Thursday, June 3, 2021

Fun Kids Crafts: Rock Animals

Rocks and stones are a plentiful resource in our world, and many people over look them when they are considering doing nature crafts. I have been experimenting a lot with rock crafts lately, and here I will show you how to make some rock animals. This is a great project for kids and adults alike.

Stone pigs are adorable and simple to make. For this project you will need glue, pink and black paint, a round stone, two smaller pointed stones, and a small round stone. Now paint all of these stones pink and let them dry. Glue the pointed stones to the top of the large round rock because they will be the ears. Next glue the smaller round stone in the middle of the large stone for the nose. Now use your black paint to add to nose holes, eyes, and a smile, and you have completed your pig. You can add a magnet to it if you would like to hang it.

Stone caterpillars are a fun project that is also simple to complete. You will need green and black paint, glue, several round stones of various sizes, and a pipe cleaner for this project. First you will paint all of the stones green. You can add spots or strips of different colors if you like. Now line the stones up in a S shape or a shape that you find appealing, and glue them together. Cut to small pieces of pipe cleaner and bend the ends; you will then glue these pipe cleaners to the head as antennas and paint eyes on your caterpillar. You may have to hold the pipe cleaner for a minute or so because the glue may take some time to set.

Ducks can even be made using stones, and they are so cute and easy. To make a rock duck you will need an oval or pointy shaped stone, a smaller pointy or oval stone, some paint, and glue. The larger pointy stone will be the base of the duck so paint wings on the side of it. Next glue the smaller stone to the top of the pointy stone, but remember to glue it further to one side. Now paint eyes and a beak on the stone, and you will have completed your duck.

Heavy duty model glue is the best glue for this project, but make sure there is adult supervision and you are working in a well ventilated area when using this glue. You can make many fun animals using stones, and I hope you have enjoyed these projects!

Fun Kids Crafts: More Rock Animals

Rocks are everywhere, and there are many different shapes and sizes that can be found all over the world. These stone make a great base for crafting, and it is fun to get kids in the yard on a rock hunt for these craft projects. Here are some more rock animals that you can make at home with your children for little money.

Frogs can be made out of rocks, and they are simple and awesome additions to your rock farm. All you need for this project is one large round stone, two smaller round stones, two flat medium sized stones, glue, and some paint. Simply glue the flat stones underneath the large stone because they are the frogs feet. Next paint the small round stones like eyes, and glue them to the top of the frog. You can then paint green spots on the frog's body or you can paint all of the stones except the eyes green before gluing them together. Remember to paint a big smile on your frog as well.

A Rabbit can be made easily using stones. For this project you will need one round large stone for the body, 4 small stones for feet, two long flat stones for ears, glue, and paint. Now paint all of the rocks the color of your rabbit, and glue the ears to the top and the feet to the bottom. Paint a nose and whiskers on the face of your rabbit, and he is ready to go.

A really cute mouse can be made out of stones, and he can be used as a toy or as a paperweight. All you will need for this project is a long pointy rock, two round rocks, a tiny pebble, glue, paint, and a pipe cleaner or piece of yarn. Glue the piece of yarn onto the end of the long rock. This will be your tail. Next paint the two smaller stones because they will be your mouse's ears and paint the small pebble pink because it will be the nose. Now glue the ears onto the top and the nose onto the pointy side of the rock. Finally add eyes and whiskers and your stone mouse will be complete.

These rock animals are a lot of fun to make and they can be given as gifts or collected around the house. Heavy duty model glue is best used for these projects, but always use it in a room with good ventilation, and always use it with an adult around. Acrylic spray can be sprayed on these animals in order to help the paint stay.

How to Make a Rose Pendant Using Polymer Clay

Roses are also fun flower pendants that look lovely when worn. They are also easy and fun to make, and all you will need for this pendant is a large ball of red clay, a medium ball of green clay, a skewer and a knife.

Wrap a small cylinder of green clay around the skewer. Next take two small green balls and press them slightly flat. To create a leaf shape, pinch both sides of the green shapes so they look like a diamond. Use the knife to cut a line down the middle of each leaf, but make sure to not push so hard because you are only adding detail; you are not cutting the leaf in half.

When you are making the leaves for this flower you can add some detail to make it look more like a rose. Use the knife to add a pointy edge to the leaves. This can be achieved by simply pushing the edge of the knife into the edge of the leaf. Skip a spot and repeat all the way around the edge. Attach the leaves to the green ring.

To make the rose you will need to roll the red clay out into a long tube. Next use your knife to cut the tube into sections; when doing this part start by cutting a small section, and slowly increase the size of the section. You should end up with about six petals depending on how big your rose is going to be. Roll these sections into balls, and using your thumb press the ball flat.

Start making your rose by rolling the small its petal into a spiral like shape. Next use your second smallest petal to wrap half way around the spiral; use the third smallest petal to slightly overlap the second petal and slowly move around the base petal. Keep wrapping petals around until you run out of petals. Finally bend some of the petals out from the middle to make the rose look like it is blooming. If you want to make it look like a rose bud leave the petals the way they are.

Flatten the bottom of the rose by holding the sides and pressing it against a table or other flat surface. Now use the knife to make some cross hatched marks in the flat part of the rose. Make similar marks at the part of the green circle that you are going to attach the flower to. Push these two pieces together. If you have some liquid clay you can brush some onto the hatch marks before you push them together.

Bake the pendant in the oven for about 15 minutes, and allow to cool before removing the skewer. When the pendant is done string it on some ribbon, and you will love wearing this polymer clay rose pendant.

Fun Wire Crafts: Make Jewelry, Frames and More


Wire is a fun medium that can be bought in many varieties, colors, metals, strengths and sizes. This article will teach you how to make a perfect wire twist by creating a simple and inexpensive tool; I will also describe how to make a wire heart photo holder.

