Tuesday, April 13, 2021

3 Fun and Informative Earth Day Lesson Plans


Earth day can be a very fun and exciting time for children in the classroom. Here are 3 lesson plans that can help students celebrate earth day .

The first lesson plan that is appropriate and fun for teaching children about earth day is the earth day garbage parade. This lesson plan is appropriate for kids of ages 3-12, and it is a lot of fun. Have students collect garbage around their home and school and bring in one small plastic bag of trash. Items that they should save are bottles, papers, bottle caps, and anything they seem to find interesting. Make sure all items are brought in clean, and have markers, paints, and glue available. Now pile all of the garbage on a table in the middle of the room and let all the students pick items that that they would like to use. You can have the students create masks, puppets, and banners. It is a good idea to bring some examples of things they can make. You can also bring in beans and rubber bands and have the students make different musical instruments. Paint and color all of the items brightly, and assemble a line and start your parade. This lesson helps teach students to recycle and have fun!

Another lesson plan that is appropriate for students from the age of 3 to 12 is to grow their own plant. Bring in seeds, plastic cups, and dirt, and have each student plant their own seed, and water it. For older students you may want them to use different seeds and research each plant. Have the students document the plants growth over the course of the month; also have the students document the watering and light schedule for each plant. This is most effective if done with perennial plants so the students can later plant a garden on the school property or a local park. The use of herb seeds works well for this project.

Another earth day lesson plan for students from ages 3 - 12 is paper making. Discuss with the students the use of paper in society, and the amount of trees wasted because of our paper waste. Have students bringing junk mail, and paper that would normally be thrown out at their homes. You will need a small screen that has been attached to a wooden frame, or a small window screen that can be found at a thrift store. You will also need a food processor and a tub or tuber ware. Have all the students rip the paper up into little pieces and soak the pieces in water for half an hour. Next processes the water and paper mixture until the paper is finely chopped. Now mix the paper and water pulp with more water inside the tub. Have the students take turn dipping the frame into the mix. Once the frame is coated let some of the water drip out, and cover it with a piece of cardboard; next you must flip the frame and cardboard over so the pulp will come off. This will take a little getting used to, but it is not very hard. Allow all of the paper to dry completely and use the paper for another earth day project!

These lesson plans can help you teach valuable earth day lessons to your class this earth day!

Why Do Dogs Bury Bones in the Yard?


Dogs love to dig, and they love to hide things. I have always wondered why dogs hide things, especially since I know that no one but them wants a slobbered on dog bone. Even though it seems like the things they hide are definitely not of any value to anyone but them they still seem to dig holes in the yard everyday and hide their bones. Why do these dogs do such a peculiar thing you may ask? I am going to explain to you a little about the history of dogs, and why they do what they do.

Dogs were not always domesticated, and many people believe that dogs originated from wolves. Some scientists have thought that dogs were a member of the jackal, fox, or coyote family. (Leokum, 1986) There have been many studies on this subject, and there has been much debate, but it seems that the ancestry of dogs leads to the wolf family. The wolf has the closest resembling DNA to the dog, and therefore we assume that dogs came from domesticated wolves or a common ancestor. (Leokum, 1986)

Instincts are something that we are all aware of. Humans have instincts and animals also have natural instincts. This is a natural thing that has developed over time, but many people and animals have instincts that have become no longer very useful. We can see this evident all over the place in nature, and it is extremely evident in dogs. We have domesticated dogs so much that many of their natural instincts are now obsolete.

An example of a dog's natural instinct is to hide or bury his bone. In the past dogs would have had to store food for future use because he did not have man to feed him his basic meals. (Leokum, 1986, p.82) Another reason a dog would hide his food is because in the animal world another animal might steal his food if it were not hidden. This basic yet unnecessary survival tactic is what helped keep dogs alive in the past.

Another natural canine instinct dates back to before domestication. If you ever notice your dog walk in a circle a few times before laying down it is probably because in the past dogs would make nests in leaves and grasses, and they would "trod on these materials" in order to lay them down for a comfortable nest (Leokum,1986, p.81) . Most dogs now a days have comfortable beds and pillows to sleep on, but you can still catch them acting on the animal instincts on occasion.

So next time you see your dog hide a bone in the yard you will understand why instead of just thinking you have another hole to watch out for!

Leokum, A. (1986). The Big book of tell me why. New York, NY: Grosset and Dunlap.

What Are Teeth Made Of?


If you are like me, you have often wondered how brushing your teeth twice a day does not wear them down. Teeth are very important and the one thing I remember from working in a nursing home as a teenager is all of the older folks telling me they wished they had taken better care of their teeth. Teeth are something that we use all the time, but we take them for granted, and this article will explain what teeth are actually made of.

Teeth are almost as hard as rocks, and they are compromised of two basic parts. The two parts of the tooth is the crown and the root or roots. The crown of the tooth is the "part that can be seen in the mouth," and the root or roots are the part that "anchor it in the jaw bone" (Leokum, 1986, p.100). These two basic parts are both important to be kept healthy in order to have strong teeth.

What exactly are teeth made of? I know fake teeth come in many mediums such as gold and porcelain, but real teeth are composed of a different material. They are mostly made up of "mineral salts, of which calcium and phosphorus are the most prominent" (Leokum, 1986, p.100). Different parts of the teeth are made up of different things. The "enamel" is what covers the crown (Leokum, 1986, p.100). It is a hard and shiny material and it is what we see when we look at the top of our teeth. The "cementum is a bonelike material that covers the root" (Leokum, 1986, p.100). this is important as well because without the root being covered you would be in a lot of pain and your teeth wouldn't stay in place. The "dentine" is a material similar to ivory that forms the majority of the tooth, and the "dental pulp" is the open space inside the tooth where the "tissue that contains nerves, arteries, and veins" lie (Leokum, 1986, p.100). The tooth may be small, but it is made up of many things.

