Showing posts with label meaning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meaning. Show all posts

Friday, May 28, 2021

The Meaning of Rose Colors

There are many different meanings of colors of roses. With Valentine's Day on the way, you may want to consider a special rose for your special someone. This article will discuss the many different meanings of the colors of roses.


The most commonly found rose is red. Red roses are a very popular symbol of love, and they represent romance. True love, passion, and beauty are all part of the meaning of a red rose. A single red rose always means, "I love you".


A rose that is the color pink expresses appreciation and happiness (Green). A pink rose is a gentle color, and it symbolizes admiration and sweetness.


White roses are elegant and common in many wedding bouquets. White roses symbolize happiness in love and joy (Green).


A yellow rose is best to be bestowed among friends because it suggests friendship instead of romantic love. Yellow roses can also symbolize joy and jealousy (Green). A rose that is yellow with red edges suggests falling in love or friendship that is blossoming into romance.


Lavender is a subtle and magical color of a rose. This delicate color symbolizes instant connections and love at first glance (Green). Enchantment and magic are also represented when a rose of lavender color is given to someone.


A cream colored rose can range from off white to the palest peach tone. It is a beautiful and unique gift. The meaning of this rose is modesty.


Coral is a color that is in between orange and red, and its one of a kind beauty has a very specific meaning. The color of a coral rose represents passion and desire. The color is likened to burning want for another.


This color of a rose is similar to coral roses because it too means desire (Green). Orange is the color of fire, and an orange rose symbolizes the flames of passion, desire, and love.


Another rose color that suggests thanks is peach. This color of roses should be given as a sign of appreciation and gratitude. Peach can also communicate the end of a project or a coming together of a deal or union.

Roses are beautiful flowers that we see all the time. Roses are available year round. They can be found everywhere from the florist to the gas station. When giving someone a rose, try considering the meaning behind the color of this flower first.


Green, S. (n.d.). Rose Color Meanings: Meanings of Rose Colors by ProFlowers. Send Flowers Online with ProFlowers - Valentines Flower Delivery . Retrieved January 6, 2011, from

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The World Understanding the Tarot


The world is the final card in the tarot, and from it comes great meaning. All of the cards in the major arcane lead up to this card, and the world card symbolizes just this. The fool has traveled through all of life's lessons as you have traveled through all of the cards of the major arcane, and now you rest at the final card the world. This article will describe the meaning of the world card in depth.

The world card pictures a beautiful woman entwined in a long silk scarf. She stands there with her arms wide holding two batons or wands. She is encircled by a wreath that has a bow on the top, and in each corner of the card is a creature. The angel, eagle, ram, and lion are depicted in the imagery of the world card. This card is a card of wholeness, accomplishment, involvement, and satisfaction through fulfillment.

This card symbolizes the feeling of wholeness, and the world is everything together so this is a logical meaning for this card. The world represents a dynamic balance, and it implies the combination of many smaller parts to complete a perfect whole. Unity is implied through this card, and it suggests that a feeling of togetherness and power through wholeness is apparent. A coming together of many aspects of your life may be occurring.

Accomplishment and completion are symbolized by the world card. You have come to realize your goals and dreams. Your true hopes and desires are coming true, and you are becoming prosperous. The world card suggests that everything you have wanted is coming to pass. Fruition of past efforts is obvious and apparent. A wonderful solution that allows you to integrate all aspects of your dreams is available to you, and you are flourishing.

The world card of the tarot also symbolizes being actively involved in life. You may be serving others, or using a talent, but either way you are feeling engaged. You are helping and healing others, and this has become possible because of the journey you have taken through the rest of the cards. Without learning all of the lessons of life, you would not be able to use your gifts and knowledge to help. You are making a contribution when this card is evident in a reading.

A strong sense of fulfillment is also implied by this card, and it suggests that you are happy, and you are finding pleasure in life itself. You are content and blessed. The world card suggests that you are at peace with yourself and your surroundings. You have been through much but now you have your time of rest and comfort. Life is pleasurable.