In order to make a perfect wire twist you will need to use to use 2 cotter pins and a fender washer; these items can be found at any hardware and home store. This technique will greatly improve the twists that you would be able to make with out this too, and this tool is much cheaper than the premade twisting devices found in stores. This method is simple, and all you will need to do is thread 2 wires through the one cotter pin until it is halfway through, "slide the cut ends of the wire through the other cotter pin", and tighten the hold by sliding a fender washer on the end of the second cotter pin" (Baskett, 1999, p.12). Then twist both cotter pins, but make sure to twist one towards you and one away from you. This simple procedure makes a lovely twist. It is amazing that such inexpensive and simple tools can make such of a difference.

I have been using wire lately to make jewelry, but I have found a lot of inspiration to use wire for different purposes. There are several projects that use wire; you can use wire to make picture frames, candle holders, lampshades, and many other items. I really like using wire to create photo holders. This project is simple and charming. All it requires is a block of wood with 5 holes drilled in it, 5 pieces of wire in various lengths, and craft glue. For this project the wire is shaped into hearts and attached using the glue to the wooden block (Baskett, 1999). The wire can be shaped into many other things such as flowers, diamonds, hands, and stars. The shape is important because that is the part that will hold the picture so remember whatever shape you use will have to almost overlap at some point in order to grasp the picture. This project can be personalized in many ways. If you choose to make heart holders you can glue a single wire shaped heart onto the wooden base.

Wire is not only something used for hardware; it is a wonderful item to craft with so hopefully these methods and projects have inspired you to use wire in your crafts!


Baskett, M. (1999). Wonderful wireworks; an easy decorative craft. New York, NY: Sterling Publishing Company.

How to Achieve a Healthy Self-Esteem and How to Instill Self-Esteem in Others

How to Achieve a Healthy Self-Esteem and How to Instill Self-Esteem in Others A healthy self-esteem is something that is very important in order to lead a healthy life, but many people do not have a healthy self-esteem and this is a problem that affects the world. Self-esteem is directly related to one's idea of self, and it is influenced strongly by the opinions of others, but if you examine the seven different layers of self-esteem and learn how to cope with the challenges that come with change a healthy self-esteem can be reached.

When working with self-esteem it is important to take into consideration that self-esteem stems directly from one's concept of themselves. This self concept includes "appearance, ability, temperament, attitudes, and beliefs" (Plummer, 2005, p.13). We act in a way that reflects our self-concept, but our self-concept is directly influenced by other people's reactions to our behavior. "Healthy self-esteem or positive self regard is about feeling competent and feeling lovable or approved of", and one's self-concept reflects whether they feel they are competent or loved (Plummer, 2005, p.14). I believe that a false self-concept is the reason many people do not have healthy self esteem, and I think that changing one's concept of self is the first place to start when trying to instill healthy self-esteem. It is important to understand what self-esteem actually is before trying to help change it.

Self-esteem is not a simple idea; it in fact has seven different categories that must be addressed in order to achieve a healthy self esteem. The seven areas of self esteem are self knowledge, self and others, self-acceptance, self-reliance, self-expression, self-confidence, and self-awareness (Plummer, 2005). The first step to healthy self-esteem is becoming knowledgeable about oneself; this means understanding who you are, what your beliefs about life are, and understanding what you have in common with others and what your differences are. Being aware of how you can maintain a sense of self while also "recognizing the natural interdependence of relationships" is another important part of gaining self-esteem; it is important to see things from the perspectives of others, co-operate, and expressing emotions in an appropriate way (Plummer, 2005, p.21). I find it hard myself to separate my emotions from the emotions of others, and I think it is important to recognize that my emotions are mine, and I must express them in a positive and productive manner. Another extremely important part of the process is accepting oneself, and this requires feeling okay with yourself, but it also requires knowing what your strong points are and your weakness are. When you know what your strengths and weakness are you can choose to work on the areas that need help, and if you know you are trying your best you will be more capable of accepting yourself. It is also important to realize that people make mistakes. Self-reliance is another extremely important part of attaining a healthy self-esteem; and it is imperative to take care of oneself, be independent and self-motivated, and to realize that you have "mastery over your life" (Plummer, 2005, p.21). Self-expression is another area of self-esteem that must be learned in order to gain a healthy self-esteem because it address how to communicate with others in a way that is productive; it also addresses developing your own style and "celebrating the unique ways in which we each express who we are" (Plummer, 2005, p.22). In order to achieve healthy self-esteem self-confidence is of the highest value; having self-confidence means recognizing that your opinions, actions, and ideas are of value, and knowing that you are capable of dealing with conflicts and challenges. Self-confidence deals with knowing you are capable of making decisions and being confident in your own abilities. Self-awareness is one of the hardest steps to healthy self-esteem for me because it requires one to deal with emotions as they arise, and be focused on now instead of dwelling on the past. Self-awareness is a difficult step, but it is also empowering because it gives you the ability to realize that you can control who you are and what you do. All of these steps are not easy, but they can be achieved, and it is important to realize which of these steps need help in order to improve the self-esteem of oneself and others.

Achieving a healthy self-esteem is not easy, and change can be intimidating to many people for many different reasons, but one can learn to understand their emotions and cope with them, and this will help them build better self-esteem. Change if difficult for people because any changes in our "beliefs, thoughts, or behaviors automatically entails having to give something up", and although we may know that this old habit is unhealthy for us it has become familiar and almost comfortable (Plummer, 2005, p. 26). Change can also be threatening to people because it forces them to change their view of themselves, and some people do not want to see themselves differently whether there perception of self is realistic or not. Anxiety is another emotion that is an obstacle to change that comes from fear of not knowing how to handle a situation. When we avoid a situation instead of dealing with it we cause anxiety; "if we don't experiment with our beliefs and behaviors, we will continue to keep our world small and manageable, avoiding changes and becoming more and more anxious" (Plummer, 2005, p.27). I find a lot of people have anxiety problems because they are reluctant to change, and I believe strongly that people should be encouraged to change instead of given prescription drugs to alter there mind sets. If one can see these emotions for what they are they can choose to change them and move on, and realizing that these emotions are obstacles to a positive change is the first step to making a positive change.

