Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Homemade Recycled Space Themed Party Decorations


Making homemade recycled space themed party decorations can be fun and easy. Space themed parties are a lot of fun for kids and adults alike. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating homemade recycled space themed party decorations for your next party.

Space Ship Garland

A space ship garland can be made easily using recycled materials. For this recycled party decoration you will need plastic bottles or cups, plastic lids, paint, paintbrushes, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, scissors, and ribbon. Start this recycled space party decoration by covering the work area with newspaper to keep it clean.

Then use the knife or scissors to cut the top ad bottom thirds of the bottles off. Also cut the rim off of the plastic lids. Then assemble all of your items into space ships. This can be done easily by sandwiching the lid in between two bottle tops or bottoms. If you have miniature alien figures you can glue them inside for a detailed homemade decoration.

Paint all of the spaceships and allow them to dry completely. Then cut the ribbon the appropriate length and glue the spaceships to it to make a garland. You can also use plastic toy bubbles or paper plates for this space themed recycled party decoration. Feel free to be creative when using recycled materials.

Rocket Ship Centerpiece

A homemade rocket ship centerpiece is perfect for your space themed party, and it can be made using recycled materials. For this recycled craft you will need a 2 liter soda bottle, three small bottles, paint, felt, scissors, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, and a paintbrush. You should also cover the workspace with newspaper to prevent mess and provide quick clean up.

For this homemade space themed party decoration you should start out by assembling the rocket ship. This is done easily by standing the large bottle up. Then glue the three small bottles around the bottom of the big bottle. When the glue has dried you should paint your rocket ship gray or white. While the paint is drying, cut windows, flags, and other details from the felt. Glue these pieces to the rocket ship as well. This homemade recycled space themed party decoration is quick and easy to make.

Homemade party decorations are a fun way to add your personal touch to a party. These homemade pace themed party decorations are made mainly with recycled materials which is good for your pocket as well as the environment.

Why Are There so Many Different Cheeses If They Are All Made with Basically the Same Processes?


Cheese comes in a wide variety of flavors, textures, and styles, but the process for making all cheeses remains basically the same. Making all cheeses requires mainly the same processes, but many factors influence how the finished product tastes, feels, and smells. Where the milk came from and eating habits of the mammal that produced the milk, climate conditions during the cheese making process, and the particular type of "microbes that the curd was inoculated with" all play a role in what a cheese will be like when it is completed ("CHAPTER 20: Industrial Microbiology").

The type of milk used in making cheese and the diet of the producer of the milk being used in the process inevitably impacts the end product. Cows, goats, and sheep usually provide the milk for cheese making. The diet of the producer of the milk plays an important role as well, and the climate the producer lived in also factors into the end result. Milk provides a base for cheese making, and the origin of the milk impacts the cheese. Everything that goes into producing the milk will also go into the making of the cheese; so this plays a factor in the differences of cheeses.

The climate, of the area where the cheese making occurs, influences the type of cheese achieved in the end. The temperature and humidity impacts the flavor of cheese during the ripening process ("CHAPTER 20: Industrial Microbiology"). Different cheeses are created when ripened in different locations. Environment adds to the unique flavor of the cheese.

Another factor that allows cheese to be different even when made in the exact same manner and with the exact same process relies on microbe strains. "Thousands of strains of the cheese-making bacteria and molds" provide cheese makers with numerous options for products to create ("CHAPTER 20: Industrial Microbiology"). These microbes play a key role in the different types of cheese in the world. If several of the same curds become inoculated by different strains, the cheese made varies.


"CHAPTER 20: Industrial Microbiology." GĂ©nie Chimique: Accueil. N.p., 3 Nov. 1996. Web. 1 Apr. 2011. .

How to Make a Princess Crown with Flowers


You can make a princess crown with flowers. This crown can be made with kids easily and inexpensively. It is also a great project for adults who want to add a whimsical touch to their style. This article will provide detailed instructions for making a princess crown out of flowers and other natural materials.

For this craft you will need to start with a base. The base of the crown can be made using vines, bendable tree or shrub branches, and flexible tall grass. Start by collecting the materials you wish to use for the base into a pile. You will also need wire or floss and scissors.

Start crafting your princess crown base by gathering a few pieces of the natural material of your choice into your hand. Tie the wire or floss around the end of the bundle tightly. Then bend the rest of the bunch into a circle and tie the ends together when the crown is the right size for your head.

If you are using materials that vary in length you may have to twist the items around each other before you can combine the ends into a circle. Wrapping the vines or grass may seem complicated. It is beneficial to go with the natural movement or twists of the material in order to form a circle. If the vines are particularly tough soak them in warm water for an hour or 2 before bending. You may also add wire to train materials and remove them before you are done.

After you have completed the base of the crown you must make it princess worthy. You will need dried or fake flowers, a hot glue gun, beads, hot glue sticks, and more of the material you made the base with. You can also add sequins, dried or fake leaves, and sparkles.

To add the princess aspect you want to make a pretty design in the front of your crown. You can do so by adding more of the base material to the front of the crown. This can be done using glue or wire. Adding height and peaks to the front of the crown will give it a princess look.

Next add the flowers by pulling the buds off the stem first. Then add a little glue to the bottom of the flower bud and the crown base. Press the flower bud into the crown gently. You can add real flowers to this crown by threading wire or floss through the stem of the flowers and sewing them into the crown. Remember the flowers will wither though and will probably have to be removed.

Add any other decorations you like using the glue gun, and your flower crown is ready for a princess.