The world is the last card of the tarot, and it is a positive card that suggests fulfillment, joy, contributing, and success. This is a card of completion and prosperity.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Flowers that Are Symbolic of Love


Flowers have always been considered symbolic of feelings, and there are many flowers that are symbolic of love. Understanding the meanings of flowers is a great way to surprise someone you care about. Here you will find the meaning of several flowers that symbolize love.


A pretty white flower, that forms in several small clusters of buds. The acacia flower is symbolic of secret love and will surprise and intrigue your secret loved one (Ghaffar).


These interesting flowers are often sent to represent love that is returned. This is an excellent way to let someone know that you feel the same as they do.


Aster is a pretty flower that comes in a variety of shades of blue, purple, or pink. Aster flowers are delicate and sweet and they are symbolic of delicate love.

Baby's Breath

This tiny white flower is found in clusters. It is often used in many different kinds of bouquets. This flower is symbolic of eternal love (Ghaffar).

Red Carnations

Carnations are inexpensive and special. A red carnation suggests deep longing and love for someone. This color carnation is a great gift to a loved one.


These special flowers are reminiscent of love. They represent true love and feelings. They should only be given to someone if the love is very serious.


Gladiolus flowers come in a variety of colors. These flowers are symbolic of instant love and love at first sight (Ghaffar).


These sweet smelling flowers are yellow in color. Honeysuckle represents devotional love and loyalty.


This traditional flower is known to be symbolic of love. It is also representative of marriage and the love of a man and wife (Ghaffar).


Orchids are tender flowers that are very romantic and special. Orchids are perfect flowers to represent love because of their need for special care and beauty. These flowers are symbolic of love, beauty, and passion (Ghaffar).


Roses mean a variety of things, but the color of the rose symbolizes the meaning of love. Red roses are common symbols of love and white roses mean true love for eternity.

Spider Flower

The spider flower is one of a kind flower. This dainty flower comes in shades of purple and pink. These flowers beg the question, "Will you elope with me?"

The meaning of flowers can change the way you look at the next bouquet you give. These flowers are symbolic of love, and they make a wonderful gift to someone you care about.


Ghaffar, A. (n.d.). Flower Meanings and Meanings of Flowers. Florists, Send Flowers Online, Delivery, Funeral, Wedding, Gifts, Photos, Mother's Day, Easter, Roses, Flowers for Girlfriend, Men. Retrieved January 6, 2011, from

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Star: Understanding the Tarot


The major arcana of the tarot tells a story as it goes on, and some cards are menacing, and some cards are joyful, but all the cards have important meanings that many lessons can be learned from. Understanding the tarot is a means of better understanding yourself and the world. This article will give a detailed description of the tarot card the star.

The start is depicted by a maiden drawing water from a pond and a bright star in the background that is surrounded by many other stars. This maiden is drawing water from a pond, but she is also pouring water with her other hand onto the land to form a river. The symbols that illustrate this card represent the meaning of this card as well, and this card means hope, inspiration, kindness, giving and peace. This is shown by the transfer of water in the picture of this card.

The star is usually looked at in a hopeful manner and this is appropriate because it represents hope and positive thinking. This card suggests a positive way of thinking, and an optimistic outlook on the future. The star suggests looking forward to accomplishments and completions of goals. You are aware of the positive things in your life, and you are looking to the positive events in the future.

Inspiration is a reflection of this card, and it implies a renewed inner strength. Motivation and will power is strong, and creativity is flowing. A high level of stimulation is apparent when this card is present, and inspiration and productive creativity is abundant. You can see the path for your success clearly, and are motivated to follow it.

Kindness and sharing is recommended and apparent with this card. Love flows abundantly and without restrictions. Giving back is a strong suggestion of this card, and the star represents sharing wealth, emotions, ideas, and knowledge. Generosity is everywhere, and the desire to share with no pretenses is plentiful and overflowing.

Another implication of the star card is peace; and it is represented well by the peaceful flow of water in the symbols of this card. This is a time of serenity and calm. The star card recommends finding stillness and relaxation. It is a time for harmony, and peace even if there are troubles abound. It is no wonder that this card follows the tower, which represents a sudden upheaval, because it is the calm after the storm that this card symbolizes.

