been applied wrap the item in a plastic bag for at least 4 hours to cure.When the shirt has cured you can wash it in the washer machine to remove excess dye, and your tie-dye shirt is complete. This simple project is a fun way to allow kids to explore their creativity while learning about color and having fun!

Unique April Bulletin Board Ideas for Elementary School


April is a great month for creating bulletin boards for elementary schools. April has several fun holidays and themes such as Scrabble Day, Tell a Story Day, World Health Day, National Poetry Month, and National Humor Month. This article will provide you with unique ideas for elementary school bulletin boards for the month of April.

Scrabble Day

You can create a unique bulletin board while teaching students about vocabulary. For this bulletin board idea you can use vocabulary as the theme. Help kids create large scrabble blocks for the words they are learning and paste them all over the bulletin board in honor of this unique April celebration.

Tell a Story Day

This is a great project for elementary kids because you can teach writing skills as well as decorating your bulletin board. Help kids create a short story by asking each student to contribute a section of the story at a time. Write the sections on strips of paper and cover the bulletin board with everyone's pieces. Feel free to incorporate vocabulary and ideas from other lessons to create the story for your bulletin board.

World Health Day

Another unique holiday in April is World Health Day. For this bulletin board ask elementary students to focus on different parts of a healthy lifestyle. Let kids create images that represent this lifestyle. They can draw their ideas or cut images from magazines. Older students can add facts or captions below the images, and images can then be attached to the bulletin board.

National Poetry Month

For this April Idea students should be asked to create poems based on any theme you choose. Other April holidays or other lessons are a good idea for subject matter. Poems should also be created according to the age level of the class. Younger students can create haikus, and older students can work on more difficult rhyme schemes.

National Humor Month

National Humor Month is a unique April celebration, and elementary school kids will enjoy creating this bulletin board. Discuss humor with students, and ask them to consider things they find funny. Then help students find images, jokes, and other materials they think are humorous. This bulletin board idea is fun for the whole class, and it allows teachers to discuss appropriate and inappropriate humor in the classroom.

If you want to create a unique bulletin board for you elementary school classroom these April holidays and themes are perfect. Students will enjoy these ideas as much as the teacher!

Space Themed Party Games for Kids


Space is a mysterious and interesting thing to kids and adults, and it makes a wonderful theme for a child's birthday party. There are many fun games you can play with kids at a space party, and this article will provide you with detailed instructions for three fun space themed party games for kids.

Space Trivia

A fun and challenging space themed party game is Space Trivia; for this party game you will need a couple bells, paper, pens, and star stickers. Before the party you should pick some categories with space in mind. Planets, stars, and astronauts are all good topics; once you have chosen topics find out interesting information about them and print out several fact sheets. Place these fact sheets around the house before the party, and inform kids about the game and the facts beforehand so they can look at them if they like.

Before you start the game gather all of the space fact sheets, and organize the kids into groups. Start this game by announcing the categories and letting kids decide what group goes first. The let first group pick a topic and announce a question. The first group to ring their bell gets to answer. The first group to get the answer correct gets a star sticker, and the group, with the most stickers, wins a prize at the end of this party game.

Find Earth

Another fun party game with a space theme is Find Earth. Prepare for this kid's party game by printing out several images of Earth and gluing them to pieces of cardboard; trim the excess cardboard and hide the planets around the home before the party guests arrive.

When the kids are ready to play this party game instruct them to search for Earth, and the winner will be the child who finds the most planets. The winner of this space game can get a prize or be the lucky kid to hide the Earth cut outs again. This space themed party game is fun for kids, and it is easy for parents to prepare for.

Pin the Ring on Saturn

Put a space themed twist on the classic party game, "Pin the Tail on the Donkey", by changing the donkey to Saturn and the tail to a ring. Prepare for this party game by drawing several planets into a large piece of cardboard. Kids can help color in the space scene too. You will also need to cut out several rings that will fit on Saturn.

For this space party game you will also need a scarf for a blindfold and tape for the rings. Place a small piece of tape on the ring and blindfold the first kid to play. Spin the kid around, and everyone will enjoy watching each kid take a turn taping the ring on Saturn. The closest kid is the winner.