There are four different types of teeth in your mouth, and this is why your teeth are all different sizes and shapes. These types are called the incisors, cuspids, bicuspids, and molars; and they all have different jobs. The incisors cut food, the cuspids "tear" food, the bicuspids "crush" food, and the molars "grind"( Leokum, 1986, p.100). All of these teeth play an important part of your chewing ability.

Teeth may seem small and insignificant, but they play a huge role in your everyday life. Take care of your teeth they are more interesting and complex than you may realize.


Leokum, A. (1986). The Big book of tell me why. New York, NY: Grosset and Dunlap.

Straw Bale Gardening Basics


Knowing the straw bale gardening basics will allow you to make your first straw bale garden thrive. Straw bale gardens are a great way to garden without having to worry about the condition of your soil. Straw bale gardening is a great way to create a raised bed and help your plants thrive. This article will discuss straw bale gardening basics in detail.

When first deciding to plant a straw bale garden you may be wondering what type of straw to use. Any straw will work for your straw bale gardening needs, and it is best to go with what is available in your area. The important part to remember is to not use hay. Hay is different from straw and it will sprout grass that is extremely hard to pull. Using hay will cause more work than necessary; so only use straw bales for your straw bale gardening needs.

Now that you have the straw bales you will be gardening with it is important to consider where and how your will create the structure of your garden. First it is important to remember to not let the string tying the bale together touch the ground. The string must not come in contact with the ground because this contact will cause it to rot. If the string rots your straw bale will fall apart, and so will your garden. Well kept straw bale gardens can be used for up to two years so this simple step is important. When placing your straw bales to form your garden there are a variety of patterns and designs you can create. Feel free to be creative with the design. As long as you can reach the top of the bale to add plants and weed than your straw bale garden placement is successful.

Now that you have the gardening layout set up you must wet the bales completely. When you wet the straw bales they will get hot. This is the composting process and it will take about a week for the bales to cool down. After the bales have cooled down feel free to weed them and add about 3 inches of soil to the top of the bales. If you are going to be gardening with transplants the soil is not necessary because you can plant right into the straw bales. If you are starting this garden from seed you will need to add the soil and sow seeds the same as you would in any other gardening situation.

Creating a straw bale garden is fun and easy. It adds an interesting touch to your garden and helps out in areas where the soil is not good for gardening.

Inexpensive Home Decorating Ideas for Spring


Spring brings us a breath of fresh air, and this feeling can carry over into your home decorating ideas. Sunshine, pastels, and growth are popular themes for spring. This article will provide you with inexpensive home decorating ideas for spring.

Eggshell Art

Eggshells are undervalued as garbage, but they can easily be turned into something beautiful with a little creativity. Try using eggshells to create candle holders or vases for your home decorating needs. Simply break up the eggshells into smaller pieces and use glue to add a mosaic look to any object you like. You can dye the eggshells using inexpensive dye kits that are easily acquired during the Easter season. You can use watercolor paint to add color to the shells after they have been glued to your home decorating items.

Eggshell art is a fun way to add that special spring feeling to your home décor and it works well with the pastel color theme of spring. Eggshells also enhance the idea of growth and new beginnings which is popular during spring time.


Another inexpensive decorating idea for your home during springtime is starting some seedlings. Seedlings look lovely in teacups, eggshells, and old glass jars. If you start your seedlings in spring they will be ready in time for your to plant them in the garden in summer.

Try filling jars and other items with some stones and dirt. Then plant inexpensive seeds in them. You can even plant vegetable seedlings to transplant later. Pea plants and tomatoes look great as décor, and you can also start flower seeds or bulbs. If you choose to use eggshells gently remove only the top fourth of the shell. Then place several in a bowl surrounded by rocks or marbles to balance them. You can also place a single egg in a shot glass for a simple look.


Spring is a good time to change your curtains; this will allow for the sunshine and warm breeze to enter your home. Lace and thin, gauzy materials are great for spring, and curtains can be made easily using fabric glue, scissors, an iron, and fabric. Sheets sell for inexpensive prices at thrift shops, and light fabric is often pretty cheap when bought in bulk.

Use the glue and iron to make simple straight edges all the way around. Make sure the hem on top edge is wider so the curtain rod can fit through it. These simple curtains add a wonderful ambiance to your home when decorating.

These ideas are inexpensive and easy to make. They take little time to complete, and they will add that spring fresh feel to your home.

How Unethical Business Conflicts Can Be Avoided


Understanding how unethical business conflicts can be avoided is an important part of running a successful business. Unethical business conflicts can be the quickest downfall to any successful business, but this type of behavior is sure to lead to failure. This article will discuss how unethical business conflicts can be avoided; it will also discuss an example of unethical behavior in business and how it can cause the downfall of a business.

Enron was one of the most powerful companies in the area of communication, natural gas, and energy. The profits were outstanding, and the company thrived for many years, but fraudulent activities caused this company to lose their success (Celeste, 2007). There are many alternatives that could have changed the outcome of this situation and avoided the conflict in the first place. Enron acted unethically for profit and gain, damaging consumers, stakeholders, and the company, and this scandal changed the business practice of many companies. These actions led Enron to bankruptcy, but these actions can be avoided when understood and prepared for.

Enron created fraudulent records of their finances. These executives stole a lot of money from consumers, employees, and investors, and the company eventually went bankrupt because of these actions. Employees were punished for questioning actions and accounting. Employees were also encouraged to do whatever it takes to produce a profit. The falsification of documents and forging of partnerships in order to hide the loss of money at Enron led to the downfall of the company (Celeste, 2007). These conflicts could have been avoided by the use of ethical procedures and monitoring.