Color Theories from an Artistic Perspective


I have found the colors in many of paintings so strong and beautiful that I have been amazed. The Resurrection and Transfiguration of Jesus that was painted by Grunewald is an inspiring example of the use of color. The intensity of the hues involved in this picture, make me want to look at it forever. I also enjoyed the blending of colors used to show the illumination of the sun and the darkness of the shadows. The depth implied by the strength of the colors in this book makes it awe inspiring and realistic.

Color impression is a theory that I have found interesting. This theory "properly begins with color effects in nature" (Itten, 1961, p.124). I find this study a reoccurring theme that interests me. I also enjoy the fact that color impression is not based on reproducing nature, but analyzing and exploring how different colors affect each other. I realize now that I am not just interested in creating beautiful works of art, but I am intrigued by understanding why things are so beautiful and what makes them this way. I have realized that I am curious about not only beauty or art, but how it is created and the ideas behind it. I feel that color impression and cubism are both very different, but they are similar because they both analyze the idea of art. These ideas are very inspiring to me, and I believe they give me a new perspective as an artist.

Another aspect of color theory I find intriguing is the ideas on complementary color represented in shadow. Johannas Itten mentions a study done where different color light bulbs were shown on a white plaster bust. I was interested to find that "in daylight each colored light produced a shadow of the complementary color" (Itten, 1961). This was something I have never noticed before, and I would like to try this experiment myself.

Another concept that piqued my interested was an idea on color mixing. This idea is adding a slight bit of one complementary color to the other and adding white and black to create an exciting tint. I found this fun to try while I was making colored paper. I like the way it contrasted and accentuated the original colors.

Color is a huge part of art, and there have been many theories and studies based on color. I amazed and enamored by the use of color in art, and I believe it is important for all artists to understand different theories on color in order to become a great artist

Itten, J. (1961). The Art of color; The subjective experience and objective rationale of color. New York, NY: Reinhold Publishing Corporation.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Socialization Tactics in Business

Socialization tactics are commonly used in organizations to bring employees together into a teamwork setting. These tactics are used for both new and old employees, and they require knowledge and skill in order to be used correctly. This article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of socialization tactics in business.

Collective socialization is economical since groups are socialized into a workforce at the same time (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3). A disadvantage of this type of socialization tactic is that employees may not become involved enough to be innovative.

Individual socialization tactics are the opposite of collective tactics, and an advantage of this type of tactic individual attention to the newcomer. Newcomers can easily become welcomed when mentored by another employee; they can also learn a lot of details about their position which allows them to have the background knowledge for innovation. One of the most evident disadvantages of this tactic is cost; providing individuals with this specific attention is very expensive (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3).

Fixed socialization tactics mean that an employee comes into a position with set stages of change in hierarchy. This is positive because it allows newcomers to be aware of the changes that will occur in their status and the time frame or monuments that must be reached to achieve these different levels. A disadvantage of this tactic is that innovation can be slowed, and employees may not work as hard if they do not see a reward in the future.

Formal socialization tactics require that all newcomers learn the same basic knowledge in their chosen area or profession. An advantage of formal socialization is a dependability knowledge and skill set. A disadvantage of formal socialization is that there instances where deviating from the book is necessary (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3).

Sequential socialization tactics are used when "when employees are being socialized to move up through a clearly defined organizational hierarchy" (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3). Sequential tactics are advantageous because they provide structure, procedure, and reliability. A disadvantage of this type of socialization tactic is there is a lack of innovation fostered by this method.

Socialization tactics have advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into consideration when deciding on the tactics used to socialize employees. It is important to weigh out the advantages and disadvantages of these tactics in order to use the most appropriate tactic for the current situation.


Britt, T. W., & Jex, S. M. (2008). Organizational Psychology: A Scientist-Practitioner Approach (2 ed.). New York, NY: Wiley.

The Six Dimensions of Socialization in Business


There are six dimensions of socialization tactics used in business. These tactics are used to welcome and involve new employees. The six dimensions are all used to socialize employees, but they have different aspects that make them suitable for different situations. This article will discuss the six dimensions of socialization in business.


Every organization has history, and as a new employee is part of a company they will learn much about the history of the organization. Many new employees will learn about the history of a business during orientation, and this is an effective an appropriate time to explain customs and traditions associated with the history of an organization to new employees (Britt & Jex, 2008).


Language is a dimension of socialization that is inherent to every organization. Language may be overlooked but nearly every field uses a jargon that is particular to the job tasks. Language will pertain to a field of work as well as an organization itself. This is an important dimension of socialization that will affect the performance of an employee.


Another dimension of socialization in business is politics. All new employees will "gradually begin to understand the politics or unwritten rules that govern behavior within the organization" (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3). This is a means of socialization that can be addressed in the beginning of employment and it can evolve throughout.


People and social relationships are a large part of the dimensions of socialization in business. All new employees will "belong to some group or unit, so they must establish and maintain good working relationships with others" (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3). This is an area of socialization that organizations must focus on for a business to run smoothly.

Organizational Values and Goals

An employee is chosen to represent organizational values and goals of the business they work for. This dimension of socialization is important because the values and goals of an organization should match with the employee.

Performance Proficiency

Another dimension of socialization is performance proficiency. When a new employee is brought into a business they must learn how to perform at a proficient level. This part of socialization is complex because it requires new employees to become skillful of their jobs and the knowledge necessary to complete the tasks assigned to them.

