Showing posts with label bones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bones. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Why Do Dogs Bury Bones in the Yard?


Dogs love to dig, and they love to hide things. I have always wondered why dogs hide things, especially since I know that no one but them wants a slobbered on dog bone. Even though it seems like the things they hide are definitely not of any value to anyone but them they still seem to dig holes in the yard everyday and hide their bones. Why do these dogs do such a peculiar thing you may ask? I am going to explain to you a little about the history of dogs, and why they do what they do.

Dogs were not always domesticated, and many people believe that dogs originated from wolves. Some scientists have thought that dogs were a member of the jackal, fox, or coyote family. (Leokum, 1986) There have been many studies on this subject, and there has been much debate, but it seems that the ancestry of dogs leads to the wolf family. The wolf has the closest resembling DNA to the dog, and therefore we assume that dogs came from domesticated wolves or a common ancestor. (Leokum, 1986)

Instincts are something that we are all aware of. Humans have instincts and animals also have natural instincts. This is a natural thing that has developed over time, but many people and animals have instincts that have become no longer very useful. We can see this evident all over the place in nature, and it is extremely evident in dogs. We have domesticated dogs so much that many of their natural instincts are now obsolete.

An example of a dog's natural instinct is to hide or bury his bone. In the past dogs would have had to store food for future use because he did not have man to feed him his basic meals. (Leokum, 1986, p.82) Another reason a dog would hide his food is because in the animal world another animal might steal his food if it were not hidden. This basic yet unnecessary survival tactic is what helped keep dogs alive in the past.

Another natural canine instinct dates back to before domestication. If you ever notice your dog walk in a circle a few times before laying down it is probably because in the past dogs would make nests in leaves and grasses, and they would "trod on these materials" in order to lay them down for a comfortable nest (Leokum,1986, p.81) . Most dogs now a days have comfortable beds and pillows to sleep on, but you can still catch them acting on the animal instincts on occasion.

So next time you see your dog hide a bone in the yard you will understand why instead of just thinking you have another hole to watch out for!

Leokum, A. (1986). The Big book of tell me why. New York, NY: Grosset and Dunlap.

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