There are several alternatives to preventing and avoiding conflicts such as the Enron scandal. Creation of an ethics committee is the best recommendation for a company to avoid and prevent these unethical situations from occurring. An ethical committee would be able to monitor the decisions of a company. It would also be in charge of hiring processes and researching members of the company in order to employ people with strong ethical standards. An ethic committee would also monitor financial administrations of the company. Financial areas of a company must be run ethically in order to avoid these scandals from occurring. Enron is an example of a strong business that was run into the ground because of unethical decision making. Providing a strong ethical foundation through the use of an ethics committee is a valuable tool to any company.


Celeste (2007). The fall of Enron. Retrieved on August 8, 2010 from http://www.associatedcontent.com

Homemade Dr. Seuss Birthday Party Food and Favors

There are plenty of Dr. Seuss Birthday party ideas to choose from when deciding on food and favors. Creating homemade food and favors is the best way to stick to your Dr. Seuss theme. This article will discuss how to create several homemade favors and foods for your Dr. Seuss birthday party.


Dr. Seuss is famous or is fantastical food, and it is easy to recreate his ideas. Green eggs can be made easily by adding blue food coloring to deviled eggs for fun finger food. You can also make mini green eggs and ham mini quiches by adding blue food coloring and chopped ham to your recipe.

Cotton Candy and berries are food ideas that come from the Truffulla trees, and pink lemonade is just like pink ink. Schlop can be ice cream, pancakes, pudding, or French toast as long as you add whipped cream and make sure to put a cherry on top. Who-hash can be made just like hash browns, and fish crackers also work well. Mini frankfurters can also be strung on a spool which is perfect for a birthday theme. Chips and dips can be given a variety of Dr. Seuss names so feel free to be creative. Just remember to label the food, and everyone will get a kick out of it.


Sneetch Stars

Sneetches are famous for the star on their bellies for this home party favor you will need turquoise felt, scissors, stuffing, a needle, a pin back, and embroidery floss. Start by cutting out several stars from the felt. You will need twice as many starts as kids. Then sew the pin to the center of half the stars.

Next use the floss to sew two stars one on top of the other. Before you have sewn completely around add some stuffing to the inside of the stars. These favors are a homemade gift kids will enjoy wearing often.

Fish Jar

For this homemade birthday favor your will need jars, paint, a paintbrush, white chocolate, blue food coloring, red gummy fish, fish shaped candy molds, a bowl, a spoon, and a microwave. Start by cleaning and drying jars. Paint the lids and allow to dry.

Then melt some chocolate chips and blue food coloring in a bowl in the microwave. Microwave for a few seconds and stir. Microwave a few more seconds and stir again. When the chocolate is melted pour it into the mold and cool. Then add the blue and red candies to the jar to finish this homemade party favor.

Dr. Seuss is a fun theme for birthday parties. These homemade ideas are a great way to make your party even more special.

Drought Tolerant Vegetable Garden Tips


Drought tolerant vegetable garden tips are important for many people who have little or no rain during their gardening season. There are tips that can allow you to grow vegetable in your garden even when there is a drought. This article will provide you with several tips for drought tolerant vegetable gardens.

1. When growing a drought tolerant vegetable garden it is important to know what vegetables can handle the drought. Some popular vegetables that can live in dry conditions are New Zealand Spinach, jalapenos, pole and snap beans, mustard greens, eggplant, okra, chickpeas, and cowpeas. There are also certain types of zucchini, squash, and tomatoes that are drought tolerant as well. It is important to remember that cool weather crops need a lot of water, and summer crops can handle drought much better than cool weather crops.

2. Watering your garden is necessary to having a healthy garden, but a drought may really diminish the amount of water available for your garden. Watering your garden in the evening will greatly increase the amount of water that is actually used by your plants. When you water your vegetable garden early in the day the water may evaporate quickly instead of being taken in by your plants. Watering in the evening will maximize the amount of water your vegetable garden has to use.

3. Mulch and compost is your best friend when you are creating a drought tolerant vegetable garden. Adding compost to your soil will increase the soils ability to hold in moisture. It will also greatly benefit your plants for the obvious reasons. Mulching your garden is another important way to keep moisture in the dirt instead of letting it evaporate. Mulching will also keep weeds out of your garden which will save water for the plants you really want to get watered.

4. Plant vegetables close together in your drought tolerant vegetable garden in order to maximize on space and water usage. Creating a covered are by close cropping is a great way to keep moisture in the dirt instead of letting it evaporate back into the air. Close cropping is also a great way to increase the production of your plants by using companion planting.

5. The way you water your garden is also important when you have a drought tolerant garden. Watering once every few days heavily will cause the roots of plants to dig deeper into the earth to receive water, and this will increase the drought tolerance of your vegetables.

Planting a drought tolerant vegetable garden can be tricky, but these tips will help make sure your drought tolerant vegetable garden is successful.

Bee Themed Summer Crafts for Kids Using Recycled Materials


Bee themed summer crafts for kids using recycled materials are a great way to teach your kids about the importance of bees while crafting. Bees are essential to life, and summer is the perfect season for bee themed crafts with your kids. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating bee themed summer crafts for kids using recycled materials.

Paper Plate Bee

You can make a paper plate bee easily with your kids this summer. For this craft you will need a paper plate, construction paper, scissors, markers, and glue. Start this craft by helping kids cut shapes from the construction paper. A triangle for the tail, two tear drop shapes for wings, and two circles for eyes should be cut from the paper.

Then help kids color the paper plate with yellow and black markers to look like a bee. Help kids glue the eyes, wings, and tail on the bee, and this bee themed summer craft is complete.

Egg Carton

Egg cartons make excellent bee themed crafts for kids this summer. For this summer craft you will need an egg carton, glue, markers, wiggly eyes, scissors, and a pipe cleaner. Start by helping kids cut apart the sections of the egg carton. Also cut two small heart shapes from the egg carton to make wings.

