Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Fun Car Ride Games for the Whole Family

If you are dreading going on a family trip in the car, worry no longer because these family car games are fun for everyone. The whole family can enjoy passing the time in the car with these unique games. This article will describe several games that are great for car rides with your family

Color Game

This game is fun on busy highways with a lot of cars. Everyone in the car chooses a color and watches for cars colored the same way as they drive along. Whenever there color is seen they must yellow it out. They will receive appoint this way until they reach a certain number of points.

I Spy

Little kids love this game, and it can also be fun for older children. To play you must pick a leader first; the leader chooses something that the whole family can see and says what color it is. Then everyone takes turn guessing what the leader saw. The person who guesses correctly is the next leader.

Famous People

This game provides laughs and imagination for the whole family during boring car rides. Start the game by choosing a famous person. State the first and last name of the chosen person. Then the next person has to say the name of another famous person, but there first name must start with the initial of the other persons last name. For example, Scooby Doo would be followed by Douglas Adams.

Alphabet Chase

Another game that is great for cars is this one. This game starts with the alphabet. Everyone should take turns naming things they see staring with the letter a. Go through the entire alphabet finding things on your journey. For older children try remembering and repeating all of the alphabet finds as you go along. If a person messes up the next person has a chance to go. See who can get all the way through the alphabet first for a laughing good time for the whole family.

Playing games allows for fun and excitement when taking road trips with your loved ones. Try these games if you want to be amused instead of waiting to get to your destination.

Interesting Facts About Starfish

There are many interesting and unknown facts about starfish. These creatures are known around the world for their beauty and unique shape, and starfish are also known as sea stars. This article will provide you with tons of starfish facts.

Starfish may have the word fish in their name, but they are not actually fish. They do not have gills or scales, and sea stars move using their tiny tube feet instead of fins like fish.

An uncommonly known fact about starfish is that they do not all have five arms. They five pointed sea star is the most popular and widely recognized, but starfish can have up to 40 arms.

One of the most amazing facts about these sea creatures is that the can regenerate a lost limb. Starfish can even regenerate completely from one arm and a small section of the sea star's central disc. This means that a single star can be chopped up symmetrically in five pieces and five new starfish will grow from the five single limbs.

Starfish are known as Phylum Echinodermata because they are related to sand dollars and sea urchins. Echinoderms are symmetrical by five points (Kennedy).

Sea stars pump water through their bodies instead of blood. Therefore these star-shaped creatures have no blood at all.

Starfish also have no brains and hundreds of tiny tubes on their undersides. The tiny tubes help starfish move quickly across surfaces by pumping water through the holes in the tubes.

There are around 2,000 species of starfish and they all live in different areas including tropical areas, deep water, and cold water (Starfish fun facts).

Starfish may not have eyes, but they have a unique sense of sight. On the tip of their arms, sea stars have tiny organs that are light-sensitive; this helps the fish sense light and shapes surrounding them.

Another interesting fact about starfish is that they can change their gender whenever they like. Female starfish can produce about 1 million eggs at a single time. The fertilized eggs live in a larvae stage for about three weeks (Kennedy).

Starfish are also unique because they have two stomachs. One stomach begins digestions as the other expands around the item and engulfs it. The second stomach on some starfish even leaves the body to envelop its prey; then it withdraws back into the body. Sea stars enjoy a diet of oysters and clams.

There are no starfish that live in freshwater despite the man y species that exist and very few types of sea stars live in brackish water.

The outer skin of a starfish is calcified; this bony layer protects the stars from becoming prey. Survival, camouflage, and defense are also a reason for the bright patterns of this marine animal.

Starfish are famous for many reasons, but there are lots of interesting facts about this marine creature that most people are not aware of. These details about starfish help you to understand how truly incredible and unique a starfish actually is.


Kennedy, J. (n.d.). 10 Facts About Starfish - Starfish Facts.Marine Life - Ocean Animals, Plants and Habitats. Retrieved July 19, 2011, from http://marinelife.about.com/od

Starfish Fun Facts. (n.d.).bestfunfacts. Retrieved July 19, 2011, from http://bestfunfacts.com/starfish.html

Easy Clean Up Crafts for Kids

Keeping your child's room clean can be easy with these clean up crafts. These crafts make clean up easier because they provide storage, and your kids will be proud of their creations. Keeping their room clean will allow them to show off their work. This article will provide instructions on easy clean up crafts that your kids will enjoy.

Colored Box Collection

You can create a colored box collection that your children will enjoy using to store their items. For this clean up craft you will need a few boxes, butcher paper, tape, clear vinyl paper, paints, scissors, and paintbrushes. Help your kids trim off the top flaps of the boxes with the scissors.

Then help your child wrap the box using the butcher paper and tape. Cover your work area with newspaper and place the box on top of it. Let your kids paint their boxes anyway they like. They can add flowers, patterns, polka dots, or mythical creatures if they like. When the paint has dried completely, cover the box with the clear vinyl paper to add strength and durability. This craft can be used to store items when it is clean up time.

Tin Can Organizer

A fun and easy craft that will make clean up easy is a tin can organizer. For this project you will need tin cans, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, paint, paintbrushes, and newspaper to cover the work area. Stack several tin cans next to each other and use the glue to hold them together.

Then let kids paint the tin cans however they like. They can cover the entire outsides of the cans or they can just add little details. When the paint is dry place it on a desk or dresser to store their little toys and other items in.

Homework Display

A homework display is another fun project for kids to create and use to keep their rooms clean. For this craft you will need clothespins, foam sheets, scissors, glue, puffy paint, a pencil, and yarn. Start by helping kids cut several long pieces of yarn. Then assist kids as the braid the yarn together into a long rope.