There are many fun prizes for a space themed party that kids will love. Glowing stars and planets, astronaut ice cream, alien toys, milk way candy bars, and other space themed items are perfect for a space themed party.

Try these fun party games with your kids, and your space party will be a hoot!

Stress Management Exercises for High School Students


High school is the time in a teenagers live that can be very stressful. They are hitting puberty, and they are growing into the adults they will one day be. High school aged children are faced with a lot of choices, and they are given responsibility, but they are still not completely responsible for themselves. This is the time when they will make a lot of life choices, and this can be very stressful. This is also the time where their bodies and interests are changing, and sex and relationships become a part of their lives. High school can be very stressful, and this article will discuss five stress management techniques for students.

A great way for students to deal with the societal pressures of the media and their classmates is through collage. Have students bring in magazines that are designed for their age group. Next have them cut out articles and pictures that they find to be negative or bothersome. Have students cut up these images and glue them together in an order that is more pleasing. Encourage the students to alter the images by cutting them, coloring over them with markers, and remind them to have a sense of humor with this project.

Another fun project that will help high school students to reduce stress is the balloon popping game. Have the students blow up several balloons and right on them the causes of there stress n marker. They can also draw pictures or right initials on the balloons if they want their privacy. Next have them bounce the balloons around for awhile. Next have them pop the balloons using a pin, their hands, or their feet.

Stress management for teenagers is very important, and stress usually comes from being unorganized and having a lot on your plate. In order to help students focus and prioritize in order to release stress have them right all of the things that are important to them on a sheet of paper. Next have the students highlight the least important items in a yellow marker, next have them highlight the medium important items with a blue marker, and highlight the most important things with a pink marker. This list can contain school obligations, familial obligations, and personal desires. Now have students focus on the pink ideas. Remind them that sometimes you need to look at everything in order to figure out what really matters, and encourage the kids to keep their list and cross off items as they are completed. This will give them a feeling of accomplishment.

Stress is something that comes from responsibilities, and it is important to allow yourself to relax and have fun when you are feeling overwhelmed. Teenagers need this time especially because they are new to the stresses of being older. So in order to manage stress schedule at least one hour a day to just enjoying life. Make sure at least one hour a day is for fun and hobbies such as art music, and sports. These activities will increase happiness, and allow stress to be released through productivity.

Another way for students to manage stress is through breathing. Every teenager should take a few minutes each day to sit and relax. Sitting outside or by a window is good because it brings you closer to nature, but anywhere is fine. This method is especially important when a high school student is feeling overwhelmed. It is important to step away and breathe in order to regain focus or solve problems. Every student should take time to breathe, and pay attention to their breathing in order to relax and manage stress.

High school is a time when stress is prevalent for children; they are surrounded with influences, and they expected to make many important choices at this time in their lives, and it is important to practice these stress management techniques in order to be healthy and happy.

Spring Home Decorating Ideas Using Recycled Materials


Spring is a great season for bringing new life to your home decorating projects. Spring is fresh and fertile, and these ideas will show you how to use recycled materials in your spring themed home decorating projects.

Collage Photos

Flowers, birds, bunnies, plants, fruits, and vegetables are all spring images. Use old magazines to create collages to display on your wall. Cut out spring images and glue them to pieces of heavy paper. Then place the images inside old frames and hang them on different areas of the wall. You can use multiple images or you can use large pages with single images. This craft is great for adding style while recycling materials.

Plastic Lid Wall Hanging

Make a spring themed wall hanging using plastic lids, paint, paintbrushes, scissors, and ribbon. Start by painting all of the lids a solid color. Then decide on the message you want to write on your banner. Spring and bloom are good word choices for decorating during this season. Then paint each letter of your message on a different lid. Cut holes in the sides of each lid and use the ribbon to tie them together. Hang this project in your home for instant décor.

Dried Flower and Twig Candle Holders

Add that spring touch to your candles by placing them in these handmade holders. For this idea you will need twigs, ribbon, dried flowers, hot glue, and jars. Start by tying the ribbon around the lip of the jar and using the glue to secure it in place. Then glue some flowers and twigs to the ribbon to add more seasonal charm Candles complete the look.

