Friday, May 28, 2021

Spooky Halloween Dinner Party Ideas

I love Halloween, and I have thrown many a Halloween party, and here is a list of my favorite Halloween recipes that you are guaranteed to love!

The first thing you need for your Halloween dinner party is something deliciously creepy to drink, and I suggest making a huge bowl of punch to save you time. All you will need for this recipe is 6 cups of cranberry juice, 5 cups of apple juice, ½ cup of corn syrup, and 1 cup of water. Mix all of these liquids together, and serve in a punch bowl with fake wax teeth in them, and your bloody punch will be a hit.

You will also need some appetizers for your guests, and I suggest this monster brain recipe. For this treat you will need the following ingredients; salsa, sour cream, 2 avocados, finely chopped cilantro, lemon juice, a can of mashed chic peas, a pinch of salt and pepper, various chips or vegetables, and 3 different gourds or squashes. First and most important part is to hollow out the three gourds. Now carve evil, funny, or weird monster faces into the gourds with a paring knife. You can also use half toothpicks to stick different vegetables into the gourds to add facial features. I like to use olives as eyes. Now fill 2 of these gourds with salsa and sour cream. Mix the remaining ingredients and put it into the last gourd. Place the heads on a dish with the chips and veggies and you will be set.

A quick and fun entrée idea is mummy pizzas, and it can be made only using English muffins, black olives, shredded mozzarella, and tomato sauce. Cut the English muffins in half and spread sauce on them. Now cut the olives in half and lay them on the pizza like eyes. Now place the shredded mozzarella on the pizza, but make sure to have it going mostly in the same direction in order to simulate the wrapping of a mummy. Bake until cheese is melted at 350 degrees, and you will have a delicious treat.

Finally you will need a great dessert for your Halloween party. These gravestone cookies are classic and can be altered to suit your guests! To make the cookie base you will need 2 cups of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 3 eggs, 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract, and 6 cups of flour. Mix butter and sugar together until soft; next mix the flour and vanilla into the concoction. Finally add the eggs one at a time until mixed, and finally add the flour until it is just combined. Roll the dough out and cut it into rectangles. You can round the tops to make them look more like grave stones. Bake at 350 degrees until the edges are golden. After the cookies have cooled you can frost them with white icing, and if you like you can write them names of your guests on them with black frosting. These cookies will be a great creepy end to your party.

All of these recipes are tasty and simple, and they will help make any Halloween party a success!

Simple Makeup Ideas to Make You Shine at Prom

Prom is your special day, and everything has to be perfect, right? This does not always happen, because we do not live in a perfect world, but here are a few prom makeup tips that can help make your prom as perfect as possible!

First when deciding what make up to wear to prom I believe the best choice you can make is lips or eyes. Once you decide which one you would like to accentuate half the battle is over. It is important to pick one or the other because you do not want to overdue your make up and end up looking too dramatic. If you choose to highlight your lips, pick a dark burgundy, a bright red or a dark mauve. Make sure whatever color you pick matches your dress because you want to accent your lips not make them stand out. If you are going with darker lips make sure to use light eye makeup. I find that gold goes well with burgundy and red lipstick, and peach tones go well with mauve or brown lipsticks. If you choose your eyes you may like to match your eye shadow to your dress or just use plain old black; either can have a very lovely affect. When you are going with dark eyes make sure to use a muted lipstick or a light lip gloss.

No matter what part of your face you choose to accentuate when doing your prom make up, it is important to use mascara. If the eyes are the window to the soul you definitely want them to have some pretty curtains. Remember during prom you are likely to be dancing up a storm, and you might even shed some tears so make sure to get waterproof mascara because it will last you all night and into the after party.

Pictures are a must when you are attending prom and you don't want your prom makeup to look bad in pictures. It is important to touch up your make up and reapply lip liner and lipstick before you are planning on taking pictures if you want them to come out perfect. So always use a mirror when reapplying your prom makeup.

Skin tone is an important part of our prom makeup that many over look. I am not saying go out and lather your face with concealer because that will not be fun, but you should use a little finishing powder to give yourself an even tone. Make sure to pay attention to your cheeks, nose, and forehead when applying because these are the areas that will get greasy first. It is also important if you do choose to use foundation to blend it in well at your jaw line and neck.