I believe that all people can develop a positive self-esteem, and I know it is hard, but I would like to be able to help people do this, and I would like to be able to become a better person myself. I realize that trying to figure out who you are is not easy, and I understand that dealing with all of the layers of self is a daunting task, but I believe that it can be done, and I would like to help others to do this. I plan on becoming a teacher, and it is very important to help students attain a healthy self-esteem, but even if I wanted to do anything else I would still feel like it is extremely important to know these ideas because helping others be the best they possibly can while also being the best you possibly can is the most important thing anyone can do.

Plummer, D. (2005). Helping adolescents and adults to build self-esteem. Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

How to Have a Romantic Evening on a Budget

Sometimes we feel that we can never have a romantic evening with our loved ones because we do not have the money, but this is not true. Here are three ways you can have a romantic night with your love on a budget.

A simple and fun way to spend some time with your sweetheart is a sunset picnic. This idea is simple; just find a nice place that you can see the sunset. There are a lot of places you can find in your local parks as well that have great views for watching the sunset. Simply bring a few blankets with you, and a few simple snacks. If you plan on spending some time bring a nice bottle of wine. Some strawberries and chocolate dip, hummus and pita squares, and cheddar cheese and apples are great treats for the picnic. Sip some wine, and feed each other these delicious snacks and watch the sunset together.

Star gazing as always been romantic, and inexpensive, and it reminds me of being a teenager in love. I spent many nights watching the stars with my love and talking for hours. Simply find a nice spot in a field or park near your home and lay out a blanket. If it is summer time ice cream or frozen fruit is a sweet treat to share. Sipping champagne is a great addition to this evening, but be careful if you have to drive. Watching the stars and making names for constellations is a lot of fun, and it gives you an excuse to cuddle up and be romantic with your honey.

Another fun way to have a romantic evening with your sweetheart is going to the drive in. Many drive-ins have half price nights that only cost about 5 dollars a person. Pick up some fast food and bring your blanket. This evening will bring you back to your child sweetheart days. Just lay out the blanket and sit in front of car. Eat some burgers and milk shakes while watching the movie. Watching a movie the drive in is a romantic way to cuddle up with your sweetheart for an evening of old school romance.

Having a romantic evening with the one you love does not have to cost you too much money. There are plenty of things you can do with your honey to have a romantic evening, and I hope this article inspires you to put a little romance back in your life.

How to Conduct and Apply a Research Strategy for Organization


I am the type of person who doesn't like to throw anything away, and although this saves on my garbage bills and my carbon foot print; it definitely makes my home very unorganized. Organization can be stressful or complicated, but with good research strategies I can formulate a solution that will help me become more organized.

When researching how to become more organized I will need to find information that will be helpful to me, and articles and guides will definitely provide me with many ideas, pictures, and tips on how to organize myself more easily. Statistical information can also provide me with ideas on the efficiency of certain methods and tools of organization.

There are many places to find information that will help me become more organized; some good places to look for information on organization are "online catalog of databases, scholarly books, and journals" (Foster, 2007, pp.5). I also believe there are a lot of good articles written about organization in magazines.

In order to utilize credible information and fulfill my goals effectively I will need to evaluate my information. There are several things that should be thought about when evaluating information, and purpose, validity and the author should all be taken into consideration when evaluating information.

The purpose of information has a direct influence on the information. "Advertising, sales, advocacy, education, reference and entertainment" are all different purposes that should be taken into consideration when evaluating information (Foote & Goett, 2000, pp.9).

Validity should also always be checked when considering the validity of information, and facts should be researched and compared in order to check the validity of any information. If multiple reputable sources suggest the same information the likelihood of its validity is stronger.

It is also always important to research the author of any information; this will help you evaluate information because it will provide you with information on the author's background and knowledge in the topic you are researching. It will also provide you with information on the beliefs and values of the author which also affect the purpose and validity of information.

When formulating a solution to my organizational problem I will need to take some things into consideration. Space is something that I will have to consider when trying to become more organized because I will have to figure out how to use the space I have efficiently. I will also have to take my partner into consideration because we share a home, and he needs his space as well. Time is always an important consideration because if I create an elaborate system of organization I will probably not have enough time to keep up with it. Another important idea I will keep in mind when considering solutions is what works best for me in relation to my normal habits. For example if I keep my bill organized near my desk this will be helpful because I pay my bills at my desk.

In order to resolve my organizational problem I will use my information wisely. I will research thoroughly to find valid information. In relation to my problem I will research many ideas on methods and theories of organization. I will also employ guides and how-to articles with tips and ideas.

I will evaluate my research to make sure it is valid to my problem and my life. I will look for authors with purpose and backgrounds similar to mine so that their ideas and methods work better for me. For example I am an artist, and it would be helpful to find articles written by other artists because their methods of organization can relate to organizing artwork and supplies.

I will put the methods I have researched into practice, and I will evaluate my application of them. After some time I will see what information works for me, and I will adjust my methods accordingly. These simple steps will help me resolve my problem of disorganization.


Foote, K. A. & Goett, J. A. (2000). Cultivating student research and study skills in Web-based learning environments. Journal of Geography in Higher Education,24(1), 92-99. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from Research Library. (Document ID: 59614022).

Foster, A. L. (2007, March). Information Navigation 101. The Chronicle of Higher Education,53(27), A38-A40. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from Research Library. (Document ID: 1255298491).

Going Green: Crafty Ways to Recycle and Reuse Your Plastic Bottles

Plastic bottles have many different uses so reuse them instead of throwing them away. Less waste is always a good thing. Here are some ideas that will help you recycle your plastic bottles instead of throwing them away.

Plastic bottles can be cut in half in order to make self watering planters for seedlings. Fill the top of the bottle with dirt and plant your seeds in them. Making sure the dirt is packed in the bottle well, next remove the cap, and place the pot in the bottom half of the plastic bottle and water it. This setup will water the plant itself and require you to water the plant less. The plant will soak up the water from the bottom part of the bottle.