Bird's Egg Centerpiece

For this centerpiece you will need grapevines or twigs. You will also need glue, eggs, a needle, paintbrushes, and paint. Start making the nest by wrapping the vines or the twigs together in a circle. Add more vines until the circle is smaller and the bottom is covered. Use glue along the way to secure it in place. Then use the needle to poke a small hole in the egg and blow out the contents. Finally paint the egg and place in the nest for your centerpiece.

These spring themed decorations are fun and easy to create. Try these ideas in your home decorating themes for spring, and you will love the results.

How to Make a Miniature Polymer Clay Chocolate Pie for a Dollhouse


Dollhouses are a lot of fun, and they supply children and adults with hours of fun. Dollhouses are so great because you can make them personal; you can add all the different details you want because you make it come to life. There are a lot of fun projects for dollhouses, and this article will teach you how to make miniature polymer clay chocolate pie for a dollhouse.

For this project you will need some paint, brown clay, white clay, beige clay, a knife and a bottle cap. You can make many different pies, and many different little details can be added to make this pie even better.

Before you can start assembling your pie you will need to make a crust. Start out using some beige clay. If you do not have beige clay you can mix brown and white until it is a uniform beige color. Roll out the beige clay until it is thin enough to make a crust. If you find that the clay sticks too much you can sprinkle some baby powder on the surface you are using. You can use a bottle to roll out the clay.

After you have enough clay rolled out you should place it over the upside down bottle cap. Press the clay down in the cap so that it lies flat, and trim the clay using your knife. Fold the clay over and crimp the clay around the edge to form a nice crust. Now you have a universal crust that can be used for any type of pie.

For a chocolate cream pie you will need a good sized blob of brown clay, and a little ball of beige clay. Mix the two colors together, but do not completely mix them so you can still see some swirls in the clay. Roll it into a ball that will fit inside the pie crust. After you press the clay inside the crust twist the top of the brown clay to create a peak.

If you want to add some whip cream to this pie you can roll a small strand of white clay and add it to the pie. To make this look nice you should twist the white clay around as you lay it down in a circle to create loops. You can also add little red balls to look like cherries. Just roll little red balls and use the knife to add an indent in the cherry. Place these on top for a sweet effect.

Simply bake this pie for about 10 minutes, and when it is cool you can paint the bottle cap to match the rest of the dinnerware in your dollhouse.

Chocolate pies are delicious in real life, and your dolls will like them too. Making pies for your dollhouses is easy and fun additions to your collection.

Cognitive Dissonance and Situations that Cause Cognitive Dissonance


Cognitive dissonance is a part of every human's life, and there are many situations that can cause cognitive dissonance in our everyday lives. Cognitive dissonance plays a large part in human behavior because it can be a motivating factor towards or away from a particular behavior. This article will discuss cognitive dissonance and situations that cause cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling someone gets when they have 2 different beliefs that conflict with each other. This feeling is uncomfortable because one of the beliefs is about the self. The other belief goes against the belief about self, and this causes discomfort for the person with these conflicting ideas.

There are four basic situations that cause this unpleasant feeling of conflict in your mind. These situations can easily lead to cognitive dissonance, and they are known as choice, effort justification, new information, and insufficient justification (Reeves, 2009, Ch. 10).

Choice is when you have to make a decision, and your already held beliefs of self are contradicted by the decision and your choice. Effort justification is when the amount of effort reflects the value of the outcome or product. New information is a dissonance arousing situation that occurs when new information proves a belief to be untrue (Reeves, 2009, Ch. 10). Insufficient justification is when a person does not have a reason to explain behavior. In this case dissonance is ceased by attributing a characteristic to the self in explanation of the behavior.

A specific situation that illustrates dissonance-arousing circumstances is when someone has to make a choice (Reeve, 2009, Ch. 10). If a person, who believes in being healthy, chooses to partake in unhealthy behavior this can cause dissonance. Their belief about themselves is conflicted by the actions they make. Their actions result from their choices.

Another behavior that illustrates dissonance-arousing circumstances is effort justification. This type of behavior is illustrated when the outcome of an action is valued equally to the amount of effort put into receiving the outcome (Reeve, 2009 Ch. 10). An example of effort justification is the value of a diploma being high because the effort expended to receive it is high. If the diploma does not benefit the recipient in his goals dissonance can occur.

