Showing posts with label Advantages Disadvantages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advantages Disadvantages. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Socialization Tactics in Business

Socialization tactics are commonly used in organizations to bring employees together into a teamwork setting. These tactics are used for both new and old employees, and they require knowledge and skill in order to be used correctly. This article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of socialization tactics in business.

Collective socialization is economical since groups are socialized into a workforce at the same time (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3). A disadvantage of this type of socialization tactic is that employees may not become involved enough to be innovative.

Individual socialization tactics are the opposite of collective tactics, and an advantage of this type of tactic individual attention to the newcomer. Newcomers can easily become welcomed when mentored by another employee; they can also learn a lot of details about their position which allows them to have the background knowledge for innovation. One of the most evident disadvantages of this tactic is cost; providing individuals with this specific attention is very expensive (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3).

Fixed socialization tactics mean that an employee comes into a position with set stages of change in hierarchy. This is positive because it allows newcomers to be aware of the changes that will occur in their status and the time frame or monuments that must be reached to achieve these different levels. A disadvantage of this tactic is that innovation can be slowed, and employees may not work as hard if they do not see a reward in the future.

Formal socialization tactics require that all newcomers learn the same basic knowledge in their chosen area or profession. An advantage of formal socialization is a dependability knowledge and skill set. A disadvantage of formal socialization is that there instances where deviating from the book is necessary (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3).

Sequential socialization tactics are used when "when employees are being socialized to move up through a clearly defined organizational hierarchy" (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3). Sequential tactics are advantageous because they provide structure, procedure, and reliability. A disadvantage of this type of socialization tactic is there is a lack of innovation fostered by this method.

Socialization tactics have advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into consideration when deciding on the tactics used to socialize employees. It is important to weigh out the advantages and disadvantages of these tactics in order to use the most appropriate tactic for the current situation.


Britt, T. W., & Jex, S. M. (2008). Organizational Psychology: A Scientist-Practitioner Approach (2 ed.). New York, NY: Wiley.

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