Then glue one section on top of the other to create a bee body. Color the body yellow and black like a bee. Also color the hearts to make wings. Help kids cut two small sections from the pipe cleaner and glue them to the top of the bee like antennae. Glue the wiggly eyes to make a face, and add the wings last. When the entire recycled craft has dried, your kids can play with the awesome little bee.

Cardboard Tube

A simple recycled craft using a cardboard tube is a fun way to create a bee with your kids. For this craft you will need a cardboard tube, markers, construction paper, pipe cleaners, and scissors.

Start by helping kids color the tube with black and yellow zigzag lines. Make sure to add eyes to the end of the recycled tube. Then cut wings out of construction paper by cutting a long rectangle. Fold the rectangle in half, and trim the ends of the paper in a curve to simulate wings. Glue the wings to the tube where the paper is folded and add four small pieces of pipe cleaner to the bottom of the tube like legs.

Bee themed crafts are fun and easy for kids to do during the summer. These summer crafts use recycled materials and are a great way to get kids interested in bees, recycling, and crafts this summer.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Building Effective Technology Support Teams


Building an effective technology support team relies on several areas of consideration. Documentation allows for ease and timely transitions and solutions for technology support teams. Communication skills provide employees with the ability to deal with conflicts and communicate with customers and other employees of the business. Role clarification helps team members work effectually in a fast paced and often stressful work environment. Understanding the members of the technology team includes recognizing their strong points and weaknesses while also distinguishing their goals and what drives them. Building relations with other departments allows technology teams to increase productivity by working together with other departments in the business. These factors help to build an effective and proficient technology support team.

Documentation seems like an unimportant part of technology support teams to the untrained eye, but the necessity of documentation helps a company perform at its optimum ability. Documenting how to handle situations and conflicts allows technology support teams to handle situations routinely and quickly (Kearns, 2009). This helps when building a technology support team because it provides them with background information and standards for procedures; it also saves time and money.

Communication represents a large part of the technology support team's job. The ability to communicate allows technology support teams to work efficiently. Technology support teams communicate with customers and other employees everyday, and the team members must possess these communication skills if they expect to succeed. Communication skills provide a technology support team with the ability to complete the necessary task of coordinating, helping, and dealing with people inside and outside of their team (Kearns, 2009).

Role clarification provides team members with an understanding of their job duties and responsibilities. Role clarification helps determine a leader as well as the specific areas of interest for each member of the team (Arellano, 2008). It increase efficiency and allows members to dedicate their time where they may have the strongest impact. This helps build an effective technology support team because it provides team members with direction, focus, and value of their personal abilities and skills.

Understanding team members helps create productivity and a successful technology support team. When building an effective team, the strengths, weaknesses, and goals of the team members play a large role in its ability to function productively. Choosing members that provide you with a variety of strengths that apply to the team's goals provides successful results. Understanding the goals of the members of the team allows for creation of incentives which also increase productivity. Understanding the team members lets the building of an effective technology support team occur. Establishing relationships, with other areas of the business, increases chances for success of any team. A strong technology team requires familiarity with other areas of the business because the team works so closely with the entire company. Establishing these relationships allows a technology support team to work effectively because they can draw on the resources of other areas of the company to complete their tasks (Arellano, 2008). Often the technology support team solves problems that occur inside a business, and having these relationships makes it easier to communicate and work with other teams.


Arellano, N. E. (2008). Eight strategies to build a strong tech support team. IT Business - News, Articles, Info + Strategies for Business Managers and Information Technology Professionals in Canada - Computer Products - Technology Consulting. Retrieved March 20, 2011, from http://www.itbusiness.ca/it/client/en/home/News.asp?id=47948

Kearns, M. (2009). Building a technology support team. Retrieved from http://www.articlesbase.com/technology-articles/building-a-technology-support-team-1594409.html

Fun and Easy Tips for Potty Training Your Boy


It is a common thought that potty training a boy is tougher than potty training a girl. This rumor may have some truth to it, there are several ways to make potty training your boy quick and painless. These tips will help potty training your boy go by easy and fun instead of a hassle.

 The biggest concern when potty training a boy is whether to teach the toddler to sit or stand. This is completely up to the parents, but it is easier to start out teaching your boy to sit. This will allow him to start out easier, and when he becomes more comfortable with using the potty and is accident free you can try standing up.

When you first introduce the idea of standing to go potty to your son it can be a little nerve racking, but this tip will turn it into a fun and easy game instead. Try floating some cereal or small bits of food in the toilet. This will provide your boy with something to aim for. For even more fun add different color or shaped items and designate points for each item in the toilet.

When purchasing the potty or adapter seat for your little boy to use, it is important to consider the splash guard. This may seem like a genius idea that can save time and clean up, but it might actually cause a delay in your boy's ability to learn how to use the potty. The splash guard can scrape or bump up against your toddler's penis, and this is uncomfortable for your boy. If you would like to give the3 splash guard a chance try buying a potty that has a removable guard.

Another fun tip that will make potty training easy and a good time is using fun things to increase the chance of success when potty training. Charts, DVDs, and books are all enjoyable ways to teach your boy how to use the potty. Keep books and charts in the bathroom to help your boy spend time in the bathroom getting comfortable on the potty. The more time your child spends practicing and getting comfortable, the easier it will be.

If you make potty training your boy fun, it will be easier than you can imagine. Yes, there will still be accidents, but these tips will make it easy and fun for your boy to learn how to use his potty successfully. These tips will also form a stronger bond between you and your toddler; so try them when it's time to start potty training your boy.

Update Your Bathroom on a Budget


My bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house. It is the room where I can draw a warm bath and relax. If you love your bathroom, but feel like it needs a new look I am here to tell you that you can update your bathroom inexpensively and easily with a few tricks. This article will give you five tips on how to update your bathroom on a budget.