The six dimensions of socialization in business are important to any organization. All of these dimensions will impact how employees are socialized, and they should be considered when determining how to socialize employees.


Britt, T. W., & Jex, S. M. (2008). Organizational Psychology: A Scientist-Practitioner Approach (2 ed.). New York, NY: Wiley.

Growing Artichokes in Your Perennial Vegetable Garden


Growing artichokes in your perennial vegetable garden requires some work upfront, but you are guaranteed to enjoy artichokes for many years to come. Artichokes are delicious and a perennial which makes them a great addition to your vegetable garden.

Artichokes are tasty perennial vegetables. The flower bud of the plant is eaten before it opens. This perennial vegetable grows about 4 feet tall and 6 feet wide. It has long tough leaves and can only be grown in climates that have at least 100 growing days without frost.

When growing artichokes in your vegetable garden they should be planted on the last day of frost in your area. If you are planting divisions they can be planted a week or so earlier than the last frost date. The best temperature for soil when planting artichokes is over 50 degrees ferinheight and below 85 degrees ferinheight.

Artichokes require full sun and rich soil that drains well. Before planting these perennials it is important to add compost to the soil to promote healthy growth. When growing artichokes from shoots or seeds they should be planted at least 3 feet apart, and the rows should be separated by 6 feet as well. Artichokes prefer for soil to dry out before the next watering. Artichokes will grow very large so the entire soil area designated for this perennial vegetable should be fixed with compost before planting. This vegetable should receive compost applications in the spring and fall.

Artichoke will provide the largest bounty the second year of growth, and it will reproduce for 3 or 4 years. Using divisions, shoots, and suckers to keep your artichokes growing in your vegetable garden is recommended. This perennial vegetable should be cut back and covered in the winter if climates are colder. Adding mulch or straw is also recommended.

When harvesting artichokes you must wait for the second year. The blooms should be cut when they are bigger than a lemon and still tender. Cut the stem about an inch below the bloom. A healthy artichoke plant produces over 24 artichokes every growing season. They can be harvested from spring to fall. This delicious perennial can be cooked, canned, frozen, and pickled.

Artichokes are popular vegetables that can be grown in your perennial garden. Single artichoke plants will grow large enough to produce many artichokes. Try growing this delicious perennial vegetable in your garden and you will be graced with many artichokes for the years to come.

Companion Planting with Herbs


Herbs are an essential part of many gardens; they are beneficial in many ways and for many reasons. Herbs have many useful medicinal, culinary and household uses, and they should be present in every garden. Many people plant their herbs in a separate garden from their vegetables, and I am a victim of this practice myself, but I have recently learned that herbs are great companion plants in many vegetable and flower gardens. This article will discuss the benefits of herbs in your garden, and what plants are harmful and helpful.

Companion planting has been studied for several years, and this method has proven to enhance any garden extremely. This method of combining plants can help repel pests, attract insects that are helpful, add nutrients to the soil, and help aid in climate control. If you add herbs to your gardens I guarantee it will help your garden become stronger, healthier, and more productive. Here is a list of herbs and the plants that they enhance.

Anise - Coriander

Basil - Pepper and tomato

Beebalm- Tomato

Chamomile- Cucumber, onion, and most herbs

Chives- Carrot, grape, rose, and tomato

Dill- Cabbage, onion, and lettuce

Garlic- Rose

Larkspur- Bean and cabbage

Lovage- Bean

Marigold- Potato, rose, and tomato

Mint- Cabbage and tomato

Mustards- Bean, grape, and fruit trees

Oregano- Bean

Rosemary- Bean

Ruse- Fig

Sage- Cabbage, carrot, strawberry, tomato, marjoram

Tarragon- Most vegetables

Thyme- Eggplant, potato, and tomato

Ever notice that some plants just do not do well near each other? There are also herbs that have harmful effects on other plants, and these combinations should be observed as well if you want your garden to be healthy. Here is a list of enemy herbs.

Anise- Carrot

Chives- Bean and pea

Coriander- Fennel

Dill- Carrot and tomato

Fennel- Bean, pepper, and tomato

Garlic- Bean and pea

Larkspur- Beet


Onion- bean, pea, and sage

Rue- Basil, cabbage, and sage

Sage- Onion

Tansy- Collard

Wormwood- Most vegetables

If you are like me one of your worst garden nightmares is insect infestations. It is terrible when you have a beautiful thriving garden, and all of a sudden you notice holes in your leaves and insects are running amuck on what you thought was your bounty. There are also many herbs that repel pests, and here is a list of herbs that serve this purpose.

Ant- peppermint and tansy

Aphid- Catnip, chives, garlic, mustard, and mint

Cabbage butterfly- Southernwood

Carrot fly- Leek, lettuce, rosemary, sage,

Cucumber beetle- catnip, marigold, nasturtium, rue

Japanese beetle- Catnip, chives, garlic, tansy

Mexican bean beetle- Marigold, rosemary, savories

Mouse- Wormwood

Mole- Castor bean, narcissus

Rabbit- garlic, marigold, onion

Slug and snail- Fennel, garlic, marigold

Spider mite- Coriander

Whitefly- Nasturtium, peppermint, thyme, wormwood

Companion planting with herbs brightens your garden up; it enhances the growth of your plants, and it helps protect your plants from pests. Try companion planting with herbs today!

Home Decorating Crafts with Picture Frames


Yard sales, dollar stores, and thrift stores are always filled with cheap and interesting picture frames. You can use these frames to make several home decorating crafts. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating home decorating crafts with picture frames.