Another part of prom makeup that is easy to forget but very important is what you bring in your purse. Extra lipstick, gloss, eyeliner, and mascara are always good to have as back ups, and it is also important to bring some finishing powder if you start to sweat a little. I also brought some candy, deodorant, and blotters to my prom. These are handy because you never know what will happen.

With these tips your prom should be a smashing success, and you will be the bell of the ball!

10 Tips for a Successful Spa Party at Home

Throwing a spa party has become a very popular way to get together with friends, and it is a great way to pamper yourself. Here are ten spa party tips that will make your party a hit.

1.Invitations for a spa party can be made easily by printing them out on your computer, and this way you can personalize the invitations. Remember to tell the guests to get ready for a day of relaxation.

2.The décor of a spa party must be peaceful and relaxed. So remove clutter from your home. Soothing music, scented candles, and flowers should be arranged all over for a pretty and calm atmosphere. Pillows are a must have for comfort so have a bunch on hand.

3.Decide what spa treatments you will like to do at your party. There are a lot of choices so pick what suits your needs and wants best. I find the easiest at home spa party treatments are pedicures, manicures, and facials.

4.After this is decided you will need to gather your ingredients. For a manicures and pedicures you will need something to soak feet and hands in, lotion to smooth skin, something for buffing feet, and various nail polishes and nail filing tools. Set these items up for each individual in a particular spot. This way they can relax and not have to move around too much.

5.For facials have different masks for different skin types available. You can also have your guests make there own masks as souvenirs to take home if you are feeling crafty. There are many recipes for homemade face masks, and the ingredients needed are inexpensive and easy to find.

6.Having tea, wine, and cold water is also a good idea during these parties because you want your guests to feel calm, refreshed, and relaxed. Remember to keep these things out near the area you will be resting in so you will not have to walk around too much.

7.Towels are extremely important for a spa party. You will need towels for feet, hands, and faces so stock up on soft fuzzy towels of various sizes. When doing facials I like to dampen my face towels, and stick them in the microwave for a couple of seconds. This warms the towel and opens your pores so the facial masks can really penetrate.

8.When throwing your spa party you must consider having a professional nail artist come in or having your guest help each other. If you can afford hiring a beautician this will work great, but if not have your guests pair up and exchange pedicures and manicures.

9.For a spa party simple and light food is required. A spa party tip that I have found very useful is making food the night or morning before the party. This removes stress from the party, and allows the host to have a pleasant time. Simply make some salads and fruit and vegetable platters and set them out before the party starts. Your guests will love the fresh ingredients and they will not end up feeling too full.

10.Gift bags for spa parties are fun and easy, and what woman doesn't love bringing home new beauty supplies. Simple fill little bags with extra face towels, lip balms, lotions, and other inexpensive bath and beauty items. This way your guest will feel relaxed at home as well.

Spa parties are a great way to relax and bond with your buddies after a stressful week, so why not throw your own spa party with the help of these tips!

What is Caffeine and How Does Coffee Actually Effect Us?

If you are like me you enjoy a morning cup of coffee on a regular basis. I love the taste and the smell of coffee, but sometimes it gives me heart burn so I prefer to drink it without milk. I have always wondered why I love coffee so much, and why I have a different effect from coffee with cream or milk in it. This article is going to discuss caffeine and coffee, and how it affects us.

Coffee is the main way most people take in the chemical known as caffeine. The "roasted coffee bean" contains many things, but the best known of these substances is "caffeine", and it is a substance that is "chemically related to a uric acid" (Leokum, 19986, p.185). Caffeine is very affective as a pick me up, but the actual chemical can not be used alone. Caffeine is not found in a "free state," but is found "combined with acids" (Leokum,1986, p.185). Interestingly caffeine can only be harvested when combined with other elements so despite its strength it is nothing alone.

Caffeine combines with many things and this proves to cause caffeine to have a different effect when taking in different forms. A roasted coffee bean only contains "one percent caffeine," but it is the "strongest of the substances found in coffee" (Leokum, 1986, p.185). Caffeine is also found in chocolate and tea, but since the substances it is combined with are different it has a different impact on the user. When milk or cream is added to coffee the caffeine has a different effect as well because it "combines with the protein of milk" (Leokum, 1986, p.186). Caffeine can be a strong substance, but it depends on what other substances it is combined with.

Caffeine has many effects on the body. Coffee improves circulation in the brain because it "dilates the vessels in the brain," it "stimulates the nerve cells," and it makes the heart work harder (Leokum, 1986, 185). Caffeine is a stimulant, and it may make you focus better, but it can also cause you problems. Caffeine can cause shakiness and heartburn, but it can also help with digestion.