You can also cut the bottom part of a bottle and fill it with potpourri. To disguise your bottle hot glue some lace or ribbon around the top of the bottle. You can also add beads or strands of a fancy braid to the top in order to add some fun to the piece.

Plastic bottles are also helpful when making wind socks. Simple cut the ends of the bottle to create a cylinder. Paint it on the inside and poke 3 holes in the top of the bottle. Now tie 3 strings to the holes and make them into a knot. This is the part of the thread that you will hang the wind sock with. Now attach ribbons or strips of fabric on the other end of the tube. You can tie them into holes, or you can glue them on with a glue gun.

Plastic bottles also make great funnels. I particularly like to use the bottles that have handles. In order to make a plastic bottle funnel cut the bottom of the bottle off. You can make different size funnels with different size bottles.

You can also make ice packs with plastic bottles. Simply fill them half way with water and freeze them. Now you can have ice packs free and whenever you want them. You can also freeze different size bottles for different problems.

Another awesome use for plastic bottles is to make a chandelier. Simple make a hoop out of some wire, and string the bottles around it. This works especially well for bottles with handles, but bottles with regular tops can be wired to the hoop. Next you will need a string of lights and put a light in each bottle. Tie some rope to the top of the hoop and hang the lamp.

I hope these ideas inspire you to make things out of plastic bottles that you wouldn't normally make. Next time you are going to throw something out think about what else you could do with it!

How to Access Employee Needs to Tailor Effective Rewards

There are many ways to access employee needs to tailor effective rewards, but the most powerful means is listening. Listening to employees will allow you to get to know employees and understand where they are coming from. To tailor effective rewards for employees you must know what it is they actually want or need, and communication is a tool that will provide you with these answers.

Many employees enjoy expressing their opinions, and it can make employees feel valued and part of a team. Managers must talk to employees regularly if they want to understand their needs. Asking employees what they feel would be an appropriate reward is a good start. This method is also effective because it allows employees to participate in the creation of incentives. This will increase enthusiasm because employees like to be involved, and it will increase the value of the reward.

Allowing employees to contribute their ideas is a reward in itself, because employees will feel a sense of value and satisfaction from providing their input. If you want to tailor effective rewards to the needs of employees you need to talk to them. Employees will tell you what they want if you ask them. This method is direct and consumes less time than other options.

Some managers may feel like they are unable to communicate well with employees, but there are methods of communicating needs and ideas with employees that will make this easy. Surveys, suggestion boxes, meetings, and reviews are all positive ways to communicate with employees. These methods will help you access their needs and tailor effective rewards based on their needs.

Surveys and suggestion boxes are effective because they are anonymous, and employees have no need to answer in a way that is not true to their feelings. This can be effective in matters of criticism against a company because employees can be honest. Surveys and suggestion boxes are inexpensive and helpful when trying to access information about a company from the perspective of its employees.

Meetings and reviews are a good way to discuss improvements, measure progress, and get on the same page as employees. Meetings and reviews are also a positive forum for accessing needs on a whole. This arena will provide employees with a forum for discussing needs with other employees as well.

Accessing the needs of your employees is necessary if you would like to tailor effective rewards. Allowing employees to participate in this process through communication is the only way to be truly effective at this task.

How Did the Nobel Prize Originate?


Everyone has heard of the Nobel Peace Prize at some point or other in their lives, but not many people realize that there are more Nobel Prizes than just the prize for wok on peace. The Noble Prizes are known as the highest award one can receive in literature, medicine, physics, chemistry, and peace. These awards are huge compliments to those who win them, but many people do not know how they originated. This article will give you some background information on the Nobel Prizes.

Alfred Noble is the man who started the prizes; he was "born in Stockholm and lived from 1833 to 1896," and he invented many powerful things such as "dynamite, blasting gelatin, and a new kind of detonator for explosives" (Leokum, 1986, p.139). It is interesting to think the man that invented a prize for peace also created methods of destruction, but there is more to Nobel than you realize. Nobel was a scientist, but he was also a "poet," and he "thought that literature and science were the most important factors in human progress" (Leokum, 1986, p.138). Although the inventor of these prizes created dynamite; he also wanted to end war and hoped this prize would help to end it.

The Noble Prizes started after Alfred Noble passed away. He left a "fund of $9,000,000" to support these prizes and be presented as awards, and the "prizes averaged about $ 40,000 each". This was a lot of money when these prizes started. The first Nobel prizes were awarded on the anniversary of Nobel's death which was "December 10, 1901" (Leokum, 1986, p.139). Nobel was a great man who sacrificed some of his wealth to help the world in many ways.

Since Alfred Nobel grew up in Sweden "the Nobel Foundation of Sweden distributed the awards," and many of the institutes that judged these awards were located in Stockholm. Many famous people have won these awards such as "Theodore Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Marie Curie, Rudyard Kipling, Ernest Hemingway, and Ralph Bunche" (Leokum, 1986, p.139).

These prizes have been awarded for many decades, and each winner is awarded the prize money, a diploma, and a coin. I think this prize is a beautiful thing, and I think Alfred has definitely left his mark on society and the world by starting these awards.

Leokum, A. (1986). The Big book of tell me why. New York, NY: Grosset and Dunlap.

Fun Kid Crafts with Sticks

Many people do not realize it but if you are creative you can create great crafts using thing you find right in your backyard. I love nature crafts, and I try to use things I find in nature for my craft projects constantly. Lately I have been creating a lot of craft projects using sticks, branches, and twigs, and this article will teach you how to use the old sticks you find around your house for more than just making a fire.

Magic wands are an awesome and easy craft project that you can create using sticks found around your home. Many kids love to pretend they are magicians or wizards, and creating a magic wand will be fun for them and provide them with hours of play in the future.

