Showing posts with label bulletin board. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bulletin board. Show all posts

Monday, June 7, 2021

Diversity Themed Bulletin Board Ideas for Elementary Schools

Diversity is a common theme in many schools in this day and age. A diversity themed bulletin board is a great way to celebrate this theme in elementary schools. This article will discuss diversity themed bulletin board ideas for elementary schools and how to create these ideas.

Colors of the Rainbow

A fun and creative bulletin board idea that will help lead into a discussion about diversity is the colors of the rainbow bulletin board. For this idea you will need white or blue butcher paper, a pencil, paper plates, and a way to wash and dry the elementary school children's hands. You will also need red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple paint.

Start this diversity project by covering the bulletin board with the butcher paper. Use the pencil to draw a large arch in the middle of the bulletin board. The children will follow this guideline to create their rainbow. Then line up the children and pour red paint onto a paper plate.

Help kids place their hand in the paint and press it to the bulletin board. You may need a step stool so children can reach the top of the rainbow arch. Have students create the entire arch using their handprints. Then repeat the process with the rest of the colors in the rainbow. Make sure to watch the elementary school kids' hands in between colors so they do not mix. This bulletin board is a fun way to teach children about diversity.

I am Unique

Another great bulletin board for teaching elementary school kids about diversity is this idea. For this bulletin board idea you will need oak tag, scissors, a yard stick, a pencil, markers, and magazines. Help kids talk about diversity and what makes them different from others. Provide students with magazines and help them search for images that depict why they are unique.

While the students are cutting images from magazines cover the bulletin board with the oak tag. Then use the yard stick to divide the bulletin board up into as many squares as there are students. Next turn those squares into puzzle pieces by adding curves and funny angles. Remove the paper from the bulletin board. Cut out the puzzle pieces and give each student a piece.

Help elementary kids decorate their piece with the images they have gathered and their names. Then allow students to put their piece back up on the board where it belongs. If you have younger elementary students numbering the pieces is a good idea.

This elementary school bulletin board idea is a great way to introduce and teach students about diversity.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Food Themed Bulletin Board Ideas for May

These bulletin board ideas may leave you and your students hungry, and food themed bulletin boards are a great way to involve students in decorating the bulletin board. Here you find information on several unique bulletin board ideas for May that are based on food themed holidays.

National Hamburger Month

May is National Hamburger Month, and kids love hamburgers. There are a wide variety of hamburgers out there, and everyone loves certain things. Explore food groups and health ideas with children with this food themed bulletin board.

For this idea you will need paper plates, scissors, glue, construction paper, and a plaid table cloth. Use the table cloth to cover the bulletin board and provide students with the other materials. Discuss hamburgers and the different toppings you can add to them.

Let each student design a plate with their burger of choice on it. Help kids cut the paper into circles and other shapes to create the meals. Remember to leave the top off of the burger so you can see the students' choices. Add the plates to the table for a unique food themed bulletin board.

National Salad Month

Salads are nutritious and May is National Salad Month. For this bulletin board you will be creating a huge salad. You will need butcher paper to cover the board, poster board, pencils, glue, scissors, and construction paper. Discuss salads and the nutritional value of vegetables and other items found in salads. Let students pick the items they like and research them.

Then let students draw the item they chose on a piece of paper a couple of times. Help students cut out the shapes and add details with other paper cut outs and glue. Let each student write a few facts about their chosen item and glue one of the cut outs to the factsheet.

While students are working on their part of the food themed bulletin board, cut a large circle out of the poster board. Also rip pieces of green paper into lettuce. Place the circle in the center of the board and add some of the lettuce leaves. When the students are done, attach a few of the items to the board in the salad bowl. Also attach their factsheet and picture to the board.

Try creating these bulletin boards and everyone will enjoy the unique style and charm these bulletin boards bring to the school. Learning about nutrition can be fun with these food themed bulletin boards for May.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Unique April Bulletin Board Ideas for Elementary School


April is a great month for creating bulletin boards for elementary schools. April has several fun holidays and themes such as Scrabble Day, Tell a Story Day, World Health Day, National Poetry Month, and National Humor Month. This article will provide you with unique ideas for elementary school bulletin boards for the month of April.

Scrabble Day

You can create a unique bulletin board while teaching students about vocabulary. For this bulletin board idea you can use vocabulary as the theme. Help kids create large scrabble blocks for the words they are learning and paste them all over the bulletin board in honor of this unique April celebration.

Tell a Story Day

This is a great project for elementary kids because you can teach writing skills as well as decorating your bulletin board. Help kids create a short story by asking each student to contribute a section of the story at a time. Write the sections on strips of paper and cover the bulletin board with everyone's pieces. Feel free to incorporate vocabulary and ideas from other lessons to create the story for your bulletin board.

World Health Day

Another unique holiday in April is World Health Day. For this bulletin board ask elementary students to focus on different parts of a healthy lifestyle. Let kids create images that represent this lifestyle. They can draw their ideas or cut images from magazines. Older students can add facts or captions below the images, and images can then be attached to the bulletin board.