Caffeine is an interesting chemical that can be combined with other chemicals for different results. Caffeine is a stimulant that can help you to be more awake, but it can also keep you up at night. I believe that using caffeine in a moderate and knowledgeable way is useful to the average person, and I love having a cup of coffee in the morning.

Leokum, A. (1986). The Big book of tell me why. New York, NY: Grosset and Dunlap.

What Causes a Skunk to Smell so Bad?

If you have ever been sprayed by a skunk, or if you have ever even smelled a skunk, you know how bad a skunk smells when it sprays, but have you ever stopped to wonder why a skunk smells so bad? This article will take a look at skunks more closely and help you understand why skunks smell the way they do.

A skunk does not just smell, and skunks are actually pretty cute and quite friendly. There are "three types of skunks," and they are known as the "striped skunk, the hog nosed skunk, and the spotted skunk" (Leokum, 1986, p. 166). Many of us remember the cartoon skunk with the one strip down the back; it is interesting to learn that there are skunks with spots. The skunk is native to the "North, Central, and South America", and the longest skunks are "two and half feet long, including the nine inch tail, and they weigh as much as 30 pounds" (Leokum, 1986, p. 166). Skunks come in more varieties than I already knew, but I have seen skunks that are about two feet long so it is easy to imagine a 30 pound skunk.

Skunks dig hole to find food. Their front feet have "long claws", and they use these claws to dig insects out of the ground for food (Leokum, 1986, p.166). Skunks are useful animals to people because they eat a lot of thing that we do not necessarily like around. Skunks eat "beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, wasps, rodents, and snakes," but the holes left by them might become an annoyance (Leokum, 1986, p.166).

When a skunk feels threatened it will spray, and it is this spray that actually smells bad. The skunk has two "powerful scent glands" that are located "under the tail," and these glands contain a liquid that can "cause temporary blindness" if it gets in the eyes, and it can have a "suffocating effect" (Leokum, 1986, p.166). The skunk can shoot this liquid out of his glands in order to protect himself. The spray can "travel over nine feet" and the skunk's gland contains enough of this stinky liquid to shoot five or six times (Leokum, 1986, p.166). A skunk's gland is a very useful defense mechanism.

A skunk may be able to squirt some stink stuff, but it will give you warning before it sprays you. The skunk will "raise its tail or stamp its feet" before he sprays in order to scare off whatever it is he feels threatened by (Leokum, 1986 p.166).

Skunks are very cute pets, and some people have their glands removed in order to keep them as pets, but wild skunks sure can smell.

Leokum, A. (1986). The Big book of tell me why. New York, NY: Grosset and Dunlap.

What Can I Do with a Psychology Degree?

When many people think of a psychology degree they automatically assume the only career available to someone with this degree is one that requires you to deal with patients with mental disorders, but this is not even close to the truth. A psychology degree provides you with opportunities in many different fields, and this article will discuss the careers available to someone with a psychology degree.

Psychology degrees will provide you with skills that deal with people and their behavior, and these degrees can provide you with a career in several different areas. Through a psychology degree students will gain insight about conduct and the thought processes behind this conduct, and these skills can help anyone with a psychology degree start a career in the healthcare, industry, marketing, and schools. The government is also an employer of people with psychology degrees.

Clinical psychology is a popular career choice for people with a psychology degree, and it applies several skills associated with this degree program. This career path requires psychologists to conduct tests and therapy with individual patients, and many clinical psychologists will work with physicians and pharmacist in determining treatment and medication for emotional and mental disturbances. There are many fields of clinical psychology that someone with a psychology degree can get involved in, and this career choice is common for people with this type of degree.

While clinical psychologists deal with emotional and mental problems counselors deal with the struggle of everyday life, and a career in counseling is a popular choice for those with a psychology degree. Counselors work with individual patients to help them deal with the stress of everyday life, and this career option is a good choice for people with a degree in psychology because it utilizes much of the information learned when obtaining this degree.

Businesses and corporations also employ people with psychology degrees for several different purposes. Psychologists in this field will help determine marketing strategies and employee work issues. Administrative issues are also part of a psychologist's career when they work in a business setting.

Other common career fields for people with psychology degrees are social, experimental, and developmental fields. These career paths will require psychologists to use their knowledge to determine patterns in behavior in relation to mental processes, and there are many different jobs available in these fields.