The star is a time of giving, a time of relaxation, hope, and creativity. This is a promising card that should be inspirational.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Tower: Understanding the Tarot


The tarot deck is filled with cards that have positive and negative meanings, but they are all here to assist us. These cards allow us to reflect on ourselves and our current circumstances. The tarot is a deck of cards that reflect life, and sometimes they show us things that we do not want to see, but we must see these things. The tower is a card that may seem ominous, but it is a warning to us. This article will explain the meaning of the tower.

The tower card is pictured with a tower that is aflame and falling down. There is much smoke in the night sky surrounding the tower, and the roof is coming off. People are jumping from the tower in order to save their lives. This symbolism is obvious, and this card represents sudden change, release, a downturn, and revelation. This card is a card of great impact and suddenness.

The tower reflects change, and this change will come without warning. There is a drastic upheaval represented by this card that comes as a surprise. This may be the result of a conflict or emergency, and it is definitely a time of alarm and shock. This change has not been foreseen and it is not prepared for.

This card implies an outburst just as the flames erupt from the top of the tower; this card suggests an explosion. This may manifest itself with anger or sadness, and it may manifest itself as a release of struggle. Either way it is a letting go of everything you possess. The possessions of the keeper of the tower are asunder.

A downturn in luck or fortune is also apparent from this card. The tower foretells of falling from a great height; this may mean loss of status, success, or any other position of value to you. This experience can make you honest and humble. This fall from the tower is far, and it will hurt, but the cycle of life relies on the ups and downs in order for growth to occur. From the ashes of the tower springs new life.

Realizations are an important idea that the tower represents, and this explosion does not have to be one without a gift. The tower you have built for yourself may come crumbling down because a hidden truth has been exposed, and you may have gained a powerful insight. The tower may be an illusion that you have seen through and thus the tower is destroyed.

This is a powerful card that should be taken as a warning and a lesson. If it is seen as something yet to come be aware that you are in store for a surprise; if it is present in the current events or past you must realize that you can use this upheaval as a form of learning.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Devil Understanding the Tarot


The devil is another card in the tarot that people are afraid of, but it is only scary because it is not completely understood. If better understood the devil card would be a card of person awakening. This card is a very personal card, and it suggests things that people may not want to see because it is so personal, but it is extremely important. This article will explain the meaning of it in depth.

The devil card is pictured by a beast like man with horns; he sits on a thrown, and at his sides stand a man and a woman bound by chains. He has large expanded wings, and claws for feet. He is perched on his thrown with a weapon in one hand, and his other hand is raised in a wave. This card symbolizes being stuck, material obsessions, hopelessness, and choosing to live in ignorance.

The devil represents negative situations where you feel stuck. It also represents letting someone else control you and not having your independence. This card suggests submission, and being forceably controlled against your will and desires. This is a bad situation because it allows another person, a habit, or a situation control your every action. This is unhealthy, and when this card is present in a reading one should consider what is ruling their lives.

Obsession with material concerns are often symbolized by this card. The talons of the devil have a firm grip on you. You waves in a friendly manner only to trap you. This card suggests that physical aspects may be more important to you than necessary. In fact this card advises that appearances and overindulgence is dominant in your life and priorities. It can also represent wastefulness and a loss of spirituality or higher awareness.

The devil card represents ignorance, and working with your blinders on. This card implies that you are choosing to not see the entire picture, and you are choosing to live in a manner that is not aware. You may be afraid of what you do not see, but that is not a good reason not to look. You may also be fooled by the charming smile of the devil, and you pretend you do not see the fiery pitch fork clasped in his other hand. You are choosing to limit yourself, and the devil card is here to remind us of this.

This card represents lack of hope, and an extreme negative belief. You may believe that everything is terrible and nothing will ever get better. The devil implies that you have no faith in positive change, and you expect onl y the worst. When you see only the negative nothing can ever be good.