Next help kids cut the foam into different shapes and symbols. Different things can mean different things, and numbers are also good. Glue the foam cutouts to the clothespins. When everything is dry hang the rope on a wall and use the clothespins to hang homework, photos, and other important papers.

These crafts are great for kids, and they make cleaning up with your kids easier. Try them and you will be glad you did.

Butterfly Crafts: Fun Summer Art Projects for Kids

Butterflies are beautiful creatures that wander among grass and flowers. They are all over the place in the summer, and many kids like to chase them. Here are some fun butterfly inspired crafts that your kids will love.

Coffee filters can be turned into awesome butterflies easily and with little needed help. All you will need for this project is water color paints and pipe cleaners. Have your kids paint the coffee filters in wondrous colors and patterns. After they have dried fold the pipe cleaner in half and twist the pipe cleaner around the coffee filter so that the ends left over are equal. Now bend these ends into a circle and spread the coffee filter out to look like full wings. These butterflies are easy to make, and they are quite pretty.

Hand print butterfly masks are a splendid and easy project for children. You will need cardboard, paint, scissors, and string for this project. Have the children press there hands into a plate full of paint. Next have them create lovely butterfly shapes using there paint covered hands. The hands can be dipped in different colors and pressed on the cardboard in overlapping patterns to create wings. The children can add details to the butterflies by using the paint and their finger tips. After the paint has dried cut eye holes in the wings and cut around the wing shapes to make a mask. Poke small holes in either end of the mask and tie the string. Your butterfly mask is now ready to be worn.

Toilet paper rolls can be easily turned into butterflies by adding wings made out of card stock. Simply color and cut wings from heavy duty paper. Glue them onto a painted toilet paper tube. Finally add a face to the tube, and some pipe cleaners for antennas and you will have recycled butterfly to hang around your house.

Butterfly windsocks are easy to make, and they are very pretty when done. For this project you will need different colored card stock, glue, markers, scissors, string, and crepe paper. Make a tube out of a sheet of paper and draw a happy face on it. Next draw some big beautiful butterfly wings and cut them out. Glue them to the tube which is the butterfly's body, and attach the string to the top. Add the crepe paper streamers to the bottom of the tube, and you have an amusing butterfly windsock.

Summer is a great time to create butterfly crafts with kids. They enjoy it, and it help keep them busy on those hot summer days.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Food Themed Bulletin Board Ideas for May

These bulletin board ideas may leave you and your students hungry, and food themed bulletin boards are a great way to involve students in decorating the bulletin board. Here you find information on several unique bulletin board ideas for May that are based on food themed holidays.

National Hamburger Month

May is National Hamburger Month, and kids love hamburgers. There are a wide variety of hamburgers out there, and everyone loves certain things. Explore food groups and health ideas with children with this food themed bulletin board.

For this idea you will need paper plates, scissors, glue, construction paper, and a plaid table cloth. Use the table cloth to cover the bulletin board and provide students with the other materials. Discuss hamburgers and the different toppings you can add to them.

Let each student design a plate with their burger of choice on it. Help kids cut the paper into circles and other shapes to create the meals. Remember to leave the top off of the burger so you can see the students' choices. Add the plates to the table for a unique food themed bulletin board.

National Salad Month

Salads are nutritious and May is National Salad Month. For this bulletin board you will be creating a huge salad. You will need butcher paper to cover the board, poster board, pencils, glue, scissors, and construction paper. Discuss salads and the nutritional value of vegetables and other items found in salads. Let students pick the items they like and research them.

Then let students draw the item they chose on a piece of paper a couple of times. Help students cut out the shapes and add details with other paper cut outs and glue. Let each student write a few facts about their chosen item and glue one of the cut outs to the factsheet.

While students are working on their part of the food themed bulletin board, cut a large circle out of the poster board. Also rip pieces of green paper into lettuce. Place the circle in the center of the board and add some of the lettuce leaves. When the students are done, attach a few of the items to the board in the salad bowl. Also attach their factsheet and picture to the board.

Try creating these bulletin boards and everyone will enjoy the unique style and charm these bulletin boards bring to the school. Learning about nutrition can be fun with these food themed bulletin boards for May.

Critical Thinking when Evaluating Sources of Information

Critical thinking is "the process of gathering information, analyzing it in different ways, and evaluating the purposes of gaining understanding, solving a problem, or making a decision" (Bishop, Carter, & Kravits, 2007, Ch.3). When writing many people can get caught up citing sources that do not have credible information; many people may also find information that has been tailored to suit specific needs. These sources are not quality sources that should be used for academic or professional writing. This article will provide you with tips on how to use critical thinking when evaluating sources of information.

1. Question who is funding the written document. Many written documents can be swayed in certain directions depending on who is paying for them. There are definitely agendas that should be looked for. Some may be positive and some negative; for example an article written about solar energy may be from someone who genuinely cares about renewable resources or it could be from someone trying to sell you a solar panel.

2. When checking the credibility of information, research the facts and references and compare them. Critical thinking suggests that you analyze the information you are provided with, and there is not better way to do this. This is why people get second opinions from doctors; it is important to double check facts and references when evaluating your sources.

3. Also check to see who is publishing the work and their core values. It is important to see who the publisher is, what other information have they published, and what are their core values and beliefs? Evaluating all of this background information can make a difference in the credibility of your sources.

4. When using critical thinking to evaluate a book the first thing to check is if they are part of the library of congress. This will usually appear on the first or second page of the book, and it is a good beginning indicator of the credibility of your information.