First you must think of your bathtub because that is where you spend most of your time relaxing in your bathroom. A new shower curtain is the first step to updating your bathroom. You can find bath curtains for cheap at many local home good stores. Remember to pick your curtain wisely because you will have to coordinate everything else along with it. After you hang your curtain trim a few inches off the bottom and spray it with vinegar; this will decrease the growth of mold.

Now that you have a new theme or color tone for your bathroom you will need new hand towels to match. You can find many varieties of hand towels for cheap, and if you want to customize them to match your décor you can attach some iron-on patched to them for style. If the hand towels you already have are a lighter color you can dye them to match your new curtain, but remember to consider what colors mix well with each other. If you dye a yellow towel blue it will probably come out green.

A simple and useful way to update your bathroom is by adding shelves. Shelves can alleviate closet space and clutter, and they can give you room to add some knick knacks that you have always wanted to put out. Shelves are inexpensive and easy to assemble. You can even buy unpainted shelves from arts and crafts store that you can decorate to match the room. If you are afraid that you may not have room for shelves you can buy shelves that fit over toilets and in corners. There are a wide variety of shelves that can suit your needs and tastes for cheap.

Mirrors are an inexpensive bathroom update that is easy and accessible to all people. Mirrors come in all shapes, sizes, and styles. They add light and depth to the room, and they allow you to get a better view of the back of your hair as you are getting dressed. Mirrors can be found for cheap at yard sales and thrift stores.

Another way to update your bathroom on a budget is by adding a plant. There are many herbs that will add a beautiful look and smell to your bathroom, and they are very cheap. A few small plants lining your windowsill will add style to your bathroom. If you do not have a windowsill you can add fake flowers in a small vase to add color to the room instead.

There are many inexpensive ways to update your bathroom so be creative!

Unique May Bulletin Board Ideas for Elementary Schools


Try creating unique May bulletin board ideas with your elementary school students for a fun and festive month. These one of a kind themes will make your students enjoy this project. This article will discuss several unique May bulletin board projects that are perfect for elementary school.

Lost Sock Memorial Day

A fun and funny May holiday perfect for elementary school kids is a Lost Sock Memorial Day themed bulletin board. This holiday is on May 9th, and kids will get a kick out of this idea. For this project you will need blue butcher paper, yarn, pushpins, construction paper, markers, scissors, clothespins, and crayons.

Start by giving students markers, crayons, scissors, and paper. Help them draw a sock shape on the paper and cut it out. Then let students design the sock however they like. Just remind them to write their name boldly on part of the sock.

While the students work on their part, you can cover the bulletin board with the blue paper. Then cut three pieces of yarn long enough to reach both ends of the bulletin board. Tie a knot in each end of the yarn pieces. Use the pushpins to secure the yarn to the board horizontally. This will give you the look of three clotheslines. Then allow students to add their completed sock to the line using the clothespin. You may have to tighten the line to keep it upright.

Be a Millionaire Day

On the 20th of May, Be a Millionaire Day is celebrated, and this unique holiday is a fun way for kids to explore their fantasies. For this bulletin board you can use any color butcher paper. You will also need construction paper, loose leaf, marker, pencils, and crayons. Let the kids think about what they would do with a million dollars.

Then help them describe it in a few sentences on the loose leaf. Also let kids draw a picture symbolizing their thoughts. Then add the pictures and paragraphs to the bulletin board for a unique theme. For more fun add some fake money to the borders and empty spots of the bulletin board. You can also add rhinestones and other things that are reminiscent to money like gold coins.

These unique bulletin board ideas are fun for elementary school kids and teachers. If you choose these themes, you will have a fun and one of a kind project for your students.

The Importance of Nutrients in the 4 Food Groups


The importance of nutrients in the four main food groups is huge. These nutrients provide the body with everything it needs to grow and maintain healthy function. This article will discuss the four main food groups, nutrition's affect on the body and image, and how to prepare and store foods to maximize nutrient retention.

The four main food groups all provide important nutrients for the body. Grains provide fiber, iron and b vitamins, which are important for several reasons including lower cholesterol, oxygen blood levels, and the nervous system (Nutritional importance of each food group). Fruits and vegetables provide potassium, folate, fiber, vitamins A, E, and C. Meat provides zinc, iron, vitamin E and magnesium, and the dairy group provides calcium and vitamin D. All of these nutrients help the body function and grow. They maintain health by preventing heart disease, cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes and many other serious health conditions. It is important to consume these nutrients to maintain health and a healthy body image. Eating right will enable you to feel and look better. Knowing what you are putting into your body will help to serve it instead of hinder it. It is a healthy lifestyle choice everyone should make.

Nutrition, lifestyle, health and disease are all interrelated because the choices we make in nutrition and lifestyle will impact our health and ability to fight disease. Nutrients provide the body with the substances needed for growth and maintenance of our bodies and minds. When preparing and storing food, it is important to maintain nutrition retention. Boiling and steaming are good ways to preserve nutrients, but raw foods are usually the healthiest choice (How to maintain food nutrients). When storing foods, you can preserve nutrients by freezing or canning them. When freezing, it is important to blanch many fruits and vegetables first, and when canning using a pressure canner ensures that the seal will be airtight.

Getting the nutrients our bodies need is important to maintain health and wellness. Meat, dairy, grains and vegetables and fruits are all important to a healthy diet and lifestyle. These foods provide the body with the nutrients it needs to grow and support life.


" How to maintain food nutrients." The Catalunya Chronicle | An English Newspaper for Tarragona and beyond . N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2011. .

"Nutritional Importance of Each Food Group." Care in Containers -Providing Meals for Elderly. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2011. .