The devil is here to remind us that appearances can be fooling, and looking at life as a misery is a choice. We may feel stuck, but we do not have to let anyone or anything control us. The devil is here to tell you in no uncertain terms to examine yourself.

Temperance: Understanding the Tarot


The tarot is a powerful deck of cards that provide meaning and advice to many people around the world. It provides insight on situations, and it gives the viewer a better perspective on situations. The tarot deck may seem complicated, but each card has a specific meaning, and plays a particular role. This article will describe the meaning of the temperance card in the tarot in depth.

Temperance is symbolized by an angel in a long white robe. This angel hovers above the earth and carries a horn and a chalice. Water and the sun are also present in the symbols of this card, and the angel floats in between heaven and earth. This symbolizes well what temperance is about; this card means finding a middle ground, establishing and preserving balance, energy, health, and unifying forces.

Temperance suggests moderation in actions and choices. This card advises finding a middle area where a compromise can be made. This card also recommends making things less extremes, and controlling excessive impulses. The angel of temperance so accurately reflects balance that she is sipping from an earthly cup, but also playing the heavenly trumpet.

Temperance is about creating a balance, and an area of equality. This card recommends the unity of opposing ideas and forces. Harmony and equilibrium are reflected in this card, and this can be seen through a feeling of stability and peace. The earthly and heavenly forces can unite to bring a peace and balance inside ones self and the world.

Health, vitality, and a new sense of energy is also represented in this card just as the angel is flying through the sky. Growth and a renewed life force is evident when this card is in a spread. Temperance also reflects a recognized sense of wellbeing that is pleasurable. This can also represent healing and turn around in physical conditions.

Just as the earth and the sky are present in this card this cad suggests that a combining of forces is apparent. Joining with other people or influences is a recommendation from this card, and it implies that a synthesis is occurring. This is a direct result of the proper balance, and it is reflected in the use of both a trumpet and a chalice. A co-mingling of opposites kept in moderation lead to a successful vitality.

Temperance is a card of the major arcane that advices using moderation and balance to bring together opposites. This unifying must come from a compromise, and it will bring good health and a positive outcome.

Justice: Understanding the Tarot


Understanding the tarot requires you to understand the meanings behind many different cards. It is important to understand the meaning of each card in order to understand how they work together. This article will discuss in detail what the justice card of the major arcana means and symbolizes.

Justice is pictured in long, flowing, royal robes and a crown; it is the eleventh card in the tarot. She is also pictured with a scale in one hand and a sword in the other. This is significant to the meaning of the card because it represents her ability to weigh out situations and act with the strength of her sword. This also signifies a balance and responsibility. The crown and robes signify respect and authority. The image of justice is very regal and dominant.

Justice is a card that refers to honesty, fair judgment, and morals. Ethical ideas are upheld with justice, and equality is revered. This card symbolizes the fight to do the right thing, and the conflict between good and bad. The justice card also symbolizes a commitment to the truth. This card can also mean being involved in legal matters and the courts.

Responsibility is another main factor brought about by justice, and this could mean paying back debts. This card also suggests doing what you must. The justice card in the tarot also recommends being accountable for your actions. It means that you must handle the situations you are in whether they are appealing or not. You must take responsibility for your circumstances and complete whatever steps will help your situation.

Justice also symbolizes decision making and this is show with the scale placed in the hand of justice. The scale is moving, and attempting to make a fair judgment. This side of justice must consider all sides of a situation, it must figure out how all factors play a part in the final decision and outcome. The justice card recommends making decisions with all preparations required. You must fully understand circumstances before making a choice, and this card suggests that you will take the correct action if you way all of the odds.

Understand that actions lead to reactions, and accepting the results of your actions is another meaning strongly implies by the justice card. Understanding that your present situation is a result of your decision making is suggested by this card. Making the connection between past, present, and future events is a predominant meaning of this card as well.

Justice signifies responsibility, judgment, and ethics. This card reflects the ideas of cause and effect and educated decision making.

Gishmas 2021 List

 Day 1 Challenge: December 20th – Image or Video What powers GISH? Love, actually. So, let’s spread some cheer. Using the GISH App or search...