5. Research the author as well; is the author an expert on the topic discussed. What experience allows them to claim knowledge of this information? Critical thinking asks us to question the author's credibility when we are curious of the validity of a source of information.

Using critical thinking, when evaluating sources of information, is a valuable practice. No one wants to put faith in a source that has invalid information, and you can use your critical thinking skills to help find reliable sources. These tips will help you differentiate between sources of information that are credible and incredible.

Bishop, J., Carter, C., & Kravits, S. (2007). Keys to college studying:becoming an active thinker [2nd ed.]. Retrieved fromhttps://ecampus.phoenix.edu/content/eBookLibrary2/content/eReader.aspx

Wearable Father's Day Gifts Kids Can Make

Father's Day is a great holiday for kids to make wearable gifts for their dad. Wearable gifts are great for this holiday because they are useful and can really show a child's appreciation. This article discusses several wearable gifts kids can make for Father's Day.


A lot of fathers like to grill or cook, and an apron is an easy and fun gift for a kid to make. For this craft you will need a plain apron, a pencil, a ruler, and fabric paint. Start this gift by helping your kids decide what to write on the apron. #1 Dad and Grill Master are both good ideas.

Then help kids write the message on the front of the apron, and use the fabric paint to outline it. Using bold, bright letters makes the apron really stand out. Let the paint dry overnight before giving the gift to your dad.

Painted Tie

Another wearable Father's Day gift that kids will love making is a painted tie. For this craft you will need liquid dye, a light colored tie, and a paintbrush. Covering the work area with newspaper will make clean up easier.

Let kids use the dye to paint a pattern on the tie. Let the kids vary the amount of paint and colors to create interesting textures and designs. Let the tie dry completely before rinsing the excess dye out of the fabric.

Personalized Hat

This project is simple and will make any dad smile. For this project you will need a patch that is perfect for your dad, fabric glue, and safety pins. Help kids decide where the patch will be positioned. You can mark the area with chalk if it is available. Then add glue to the back of the patch.

Help kids attach the patch to the front of the hat and secure with the safety pins. Allow the glue to dry overnight, and you have created a great gift for Father's Day.

These wearable crafts are great gifts for any dad. Kids will love giving homemade gifts to their fathers, and wearable gifts are even more fun for kids. Try making these crafts with your kids for their dad's special day.

Summer Kids Craft: Floral Charm Bracelet

A great summer kids craft is a floral charm bracelet. Floral charm bracelets are great summer craft projects for kids. They will remind you and your kids of the summer all year round. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating a floral charm bracelet with your kids this summer.

For this summer kids craft you will need a piece of chain long enough to fit around your kid's wrist. You will also need small fake flowers, scissors, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, wire, pliers, beads, 2 O-rings, and a clasp. Start this craft by helping kids cut the flower buds off of the stems.

Then plug in the hot glue gun. Help kids cut a few 3 inch sections from the wire. Use the pliers to bend one end of the wire into a small loop. String a bead or 2 onto the wire. Help kids use the pliers to twist the wire into another loop right above the beads. This will hold them in place.

Next bend the ends of the wire into a loop a few circles deep. Open an O-ring slightly with the pliers. Sting the end of the wire onto the ring and set aside.

Next add the clasp to the bracelet using the O-rings. Start by bending the rings slightly open with the pliers. Then attach the chain to each side of the clasp using the rings and pliers. Close the rings with the pliers securely to make sure your bracelet stays together.

Before attaching all of the pieces of this bracelet it is important to make a plan. Help kids arrange the flowers across the wire in the order they would like them to be when the bracelet is done. Help kids place the wired beads in the places they would like as well.

Start help kids assemble the floral charm bracelet by add the beaded wires to the chain. This is done by threading the O-ring that is attached to the wire through the links in the chain. Then glue the flowers to the chain with the hot glue gun. Make sure to add a few drops of glue on both sides of the chain to secure the flowers in place.

This summer kids craft is easy and fun. A floral summer charm bracelet is a great way for you and your kids to celebrate the beauty of summer all year round. Try this easy summer craft with your kids!

Shade Tolerant Flowering Ground Covers


Shade tolerant ground covers that produce flowers are the perfect way to add color and weed protection to your garden. It can be hard to find ground covers that produce flowers and live in shady areas. Here I will provide you detailed information on several shade tolerant flowering ground covers.


This shade tolerant ground cover is popular because of its ability to grow in sun, partial shade, and shade. This plant is also known as bugleweed, and it produces blue flowers. It is hardy in zones 3-9, and it grows up to 12" in height. This fast growing ground cover will grow up to 4 feet wide and flowers in spring.

Bethlehem Sage

This ground cover is shade tolerant, but will also thrive in partially sunny areas. Bethlehem sage produces white, pink, and blue flowers. This plant needs a moderate amount of water and lives in zones 4-8. This shade loving plant produces flowers in the spring. Bethlehem sage grows from 8"- 12".

False Spirea

This shade tolerant ground cover enjoys thorough watering once a week. False Spirea produces pink and white flowers in summer. The large showy flowers make this a perfect perennial for your shady garden ground. This flowering ground cover enjoys full shade and partial shade, and grows from 6" -24" in height. False Spirea grows in zone 6.

Vinca Vine

This flowering ground cover is also known as periwinkle because of its tiny blue flowers. This popular shade loving plant also produces white, red, and purple flowers. The Vinca vine can be major or minor, and these plants enjoy similar conditions. Periwinkle is drought tolerant as well as shade loving. Another benefit of this popular plant is its resistance to deer. This flowering ground cover grows in zones 4-9. It grows up to 6 inches.