Family Collages

Making collages with picture frames is a great home decorating craft for your old picture frames. For this craft you will need a picture frames for each member of your family; these frames can come in any shape or size. You will also need photos, images from magazines, or other items that remind you of the people your frames will be dedicated too. Glue, tape, paper, markers, scissors, hammer, and nails are also needed items for this home decorating craft.

Start by gathering all the materials together and separating them by person. Then cut a piece of paper to fit inside the frame. Arrange the other gathered items on the piece of paper and write the name of the person somewhere if you like. Place the paper in the frame and repeat for the rest of the family.

Finish this home decorating craft by hanging your picture frames in a cluster in your home. This family collage adds warmth to your home decorating while using unwanted picture frames.

Memory Board

Picture frames are a great tool for creating memory boards. These boards can hold pictures, notes, and anything else you would like to remember. For this craft you will need a large picture frame, ribbon, scissors, batting, fabric, cardboard, a hot glue gun, and hot glue sticks.

Start by cutting the cardboard to fit in the picture frame. Cut the batting to match the cardboard. Then cut the fabric so it is slightly larger than the cardboard on all sides. Place the fabric face down on work space. Place the batting in the center of the fabric. Place the cardboard on top. Use the glue gun to glue the edges of the fabric to the back of the cardboard.

Then cut several long pieces of ribbon. Lay them on the work area at a diagonal to the cardboard. Space the ribbon about 4 inches apart. Then lay more pieces of ribbon going in the opposite direction creating diamond shapes. Place the fabric covered cardboard on top of the ribbon lattice and glue ends to back of cardboard. Next add a drop of glue to the points where the ribbons overlap and press into the fabric to secure. This home decorating craft is a great way to use a picture frame.

Picture frames can be useful for many crafts. These home decorating ideas are fun and easy; they will add a special touch to your home decor.

Home Decorating Crafts with Buttons


Home decorating crafts with buttons are fun and personal to create. Buttons are cheap and come in a variety of styles and colors. This article will provide you with detailed instructions for creating several home decorating crafts with buttons.


A fun home decorating craft that uses buttons is a lampshade. This craft is a great way to add your personal style to your lampshade. For this craft you will need many buttons, a hot glue gun, and hot glue sticks.

Start by deciding how you will like your buttons to be arranged. You can create several patterns, or you can choose to randomly attach the buttons. You can even make shapes out of the buttons such as flowers, stars, or hearts.

To create this custom lamp use the hot glue to start attaching buttons in your predetermined pattern. You can use a pencil to draw outlines of your pattern. You can even add some buttons to the base of the lamp as well if you like. When the glue has cooled replace the shade on the lamp and it is ready to be used.


Another easy home decorating craft that utilizes buttons is a centerpiece. For this project you will need a glass jar, ribbon, scissors, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, and a candle that fits in the jar. You can make several candles for this centerpiece, or you can use one candle. You may even decorate a large jar and fill it with several long candles.

Start by cutting a piece of ribbon that is slightly longer than the rim of the jar. Glue the ribbon along the edge to cover the threads. Then add the buttons to the rest of the jar using the glue in. Finally place the candle inside and arrange on the table.


For a unique and easy home decorating idea try adding style to your curtains. For this craft you will need buttons, fabric glue, and a pencil or piece of chalk. Start by drawing a pattern on your curtain lightly with the pencil. Then use the buttons to fill in your pattern. Allow the fabric glue to dry overnight before returning the curtain to its original spot.

Buttons are cheap and creative; they add a special touch to your home decorating ideas. These crafts are fun and simple, and you can complete them with little supplies and little time. Try these home decorating crafts with your extra buttons.

Recycled Cardboard Mother's Day Crafts and Gifts


You can use recycled cardboard to make many Mother's day crafts and gifts. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating a photo collage house and mini purse out of recycled cardboard, and these crafts are a great gift for your mom on Mother's Day.

Photo Collage House

For this Mother's day gift craft you will need a small cardboard box, tape, construction paper, paint, a paintbrush, glue, scissors, and photos. You can also add ribbon, beads, and buttons to this recycled craft
for more detail.

Start this recycled craft by opening the top flaps of the box and bringing them together to create a roof shape. Tape them in place and cover the roof with construction paper. Paint the sides of the box, and add a door and spaces for windows. Cut the photos to fit the windows and glue them in place.

Add details to this recycled cardboard craft using paint and other odds and ends you have around the house. Try recycling paper by adding a fence to the bottom of the house. When the gift is dry it is ready for Mother's day.


You will need a small cardboard box, fabric, glue, felt, heavy ribbon, and scissors for this Mother's day gift craft. You can also add beads, sequins, charms, fake flowers, and broken bits of jewelry to this purse to make it more personalized.

Begin this recycled purse by cutting the flaps off of the open side of the cardboard box. Then use the fabric and glue to cover the outside of the box in fabric. Wrap it like a present and tuck the ends of the fabric inside the box. Glue all of the fabric in place securely.

Cut three long piece of ribbon to create a strap for the purse. Braid the ribbon together and tie the ends into a knot. Glue the ends to the inside of the box. Use the felt and glue to line the inside of the box completely. Remember to overlap the fabric and ribbon to seal it in place neatly. Allow the entire recycled craft to dry for 24 hours before giving it to your mom as a Mother's day gift.

Cardboard boxes are excellent mediums for Mother's day crafts and gifts. These gift ideas are a great way to use recycled cardboard, and your mother will love the thought and time put into this gift.