Cognitive dissonance is something that everyone deals with, and there are specific situations that cause cognitive dissonance to occur. These unwanted feelings will be appeased by rationalizing a reason for the incongruity of thought. Cognitive dissonance occurs because of underlying motivations, and it causes motivation as well.


Reeve, J. (2009). Understanding motivation and emotion. (5th ed.). New York: Wiley.

5 Rustic DIY Wedding Decoration Ideas on a Budget


Rustic weddings are popular because of their romantic charm and their customizability. This style is perfect for new brides that want to make their wedding stand out while allowing family and friends in attendance to feel right at home. Here you will find 5 rustic wedding decoration ideas you can create yourself without spending a fortune.

1. Burlap Table Runner

Burlap is cheap and easy to work with. It can be used to create a ton of rustic wedding items cheaply. To make a rustic wedding table runner with burlap just cut a piece to the appropriate length and width. Then use liquid seam finisher all along the edge of the table runner. You can add lace, pearls, or other items to make your decoration more personal with fabric glue or you can leave it plain. Let the glue dry for at least 24 hours and you're done.

2. Mason Jar Lantern

For this DIY wedding decoration you will need mason jars, tea lights, and twine, ribbon, or lace. To assemble just add a candle to each jar. Then tie a long piece of twine, ribbon or lace around the rim of the jar; make sure there is at least 12" remaining after the knot. Tie a second piece around the jar, but knot it on the opposite side. Gather the twine together above the jar and tie in a knot so the rustic lantern can be hung anywhere you choose. When you are ready to use light the candle!

3. Lace Placemats

Lace is another popular rustic wedding item, and it is easy and fun to use. To make placemats simply cut the lace into the size and shape you would like. Then use thin ribbon or twine and fabric glue to personalize your placemat. You can add a border around the edge or simply add a little bow to a corner.

4. Rustic Nature Filled Centerpiece

This rustic DIY wedding decoration is created using a variety of jars, bottles, and vases. Simply gather nature items such as dried flowers, pine cones, twigs, acorns, and leaves and fill each jar with them to your desired preference.

5. Chalkboard Signs

This fun wedding idea is a great decoration as well as tool for your rustic wedding. All you need is some old picture frames, heavy duty cardboard or cardstock, chalkboard paint, a pen knife, spray paint and a paintbrush. Start by spray painting the frames whatever color goes with your wedding theme. Then cut the cardstock to fit into the picture frames. Follow the chalkboard paint instructions and paint the cardstock. When everything is dry put the pieces together.

Having a rustic themed wedding provides a bride with the opportunity to really show her style. These crafts are a budget friendly and easy DIY way to add that rustic appeal to your wedding.

Temperance: Understanding the Tarot


The tarot is a powerful deck of cards that provide meaning and advice to many people around the world. It provides insight on situations, and it gives the viewer a better perspective on situations. The tarot deck may seem complicated, but each card has a specific meaning, and plays a particular role. This article will describe the meaning of the temperance card in the tarot in depth.

Temperance is symbolized by an angel in a long white robe. This angel hovers above the earth and carries a horn and a chalice. Water and the sun are also present in the symbols of this card, and the angel floats in between heaven and earth. This symbolizes well what temperance is about; this card means finding a middle ground, establishing and preserving balance, energy, health, and unifying forces.

Temperance suggests moderation in actions and choices. This card advises finding a middle area where a compromise can be made. This card also recommends making things less extremes, and controlling excessive impulses. The angel of temperance so accurately reflects balance that she is sipping from an earthly cup, but also playing the heavenly trumpet.

Temperance is about creating a balance, and an area of equality. This card recommends the unity of opposing ideas and forces. Harmony and equilibrium are reflected in this card, and this can be seen through a feeling of stability and peace. The earthly and heavenly forces can unite to bring a peace and balance inside ones self and the world.

Health, vitality, and a new sense of energy is also represented in this card just as the angel is flying through the sky. Growth and a renewed life force is evident when this card is in a spread. Temperance also reflects a recognized sense of wellbeing that is pleasurable. This can also represent healing and turn around in physical conditions.

Just as the earth and the sky are present in this card this cad suggests that a combining of forces is apparent. Joining with other people or influences is a recommendation from this card, and it implies that a synthesis is occurring. This is a direct result of the proper balance, and it is reflected in the use of both a trumpet and a chalice. A co-mingling of opposites kept in moderation lead to a successful vitality.