Wild Ginger

This ground cover enjoys full shade to partial shade. Wild ginger produces flowers that are white, purple, maroon, and red. It needs thorough watering and is hardy in zones 5-9. The one of a kind flowers produced by this perennial ground cover are sure to attract attention along with its heart shaped leaves.

Wood Sorrel

This shade loving ground cover can also tolerate partial shade. Wood Sorrel produces white, pink, and purple flowers. It is hardy in zones 7-10, and grows up to 6" high. This flowering ground cover produces tiny flowers that are shaped like stars. The leaves resemble clovers and it is drought resistant.

Try using these plants in shaded spots in your garden. They add the perfect detail with their flowers and foliage and they provide protection from invasive weeds.

Recycled Teen Crafts with Newspaper

Newspaper is a common household item that gets thrown away, but you can use it for fun teen craft projects. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating several recycled teen crafts with newspaper.

Tree Sculpture

A fun craft for kids that uses recycled newspaper is a tree sculpture. For this recycled craft you will need newspaper, glue, yarn, scissors, and cardboard. Start this recycled teen craft by helping teens roll several pieces of newspaper around into a trunk shape. Glue the shape and tie it with yarn to help keep it in place while drying.

Cut a couple of slits into the bottom of the trunk, and glue these slits to the cardboard to help your newspaper tree stand up. Then help teens roll more sheets of newspaper into smaller tubes for branches; glue and tie the branches as well.

Then arrange the branches inside the recycled newspaper tree trunk and apply glue to secure. Teens can then paint this tree if they like, and they can add tissue paper for leaves as well. This fun recycled teen craft is easy and inexpensive to create.

Magnetic Poetry

Another recycled newspaper craft idea that will help teens be creative while learning is a magnetic poetry set. For this recycled craft you will need newspaper, scissors, magnetic sheets, and glue.

Start this recycled teen project by helping kids look through the newspaper for words. Cut out several words and glue them to the magnetic sheets; remember to place the words close together to utilize as much of the magnetic sheet as possible.

Also remember to cut out useful words such as "the" and "is". Commonly used words are necessary, but also use interesting words to make this recycled teen craft more fun. When the glue has dried cut the words out, and you and your teen can have fun creating poetry with this recycled newspaper craft.

Photo Frame

Recycled newspaper can be used to create a photo frame, and all you will need for this craft project is newspaper, glue, a razor, and cardboard. Start by cutting two pieces of cardboard into rectangles of equal size. Then cut a smaller rectangle out of the middle of one of the rectangles.

Next help your teen find interesting headlines or articles in the recycled newspaper and glue them to the cardboard frame. Then glue the sides and bottom edge of the frame to other piece of cardboard and when it is dried it is done. This recycled newspaper craft is easy and fun for teens.

Using newspaper as a recycled craft item is a good way to teach teens about recycling, and it is a fun way to bond with your teen; so try these craft ideas today.

Middle School Science Lesson Plan: Geography, Climate, and Adaptation

Imagination and creativity are important when creating science lesson plans, and students will learn through creative and critical thinking when presented with this lesson plan. Geography, climate, and adaptation can all be taught through this middle school science lesson plan.

For this lesson plan it is important to break the science class into groups. There are also some materials that are needed to complete this science lesson plan with middle school age children. The materials you will need are oak tag, pencils, colored pencils, and pens.

Start by instructing groups that they must create a map, and they must use their imagination to develop a country. The middle school students must work together to map out the geography and climate of their country. After they have worked on this project for about half an hour ask students to compare their map to a map of the united states and talk about animal life and plant life.

Then have the middle school students design a list of three plants and animals from their country; then have the groups also list characteristics for each animal and explain why these characteristics are appropriate. Also require that the students name all of the creations and explain where each animal and plant resides. Help students focus on the connection between geography, climate, and wildlife.

When the country and its inhabitants are all complete, have the each group present their creation to the entire class. Then have the entire class compare the new countries to the United States geography and climate, and this lesson plan will help students see the connection between geography, climate, and wildlife adaptation and its similarities or differences to the United States.

This lesson plan should take about a week, and the require materials are inexpensive and easy to find. Some research materials for this lesson plan are wildlife magazines, botanical and gardening guides, and historical wildlife books.

This lesson can be alter can include researching geography, climate, and wildlife of several different contents. This will allow students to learn about many different areas of land, many types of plants, and many different animals. If requiring different groups to emulate different continents allow students more time to discuss and compare continents.

The food chain can also be added to this project by requiring students explain how the animals, plants, and geography work together. Teachers should inspire students to question climate change and its relation to animal and plant life adaptation as well. Students can be asked to take one animal and plant out of its natural climate and place it in a different geographical area. This will require middle school children to consider adaptation on a more extreme level.This middle school lesson plan will require children to use their critical and creative thinking skills to understand geography, climate, and wildlife adaptation.

Kounin's Theories on Lesson Management and Discipline in the Classroom


Kounin's theories on lesson management and discipline in the classroom shaped education as we know it. This article will discuss his basic theories known as withitness, momentum, smoothness, group alerting, accountability, overlapping and satiation. CONTENT: Kounin's theories on lesson management and discipline in the classroom shaped education as we know it. Kounin was an educational psychologist who "became known for his detailed investigations into the effects of classroom management and lesson management on student behavior." (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.56). This article will discuss his basic theories known as withitness, momentum, smoothness, group alerting, accountability, overlapping and satiation (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.56).