Mother's Day Silverware Crafts with Kids


You can make Mother's Day silverware crafts with your kids easily. Silverware can be purchased inexpensively at local dollar stores, thrift stores, and yard sales. This article will provide you with instructions for creating a wind chime, bouquet, and photo holder with your kids for Mother's Day.

Wind chime

For this Mother's Day craft you will need several different pieces of silverware, fishing line or dental floss, scissors, and ribbon. You can also use pliers to make this craft easier for kids.

Start this craft by helping kids bend a piece of silverware into a circle. Then cut a piece of ribbon about 12 inches lo9ng and tie it to both sides of the circle. Help kids cut several pieces of dental floss and tie the ends to pieces of silverware. Tie the other ends of the floss to the circle. This easy Mother's Day craft is a great gift kids can make for mom.


For this Mother's Day craft you will need several pieces of silverware, a glass jar or tin can, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, buttons, pliers, ribbon, scissors, paint, and a paint brush.

Start this craft by helping kids turn the silverware into interesting floral shapes. This can be done easily by bend prongs on the forks. Handles can also be bent to add detail to the stems of the flower.

Then help kids paint all of the silverware to look like flowers. Glue buttons to the inside of spoons to resemble flowers as well. When all of the silverware has dried tie a ribbon around them and place them in the tin can vase. This Mother's Day craft is easy for kids when you use inexpensive silverware, and plastic silverware can also be used.

Photo Holder

You will need two forks, a flower pot, a piece of foam that fits snugly inside the pot, moss, small fake flowers, ribbon, scissors, glue, and two photos for this Mother's Day craft.

Start this craft by placing the foam inside the flower pot. Then use the glue and the moss to completely cover the foam. Stick the handles of the forks into the foam and add more moss and flowers around the handles to secure them in place.

When the glue has dried tie a ribbon around the pot and place the photos securely in between the prongs of the forks. This Mother's Day craft is a great gift that kids will love to make.

Silverware is an inexpensive and fun medium for these Mother's Day craft projects. Kids will love being creative, and moms will enjoy these unique gifts.

Mother's Day Crafts with Recycled Glass Jars


Try making Mother's Day crafts with recycled glass jars, and your mother will love her gift. This article will provide you with detailed instructions for creating a garden photo jar, a note holder, and a thumbprint vase using recycled glass jars. CONTENT: Try making Mother's Day crafts with recycled glass jars, and your mother will love her gift. This article will provide you with detailed instructions for creating a garden photo jar, a note holder, and a thumbprint vase using recycled glass jars.

Garden Photo Jar

For this Mother's day gift you will need a glass jar and lid, fake or dried flowers, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, tweezers, sticks, pine cones, acorns, other nature items and photo.

Begin this recycled craft by using the glue gun to glue the nature items you have found to the border or corners of the photo. Then glue two small sticks across the bottom to help the photo stand up, but make sure the photo and sticks fit in the jar.

Then add some glue to the bottom of the photo and lower it gently into the jar. Attach it to the bottom and add more nature items around the jar using the glue and tweezers. Glue leaves, and flowers to the lid of the jar to cover it completely. When the glue has cooled seal your recycled jar and it is ready for Mother's Day.

Note Holder Jar

You will need a clean glass jar, an old magazine, scissors, rice, wire, glue, pliers, index cards, and skewers or tongue depressors. You can also paint the skewers to create a more personalized Mother's day gift.

Start this craft by cutting out several images from the magazine. Glue the images to the outside of the jar to completely cover it. Then fill the recycled jar with rice.

Cut a few six inch pieces of wire. Wrap the end of a piece of wire around the end of each skewer to secure it in place; add glue where needed. Remember to leave 3 inches of free wire on the end of the stick.

Twist the remaining end of wire into a spiral shape and stick a note card into the spiral. Place the note holders into the jar and your recycled Mother's day craft ready.

Thumbprint Vase

To turn a recycled glass jar into a mother's day gift you will need a glass jar, scissors, ribbon, glue, paint, paper plate, and paper towels.

Start this recycled craft by glue a piece of ribbon around the rim of the glass jar. Then pour several different colors of paint onto the paper plates. Lightly press your thumb into the paint and press it onto the jar.

Cover the jar with paint thumbprints. Create a pattern if you like or keep it simple and go abstract. You can also make flowers by using a thumbprint as the center and making several prints around the center to look like flower petals. Allow the paint to dry and fill the recycled jar with flowers for Mother's day.

These Mother's day crafts is a great way to recycle glass jars. Instead of spending a lot of money on Mother's day gifts try these recycled glass jar crafts.

Jewelry Crafts Children Can Make for Mother's Day


Children love making crafts for the moms on Mother's Day, and these jewelry c rafts also make wonderful gifts for moms. Jewelry can be expensive, and it may seem like children may not be able to make their moms beautiful jewelry items. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on jewelry crafts children can easily create for this special holiday.

Clay Swirl Necklace

For this jewelry project you will need polymer clay in a few colors, a large embroidery needle, ribbon, and scissors. Begin this Mother's day craft by helping children break a piece off of each block of clay. The child can roll the piece into a tube shape.

Then press the tubes together and roll into one longer t be. Help kids roll the tube into a ball. Separate the ball into smaller pieces. Then help children mix the colors in each individual piece of clay until they are happy with the fun swirl pattern they create.

Then roll the clay into a ball and gently push the needle through the center to make it a bead. Make sure to push the needle all the way through so the hole is wider enough later on.