Spring Handprint Crafts for Kids Using Paper


Handprint crafts are easy and fun for kids to create for the spring season. Handprints crafts can be created using paper, and they teach children dexterity and coordination. This article discusses spring themed handprint crafts using paper that kids will love.

Butterfly Mobile

Butterflies bring in the spring season, and they can be the theme of a great handprint mobile. For this craft you will need construction paper, glue, markers, tape, scissors, yarn or string, a pencil, and a paper plate. Start by helping kids trace their hands onto several different colored pieces of construction paper.

Then help kids cut small circles out of black or brown paper. Also cut out the handprints they have traced already. Then use the markers to add different patterns and colors to the handprints. They handprints will be the butterfly wings. Then help kids glue the palm sections of two wings together to make a butterfly. Add the black circle to the center like a head for the butterfly.

Create several butterflies in this fashion. Also cut several long pieces of string. Poke enough holes in the plate to attach all of the strings. Stick the string through the hole and use tape to secure it. Then fold the butterflies in half lightly and tape the other ends of the strong to the inside of the fold. Hang your handprint mobile by adding more strings to the top of the plate.

Tulip Bouquet

Tulips are a wonderful sign of spring, and kids can create tulips using handprints and paper. For this craft you will need construction paper, scissors, pencils, tape, glue, green paint, a paintbrush, and sturdy plastic straws. It is also a good idea to cover the workspace with newspaper to prevent mess.

To begin help kids trace their handprint onto the construction paper. Pastel colored paper works well, but pink and yellow are also appropriate colors for spring tulips. Then kids can cut the handprints out.

Then help kids cut the last inch of one end of the straw into small strips. Remember to leave the straw strips attached to the straw. Then help kids glue the hand prints together by placing the right side of a palm against the side of the palm of another handprint. Angle the hands slightly and overlap the palms so they appear slightly curved when put together. Add two or three more handprints in the same manner. This will make a circular shape.

After the glue has dried, help kids twist the handprints into a cone flower shape. Use the tape to secure it together. Then place the straw through the hole in the center of the cone and tape the flower to the straw. The cut strips should face out of the flower. Finally let kids paint the straw and tape with the green paint, and your spring tulips are complete.

These easy crafts welcome spring and get kids excited for the season. Using paper and handprints is easy and fun, and kids will love these spring themed projects.

All About the Hoya Plant


The hoya plant is a beautiful vine that produces star shaped flowers. There are many varieties of this plant, and the flowers produced range in color from yellow to pink, white, purple, and blue. They are easy to grow, and do not require much maintenance. They love direct sunlight, and do not need a lot of water. In fact hoyas should only be watered when they are completely dried out. Hoyas do well in hanging baskets and can be kept indoors as well as outdoors.

The hoya plant is a succulent so they do not need a lot of water. They are also known as wax plants and wax flowers because of the thickness of their leaves and flowers. If you notice that your hoya plant is yellowing, this means that the leaves or vines are starting to turn yellow; you should stop watering your plant. Too much water will cause root rot, and you do not want to deal with that situation.

Although it is easy to care for a hoya ,it is not always easy for a hoya plant to flower. In order to make your hoya plant flower it is important to make sure the vines are growing long. When I first received my hoya plant I kept burying the vines so they would root and the plant would grow stronger, but now I know that I need long vines for the spectacular flowers to grow.

Another important factor in getting your hoya plant to flower is the pot size. Many plants do not like to be root bound so you transplant them accordingly, but the hoya plant is an exception. The hoya plant enjoys crowded roots, and it will thrive this way. This is another reason the hoya plant is so easy to take care of.

Hoya plants that have flowered leave spur where the flower was. Do not remove this. This will not cause more flowers this will cause less if removed. This spur is where the hoya plant will have flowers the next year so leave it on there and you will receive gorgeous flowers again and again.

Another important part of hoya maintenance is the soil. Hoyas can die from overwatering so it is important to make sure the have good drainage. Coarse potting materials, rocks, and mulch, moss, and perlite are excellent additions to your soil.

Watering is a main problem with hoyas, but they do like some water. Hoyas do not like to be over watered , but they do like to be misted so if you have the time try misting them with a spray bottle once in awhile. If you are underwatering your hoya plant the leaves will become crinkly and curled with a weird texture so make sure to monitor your watering habits with hoyas.

Hoyas are lovely plants with beautiful flowers and a great scent. These plants can be taken care of with little work, and should be treasured. I hope this information on hoyas has been helpful to you, and I hope your flowers bloom every year!

Three Quick, Natural and Easy Beauty Tips for Your Hair

I have been reading the ingredient lists on the back of many products lately, and I have to say I am appalled. There are so many ingredients, and I can't even pronounce half of them. I have to admit that this makes me kind of nervous. I am especially nervous when I am consuming these products in one way or another. If you are like me you would prefer to go the natural way, and here are some tips that will help you achieve quick, natural and easy beauty for your hair.

Most people don't know that a natural shampoo for your hair is right in their kitchen cabinet. Baking Soda is a natural exfoliant and grease absorber. It is also a powerful cleaning agent. In order to omit store bought shampoo from our life simply mix about 3 tablespoons of baking soda with equal amounts of water. This will form a fine paste; rub the paste onto your scalp in circular motions like you would with shampoo. Now rinse this out and your hair will feel cleaner than usual.

Another interesting natural hair product that is in you kitchen is apple cider vinegar. This product can be used as a conditioner, and it doesn't have fifty ingredients. All you need to know to use this product is the right mixture. I use 3 tablespoons of vinegar to 2 cups of water. This solution should be applied and left alone for 3 minutes; then it should be rinsed like you would normally rinse conditioner. Apple Cider Vinegar is great because it increase luster and shine, and it leaves hair extremely smooth and soft.

