Showing posts with label Tarot cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tarot cards. Show all posts

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Hanged Man: Understanding the Tarot


The hanged man is a symbolic card in the tarot that is well known and very popular. When someone refers to himself as the hanged man, it means that he is incapable of moving forward. This tarot card is part of the major arcana, and its meaning is important in understanding the tarot completely. This article will describe the meaning of the hanged man in depth.

The hanged man is symbolized by a man hanging upside down by one foot from a tree branch. This man is not looking worried; he is looking peaceful with his arms crossed. He is not flailing about looking for a way off; he is simply hanging in wait. This is symbolic of the meaning of this card because the hanged man is a card of release, change, sacrifice, and stillness. The hanged man hangs still with an air of calm about him.

The hanged man card represents release of ideas, emotions, struggles, and control. This card suggests giving up searching and trying and waiting. This card also suggests allowing fate to guide you instead of struggling against life. This is a card of letting go and acceptance. This is why the hanged man does not look worried; he is at peace with acceptance.

The hanged man is upside down, and this is symbolically important to the meaning of the card because he is changing his mind. His beliefs about life, the world, and priorities are changing completely, and he is seeing things from a new perspective. The hanged man has stopped and reversed directions; he is ready to face a new path with new found ideals.

Stillness is another aspect of this card, and through stillness the hanged man has found a new perspective. Stillness is importantly reflected with this card because it is needed as a means to breathe and just exist. This card suggests that you must stop actions and take time. The right opportunities will find you when it is time. Living in the moment is advised by this card.

Sacrifice is another meaning behind the hanged man, and it is apparent through the symbol of the man hanging. This man can not move forward or backwards; he is simply stuck to hang there and waste his time. He is sacrificing himself for a greater good, and putting others before himself. This card suggests the sacrifice of oneself for more than him, and this is why the hanged man does not try to struggle.

The hanged man is a card of change, inaction, reflection, sacrifice, and letting go. This card is a powerful symbol of how giving away can in return bring peace and a greater understanding of the world.

The World Understanding the Tarot


The world is the final card in the tarot, and from it comes great meaning. All of the cards in the major arcane lead up to this card, and the world card symbolizes just this. The fool has traveled through all of life's lessons as you have traveled through all of the cards of the major arcane, and now you rest at the final card the world. This article will describe the meaning of the world card in depth.

The world card pictures a beautiful woman entwined in a long silk scarf. She stands there with her arms wide holding two batons or wands. She is encircled by a wreath that has a bow on the top, and in each corner of the card is a creature. The angel, eagle, ram, and lion are depicted in the imagery of the world card. This card is a card of wholeness, accomplishment, involvement, and satisfaction through fulfillment.

This card symbolizes the feeling of wholeness, and the world is everything together so this is a logical meaning for this card. The world represents a dynamic balance, and it implies the combination of many smaller parts to complete a perfect whole. Unity is implied through this card, and it suggests that a feeling of togetherness and power through wholeness is apparent. A coming together of many aspects of your life may be occurring.

Accomplishment and completion are symbolized by the world card. You have come to realize your goals and dreams. Your true hopes and desires are coming true, and you are becoming prosperous. The world card suggests that everything you have wanted is coming to pass. Fruition of past efforts is obvious and apparent. A wonderful solution that allows you to integrate all aspects of your dreams is available to you, and you are flourishing.

The world card of the tarot also symbolizes being actively involved in life. You may be serving others, or using a talent, but either way you are feeling engaged. You are helping and healing others, and this has become possible because of the journey you have taken through the rest of the cards. Without learning all of the lessons of life, you would not be able to use your gifts and knowledge to help. You are making a contribution when this card is evident in a reading.

A strong sense of fulfillment is also implied by this card, and it suggests that you are happy, and you are finding pleasure in life itself. You are content and blessed. The world card suggests that you are at peace with yourself and your surroundings. You have been through much but now you have your time of rest and comfort. Life is pleasurable.