Then place beads on a baking sheet in the oven. Bake according to the directions on the package. When the clay is done allow it to cool. Then thread the ribbon onto the needle. Tie a knot in one end. Help children thread the beads onto the ribbon knot. Then tie the other end of the ribbon into a loop big enough to fit a bead through. After all the beads are strung on the necklace pull one bead to the end with a single knot and tie the bead to the end by adding another knot underneath it to complete this lovely Mother's day gift.

Sparkle Ring

An easy Mother's Day craft for children is a sparkle ring. This pretty jewelry piece is quick to make and children will enjoy making it. For this project you will need sparkles, a bottle cap, black and white paint, a small paintbrush, glue, and a ring back. You can also form a piece of strong wire into a ring shape if you like.

Then let kids paint the outside edge of a bottle cap with the black and white paint. Help them create strips along the edge for a pretty look. After the paint has dried, help children fill the inside of the cap with glue. Sprinkle glitter on top of the glue and let dry overnight. When the glitter is dry, glue the ring to the ring back or wire ring.

Mothers will appreciate the effort put into these jewelry crafts, and children will love creating such pretty items for their moms. Try these ideas for great Mother's Day gifts that children can create.

How to Design a Teamwork Environment to Foster Employee Satisfaction


Planning how to design a teamwork environment can be difficult when considering employee dissatisfaction. There are many factors of influence to consider when designing a teamwork environment in business. Problems will also arise in any teamwork environment, and they should be considered as well. This article will provide you with detailed tips on how to create a teamwork environment that will provide your employees with satisfaction.

When designing a teamwork environment to minimize job dissatisfaction, there are many factors to take into consideration. Social relationships, group structure, and status relationships all play an important role in teamwork and job satisfaction. There are many complex relationships in any organization that will influence how a team works together.

First, I would consider management. Managers should have their own area, and depending on the role of the manager they might even need a separate area from lower level employees. If the manager plays a direct, hands-on, role in the functions of the team it is important put the manager at the center so she is easily accessible and can monitor effectively. If the manager plays a separate part from the everyday function it is important to give her an office where she can has the privacy and time to focus.

It is important to consider social relationships when designing a teamwork environment. Putting people who get along well together in an environment together will most likely produce efficient results because they will be happy and work together easily. Considering those who do not get along is also important because putting to people together that naturally conflict will cause problems and make work harder and more time consuming.

Status is another area to consider because higher ranking individuals may be demanding or dictating and this can cause dissatisfaction for employees. It is also important to consider those who naturally take on leadership roles when creating a teamwork environment because too many cooks will spoil the soup. Some potential issues that can emerge are power struggles, conflicting ideas on direction for the group, group members taking sides, and slacking as a whole. There are also individuals who prefer to work alone, and this should be considered as well.

These different factors will all affect the employee satisfaction of a team. Designing a teamwork environment that nurtures satisfaction and efficiency is important for any business. These tips will help you design a teamwork environment in your business.

Free Bookmark Cross Stitch Patterns


Bookmarks are great gifts and they are wonderful items for cross stitching. There are a variety of different cross stitch patterns for bookmarks and they are all free. 

Book Bug

This bookmark is perfect for your avid reader, and it portrays lady bugs and reads, "Book Bug." It is a simple cross stitch pattern to complete, and it can be found by clicking here.

Teacher's Bookmark

Any teacher would appreciate this cross stitch bookmark. It features a stack of books and a lovely border, and it expresses your thankfulness towards your teacher. For this simple and free cross stitch pattern follow this link.

Easy Heart Bookmark

This quick and easy bookmark pattern is a perfect beginners project. It is a great gift for someone you care about and can be found here.

Geometric Pattern Bookmark

A very versatile bookmark pattern that everyone can enjoy, this free geometric cross stitch pattern can be found at this link

Home is where the Hound is Bookmark

Dog lovers will love this free bookmark cross  stitch. It is great for beginners and can be found at this link. 

Snail Bookmark

This cute bookmark features a snail wearing glasses and sitting on top of a book. You can find the free bookmark pattern here.

Bookmarks are fun for cross stitching, and they are great to give as gifts. These free patterns will help you make many nice bookmarks.

Flowers that Are Symbolic of Love


Flowers have always been considered symbolic of feelings, and there are many flowers that are symbolic of love. Understanding the meanings of flowers is a great way to surprise someone you care about. Here you will find the meaning of several flowers that symbolize love.


A pretty white flower, that forms in several small clusters of buds. The acacia flower is symbolic of secret love and will surprise and intrigue your secret loved one (Ghaffar).


These interesting flowers are often sent to represent love that is returned. This is an excellent way to let someone know that you feel the same as they do.


Aster is a pretty flower that comes in a variety of shades of blue, purple, or pink. Aster flowers are delicate and sweet and they are symbolic of delicate love.

Baby's Breath

This tiny white flower is found in clusters. It is often used in many different kinds of bouquets. This flower is symbolic of eternal love (Ghaffar).

Red Carnations

Carnations are inexpensive and special. A red carnation suggests deep longing and love for someone. This color carnation is a great gift to a loved one.


These special flowers are reminiscent of love. They represent true love and feelings. They should only be given to someone if the love is very serious.


Gladiolus flowers come in a variety of colors. These flowers are symbolic of instant love and love at first sight (Ghaffar).


These sweet smelling flowers are yellow in color. Honeysuckle represents devotional love and loyalty.