National Poetry Month

For this April Idea students should be asked to create poems based on any theme you choose. Other April holidays or other lessons are a good idea for subject matter. Poems should also be created according to the age level of the class. Younger students can create haikus, and older students can work on more difficult rhyme schemes.

National Humor Month

National Humor Month is a unique April celebration, and elementary school kids will enjoy creating this bulletin board. Discuss humor with students, and ask them to consider things they find funny. Then help students find images, jokes, and other materials they think are humorous. This bulletin board idea is fun for the whole class, and it allows teachers to discuss appropriate and inappropriate humor in the classroom.

If you want to create a unique bulletin board for you elementary school classroom these April holidays and themes are perfect. Students will enjoy these ideas as much as the teacher!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

April Bulletin Board Ideas for Preschool


Preschool kids love creating projects for the bulletin board, and these April themed ideas are fun for the entire class. April has a lot of holidays to choose from when designing the bulletin board. This article discusses April bulletin board ideas that are great for preschool.

Arbor Day Hand Print Tree

Arbor Day is a holiday to remember in April. Preschool kids will love this bulletin board idea. You will need green paint, paper plates, brown paper, scissors, and butcher paper. Start by covering the bulletin board with the paper.

Pour paint onto each plate and help kids press their hands into the paint. Then they can press their wet hands onto the brown paper. Help kids cut out their handprints after the paint has dried. Make a tree trunk for the leaves using the brown paper. Add the hand prints to the tree to finish this April themed bulletin board in remembrance of Arbor Day.


Another April bulletin board idea is umbrellas. You will need blue butcher paper, white oak tag, construction paper, scissors, pencils, and umbrella shaped cut outs. You can also use coloring pages that feature an umbrella is you like. Markers or crayons are also needed to color the umbrellas with.

For this bulletin board kids should color the umbrellas and right their names on them. Allow the preschool kids to personalize their umbrellas to their liking. While they are working on their part cover the bulletin board with the butcher paper.

Then use the oak tag to create a large rain cloud. Use the markers to write the name of the class on the rain cloud. Then cut out raindrops from the construction paper. Add the rain drops and the cloud to the center of the bulletin board.

Help kids attach their umbrellas to the April themed bulletin board and your preschool kids will enjoy displaying their work.

Creating bulletin boards with preschool kids is fun for them; it also helps improve their confidence and motor skills. Try these fun bulletin board ideas with your preschool students this year, and you are guaranteed to have a bulletin board you can be proud of.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Unique May Bulletin Board Ideas for Elementary Schools


Try creating unique May bulletin board ideas with your elementary school students for a fun and festive month. These one of a kind themes will make your students enjoy this project. This article will discuss several unique May bulletin board projects that are perfect for elementary school.

Lost Sock Memorial Day

A fun and funny May holiday perfect for elementary school kids is a Lost Sock Memorial Day themed bulletin board. This holiday is on May 9th, and kids will get a kick out of this idea. For this project you will need blue butcher paper, yarn, pushpins, construction paper, markers, scissors, clothespins, and crayons.

Start by giving students markers, crayons, scissors, and paper. Help them draw a sock shape on the paper and cut it out. Then let students design the sock however they like. Just remind them to write their name boldly on part of the sock.

While the students work on their part, you can cover the bulletin board with the blue paper. Then cut three pieces of yarn long enough to reach both ends of the bulletin board. Tie a knot in each end of the yarn pieces. Use the pushpins to secure the yarn to the board horizontally. This will give you the look of three clotheslines. Then allow students to add their completed sock to the line using the clothespin. You may have to tighten the line to keep it upright.

Be a Millionaire Day

On the 20th of May, Be a Millionaire Day is celebrated, and this unique holiday is a fun way for kids to explore their fantasies. For this bulletin board you can use any color butcher paper. You will also need construction paper, loose leaf, marker, pencils, and crayons. Let the kids think about what they would do with a million dollars.

Then help them describe it in a few sentences on the loose leaf. Also let kids draw a picture symbolizing their thoughts. Then add the pictures and paragraphs to the bulletin board for a unique theme. For more fun add some fake money to the borders and empty spots of the bulletin board. You can also add rhinestones and other things that are reminiscent to money like gold coins.

These unique bulletin board ideas are fun for elementary school kids and teachers. If you choose these themes, you will have a fun and one of a kind project for your students.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Winter Bulletin Board Ideas Using Recycled Materials