Temperance is a card of the major arcane that advices using moderation and balance to bring together opposites. This unifying must come from a compromise, and it will bring good health and a positive outcome.

Justice: Understanding the Tarot


Understanding the tarot requires you to understand the meanings behind many different cards. It is important to understand the meaning of each card in order to understand how they work together. This article will discuss in detail what the justice card of the major arcana means and symbolizes.

Justice is pictured in long, flowing, royal robes and a crown; it is the eleventh card in the tarot. She is also pictured with a scale in one hand and a sword in the other. This is significant to the meaning of the card because it represents her ability to weigh out situations and act with the strength of her sword. This also signifies a balance and responsibility. The crown and robes signify respect and authority. The image of justice is very regal and dominant.

Justice is a card that refers to honesty, fair judgment, and morals. Ethical ideas are upheld with justice, and equality is revered. This card symbolizes the fight to do the right thing, and the conflict between good and bad. The justice card also symbolizes a commitment to the truth. This card can also mean being involved in legal matters and the courts.

Responsibility is another main factor brought about by justice, and this could mean paying back debts. This card also suggests doing what you must. The justice card in the tarot also recommends being accountable for your actions. It means that you must handle the situations you are in whether they are appealing or not. You must take responsibility for your circumstances and complete whatever steps will help your situation.

Justice also symbolizes decision making and this is show with the scale placed in the hand of justice. The scale is moving, and attempting to make a fair judgment. This side of justice must consider all sides of a situation, it must figure out how all factors play a part in the final decision and outcome. The justice card recommends making decisions with all preparations required. You must fully understand circumstances before making a choice, and this card suggests that you will take the correct action if you way all of the odds.

Understand that actions lead to reactions, and accepting the results of your actions is another meaning strongly implies by the justice card. Understanding that your present situation is a result of your decision making is suggested by this card. Making the connection between past, present, and future events is a predominant meaning of this card as well.

Justice signifies responsibility, judgment, and ethics. This card reflects the ideas of cause and effect and educated decision making.

Tips for Using Gift Wrap in Scrapbook Page Layouts


There are tons of ways to use gift wrap in scrapbook page layouts, and these ideas will add to the memories while reusing materials. This article will discuss several tips for using gift wrap in your memory book crafts.

The first thing to consider is acquiring gift wrap. You can easily and inexpensively purchase some, or you can save some scraps left over from holidays. When opening presents you should also save some of the wrapping paper, ribbons, and bows. Look at the items and decide on specific pieces you like and want to save. Fold up the wrapping paper to keep it safe, and save for later. Little note cards and tissue paper are also great gift wrap materials for future scrapbook projects so save those too.

Deciding how to use your gift wrap materials in your memory book pages is the next step. You can use different materials for different pages, but it is always nice to use the materials that pertain to the scrapbook page layout. This will make the layout extra special and even more personal. Using gift wrap from a birthday party as part of your scrapbook will capture the birthday party in much more detail.

Wrapping paper and tissue paper can be used in many ways. Pretty images or patterns can be cut from wrapping paper and used as a focal point. You can also cut strips or shapes to create borders, lines, or mosaic patterns. Wrapping paper scraps can also be used to create a frame behind photos. Tissue paper can also be used to make flowers or crumple up into fun designs. Large pieces of these gift wrapping materials can also be cut into sheets and use to cover large sections of the scrapbook page layout.

Ribbon and bows are fun to use, and bows can even be dismantled to use as ribbon as well. Ribbon adds a border and can divide areas of your layout beautifully. Ribbon can also be tied around pages to make a bow in a specified area. Bows are fun to use in the center or corner of scrapbook pages, and they add special shine to a project.

Many gifts will come with small cards on them, and they can add that special sentiment to a scrapbook page. Note cards can be focal points if they have pretty images, and the handwritten message on the inside is also a nice item to display.

Everyone has gotten a gift that was wrapped so pretty it was hard to open it, but you can save that gift wrap for scrapbook page layouts.