This traditional flower is known to be symbolic of love. It is also representative of marriage and the love of a man and wife (Ghaffar).


Orchids are tender flowers that are very romantic and special. Orchids are perfect flowers to represent love because of their need for special care and beauty. These flowers are symbolic of love, beauty, and passion (Ghaffar).


Roses mean a variety of things, but the color of the rose symbolizes the meaning of love. Red roses are common symbols of love and white roses mean true love for eternity.

Spider Flower

The spider flower is one of a kind flower. This dainty flower comes in shades of purple and pink. These flowers beg the question, "Will you elope with me?"

The meaning of flowers can change the way you look at the next bouquet you give. These flowers are symbolic of love, and they make a wonderful gift to someone you care about.


Ghaffar, A. (n.d.). Flower Meanings and Meanings of Flowers. Florists, Send Flowers Online, Delivery, Funeral, Wedding, Gifts, Photos, Mother's Day, Easter, Roses, Flowers for Girlfriend, Men. Retrieved January 6, 2011, from

Colleen Moore's Amazing FairyTale Dollhouse

I have always loved dollhouses since I was a little girl. I have owned many dollhouses, and I have made a few myself, but I have never seen a dollhouse as beautiful as the dollhouse made by Colleen Moore. This is a doll house that should be known by all dollhouse enthusiasts worldwide.


My favorite dollhouse is a fairy castle made by Colleen Moore; it is an amazing creation that was created from "1928 -1935," and "over 100 people" helped to create this masterpiece (Finnegan, 1999, p. 63). This castle is a beautifully constructed work of art that I fell in love with the moment I looked upon it. It measures over "nine square feet," and it cost about "500,000" dollars to create (Finnegan, 1999, p 63).

This fairy tale castle is made up of many amazing little details. One of my favorite details is the use of Moore's "mother's engagement ring"; the ring is set into the cathedral as a sunburst pattern (Finnegan, 1999, p. 64). This gesture shows the love that Moore had for this work, and it inspires me and makes me feel less foolish to be truly excited to create a beautiful little dollhouse.

This dollhouse incorporates many fairy tale themes into it. The pictures of Cinderella, the Queen of Hearts, and Alice in Wonderland are painted, carved, and stenciled throughout the castle (Finnegan, 1999). There are no actual dolls that reside in this masterpiece, but many of the rooms are themed to suit a fairy tale story. The great dining hall is modeled after the King Arthur story and Robin Hood, and the princess' bedroom is modeled after the story of sleeping beauty; the bed is even covered in a spider web style blanket (Finnegan, 1999).

This doll house is extremely intriguing and has many amazing aspects. I particularly love the weeping willow tree that actually cries, the mother of pearl floor in the bedroom, and the organ that actually plays in the cathedral (Finnegan, 1999). This doll house is amazingly beautiful and encompasses a fantastical array of details that make it unforgettable.

I am amazed by this dollhouse. Every little detail is so precise and thought out. There is so much time and love put into this dollhouse that it is practically unbelievable. I am enamored by the use of fairytales and personal memories to create this piece, and I am sure anyone else who has ever viewed it would be also!


Finnegan, S. (1999). The doll house book. New York, NY: Black Dog & Leventhal.

Beginner Jewelry Craft Projects for Mother's Day


Making jewelry craft projects for Mother's Day is easy even for beginners. Mother's will love receiving jewelry made especially for them. This article will explain how to make beginner jewelry craft projects for your mom on her special day.

Beaded Dangle Earrings

Earrings are easy to make and a perfect project for the beginner. To make this jewelry item you will need wire, a wire cutter, pliers, two jump rings, two medium sized beads, four small beads, and two earring hooks.

Start by cutting a piece of wire about two inches long. Then use the pliers to bend the bottom of the wire into a small circle. Add a small bead, medium bead, and another small bead to the wire. Then twist the other side of the wire to secure all of the beads in place and create another small circle.

Finally attach the earring post or hook using a jump ring. Simply stretch the ring open with the pliers, then add the circle on the end of the beaded wire and the earring hook. Close the jump ring with the pliers and repeat the process to make the other earring for the pair.

Beach Glass Bracelet

Another great beginner's jewelry project for Mother's Day is a beach glass bracelet. For this jewelry craft you will need some pretty beach glass beads, hemp or other thin cord, scissors, and a safety pin. Start by cutting 3 pieces of cord about a foot and a half long.

Then tie the cords together at the end to make a tight knot. Make a second knot slightly lower than the first knot; there should be enough room for a bead to slip past the two knots. Then start braiding the cords together. After a few links, add a bead to one strand of cord. Make another link and add another bead. Keep adding beads until you are almost done with the bracelet. Then add a few more braids and a final bead to the end of the bracelet. The final bead, when slipped through the knots on the other end, function as a clasp.

These beginner jewelry craft ideas make unique and pretty Mother's Day gifts. Make sure to buy custom beads to suit your mother's tastes, and your mom will be ecstatic to wear her new gifts.

Art Class Lesson Plan for Elementary School Students for Mother's Day


Mother's Day is a great holiday for students to create gifts for their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters and all the other women in their lives. There is no better gift than one made by the giver, and anyone would love these miniature flower bouquets. This lesson plan is easy and can be enjoyed by all elementary students.

The materials needed for this lesson include empty spools of thread; the students can bring these in from home, or the teacher can provide them. Pieces of wire are also a required material; paper clips can be unbent and used for this project. Scissors, acrylic paint, beads, pieces of felt, brushes, scraps of ribbon, buttons, clay, and glue are also necessary materials that will be needed for this project. All of these items can be found around the house, and many of these items can be brought in by th teacher or student, or they can be purchased for very low prices.