A person with a psychology degree has many interesting job opportunities available; the career fields available to a psychologist are wide and varied. Psychologists can acquire careers in business, healthcare, industry, and many other areas, and this degree is a beneficial degree when choosing a career.

Understanding, Acceptance, and Application of Ethics Are Important to Individuals and Groups

Understanding, acceptance, and application of ethics are important to individuals and groups for several reasons. Ethics are our basic beliefs, and they come into play constantly. Many times we are using our personal ethics and we are not even aware of it. This article will discuss why understanding, acceptance, and application of ethics are important to individuals and groups.

Understanding ethics is important to individuals because ethics are part of being human. Understanding your own ethics is important to understand ones self. Understanding the ethics of others is important in communication and relationships. It is also important for individuals to understand the ethics of others in the workplace. This allows individuals to be productive and positive in a group; it also helps stay away from conflicts and resolve conflicts when they do arise.

Acceptance of ethics is important to individuals and groups because it allows for constructive criticism, and it helps avoid and resolve conflicts. In groups it is very important for ethics to be accepted because it will give a common ground of understanding and respect that a team or group needs to be successful. Accepting ethics of others is important to individuals and groups because it allows the individual and members of a group to gain confidence in themselves which leads to morale and productivity.

Application of ethics are important on individual levels because a person who applies their ethics are true to themselves. Application of ethics also makes an individual who they are or who they are perceived to be. Application of ethics on a group level is also important because it allows people to act in a way that they are proud of. It also allows a group to be responsible for their actions. If a group shares ethical beliefs the application of them will also be a common ground. Application of ethics by individuals and groups shows integrity and confidence. This can lead to pride in work, and a group mentality. These effects are important in any group situation, and the effective application of ethics will lead to success.

Understanding, acceptance, and application of ethics are important to individuals and groups because they allow for success and productivity. Understanding, acceptance, and application of ethics also allow for confidence, community, and innovation. Employee morale is another positive result of understanding, acceptance, and application of ethics. These ideas are important to individuals and groups in many ways and should be practiced.

The Meaning of Rose Colors

There are many different meanings of colors of roses. With Valentine's Day on the way, you may want to consider a special rose for your special someone. This article will discuss the many different meanings of the colors of roses.


The most commonly found rose is red. Red roses are a very popular symbol of love, and they represent romance. True love, passion, and beauty are all part of the meaning of a red rose. A single red rose always means, "I love you".


A rose that is the color pink expresses appreciation and happiness (Green). A pink rose is a gentle color, and it symbolizes admiration and sweetness.


White roses are elegant and common in many wedding bouquets. White roses symbolize happiness in love and joy (Green).


A yellow rose is best to be bestowed among friends because it suggests friendship instead of romantic love. Yellow roses can also symbolize joy and jealousy (Green). A rose that is yellow with red edges suggests falling in love or friendship that is blossoming into romance.


Lavender is a subtle and magical color of a rose. This delicate color symbolizes instant connections and love at first glance (Green). Enchantment and magic are also represented when a rose of lavender color is given to someone.


A cream colored rose can range from off white to the palest peach tone. It is a beautiful and unique gift. The meaning of this rose is modesty.


Coral is a color that is in between orange and red, and its one of a kind beauty has a very specific meaning. The color of a coral rose represents passion and desire. The color is likened to burning want for another.


This color of a rose is similar to coral roses because it too means desire (Green). Orange is the color of fire, and an orange rose symbolizes the flames of passion, desire, and love.


Another rose color that suggests thanks is peach. This color of roses should be given as a sign of appreciation and gratitude. Peach can also communicate the end of a project or a coming together of a deal or union.

Roses are beautiful flowers that we see all the time. Roses are available year round. They can be found everywhere from the florist to the gas station. When giving someone a rose, try considering the meaning behind the color of this flower first.


Green, S. (n.d.). Rose Color Meanings: Meanings of Rose Colors by ProFlowers. Send Flowers Online with ProFlowers - Valentines Flower Delivery . Retrieved January 6, 2011, from

The Life and Death of Muhammad and His Influence on History

The life and death of Muhammad has had a strong influence on history. Muhammad is the founder of the Muslim religion and his faith has spread far and wide. This article will summarize the life and death of Muhammad and his influence on history.