All you need for this project is a good stick, some leather or twine, beads, feathers, scissors, glue, and whatever other magical items your child likes. Simply wrap one end of the stick with the twine and tie feathers to the end. You may want to glue the twine in place to make sure it doesn't move. Add the beads and other trinkets. You can even paint the stick for a more personal touch. After everything has dried your wand is ready for play!

A stick vase is a simple and great project that can be kept to help a kid organize his own belongings or it can be given away as a present to a teacher or a grandparent. These vases are made using recycled materials and items found around the home, and do not take long to make.

To make this twig vase find an old soup can, but make sure the edges are not sharp. If the are you can sand them down or glue ribbon to the inside rim. Then gather enough twigs to fit around the can if stoop up vertically, and break or cut them to the right height. Next glue these twigs to the can and tie it with ribbon or twine. After the glue is dry you can use the can to store pens and pencils or whatever you like.

Another fun project is the stick letter sign, and this sign can read anything your child likes. Feel free to get creative! The only items you will need for this is a piece of wood, glue, and twigs, but you can add some paint if you like. Simply cut or break the twigs to spell out the phrase you are writing and glue the pieces onto the base. You can add pine cones and acorns as nice details as well.

A twig easel is a great way to display picture or other artwork, and it is easy to make. All you will need for this project is three long sticks of the same length, a fourth stick that is as wide as the picture you will be displaying, glue, and twine. Remember to check the size of the picture against the sticks you will be using. You don't want to make an easel that doesn't fit your picture.

Next glue and tie 2 of the long sticks together so they make an upside down V shape. Next glue and tie the stick that was not equal to the first to the lower part of the V. This will create an A shape. Finally glue and tie the last stick to the point of the A, but remember to slide it in between the first 2 sticks because it will bend out to support the easel. This project is a simple and unique way to show off your child's artwork, and it is something they can create themselves.

Nature is a treasure that many people overlook, but I hope these four great craft projects have inspired you to go in your backyard and collect some sticks!

Fun Kids Crafts: How to Make Your Own Ugly Monster Dolls

Ugly dolls are a lot of fun; they are cute, cuddly, and their ugliness makes them adorable. I started making dolls using socks that I couldn't find matches for, but over time I have started using all sorts of scrap materials, and here is an article that will describe how you can make your own ugly monster doll.

Ugly monster dolls can be any shape, size, color, or style, and that is part of the fun part of these making these dolls. You can use anything as a base for them. If you have some old socks that works great, but if not a weirdly cut piece of fabric can work great so feel free to experiment. So pick a shape for the body; if you are unsure of what type of shape start with a rectangle with one rounded edge, and make sure you cut 2 of these pieces so the doll has a front and a back side.. Next cut a slit in the square side opposite of the rounded side; this part will be your legs.

Now pick the side that is going to be the front, and start to make your doll a face. I like to use different colored buttons that are also different sizes. I will then stitch some eyelashes onto the doll or I will use sequins to add details. Finally I will stitch the mouth using embroidery floss. I will also add any other special touches to the doll at this point such as pockets or a bow. If you are going to give your doll a necktie or a necklace you should wait until the doll is stuffed.

Now turn the doll inside out and sow around all of the seams except the inside slit for the legs. Turn the doll right side out, and fill it with stuffing. Continue filling until you have reached the legs, and sewing one at a time continue to fill with stuffing.

Now that your doll is stuffed you can add hair and clothes to it. You can also add necklaces and funny charms. I specifically like to add facial expression to my doll after it is stuffed. You c an also add the nose t this point, and to achieve these affects you simply need to pinch the part of the face between the eyes and sew through the doll. Pulling the string tighter o looser will give the face different expressions. Feel free to experiment.

Some materials that you can use when making these dolls are pipe cleaners, felt, rhinestones, sequins, pom-poms, and foam. Monster dolls are a lot of fun to make, and kids of many different ages will enjoy this project.

Fun Kid Crafts with Seashells

If you are like me you collect shells when you go to the beach. If you are also like me you always end up wondering what am I going to do with all of these shells. Seashells are awesome materials for craft projects, and here I will describe four fun projects that you can complete inexpensively using shells.

Seashell candles are great uses for seashells and you can reuse old candles to make them. Simply buy wicks from your local craft store, gather old pieces of candle wax, and deep shells that can fit on upside down without wobbling. Now glue the wick to the inside of the shell and melt the candle wax. After the wax is melted but not too hot you can add some fragranced oils to make the candles smell nice. Fill the shell with wax and let the candle cool. Trim the wick and your seashell candle is ready.

A sea shell organizer is fun and a great addition to any desk. You will need a block of wood or something suitable for a base. Next glue 2 scallop shells to the base standing up with enough room in between to fit papers and mail. Now add some sand and other shells to the base for decoration and you will have a great seashell organizer.

A seashell herb garden is beautiful and an awesome way to reuse shells you have collected. You will need deep shells that can stand up without wobbling, potting soil, and herb seeds. Make sure the shells are clean and dry and add potting soil to the insides. Add some water to the soil so it is moist, and sprinkle the seeds lightly over the dirt. Set your shells in a sunny spot on a windowsill and water frequently but not excessively. The seeds will sprout quickly and you will have a lovely little seashell garden.

Another fun seashell craft is the sea shell butterfly magnet. It can be created using only glue, a pipe cleaner, pompom, magnet, and four shells. Make sure that each set of two wings are similar to create a symmetrical looking butterfly. You can paint the insides of the shells if you like, but I have found many of the shells are already so pretty on the inside I do not want to paint them. Now twist the pipe cleaner to serve as the long cylindrical body of a butterfly and glue the pompom on for the head. Next glue the shells together to simulate wings and glue the body and head onto the shells. Glue the magnet to the back, and your beautiful butterfly is done!

There are many crafts you can create using seashells, and I hope this article has inspired you to use the seashells you collected at the beach this summer!

Flower Fairies: A Pretty and Easy Project

The first time I saw a flower fairy was at a Christmas craft show. They were displayed as Christmas tree ornaments, and they were the cutest, most precious thing I had ever seen. I loved them on instinct, and apparently so did everybody else because when I came back later to get a second look at them they were all sold out. These fairies are beautiful and playful, and I will explain exactly how to make them.