Using the Powers of Gemstones to Increase Health and Wellness


Gemstones have magical powers that can help bring great things to those who are aware of the powers they possess. Gemstones are remarkable in many ways. They absorb and reflect light and energy; grow naturally in perfect patterns that humans have emulated for so long. Gemstones are beautiful and reflect all the colors of the rainbow. One of the most amazing qualities of gemstones is the power they have to help and to heal. Here is a detailed list of gemstones that can help in situations of health and wellness.

Agate is a commonly found gemstone that has the power to help with health and wellness. It is a useful tool in helping to heal many different parts of the human body. Agate comes in many different colors and is useful for many different things. Agate is best known for its parrellel strips and bands. It can help with confidence and balancing. Botswana agate is also useful for respiratory problems, the lungs, and those who want to quit smoking. Moss agate is an agate that is usually green, brown, blue, or dark gray and it is useful with problems with the blood and dietary problems.

Chrysocolla is a beautiful gem that has a lovely blue and green pattern to it. This stone is so intriguing because of the intricate patterns and swirls of the colors in this stone. It is also very helpful to those in need of health healing. Chrysocolla is helpful with bone problems, and treats pain such as arthritis.

Danburite is another extremely helpful crystal. It is commonly white, but it may also be found in clear or slightly tinted pink, beige, brown, and yellow. This stone is a powerful tool in helping detoxify. It is also a necessary tool for those who have weight issues and want gain energy. Another incredible characteristic of danburite is its ability to help with motor functions.

Another good stone for detoxifying is Enstatite, and it uses revolve around the cleansing of the circulatory system, gallbladder, liver, and kidneys. It is a radiant gemstone that is usually clear and commonly yellow, brown, orange, or greenish in color.

Labradorite is a truly beautiful stone that is grayish in color but reflects beautiful blue and green tones. It is amazingly iridescent and a wonder to behold in the light. Labradorite is helpful with digestion, and it is commonly used for weight loss. It is also helpful with immune problems.

Gemstones are glorious natural works of art that have so much energy and ability to help and heal. I hope this list will show you that gemstones can be an important tool in increasing your health and well being.

Tips and Strategies for Working in a Team or Group Online


With the internet becoming more and more useful and convenient, many people have to work in groups online. This may seem intimidating, but there are several tips and strategies for working in a group online that can make this process easy and interesting. This article will provide you with several tips and strategies for working in a team or group online.

When working in a forum based online team it is extremely important to use appropriate threading. It is easy for all of the different aspects of each assignment to get confused. For example a team member may posted a thread titled working team charter, and this is a good way to word it so it does not get confused with the finished charter. Clear and concise thread titles are imperative.

Copying email and other outside forms of communication into an online forum is important because this way there is an official copy of communication. I think this can be helpful because it will provide a record of correspondence if there is conflict in the future.

Creating a team or group charter is very helpful when working in an online group because a charter helps manage the team process because it is like signing a contract. In order to create a team charter the entire team should state their intentions and obligations to the group. It is also important to include personal contact information and to create deadlines. When the team charter is finished make sure everyone reads the final group copy and signs it.

The charter sets the rules and obligations of team members, and the charter is something that everyone in the group creates and has to okay before it is finished. This way no one can go back on things they agreed to in the charter later because they help make the charter. I also think it will help the team process because it allows us to see what type of people we are working with, and this will allow us to utilize each others' skills while working in a group.

Google wave is a beta program that is very useful when working in a team, and it allows all members of the online group to see whatever is contributed in real time. With this program you can post images, text, and other forms of media. It is also very helpful for online groups because you can edit and comment on all parts of the work or wave in real time. This allows communication in a team which is imperative.

Stickam and other online video chat programs are a great way to communicate with your team. This allows you work on a project all at once in a conference style. These sites are usually free to join, and they are easy to use.

There are many tips that can help when working in a group online, and online team situations are becoming very popular. These strategies will assist you in your next online team project, and these tips will help ease your nervousness as well.

Strengthen Your Artistic Abilities


Being an artist is not easy; it doesn't usually pay well, and people are constantly critiquing your work. As an artist I have struggled, and I have had my doubts, but I also know that being an artist is important. This article will help you look at art in a way that is worldlier; it will also help you to realize that being an artist is an important function, and it will help you to better understand your relationship with art.