Some people may think putting tea in your hair seems strange, but it actually is a great product for your hair. Chamomile makes hair soft and smooth, and it takes the junk from other products or the air around you out of your hair. I use about 4 teabags to a quart of water. I bring the water to a boil, and I add the tea bags. I will let this tea steep for about 20 minutes. Next I will spray the tea all over my hair and I will pull it up. I will then wrap a warm, damp towel around my head and rest for 30 minutes. This allows time for the tea to set in. Simply rinse your hair, and you will be on your way to lovely locks.

Your hair can be amazing without all the chemicals. I hope these natural hair recipes have helped you!

How to Find Inner Peace


"Peace is taken from us by two myths: the idea that we are separate from each other, and the idea that everything in life is best understood by reducing it to its smallest parts and analyzing how they work" (Diamond, 2000, p. xv). Believing that we are separate from each other is a huge problem, and it is causing us extreme harm. Realizing that what we do affects everyone is important to the world, and I believe that realizing that we are all connected will help bring peace to the world. I think it is important for us to be observers and to realize that the world is not at our whim, and we should realize and participate in affecting everything in a positive way.

As people we "need to know who we are and what is important to us before we can reach out to meet another" (Diamond, 2000, p.30). This is important because we need to understand ourselves before we can positively affect others. Another important reason for self study is because "understanding self helps us to move into situations with confidence" and "move from our center with integrity" (Diamond, 2000, p.30).

Many people have emotional and mental wounds and that can be healed through finding spirit. "Split from spirit is damaging to our very core, and there can be no real inner peace until we somehow mend this relationship" (Diamond, 2000, p.45). Journeys change through different experiences, and spiritual journeys never end.

It is important for people to realize that "inner peace is fundamentally a state of spiritual connection, and if that connection is flawed or marred by an overlay of anger, grief, or distrust, the circuit cannot be completed" (Diamond, 2000, p.45). This suggests that inner peace can not be achieved if one is not attuned with their own spirit.

Finding the energy of peace "in order to vibrate with the energy of peace, we need to plug in directly to the source" (Diamond, 2000, p.45). In order to have peace we need to find what brings us peace; this relates again to understanding self. I find it to be true that "we all have different doorways to this home base," and "some of us work best through imagery, others through metaphor, still others sounds, word, movement, direct bodily experience" (Diamond, 2000, p. 46). Breath work, meditation, and listening to music are all simple ways that one can find peace. Going back to our "place of beauty" can help us achieve inner peace (Diamond, 2000, p.48). It is not important how we get to this place, but that we get there to find rest. All things need rest to grow, and live through the rest of our day with peace.

Bring inner peace to the outside is the next step of attaining peace; "peace around us and peace within us are intimately related to one another" (Diamond, 2000, p.48). Inner peace radiates out towards others on a level that is natural; this inner peace can change the energy of those around us. It is important to realize that this must be practiced continually. Practicing breathing can help convey peace outward. Inner peace and outer peace are a cycle, and the more inner peace you have the more outer peace you can convey.


Diamond, L. (2000). The courage for peace. New York, NY: Conari.

10 Frugal Ways to Show Your Love


People do not spend enough time showing each other how much they love each other! I know life is busy; we are all busy, but what are we working so hard for? If you ask many people they would say they are working so hard to take care of the people they love. Well if that is the truth then why don't you do something right now to show the person you love how much you love them? Here I will list 10 frugal ways to show your love how you feel.

1. Write them a poem. You could right a simple two line poem. It doesn't have to be long, but it has to mean something. For example if the person you love has a great smile, you could write I would cross the Nile to see you smile. If you are the creative type you can expand on this idea, but the effort counts, and no matter how long or silly the poem is your lover will adore you for it.

2. Break out the sidewalk chalk from child food and make a mural symbolizing your love. If you are not that artistic a simple heart with both of your initials in it will do the trick, but if you do like to draw go further with it. Draw their names in a huge heart write in your driveway. When your significant other comes home they will be ear to ear smiling.

3. Write your lover a sexy message on the lipstick on the bathroom mirror. If you can pull this trick off while they are in the shower you win even more points. It is important to make your lover with attractive and sexually desirable as well as loved so go wild!

4. Change your screensaver to a message that expresses your love. Every time your lover sees this they will be smiling on the inside. If you are not good with words simply change the desktop to a picture of the two of you together.

5. The next time you are with your love think of one nice thing to say to him or her. Make a point of once a day saying something particularly nice to the one you love. These simple words will make the person you love feel special everyday.

6. Make a list of reasons you love your significant other, and read one to him or her everday in the morning to help them start their day off right. During the day you can remember reasons you love that person down, and eventually you will have enough reasons for the entire year.

7. Make breakfast in bed for your honey, but instead of regular old pancakes write I love you in them. You can do this simply by using a squeeze bottle to write the words on the griddle with batter first. After they have cooked a little you can pour a scoop of batter on top and make regular pancakes. The precooked words will be darker than the rest, and your message will stand out.

8. Write your sweetheart an invisible note. All you will need for this is baking soda, water and paper. Simply mix 1 part water to one part baking soda and write on the paper using the mix and a toothpick. Now tell your love to hold the paper up to a light bulb or other source of heat. The note will appear along with a smile on your sweetheart's face.

9. Draw a bath for your loved one. Set it up nice by adding scented oil to the water and playing soothing music. Add some flower petals and Epsom salts to the water to really relax your loved one. Throw the towel in the dryer for a few minutes before you give it to them and they will love the thought you have put into this surprise for them.

10. Hold your partner's hand. If you are walking or sitting on the couch this simple move will make you and your love automatically feel closer. It does not take a lot of effort to show your love and a simple gesture like this one is very powerful.

I hope these ideas have inspired you to go out and show your love; call your loved one right now and tell them how much they mean to you!