The world is the last card of the tarot, and it is a positive card that suggests fulfillment, joy, contributing, and success. This is a card of completion and prosperity.

Judgment: Understanding the Tarot


The tarot deck is a collection of cards that people use for advice and understanding of their lives. This deck is a powerful tool for seeing circumstances and situations I a new light and with a new perspective. The tarot deck is compromised of the major and minor arcane, and this article will discuss the meaning of the judgment card of the major arcana.

The judgment card is depicted by an angel in the sky. This angel is dressed in glorious robes with wings spread wide. This angel plays a trumpet and bears a flag. There are men, women, and children staring at the angel with open arms upraised. This card symbolizes judgment, rebirth, knowledge of what you must do, and atonement.

Judgment is one of the main meanings of this card, and it suggests that you will be held accountable for our actions. This card also means you will have to make a critical decision based on right and wrong. You will have to make a choice or someone will have to make a choice about you, and this is based on your inner self. An honest judgment will be made, and this will have a serious impact on you.

Rebirth is another meaning of this card, and it implies that you may feel a new hope. This card suggests that you may be experiencing a transformation, and this transformation may be coming from a new perspective of the world and life. This new sense of joy is allowing you and aiding you in making a new start in life, and the judgment card promises that this new start will be positive because it is based on honesty.

You may finally be becoming aware of your true calling, and you are feeling drawn to this destiny. The judgment card suggests that your life's path has recently become apparent to you, and you are feeling the urge to follow it. A need and desire inside of you to do something is evident, and you must act on it. This card recommends hearing a call and listening.

Finding forgiveness for yourself and others is recommended by this card. The judgment card also suggests that you will be able to release yourself of guilt by repenting for the sins you have committed. This requires that you atone for wrongdoings in the past. This atonement will allow you to feel refreshed, energized, and free.

The judgment card of the major arcana is a promising card that allows you to make a decision with honest judgment, find forgiveness, find a true purpose, and start over fresh. This card is a positive card in a reading.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Moon: Understanding the Tarot


As we come to the end of the tarot cards we can see how the major arcana unfolds. It has led us on a journey through birth, death, inspiration and waiting. There are many lessons to be learned from the tarot, and it is important to understand the complete meaning behind the card in order to fully grasp the lessons the tarot deck has to offer.

The moon card is pictured with a large moon in the center the addition of a crescent moon inside the full moon is also present. A dog and a wolf howl are positioned at the bottom of the card, and they look up in a howl. This card is symbolic of fear, illusion, fantasy, deception and confusion.

The moon card symbolizes being afraid; it represents nameless fears and phobias, and it suggests being afraid of the dark and what may lie in it. This card also implies that there is a lack of strength and courage, and the bearer of this card may be allowing insignificant worries to overcome him. This card suggests that you release inner secrets and fears like the heartfelt howl of the wolf.

Illusions are another implication of the moon. Deception is apparent when the moon card appears in your reading. You may be deceiving yourself, and you may believe in things that are unrealistic. You may have your fantasies confused with reality, and you may be mistaking truth for fiction. The illusions that you see in the shadow of the moon show there true selves in the sunlight.

Imagination is conjured up by the moon card, and it implies that dreams may currently be very realistic and vivid. You may be fantasizing a lot about someone or something. Peculiar ideas may be running through your mind as of light, and this may be bringing you inspiration and creativity. These unusual and outlandish thoughts are derivative of the unconscious, and may be seen as visions.

The moon card also suggest confusion, and you may feel as if someone has turned the lights off on you. You may feel that you are losing yourself, and you may have trouble seeing things clearly. It is as if you are in a fog, and you are unsure of which way you have come from and which way you are going. This can be distracting, and leave you with a trouble mind, but remember night only lasts so long.