This simple term means to know what is happening in all areas of the classroom at all moments. Teachers are much like managers because they must know what is going on with all the students just like a manager must know what all the employees are doing.


Kounin described this skill as "starting lessons with dispatch, keeping lessons moving ahead, making transitions among activities efficiently, and bringing lessons to a satisfactory close" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.58). Momentum keeps the lesson moving. It creates discipline through lesson management.


This ability is important in a classroom in order to keep students focused on the lesson. Management of distractions and consistency will add to discipline throughout the lesson. Smoothness keeps students involved and active in the classroom.

Group Alerting

Lesson Management and discipline rely on group alerting to keep students focused in the busy classroom. Successful teachers have "systems for gaining student attention and clarifying expectations" ( Charles & Senter, 2004, pp. 58).


Effective lesson management is achieved through the theory of accountability. Teachers can manage a classroom and instill discipline in students by making sure to keep them accountable for the actions and their learning. This method should be practiced "regularly calling on students to respond, demonstrate, or explain" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.59).


When trying to instill discipline in a classroom overlapping is a valuable tool. Overlapping requires teachers to focus on more than one area of the classroom at the same time. A teacher must be able to "attend to two or more events simultaneously" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.60). This lesson skill will achieve lesson management in a classroom and promote discipline.


In effective lesson management a teacher will inspire and maintain a students involvement, but a teacher must also monitor it. Effective lesson management requires a teacher to know when "students have had their fill of the topic as indicated through disengagement, boredom, and misbehavior" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.61). Discipline in the classroom is easier to achieve when students remain interested in the subject matter. It is important for a teacher to know when to move on.

Kounin's theories on lesson management and discipline in the classroom are still held in high regards in our educational system today. Teachers must understand and utilize the theories of withitness, momentum, smoothness, overlapping, group alerting, accountability, overlapping, and satiation to effective instill discipline through lesson management.


Charles, C. M., & Senter, G. W. (2004).Building Classroom Discipline (8th Edition)(8 ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

How to Create a Flower Garden Layout


Creating a flower garden layout is easy and beneficial for several reasons. Creating a flower garden layout will allow you to maximize your garden space, create depth, and add style to your garden. These simple steps will help you learn how to create a flower garden layout.

1.Draw a map of your garden. You can simple use a pencil and paper, or you can break out the crayons to add detail and color to your drawing. Either way start by drawing the basic shape of your garden. Remember to add details such as existing plants, rocks, and decorations.

2.Determine the amount of sun and water your garden will receive. If there are many trees than you know you will be looking for plants that tolerate shade. If you do not plan on being able to water the garden often you will want to look for flowers that tolerate drought.

3.Determine what type of pests you will have to deal with. If you have deer in your area you will need to chose plants that the deer are not fond of if you want your garden to grow nicely. Beetles, aphids, and ants are all common garden pests that can affect your garden and you will want to take precautions for them. You may also want to build a fence to keep out unwanted animals.

4.Pick out flowers. After you have established the growing conditions in your garden and the pests that are native to your area you can pick out flowers. Start by researching on the Internet and visiting local garden stores to get an idea of what type of flowers you would like in your garden layout. Make a list of the flowers you would like, their colors, height, bloom time, and spacing.

5.Now use your list to create your flower garden lay out. Remember to consider the height, colors, and spacing when creating your layout. Taller plants can be used as borders or focal points. Varying height will add depth and interest to your flower garden layout. Also keep color combinations in mind when creating your layout. Using colored pencils or crayons to simulate the plants on your layout is a great way to get an idea of your finished garden. Bloom time is another factor to incorporate into your flower garden layout, and it should be used to make sure the entire garden is blooming all season.

Creating a flower garden layout will help you eliminate garden woes before they occur. These simple steps will make your garden layout easy to create, and your flower garden will be guaranteed to please.

Home Decorating Crafts with Photos

There are plenty of fun and easy home decorating crafts you can make with photos. Photos are easy to work with. They provide you with limitless options to focus on. This article will supply you with detailed instructions on several home decorating crafts with photos.

Alphabet Photos

Alphabet photos are a fun way to send a message through images. This craft is easier with a camera, but it can be accomplished with magazines or photographs. You can also choose to hang your alphabet photos in separate picture frames or in a picture frame with several areas for images.

Start by deciding what you would like to say with your photos. A short message such as "joy" or "love" works well, but you can feel free to be as creative as you like. Now take your camera and look around for images that look like the letters you need for your chosen word. You can also arrange items in the shape of letters and photo them to fit the theme of your word. IF you do not have a camera, look through a magazine for images in the shape of letters.

When you have all the photos you need arrange them in the appropriate order and place them in a frame. This one of a kind work of art is a great way to decorate with photos.


Another fun twist you can create with photos is a story. Choose photos for this project that tell a story and place them in chronological order in a large frame or several smaller frames. There are several different options to consider when creating your photo stories, and fun details are perfect.

An example of this home decorating craft is the story of how you met your spouse. For this craft you will need photos of you are your spouse before you met, the place you met, the two of you together, and any other little details that stick out. For example if there was a particular food you ate or the view from the window of the restaurant. Personal details will make interesting photos and add to the details of the story. Remembers photos can be taken after the story being told.

After all photos are gathered place them in frames and hang them in a cluster together on the wall. You can also use paint markers to add dates and details to the frames. These handwritten details will help explain the story and add charm to this home decorating craft.