The Differences Between the Right and Left Hemisphere of the Brain


The brain is an amazing part of the human body; in fact it is what controls the rest of the body, and it is what makes everything work. The brain is made up of the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere, and they both function differently. It is important to be a healthy person to have a good balance between both sides of the brain, but most people are dominated by one side or the other. This article will help you understand the different attributes to both sides of the brain, and it will help you realize which side of your brain you are dominated by.

Both sides of the brain process information differently. The "left hemisphere is analytical, breaking things down into separate parts in order to understand the whole" (Turgeon, 1994, p.15). This side of the brain does not examine this as a whole. "The tendency of the left brain to focus mainly on details that have emotional impact often results in a loss of objectivity and to some extent isolates it from reality" (Turgeon, 1994, p.15). This method of focusing on details allows the left brain to create strict plans and rules that can not live up to the changes that are always abundant in life. Left brain is the "action brain", and it is not concerned with "the reasons driving it toward a goal, only how to get there" (Turgeon, 1994, p.16). This is productive because it helps to formulate plans of action, but the plans may not necessarily work because the reasoning behind the goal is not there. This method of thinking requires trial and error.

The right part of the brain has an "overview of things," and it relates events to each other and studies the effects of their interaction" (Turgeon, 1994, p.16). The right hemisphere seems to take in many ideas in a more global general view; it does not stick to strict facts instead it works of several differing ideas and scenarios. "The right hemisphere is systemic, grasping the whole system at once and making sense of the parts within this overall context" (Turgeon, 1994, p.15). The right part of the brain thinks in terms of the whole plan instead of the details, and it checks it with already existing experience of events to see what the outcome may be. The left side of the brain's function is to "accumulate knowledge", and the right part of the brain's function is to "support creative thought" (Turgeon, 1994, p.17).

It is amazing how many differences there are in the two parts of the brain, but I hope this overview of the brain has helped you understand how you use your brain so that you can make better


Turgeon, M. (1994). Right-brain left-brain reflexology. Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions &Bear

Free Home Decorating Ideas Using Color

Do you want to decorate your home without spending any money? These ideas will keep cash in your pocket while adding style to your home. This article discusses free home decorating ideas using color.

Paint Swatches

Visit your local hardware store and grab several paint swatches. Choose several swatches in the same colors or several swatches in a variety of colors and hues. Different stores will have different options, and check to see if there are some swatch booklets you can take home too. Often wall paper will come in these types of books.

You can use the swatches in a variety of home decorating projects. A simple border can be made from these free swatches using wallpaper paste. Cut the swatches into shapes or squares and create a pattern using the colored swatches along the wall.

Natural Dyes

Another free decorating idea that adds color to a home is the use of natural dye. You can add color dye to curtains, sheets, couch and pillow colors, and lampshades. Different nature ideas make dye. Dandelion flowers and white onion skins make a yellow dye when boiled. Beets and blueberries add a purple color to items. Leaves and grass make green, and red is easily accomplished using sumac tree buds.

Remember to soak the fabric overnight in water and vinegar to help the dye set for fabrics that will be washed. For lampshades simply boil up the items and use a paint brush to apply color to the fabric of the lamp shade. Experiment with the free dyes to add color to your home in a variety of means.


Magazines and newspapers often get thrown away, but this is a free home decorating material you can use in your decor. Decoupage can be done easily with old paper, glue, and a paintbrush. Many items look good with this style of finish. Picture frames, tables, lamps, vases, and shelves can add color to your home with this technique.

Simply cut up papers that match the color scheme you are going with. You may want to lightly sand surfaces that are very smooth. Then add some water to the glue to make it thin. Apply glue to the area to be decoupage using the paintbrush and place the paper on top. You can even use the paper to make a tiled mosaic on items.

These free home decorating ideas will add that special touch to your home using color. Decorating your home is always better when it's free; so try these ideas today!

Gardening Early in the Season


At this time of year there is a lot of work to be done in the garden. If you are like me you wait all winter long to start planting again, and anything you can do to speed up the process is great. I know around January, I feel like digging through the snow just to touch some dirt, but I know when February rolls around, I can get started getting ready to get dirty. Here are some thing you can do before the last frost in your local area.

First thing I do to start my season off right is start my seeds indoors. I like to start seeds indoors so I can get a jump on the growing time of my plants, and it gives me something to look forward to during the cold season. I usually start out with some herbs, flowers, and vegetables. The seed packets will tell you which to start indoors. Some of the plants I started indoors this year are tomatoes, peppers, lavender, and cucumbers.

Many plants can be started indoors, but I prefer to plant root vegetables outside in the place they will grow all summer. This is also the time of year when I will save some potatoes to start growing more potatoes in the spring. I like to pick out a couple potatoes with a lot of eyes. I will then put them in a closet where it is dark and dry. The potatoes will naturally start to grow from the eyes. I will let these grow for a couple weeks before I cut them up and set them out over night to dry the day before planting.

The next thing I usually do after most of the snow has melted is assess the damage in my garden from the winter. I fix any fences, and I realign the rock borders of my garden. This is also essential t weed control in my garden. If you start your garden with good weed control it will make the rest of the process easier. I like to pull whatever might have started to spring up and apply a good layer of mulch.

I will at this time decide where all of my plants will grow. I usually start out by making a basic drawing of the garden. I organize the plants according to there sunlight needs and what was growing on a plot during the previous year. I do not like to plant the same thing in one spot more than two years in a row. This part of garden construction is a lot of fun because it is like a blank canvas, and making a map will make your life easier later on.

All of these activities can get you back into the swing of gardening, and all of these activities can help banish the winter blues so enjoy them!

Gishmas 2021 List

 Day 1 Challenge: December 20th – Image or Video What powers GISH? Love, actually. So, let’s spread some cheer. Using the GISH App or search...