"Art when really understood is the province of every human being. It is simply a question of doing things, anything, well." (Henri, 1923, p.11) I feel this is a great and true statement, and I believe that this is an important fact that most people do not realize. Over the course of my life I have had many jobs, and I have constantly compared them to art because that is how I see and understand things, and I realize that everything in life is art if treated as such. Anyone can be an artist whether they work with a knife, a lab coat, or a paint brush, and the world needs artists of all kinds to evolve and survive.

I have over the years struggled with the thought of being a professional artist; it is something I have always wanted but, I never believed could happen. I have often shrugged off the idea of my art and not taken it seriously although it is the one thing I have always loved. I have come to realize that the world needs artists because the artist is not "trying to close the book, he opens it, shows there are still more pages possible" (Henri, 1923, p.11). Without artist there would not be any inventions. Artists spur creation, and they cause possibilities to become realities. The artists make the world interesting and beautiful, and through artists things change and are achieved.

Painting from memory can be a very challenging task, but it can also help you understand your relation ship with art better. "I think it is safe to say that the kind of seeing and the kind of thinking done by one who works with the model always before him is entirely different from the kind of seeing and thinking done by one who is about to lose the presence of the model and will have to continue his work from the knowledge he gained in the intimate presence" (Henri, 1923, p.25). I think this observation is important because I believe that having a model always there may let you take things for granted, where as, having the model taken away makes you train yourself to capture the details and it helps you put that special part of yourself into the painting. I appreciate the term "intimate presence" because I feel art is like an exchange between the artist and the outer world; the finished piece is the solidification of this communication. It is like a dance between to seasoned lovers that has been painfully and joyfully recorded on canvas.

Anyone can be an artist, but I suggest that the art student know all the theory of the great artists of the past because this will help you create your own (Henri, 1923). I believe with all subject matter this is important because you must have a strong foundation to be able to move forward successfully. No matter what form of art you partake in it is important to know the background in order to not create the same mistakes. It is important to know the past because this will help you strengthen your relationship with your art.


Henri, R. (1923). The Art spirit. New York, NY: Basic Books

Friday, April 16, 2021

Spring Handprint Crafts for Kids Using Paint


Kids love celebrating spring with crafts, and handprint crafts using paint are easy and fun. Paint provides kids with amusement and allows them to develop their creativity. Handprint crafts are an easy way to incorporate paint into your child's projects. This article will discuss how to create spring handprint crafts while using paint with your kids.


Creating a sunflower using handprints and paint is easy and fun for kids. For this craft you will need yellow paint, black paint, two paper plates, a large piece of paper, and scissors. You can also add ribbon to the final product so you can hang your spring craft.

Start by pouring some yellow paint on a plate; also pour black paint on another plate. Then help kids dip the tips of their fingers into the black paint. Using their fingers, kids then can create the center of the sunflower. Start by making a circle with one fingertip in the middle of the paper. Then add more circles around the first. Continue with this process until you have a very large circle.

Let kids wash off the black paint. Then help kids dip their hands into the yellow paint. Assist kids as they add their handprints to the flower to make petals. Make sure the palm is closest to the black center as possible. Help kids add petals by going around the center of the flower to finish this spring themed craft.

Spring Wreath

Another fun spring craft for kids is a wreath. Kids can use paint and handprints for this fun project. For this craft you will need green paint, a pencil, paper plates, a paintbrush, and some other colors of paint such as yellow, pink, and red. Heavy paper, scissors, and ribbon allow this craft to be hung.

Start by placing the paper plate on top of the paper and use the pencil to outline the circle lightly. Then pour the green paint onto a paper plate. Also help kids pour a little of the other colors of paint on another paper plate.

Then help kids dip their entire hand into the green paint. Let kids use the paintbrush to add different colors of paint to their fingertips. They can also choose to dip their fingers in the other colors if they like. Then assist as children press their hands to the paper. Make sure the handprints follow the circle you have traced onto the paper previously. Continue until the entire circle is covered. When the craft has dried, you can add ribbon to hang it for spring.

This spring craft is a great way for kids to have fun with paint and their hands. It is fun and easy, and it does not require a lot of skill. Try these spring ideas with your kids for a creative activity.

Gishmas 2021 List

 Day 1 Challenge: December 20th – Image or Video What powers GISH? Love, actually. So, let’s spread some cheer. Using the GISH App or search...