To begin your project, fill the hole in each spool with a little ball of clay. Next have the students paint each spool with the acrylic or tempera paint. Remember to lay newspaper down on the table in order to keep the paint off of the tables. Have the students paint the spools whatever color they like, and set the spool aside to dry.

Now cut the wire into 2 or 3 inch pieces, or unbend the paper clips and cut them to size. These pieces of wire will be the flower stems. Next use the beads, glue, and felt pieces to create little flowers. The students can just glue the beads onto the wire, or they can wrap little strips of felt around the end of the wire to create flowers. Buttons can also be used to create cute little flowers, and remember to make many of them. Glue little diamond shaped scraps of green felt onto the wire in order to create leaves.

When the spool and the flowers are completely dry the piece can be composed. Have the students stick the little flowers into the clay that is inside the hole of the spool, and make the students arrange these flowers however they like. The final step is to tie a scrap of ribbon around the spool.

These miniature flower boutiques are perfect for Mother's Day, and many other holidays. They can be given as gifts or placed randomly around the home so that they bring a little happy surprise to the person receiving them!

How Similar Personalities Can Affect the Workplace


Similar personalities can affect the workforce in several ways. There are many benefits and problems that can occur due to similar personalities in the workplace. It is important to understand the benefits and problems that can occur do to similar personalities if you want your business to run efficiently. This article will discuss how similar personalities can affect the workplace.

It is common for similar personalities to become evident in any workplace. This is known as organizational culture, and it can happen accidentally or purposefully. Some businesses choose to hire employees with similar personalities because they would like to instill and maintain an organizational culture. This practice has many benefits, but it also brings about some problems.

Working in a group with similar personalities can be a beneficial because a sense of community, unity, and family can occur. Similar personalities can also provide smooth working conditions and transitions. Another benefit of a workforce with similar personalities is efficiency. People with similar personalities may work similarly, and this can make the work efficient; it can also mean there is less need for discussion because people are on the same page. Similar personalities can bring a positive attitude into a group which is productive. An organizational culture can be easily instilled in a business by hiring employees with similar personality. This allows the company culture to be inherent in the workplace, but there are also problems that come along with this.

Problems can also easily occur do to similar personalities in a workforce. Some problems can occur because if people are similar they may not be able to think of solutions to problems because they do not have the difference of opinion, knowledge, or way of thinking. Another problem can be that similar personalities can sometimes cause conflict. If there are a group of people who all like to lead then this is an issue that can cause stress.

Similar personalities can be helpful in an organization, but it can also be detrimental because of the lack of innovation possible. If an organization is going to choose people with similar personalities, I think it is important to choose personality traits that are beneficial to the company such as strong work ethic and optimism. Having differences are also important to cover all bases.

Many companies choose to support organizational cultures by hiring people with similar personalities to the ethics of a company. This can positive in many ways, and it is important to understand the downfall of this method in order to avoid any problems this type of hiring can produce.

Homemade Green Decorations for an Earth Day Party


You can make homemade green decorations for your Earth Day party. This article will show you how to make a soda bottle garland, tin can centerpiece, collage place card holders, and a lid banner.

Soda Bottle Garland

For this green Earth Day decoration you will need several soda bottles, a box cutter, scissors, yarn, paint, paintbrushes, and a hole puncher.

Start this party craft by cutting the soda bottles into three or four pieces. Use the razor to cut to the top and bottom off first. When you have several soda bottle pieces you can paint them however you like, or you can leave them plain. Then cut three long pieces of yarn and braid them together.

Punch holes into different parts of the bottles and start composing your garland by string the bottles onto the yarn. You can also tie the yarn braid around the mouth of bottles to make a flower like garland. When the entire braid is full your Earth Day party decoration is ready to be hung for your party.

Tin Can Centerpiece

For this green party decoration you will need a couple of tin cans, paint, paintbrushes, and glue. Start by arranging the tin cans in a circle. Use the glue to secure them together. You can also tie a ribbon around them if you like.

Then use the paint to paint a message or image on the tops of the cans. Happy Earth Day is a nice message to incorporate into your green party decoration. When the paint has dried your centerpiece is ready for your party.

Collage Place Card Holder

For this green party decoration you will need old wine corks, old magazines, scissors, a knife, and glue. You will also need small cards with your guests' name written on them.

Start this green Earth Day party decoration by using the knife to cut a slit in the length of the wine cork. Slice a small sliver off the length of the wine cork on the opposite side of the wine cork from the slice. Cut several images from magazines and glue them onto the entire wine cork to cover it.

When the glue is dry the wine cork will hold a place card for your Earth Day party. These decorations are also great party favors; guests can use them as note and photo holders in remembrance of your Earth Day party.

Lid Banner

You can make a lid banner for your Earth Day party by using old lids, paint, a hole puncher, ribbon, and paintbrushes.

Start making this decoration by arranging all of the lids in a line. Paint the words you would like on the lids by paint a single letter on each lid. Use the hole puncher to punch a hole in bot connecting sides of each lid.

Use small pieces of ribbon or yarn to tie the lids together in the correct order. Add ribbon to the ends of your banner and your Earth Day decoration is done.

These homemade decorations can be made for the party, but they are also a fun party activity for kids and adults. So try these homemade green decorations for your Earth Day party.

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