Winter bulletin board ideas using recycled materials are fun and easy to create. Making a winter bulletin board id a good way to get students excited for the winter season, and using recycled materials is a great way to inspire kids to recycle. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating winter bulletin board ideas using recycled materials.
Snowflakes are the perfect theme for a winter bulletin board using recycled materials. For this bulletin board idea you will need coffee filters, scissors, markers, glitter, glue, and blue butcher paper. Start by covering the winter themed bulletin board with the butcher paper.
Then hand out the coffee filters to the students. Help students flatten out the filters and fold them in half several times. Help students turn the recycled filters into snowflakes by cutting different shapes out of the sides and top of the foiled filter. Make sure to leave areas of the folded sides attached so the snowflake remains intact.
Open up the snowflakes and allow students to write their names on the snowflake with the markers. Add glitter to the snowflakes using the glue and attach the snowflakes to the winter bulletin board when the glue has dried.
Mittens and Hot Chocolate
Another winter idea for a bulletin board using recycled magazines is a mitten and hot chocolate theme. For this winter bulletin board you will need paper to cover the bulletin board with, recycled magazines, pencils, scissors, markers, and cardboard. Start by covering the winter themed bulletin board. Create a hot chocolate template out of the cardboard using the pencil. Simply draw a rounded rectangle with a half circle handle attached to the side of it. Cut it out and set it aside.
Help students look through the magazine for patterns or colors they like. Help kids rip these pages out of the magazine. Divide the students in half and allow half to make mittens and half to make hot chocolate. Let the students make the mittens by tracing their hands with the fingers closed. Let the other students use the template. Help students cut out the mittens and hot chocolate. Help kids add their name with the markers and attach them to the winter bulletin board.
Recycled materials are inexpensive and fun to use, and using recycled materials will inspire your students to also be eco-friendly. These winter bulletin board ideas are quick and easy to create with students; so try them this winter in your classroom!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to School Countdown: Bulletin Boards

I'm a lunch lady so I am starting to get into the back to school mood. I know I am not the only ones out there getting ready for the big day. So I decided to start the back to school countdown. Everyday, until school starts, for me it is Sept 6th, I will be posting something new to get everyone ready and excited about going back to school. Okay today I will focus on bulletin board ideas.

If you have any requests or any questions or even need some ideas or advice about anything back to school feel free to leave me a comment and I will do my best to help you!

Here are some bulletin board ideas for the first day of school.

A beach themed back to school bulletin board is a great idea that will remind kids about how much fun they had over the summer while also getting kids excited about being back in school. For this bulletin board you will need blue butcher paper, tan paper, scissors, markers, and a pencil.
Start this back to school bulletin board by covering the top of the bulletin board with the blue paper. Then cut a wavy edge on the tan colored paper and attach that to the bottom of the bulletin board. Provide each student with a piece of tan paper about 6 inches squared.
Help students create seashells by placing their fist palm down on the paper and tracing their fist. They can finish the shell by connecting the bottom lines were their wrist would be in a curved or pointed line. Help students cut out the shell shape and write their name on it. Allow the students to decorate the shell and hang it on the back to school bulletin board.
Tree and Butterfly
Another back to school bulletin board idea is a tree and butterfly theme. For this bulletin board you will need blue butcher paper, brown butcher paper, scissors, construction paper, a pencil, and markers. Start by covering the back to school bulletin board with the blue paper.
Then use the pencil to draw a tree branch shape onto the brown paper. Cut the tree branch out of the paper and attach it to the bulletin board. Hand out various sheets of construction paper and pencils to the students. Help the students trace their hands on the paper to create either leaves or a butterfly. To make a butterfly, students should trace both of their hands with their palms touching. Help students cut out their shapes and write their name on them. Students can hang the leaves and butterflies all over the back to school bulletin board.
Want to use Recycled Materials ?    These ideas are perfect

Wanted Ad
For this back to school bulletin board you will used recycled newspaper to cover the bulletin board. Remember to use the classified section to stick with the wanted ad theme. You can also used recycled magazines to cut out the letters spelling Wanted. This can be posted on the top of the bulletin board. You will also need to ask students to bring in a picture of themselves the first day of school.
Prior to the start of school the teacher should make out an application for students with interesting questions that will get them excited about coming back to school. The questions can pertain to the experience students will be having in the upcoming school year. Remember to leave a blank area at the top of the application to pate the student's folder. Copy and staple these applications together for the first day back to school.
On the first day explain to students that you have an opportunity for them; they have been chosen to participate in your classroom. You would like them to fill out the application. When they are done they can glue the photo to the top of the application and post it on the back to school bulletin board.
This back to school bulletin board idea uses recycled newspapers and magazines. It also provides teachers with a way to get to know students better, and it is appropriate for students in middle school and higher grade levels.
Garden of Learning
Another back to school bulletin board idea that uses recycled paper plates and magazines is the garden of learning bulletin board. For this back to school bulletin board, you will also need green paper, blue paper, scissors, and glue. Remember to have students each bring a photo of themselves the first day of school.
Start this project by handing out the magazines to the students. Help them cut out several strips of colorful paper. Then help them cut them into smaller sections about 2 inches long. Allow students to cut the photo into a circle with their faces in the middle. Also help kids cut the outside edge of the paper plate off.
Help students glue the picture to the center of the paper plate. Also help them add the 2 inch strips to the outside edge of the picture to resemble flower petals. Allow the glue to dry. Cover the bulletin board with green butcher paper. Write a message on the top of the board about gardening and learning and help students post their flowers on the board.
These bulletin board ideas are great for back to school, and they use recycled materials. Try these bulletin board ideas with your new students and they will love learning and recycling at the same time.

Gishmas 2021 List

 Day 1 Challenge: December 20th – Image or Video What powers GISH? Love, actually. So, let’s spread some cheer. Using the GISH App or search...