Photos are a great medium for home decorating crafts because they provide your home with special memories. These crafts are easy and will bring photos into your home decor in a way that is unique and charming.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Natural Ways to Lower Soil PH Level

There are many natural ways to lower the soil pH level in your garden. Many plants need a lower soil pH level in order to grow and produce healthily. Lowering the ph level in your garden soil is essential when growing blueberries, cranberries, orchids, hydrangea, and azaleas.

The pH level of your garden soil can have a strong impact on plants. Certain minerals can only be absorbed through soil with lower pH levels. Osmotic water pressure is is also affected by pH level of the soil in your garden. A lower pH level also dissolves metals in soil.

A lower ph level can be achieved through several natural means. Many of these means are temporary so the soil can be used later for other plants that do not require a low pH level. Some natural methods for lowering pH in soil can be found right in your kitchen, and some are little more expensive. If you are trying to grow plants that need a lower pH level these methods are imperative.

Coffee grounds can be used to lower the pH level in your garden. Place the grounds around the base of the plants that need lower pH. If you are amending the soil before planting mix the coffee right into the soil. This is a great way to recycle your coffee grounds and feed your plants.

Vinegar is another household item that will naturally lower the pH level of your soil. Add a few tablespoons of vinegar to a gallon of water and use it weekly around roots of the plants that need lower pH levels. This is a temporary fix, but will work quickly. Apple cider vinegar will work best for this method.

Sphagnum peat is another natural way to lower the pH level in your garden. This can be mixed with the soil before planting or place around the base of plants that are already in the ground. This should be done in the spring and fall to keep the pH level lower year round.

Adding sulfur or sulfur flowers to the top soil around your plants will also help lower pH levels in your garden. This method of soil amendment will work gradually over time. If you are adding the sulfur to soil before planting it will still take less time to lower levels.

These guidelines will help you lower the pH level of your soil in a natural way. Remember to check the level of pH in your soil beforehand to get an accurate estimate of the changes to be made.

Recycled Plastic Crafts: Spring Birdhouses

Plastic can be recycled to make lovely spring items, and birdhouses are a great addition to your spring décor. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating several spring birdhouse crafts out of recycled plastic items.

Milk Jug

A milk jug is an excellent base for a birdhouse made from recycled materials; for this spring craft you will need two plastic milk jugs, paint, a knife, a pair of scissors, weatherproof paint, a paint brush, a hot glue gun, and hot glue sticks. Start this craft by cutting a hole in the front of the milk jug to give the birds an entryway.

Then cut two adjoining sides of the plastic milk jug out to create a plastic 90 degree angle; this piece will be the roof. Glue the roof to the top of the milk jug to cover the cap. Paint the birdhouse and allow it to dry overnight. When it is done simply fill it with food and your spring birdhouse craft is finished.

Soda Bottle

Another recycled plastic birdhouse can be made from a soda bottle. This spring craft is easy to create and use; for this recycled craft you will need two large plastic soda bottles, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, a knife, and paint markers. Start by cutting a wide arched doorway in the front of the bottle towards the bottom.

Then cut the center of the other bottle out; you want the width of the plastic bottle piece to be about 4 inches. Then cut the plastic to create a rectangle and twist it into a funnel shape. Use the glue to secure it in place and trim the excess plastic; this will be the roof. If you are going to hang your birdhouse tie wire or ribbon to the top of the plastic bottle before gluing the roof in lace and leave a small hole in the small end of the funnel.

When the birdhouse is formed use your paint markers to decorate the plastic bottle, and allow the paint markers to dry. A clear plastic bottle makes an interesting birdhouse, and using recycled materials for your spring crafts is always a good idea.

Peanut Butter Jar

Turn a peanut butter jar into a small bird house using only a knife, a large soda bottle, a hot lgue gun, and glue sticks. Start by using a knife to cut a doorway into the front; then cut off the top of a soda bottle and glue it to the lid of the peanut butter jar. This simple birdhouse is sturdy and can be hung easily.Using recycled plastic bottles and containers to create spring birdhouses is easy and inexpensive. So try these crafts for your outdoor birds this spring!

How to Throw a Casino Night Dinner Party

Dinner parties can be boring, and sometimes it is hard to get people to actually come, but if you have an awesome theme for your party you will have more responses than ever before. This article will show you how to throw a casino night dinner party that I promise will be a hit.

In order to decorate for your casino night you will need bright lights, green table cloths, fake dice, fake money, and playing cards. Decorate your house with many Christmas lights, and hang large dice from the ceiling. You can create your own decorations by attaching playing cards to streamers and hanging them from the ceiling and around the house. You can also cut out hearts, clubs, diamonds, and spades from pieces of red or black colored paper and hang them around your house as well for decoration. Money symbols and fake money can also be hung around the house for fun. Remember to have fun no matter how you decorate.

Food is another important part of your casino dinner party, and you want to supply food that can be eaten easily and on the go as people move around the house to play different games. Finger food work best for this type of party. Vegetable platters with spinach dip are a great choice, and I live fruit platters with yogurt as well. Mini egg rolls and chicken fingers are also another good snack. Mini sandwiches are a definite choice for these parties, and I also like to make crackers with cheddar cheese and raisins for my casino parties. Remember to keep the food easily transportable and light, and have it set out in a buffet style so that the guests can bring their food with them to the games.

In order to get the games rolling at your casino party remember to have a few different tables set up. Some table you will need is a poker table, a blackjack table, and a roulette wheel. All of these tables will have green tablecloths and you will need someone to deal out the games or act as the leader. The guests can nominate themselves or you can choose to do it. Just remember to give all the guests fake money at the start of the night. I like to hand them a gift bag as they enter, and this bag will include a set amount of fake money, funny sunglasses and visors. These items set the mood for the party, and it allows the guests to start having fun.