For this unique project you will need a fake flower. The bigger the better, and it doesn't matter what type of flower; you can make many different flower fairies to decorate your home. You will also need a wooden bead about the size of a nickel in diameter, paint, glue, ribbon, and a few pipe cleaners. You can also add beads and glitter to these dolls for added detail.

The first step is taking apart the flower. You will need to pull the tiny green plastic off of the bottom of the flower. You can also separate the petals and stamen or centerpiece of the flower. Remember to keep all off these pieces because you will use all of them.

Next paint a face on the wooden bead. You can start by painting 2 white dots for eyes. Next add a little blue dot to the center of the eyes, and paint a red heart shape for the mouth. After these colors have dried, paint an upturned nose by making a small half circle, and add eyelashes to the eyes and a black dot for the pupil. If you have some pink blush you can dab a little on the cheeks for a folk art effect.

To join the head to the body simply pull a pipe cleaner up through the face bead and attach the green part of the bottom of the flower to the top of the pipe cleaner like a hat. You can also stick a flower petal in between the head and the hat. Now twist the top of the pipe cleaner so that the bead is secure.

To make arms, legs, and a torso take another pipe cleaner and fold it in half twice. Wrap it around the top of the other pipe cleaner below the head. Slip the flower petals upside down onto the base of the pipe cleaner. Now take a third pipe cleaner and fold it in half and attach it to the part of the pipe cleaner underneath the flower.

Once you have all the basic pieces of your doll assembled there are still some finishing touches. In order to make the doll more stable and attractive, pull a few of the flower petals up and over the arms. Pinch these petals in the middle to create a waist and secure with ribbon and glue. Finally add leaves from the flower stems for wings and your fairy is done!

This is the basic technique for making these beautiful dolls, but you should feel free to expand on the idea.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Fun Crafts for Kids: Three Nature Crafts with Stones

Stones are a great material for crafting, and many people take them for granted. They are everywhere and they are all different shapes and sizes. Stones are a great medium for kids crafts, and here are three nature craft projects that use stones.

Lady bug stones are a lot of fun to make, and they are very simple as well. All you will need for this project is red, white, and black paint, acrylic sealer, and oval shaped stones. Now paint the front section black to create a head and the back section red. Remember you want more off the stone red because the body of a lady bug is red. Next paint white eyes and black spots and seal the stone with the acrylic spray. Use these ladybugs around the house for decoration in your garden.

Stone garden markers are another fun project that kids can make for gifts or for their own gardens. Simply find several smaller stones or one large stone and paint it with the word and pictures you want. Now spray them will acrylic sealer and you can use these stones in your garden for years to come. You can also paint names on these stones and give them as presents. This is a nice way to mark a kids room, and they can personalize it in any way they like.

Poetry pebbles are a great stone craft project for kids of all ages. All you need for this project is paint or paint markers, many different stones of varying shapes and sizes, and acrylic spray sealer. Depending on the age of the children you are crafting with you will want to write different things on the stones. Children that are just learning to spell should make stones with a single letter on them. Children of older ages can make stones with words. For children in between start with some letter stones, but also use stones that have simple words that can be altered with letters such as can, be, is, the, on, in, and hat. After the stones are painted spray them so that the paint does not wash off.

Stones can be found everywhere, and there is no reason why they should not be used as a craft material. Kids like to collect stones, and this part of the project is only the beginning of the fun. So go outside and find some rocks!

Five Quick, Natural and Easy Beauty Tips for the Face


Nowadays there are so many products on the market that promise to make you more beautiful in an instant, but I am here to tell you that you don't need all of these products. All you need is these five quick and easy beauty tips for the face, and you will be feeling beautiful in no time.

Eyebrows are an important part of what makes your eyes stand out. It is important to have a natural proportion between your eyes and your eyebrows. A simple and easy method of keeping your eyebrows natural and lovely simply requires a pair of scissors and a comb. All you need to do to avoid tweezing is use this easy method. Use your comb to brush your eyebrows up. I know this will look a little funny, but it is the correct procedure. Now use your scissors to trim the hair in a straight line along the natural line of the eyebrow. Brush the hairs back down, and your eyebrow will be preen and clean looking.

You may have heard of people using cucumber to relax and restore tired eyes, but there are other methods that work just as well. Using tea bags works well for tired eyes; just make sure they are cool and the majority of the water has been drained out of them. Cotton balls dipped in milk also help to moisturize and replenish tired eyes. So sit back and relax with these eye rejuvenating remedies.

There are many different methods of making your skin soft and glowing, but my favorite is a simple honey mask. Rest a warmed washcloth on your face for about five minutes. This will open your pores and soften our skin which is opportune when applying a facial mask. Next you must simply apply a thin layer of honey all over your face, and let it set for about 15 minutes. Wash the honey off in lukewarm water and splash face with cold water when all the honey is gone. This will replenish your skin, and it will give you a healthy glow.

Mint juice is a natural way to get rosy lips. Simple grind some mint leaves and rub them on your lips. They will give your lips a natural pink color, and the juice of the mint leaves will make your skin soft and smooth.

For really rough lips there is a quick and easy solution that can be applied while in the shower or brushing your teeth. Simply wet your toothbrush a little bit, and rub your lips with the bristles in a circular motion. This is a super simple way to exfoliate your lips.

These tips will save you time and money, and they will help you have a natural beautiful face!

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Crafty Ways to Create Fun Sculptures Out of Trash

I love to make stuff out of recycled materials, and I am always looking for inspiration in everything. If you are like me you love art, and you hate to waste stuff. If you are like me you will love these projects because they are some crafty ways to use your garbage for good.