The moon is a card of darkness of thought, this can be deceptive, confusing or frightening, but it can also be used as creative inspiration.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Tower: Understanding the Tarot


The tarot deck is filled with cards that have positive and negative meanings, but they are all here to assist us. These cards allow us to reflect on ourselves and our current circumstances. The tarot is a deck of cards that reflect life, and sometimes they show us things that we do not want to see, but we must see these things. The tower is a card that may seem ominous, but it is a warning to us. This article will explain the meaning of the tower.

The tower card is pictured with a tower that is aflame and falling down. There is much smoke in the night sky surrounding the tower, and the roof is coming off. People are jumping from the tower in order to save their lives. This symbolism is obvious, and this card represents sudden change, release, a downturn, and revelation. This card is a card of great impact and suddenness.

The tower reflects change, and this change will come without warning. There is a drastic upheaval represented by this card that comes as a surprise. This may be the result of a conflict or emergency, and it is definitely a time of alarm and shock. This change has not been foreseen and it is not prepared for.

This card implies an outburst just as the flames erupt from the top of the tower; this card suggests an explosion. This may manifest itself with anger or sadness, and it may manifest itself as a release of struggle. Either way it is a letting go of everything you possess. The possessions of the keeper of the tower are asunder.

A downturn in luck or fortune is also apparent from this card. The tower foretells of falling from a great height; this may mean loss of status, success, or any other position of value to you. This experience can make you honest and humble. This fall from the tower is far, and it will hurt, but the cycle of life relies on the ups and downs in order for growth to occur. From the ashes of the tower springs new life.

Realizations are an important idea that the tower represents, and this explosion does not have to be one without a gift. The tower you have built for yourself may come crumbling down because a hidden truth has been exposed, and you may have gained a powerful insight. The tower may be an illusion that you have seen through and thus the tower is destroyed.

This is a powerful card that should be taken as a warning and a lesson. If it is seen as something yet to come be aware that you are in store for a surprise; if it is present in the current events or past you must realize that you can use this upheaval as a form of learning.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Devil Understanding the Tarot


The devil is another card in the tarot that people are afraid of, but it is only scary because it is not completely understood. If better understood the devil card would be a card of person awakening. This card is a very personal card, and it suggests things that people may not want to see because it is so personal, but it is extremely important. This article will explain the meaning of it in depth.

The devil card is pictured by a beast like man with horns; he sits on a thrown, and at his sides stand a man and a woman bound by chains. He has large expanded wings, and claws for feet. He is perched on his thrown with a weapon in one hand, and his other hand is raised in a wave. This card symbolizes being stuck, material obsessions, hopelessness, and choosing to live in ignorance.

The devil represents negative situations where you feel stuck. It also represents letting someone else control you and not having your independence. This card suggests submission, and being forceably controlled against your will and desires. This is a bad situation because it allows another person, a habit, or a situation control your every action. This is unhealthy, and when this card is present in a reading one should consider what is ruling their lives.

Obsession with material concerns are often symbolized by this card. The talons of the devil have a firm grip on you. You waves in a friendly manner only to trap you. This card suggests that physical aspects may be more important to you than necessary. In fact this card advises that appearances and overindulgence is dominant in your life and priorities. It can also represent wastefulness and a loss of spirituality or higher awareness.

The devil card represents ignorance, and working with your blinders on. This card implies that you are choosing to not see the entire picture, and you are choosing to live in a manner that is not aware. You may be afraid of what you do not see, but that is not a good reason not to look. You may also be fooled by the charming smile of the devil, and you pretend you do not see the fiery pitch fork clasped in his other hand. You are choosing to limit yourself, and the devil card is here to remind us of this.

This card represents lack of hope, and an extreme negative belief. You may believe that everything is terrible and nothing will ever get better. The devil implies that you have no faith in positive change, and you expect onl y the worst. When you see only the negative nothing can ever be good.

The devil is here to remind us that appearances can be fooling, and looking at life as a misery is a choice. We may feel stuck, but we do not have to let anyone or anything control us. The devil is here to tell you in no uncertain terms to examine yourself.

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