Remember to have some fun prizes that your guests can trade in their play money for at the end of the night, and this party will be a blast!

Homemade Cars and Trucks Party Decorations

A popular kid's party theme is cars and trucks, and planning this party can be exciting too. Homemade party decorations are fun and easy, and they can make your party a little more inexpensive. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating several homemade party decorations with cars and trucks as the theme.


Cars and trucks have tires, and they are an easy and fun homemade party decoration to create. You can place these tire party decorations anywhere in your home. For this homemade party decoration you will need black construction paper, foil, a pencil, scissors, and glue. You may also want to use a plate to make a perfect circle.

Start this cars and trucks themed party decoration by tracing the plate onto the black paper. Cut the circle out. Then use a smaller plate to cut a circle out of the foil. When designing your tire rim you can be creative; there are many different tire rims on cars and trucks; so look at some images to get ideas. After you have completed the rim glue it to the center of the tire and your homemade party decoration is complete.

Road Signs

Another homemade party decoration that is perfect for your cars and trucks themed party is a road sign decoration. For this homemade party decoration you will need construction paper, a pencil, scissors, glue, and letter stencils.

Start this homemade cars and trucks themed party decoration by deciding what signs you would like to make. Then cut the desired shape out of the construction paper, and use the letter stencil to trace the letters you will need. Cut the appropriate letters out of the paper and attach them to the sign. When the glue is done your homemade cars and trucks party decoration can be hung on the walls of your home.

Checker Flag

Checker flags are reminiscent of cars and trucks, and they symbolize racing which is appropriate for this party theme. For this homemade decoration you will need white and black checkerboard fleece fabric, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, and a wooden garden stake.

Start by cutting the checkerboard fabric into a rectangular shape. Then fold the edge of the shorter side over about an inch and use the hot glue gun to glue the edge of the fabric to itself. Slip the wooden stake into the seam and add some more glue to secure your homemade party decoration.

Cars and trucks are a fun theme for kid's parties, and these homemade decorations are easy and fun to make. Instead of buying party decorations for your cars and trucks themed party try making them yourself with these homemade craft ideas.

How to Make Miniature Dishware for Dollhouses


Dollhouses need dishes. What would a doll do without a pitcher and some cups? What would a doll eat off of without plates? Dolls need the basic kitchen utensils too; so I have compiled some simple instructions on how to make some basic kitchen utilities.

Plates are easy and fun to make. You can make plates out of cardstock or out of clay. Both require the use of a quarter. To make paper plates trace a circle slightly bigger than the quarter on the paper and cut it out. Next place the paper on top of the quarter and center it. Push down the edges of the paper with your finger and run the wrong end of a pen around the edge of the quarter to make crease. In order to make clay plates cut out a circle of cardstock the size of the quarter and a size slightly bigger than the quarter. Now glue both papers together with the circle centered. Next flatten a ball of clay and press it onto the circle with the small circle in. Trim the edges so that the clay matches the paper. Bake like this and remove paper when it is cooled.

Next you can make cups using simply clay and a colored pencil, and you can also make paper cups for barbecues and dollhouse parties. Roll a piece of clay into a ball and push the pencil into it; next push it on a hard surface so the bottom is flat. Roll a little tube of the same clay for a handle and attach it to the side of the mug; you can twist one end to create a unique handle. Bake with the pencil inside, and pop it off the pencil when it is slightly cooled. You can also make paper cups buy simply cutting strips of paper and rolling then into a tube. Next cut a circle slightly larger than the opening of the tube and push it into the bottom of the cup. Remember to glue this so it does not pop out.

The last most important part of making this place setting is the pitcher. To make the pitcher take a medium size ball of clay and a wooden dowel, a thick marker, or some other item that can create the hollow body of a pitcher. Now push the dowel into the ball of clay and press the bottom down on a hard surface to flatten it. Next add a handle to the pitcher. Now take a skewer or dull tipped needle and push it into the top of the pitcher where it is opposite of the handle. Pull the clay outward gently in order to create a spout. This will give the clay enough play to be pulled off of the dowel and baked standing up.

I hope you enjoy all of these fun dollhouse projects and remember to play!

Gordon's Theories on Discipline in the Classroom


Thomas Gordon's theories on discipline in the classroom promote a healthy learning environment for students. Gordon "pioneered the teaching of communication skills and conflict resolution to parents, teachers, youth, and managers of organizations,' and, "2 million people have undergone his training programs worldwide" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.63). His theories on collaborative class management, communication roadblocks, I-messages, you-messages, and no-lose conflict resolution provide a classroom with discipline.

Collaborative Class Management

Gordon's theory on collaborative class management is used by nearly all classrooms in order to instill discipline. This method of management requires students to actively participate and make decisions concerning their learning. Students and teachers work together to determine lessons, set up the classroom, and choose methods of learning. This interactive means of discipline is a productive way to teach kids responsibility and accountability.

Communication Roadblocks

Discipline in the classroom can not exist if there is not effective communication. Communication roadblocks are a deterring force to discipline. These roadblocks can occur with a teacher who is "moralizing and telling the student what he or she ought to do" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp. 63). Teachers should be aware of the presence of communication roadblocks in the classroom.

I-Messages and You-Messages

An important part of Gordon's theories on discipline and classroom management is I and You messages. It is important for a teacher to use the I form of communication instead of you-messages. I-messages explain how you "personally think or feel about another's behavior and its consequences" (Charles &Senter, 2004, pp.67). You messages place blame and do not effectively influence students. Gordon believed that students should be influenced by the teacher to do well instead of quilted into discipline. Being aware of the way messages are conveyed to students in the classroom is important to encourage and instill discipline.