A great sculpture project that can you can make using stuff found around the house is a book sculpture. All you will need for this project is an old book, a pen knife, some markers, some paint, a piece of newspaper, and random fun stuff found around your home. All you will need to do stand the book up and open it so that some of the pages are grouped together. Now take the paint and spread it thickly over the book. I like to use paint that you would paint the walls in your house with. I find that this paint is thick enough to hold the pages together in the position you like. After the book has dried you can use your pen knife to cut holes or windows into the book. You can also use the markers to draw on the book or add fun details and patterns. Now glue the found items and you have a fun book sculpture that can be personalized with pictures and other memorabilia.

Another fun project is making a junk mobile. This is a lot of fun, and you can utilize all different things found around the house. The base of this mobile can be made using hanger or similar object that can be bent into a ring. Shape the hanger into a ring after you undo the twist in it. Next find some wire or fishing line. Dental floss also works very well for this project. Next find some fun things to hang from your mobile. I like to use old silverware, screws, bolts, and any other nice charms that will sound nice banging together. Remember to add beads if you like, and you can also bend the utensils into interesting shapes. This mobile is totally customizable, and it makes use of junk that is lying around the house.

A great sculpture project that uses found items is the dish shelf, and this project requires several different dishes such as cups, bowls, and plates, glue, paint pens, and different found items. I like to use different color dishes that have different patterns and designs. All you need to do with this project is stack the dishes on top of each other. Remember to start with the largest plate at the bottom. Next add a cup or a bowl to create height, and add another plate or bowl to create another level. You can stack these dishes as high or as wide as you like, but remember to glue them well, and make sure the shelf is sturdy. Once your shelf is created you can add details to it using found items and paint pens. Remember you can also incorporate tin cans and other interesting items found around your home to create levels of your shelf, and remember the more personal the better.

Creating sculptures are a lot of fun, and creating sculptures that are personal are even better. Remember it is better to make something awesome and useful instead of just throwing away your trash so think creatively not wastefully.

Compassionate Communication

Compassionate communication is a beautiful and amazing way to express yourself, and many more people should try it. It has amazing powers of accomplishing what you need and what the other person needs in a positive, loving way that leaves both parties happy and satisfied.

There are five basic components of compassionate communication, and it is important to speak to others in this way in order to achieve a common goal of happiness and satisfaction. This method of communication is really very beneficial, and I urge everyone to try it.

Okay to the basics, observing with judging simply means observing the situation, how it makes you feel, what particularly made you feel this way, what could stop these feelings, and why these actions are occurring.
Distinguishing between feelings and non feelings are important many people speak in description and not feelings. You are likely to say your boss sucks, but not my boss makes me upset when he acts a certain way. It is important to speak in terms of actual feelings, and if more people did so the world would be a better place.

Taking responsibility for your feelings is extremely important, and this means recognizing why an action makes you feel a certain way. People act the way they do, but everyone has certain beliefs that cause them to feel certain ways towards other people's actions. Taking responsibility for your feelings means accepting that it is your beliefs that cause these feelings.

Requesting what we need simply means asking for what you need in order to feel good.

Receiving empathetically means receiving in a way that gives respect to the feelings of others and is thankful and understanding of the sacrifices others are making to fulfill your needs.

When trying to resolve a conflict you must employ all of these factors; you must state what is bothering you, how you feel, what about you makes you feel that way, what you need to feel better, and your understanding of what this request means to the person you are asking it of. For example, if you were having a conflict at work you instead of saying your boss sucks, you could say when your boss yells it makes you feel intimidated, and since you need to feel secure it would be helpful to you if your boss could try not to yell even though you realize that your boss is stressed out.

I am not saying this is always going to work, and I know I can't expect other people to try to communicate this way, but I can listen for how they are feeling and use that to try to communicate in a way that utilizes compassion. If someone approaches you in a manner that is not compassionate ask yourself how does this person feel, and why do they feel this way before you reply. This will allow you to reply in a matter that addresses what it is that they need to feel okay.

This type of communicating is a life long practice that I have been trying to employ, and I have found that it can really help in my personal and business relationships. It has also helped me moderate many conflicts. It is not easy, but acting with love is not always easy; it is usually hard.

Caterpillar Crafts: Fun Summer Art Projects for Kids

Summer is the time when there are all sorts of bugs creeping around, and you can turn those creepy crawlies into great ideas for summer crafts that your kids will love. These caterpillar crafts are easy to create, and they do not cost a lot of money; in fact most of these ideas can be completed using things found around your home. Here are some fun, crafty ways to create caterpillars that your kids will enjoy!

Caterpillars can be made easy from old paper towel rolls. Simple gather a bunch of toilet paper rolls and cut them into three tubes. Next paint them green or whatever color you would like your caterpillar to be, and poke holes in both sides of each tube. Using thread or yarn tie the tubes together in a long chain, and paint the first one with a face. You can also use wiggly eyes if they are available. Add some cardboard or pipe cleaners to the head for antenna and your caterpillar is complete!

Paper chain caterpillars are great and they can be made using left over pieces of junk mail and magazines. Simply paint the paper you are going to use and cut it into strips that are 2 inches wide and 5 inches long. Next make a circle with the first strip and glue it together. Using the next strip loop it through the first and make another circle. Continue until you have a long chain. Next glue wiggly eyes onto the last circle and curled pieces of paper or pipe cleaners, and you will have an awesome caterpillar to hang around your house.

Egg cartons also make great caterpillars and this is a perfect way to recycle the egg carton instead of throwing it away. To make this caterpillar just cut a straight strip off of your egg carton and paint it green. Add a face on one end and some pipe cleaners for antennas and your caterpillar is ready for fun.

Pompoms make great fuzzy caterpillars and these caterpillars can be attached to barrettes or key chains. All you need is some green pompoms, but you can also use other colors if you like. Wiggly eyes and some round sequins are nice for this project, and some pipe cleaners are perfect for legs. Glue the pompoms together in a chain so that they form a body, and cut tiny pieces of pipe cleaners for legs. Bend the legs into L shapes so they have feet and attach them to the body of the caterpillar. Next glue the sequins to the head and the eyes on to so that the sequins looks like eye lashes. Add antennas and this fuzzy friend can be attached to all sorts of things.