No-Lose Conflict Resolution

This means of conflict resolution is important when trying to maintain discipline in the classroom. Teachers must present the students with a way to resolve conflicts where everyone feels better about it. Conflicts present the students and teacher with a means of learning. No-lose conflict resolution occurs when a teacher can start a discussion which helps the students learn from the conflict and figure out how to avoid it in the future. This effective means of discipline allows students to find a "way of ending disputes by enabling both sides to emerge as "winners" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp.69).

Gordon's theories on discipline in the classroom are still utilized today across the world. Educators will benefit from understanding the Gordon's theories on collaborative class management, communication roadblocks, I-messages, you-messages, and no-lose conflict resolution.


Charles, C. M., & Senter, G. W. (2004).Building Classroom Discipline (8th Edition)(8 ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

B.F. Skinner's Theories on Discipline in the Classroom

B.F. Skinner's theories on discipline in the classroom have helped to mold the way teachers instill discipline in their students for decades. His theories were not directed at classroom behavior, but his findings have influenced and led the way in many classroom discipline methods since the 1960s (Charles & Senter, 2004). This essay will discuss the impact of B.F. Skinner's theories on discipline in the classroom.

Behavior Modification

Skinner wrote many articles and essays on "how our voluntary actions are influenced by what happens to us immediately after we perform a given act" (Charles & Senter, 2004, pp. 33). These papers led to the theory of behavior modification which is used everywhere in the educational field. Behavior modification refers to the use of reinforcement in order to shape the behavior of a student.

Constant Reinforcement

Skinner noted in many of his works that "much if not most of our voluntary behavior is shaped as we receive reinforcement immediately after we perform an act" ( Charles & Senter, 2004, pp. 45). This theory led teachers to use constant reinforcement as a form of discipline in the classroom. This type of reinforcement allowed students to learn new desired ideas, rules, and skills. This type of discipline must be done every time a student does something correct (Charles & Senter, 2004).

Intermittent Reinforcement

After rules and skills are established a teacher will then need to rely on intermittent reinforcement in order to remain a level of discipline in the classroom. Since the behavior is established the need for reinforcement lessens. The use of reinforcing stimuli is only needed for discipline occassionally (Charles & Senter, 2004).

Reinforcing Stimuli

In order to maintain discipline in the classroom according to Skinner's findings the use of reinforcing stimuli is necessary. Some examples of this type of reinforcement "knowledge of results, peer approval, awards and free time, and smiles, nods, and praise from the teacher" (Charles & Skinner, 2004, pp. 34). This type of positive reinforcement has been used for decades in the classroom as a form of rewards for discipline.


Skinner's theories on how humans react to reinforcing stimuli has played a large role in the education and discipline of students in the classroom. Although Skinner had no intentions on having an impact on education his theories have been popular and utilized for many years. Reinforcement is a positive way to discipline students, and it is a helpful tool in the goal of classroom discipline.


Charles, C. M., & Senter, G. W. (2004). Building Classroom Discipline (8th Edition) (8 ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Father's Day Wallet Craft Ideas for Kids

 Father's Day is a special holiday for dads and there are some great wallet crafts kids can make for their dads. A wallet is a useful gift that is easy enough to make. This article will provide detailed instructions on creating wallet themed crafts with kids.


Making a felt wallet is fun and easy for young kids to make for Father's Day. For this craft you will need hard felt, scissors, and fabric glue. Start by helping kids decide how big the wallet will be. It is also useful to have a ruler and pen to measure and create straight lines, but a book or other straight object will also work fine.

Then cut a rectangle of the appropriate size. Then cut another rectangle of the same exact size, and finally help kids cut another rectangle that is slightly smaller in height. Help kids assemble the wallet by laying the first piece of felt on the table. Then add a thin line of fabric glue to the very edge of the rectangle. Make sure to leave the top line glue free because this is where the money will go. Then add the matching piece of felt to the top of the first one.

Next help kids add a line of glue around three sides of the small rectangle, and help them place it on top of the second rectangle to create a smaller pocket. Allow the glue to dry completely, and this project is complete. You can add pictures or other items to the wallet for decoration if you like as well.

Duct Tape

Any dad will love a duct tape wallet made by their kids. This fun Father's Day gift is unique and inexpensive to make. For this craft you will need scissors, duct tape, a piece of thick cardboard, and thumb tacks.

Start by assisting as kids cut a piece of duct tape the appropriate length of the wallet. Then tack it to the cardboard so the sticky side is facing upward. Then cut another piece the same size. Place it directly under the other piece, but allow it to overlap the first piece slightly so it sticks together. Add four more pieces in the same fashion. Use the tacks to keep the tape from sticking together.

Then help kids cut another piece of the same length and place it on top of the last piece with the sticky side inward. Continue with this until all the pieces are covered by another piece of duct tape. Then fold the bottom of the duct tape wallet up to meet the top. Use a smaller piece to secure the sides of the wallet. Help kids place a piece evenly on the edge like a book binding to secure the sides together; repeat this process on the other side of the wallet. Finally add a piece to the inside of the sides of the wallet to cover the piece of duct tape that was just applied and add stability to the wallet.

These unique Father's Day crafts are fun for kids to make, and dads will love using a wallet that is made by his children.

Gishmas 2021 List

 Day 1 Challenge: December 20th – Image or Video What powers GISH? Love, actually. So, let’s spread some cheer. Using the GISH App or search...