Making caterpillars with your kids is a fun way to keep them occupied during the summer, and it will make them familiar with nature's wonders.

Butterfly Pendants: Polymer Clay Crafts

Polymer clay is an awesome medium for making all sorts of things. Polymer clay can be used to make jewelry, pins, sculptures, and beads. I love to use polymer clay in all my projects. You can make many animals, insects out of polymer clay using simple shapes and easy instructions. This article will teach you how to make a pretty polymer clay butterfly pendant.

First you will need a large ball of purple colored clay and a medium ball of brown clay; you will also need a pin, a toothpick, a paintbrush, and some acrylic paint. You do not need to use purple clay; you can use any other color you like, but I like to use purple.

To make the wings of this butterfly break the purple clay into four pieces; two of the pieces should be larger than the other two. Roll these pieces into balls and flatten them out to look like disks. Next pinch the side of each of the wings so that they can attach evenly to the body.

Next use the brown clay to create the body. Roll a small ball of this clay to form a head, and long cylinder to form a body. Attach the head to the body, and taper the end of the body without the head to a point. After the head and body is attached use the pin to poke eyes into the head; you can also add a smile using the pin.

You will need to use the toothpick to create a hole to hang the pendant from. Put the body in the refrigerator for a few minutes so it can get hard. Stick the toothpick through the head after it is cold enough to keep its shape.

Next attach the wings to the body by pressing the wings against the body. Bake the butterfly for 15 minutes in the oven at the suggested temperature on the package. After it has cooled you can remove the toothpick.

When the butterfly has cooled you can add details using the acrylic paint. Start by painting a circle in the top corner of the top butterfly wings. Next make two smaller circles below the big circle, and do the same thing to the bottom wing. Remember that no matter what you do to one wing you must paint a symmetrical pattern on the other wing to match the first one.

After the paint has dried you can add some glitter if you like, but either way all you will need to do is string it on some ribbon and wear it!

Problems, Solutions, and Responsibility: How to Live in a Positive Manner

"Life is difficult," and I have found this to be my mantra in the past few months (Peck, 1978, p.1). This statement at first seems very intimidating, but when you look further into it, it is what makes us human. I believe that "what makes life difficult is the process of confronting and solving problems is a painful one" (Peck, 1978, p.16). This statement implies that life will always be painful because there will always be problems that need to be solved, but we should not be afraid of this because problems can bring out the good in people. "Problems call fourth our courage and our wisdom; indeed; they create our courage and our wisdom", and problems are what allow us to "grow mentally and spiritually" (Peck, 1978, p.16). Without problems we can not evolve, and once again I am reminded that problems should be welcomed instead of avoided.

Many people do not like to talk about their feelings. They feel that talking about their problems will only lead to conflict, but conflict is not bad. It presents opportunity to learn. Avoidance is useless, and it only leads to more conflicts. Avoiding problems is unhealthy because you can only learn from conflicts by dealing with them. When conflicts have been dealt with and appropriate courses of action have been determined conflicts fail to exist become they are no longer something you are struggling against.

Responsibility is a huge part of problem solving. "We must accept responsibility for a problem before we can solve it", and many people believe that their problems are caused by society or another person. This belief allows people to avoid their problems because they think that they are someone else's responsibility to fix. In order to solve problems you must realize they are yours first. This has led me to question myself because I always want to help others solve their problems. I feel like this is robbing them of the opportunity to find wisdom and courage inside themselves, but at the same time I do not want to see them hurt or fail. I feel this situation is rough for me because I do not want to not help someone I love because I want them to be okay, but I guess I should let them take responsibility for themselves.

Life may seem trying at times, but if we deal with our problems the tough times get easier. Remember practice makes perfect especially in this situation. Responsibility is the first step to learning to deal with problems in a positive manner. I hope these theories have helped you learn to deal with your problems in a positive and productive way. Compassionate and honest living is the only answer to becoming a better person and creating a better world.


Peck, M.S. (1978). The Road less traveled: a new psychology of love, traditional values, and spiritual growth. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.

Popular Holiday Themed Bulletin Boards for May

May has a lot of great holidays, and these bulletin board ideas are perfect for popular May holidays. This article will discuss how to create popular holiday themed bulletin boards for the month of May.

May Day

On May 1st we celebrate May Day; this holiday marks the beginning of spring, and it is great for creating bulletin boards. For this idea you will need green butcher paper, blue butcher paper, spring themed coloring pages, crayons, scissors, glue, and yellow construction paper.

Provide students with the coloring pages, crayons, and scissors. Let the students color the popular spring themed sheets. While they are doing their part, you should get the bulletin board ready. Do this by covering the top half with blue butcher paper and the bottom with green butcher paper.

Then cut a large circle out of yellow construction paper. Also cut out several long narrow triangles. Glue the triangles to the circle and add the sun to your bulletin board. After the students have cut out the spring inspired images add them to the bulletin board in celebration of May Day and spring.

Cinco de Mayo

May 5th is Cinco de Mayo, and this holiday allows for festive bulletin boards. For this bulletin board idea you will need butcher paper tissue paper, glue, scissors, crayons, glitter, and sombrero themed coloring pages. Provide students with the coloring pages and let them color the sombrero however they like. Then help them write their name with glue along the band or the brim of the sombrero. Cover the glue with glitter and allow to dry.

While the hats dry, create flowers using the tissue paper. Start by helping the kids cut out several circles from the tissue paper. Then place the circles on top of each other and glue the layers together. When the flowers and hats are dried attach them to the bulletin board. The flowers make a lovely border but they can also be placed anywhere on the board for a pretty look.

These popular holidays provide you with bulletin boards that will really standout. Students enjoy creating these May themed ideas, and it is good way to teach students about popular holidays in the Month of May.

Gishmas 2021 List

 Day 1 Challenge: December 20th – Image or Video What powers GISH? Love, actually. So, let’s spread some cheer. Using the GISH App or search...