In 570AD Muhammad was born in Mecca. When he was a child his mother took him to visit the place his father was buried. Muhammad's mother grew very sick and passed away during this journey. Muhammad became an orphan at the age most kids start kindergarten.

Without his parents Muhammad was placed with his paternal grandfather for a few years. He then lived with his Uncle in the place of his birth. He lived here until he was in his early twenties.

When Muhammad was in his early twenties he met his wife to be. Her name was Khadija bint Khawalayd, and they were married a few years later. Muhammad and his wife lived in Mecca.

After a few years Muhammad noticed that the people of Mecca were becoming greedy and materialistic. This upset Muhammad and he would often travel away from his hometown. During his travels he would fast and meditate by himself. He had many visions during his practices.

During one of his most vivid visions Muhammad was instructed to recite prayers that were attributed to god. Muhammad did not immediately tell the people of Mecca about his visions out of fear.

When Muhammad finally went public with his visions and experiences he did attract some followers. Although he believed he was instructed to recite his prayers he and his followers were not taken seriously. After some time Muhammad and his followers were persecuted and violently attacked.

After 10 years of practicing his beliefs an assassination attempt on Muhammad's is reported. His uncle and his beloved wife also passed away. After these events Muhammad and his followers decided to travel to Medina because a civil war was raging there at the time. Muhammad remained in Medina for 6 years. There he built the first known Muslim community in Medina.

Muhammad's reputation was controversial amongst the Meccan people. This caused conflict for several years. After 3 long years of conflict a treaty allowing Muslims to move freely through Arabia was signed. In 630AD the Muslims had become very large and powerful. They walked on Mecca and they had so many followers the Meccans conceded the Muslim religion. This peaceful event was the uniting of the first largest Muslim community. Only 2 years later Muhammad died and was buried in Medina

Muhammad's life and death had a strong influence on history. His life was dedicated to teaching and living by his beliefs. Over the course of his life he was known as a prophet by many. His life and his work was very powerful and stilled important today.

The Life and Death of Jesus and His Influence on History

The life of Jesus has had a strong influence on history. Jesus was a man that did not live far into his 30's,but he is one of the figureheads of Christian religion. This article will summarize the life of Jesus and his impact on history.

The life of Jesus began when he was born in Bethlehem, Israel. He was born sometime around 6 B.C. When Jesus was a baby he lived in Egypt, but he spent his adolescences in Israel. Jesus grew up learning to be a carpenter and living in Nazareth.

In his early thirties Jesus started teaching his ways to the people. He spread the message of love and kindness and thousands of people followed him. Jesus lived as a traditional Jew, but he did and said many things that caused conflict.

During Jesus' life he was remembered for his teachings, but he was also known by the miracles he performed. Jesus is said to have turned water into wine. He also turned only a few fish into enough to feed many people. Jesus' many miracles were only the beginning. In Jesus' death he performed the miracle that really convinced the people of his claims.

When Jesus claimed to be god he was killed on grounds of blasphemy. The Jewish leaders of the time ordered his murder and he was hung from a cross to suffer and die.

Jesus' body was removed from the cross and placed in a tomb. Three days after he died he was seen by hundreds of people. These witnesses claim that Jesus rose from the dead and traveled to Jerusalem. In Jerusalem Jesus was said to have risen from the ground into the heavens.

Jesus' life and death has strongly influenced history and many people throughout the past and in the present. The teachings and practices of Jesus have convinced many people to believe in and follow him. T he resurrection and ascension has also left a lasting impact on history because many people believe that Jesus really is the son of god.

Thousands people became part of the Christian faith simply because of these miraculous accounts.

In Jesus' life he attracted many followers, but in his death he became the figurehead for over 2 billion followers. Immediately after his death thousands of people worshiped him despite persecution, death, and torture. When Jesus was alive he taught positive messages similar to many other prophets, but the mystery of his death was the ultimate cause of the success of Christianity.

The History, Uses and Cultivation of Anise

Anise is an herb that has many uses both medicinally and in the kitchen. It is an herb that has a lovely fragrance and taste, and it has been used for many centuries for many purposes. This plant is native to "Egypt and the Mediterranean region," and it is cultivated "in Europe, India, Mexico, Russia, and the United States" (Kowalchik, 1987, p. 14). Anise is an annual herb that has a slight resemblance to Queen Anne's lace.

Anise has been noted very far back in history. It was studied by "Pythagoras," and "Hippocrates" recommended this plant for help with "coughs" (Kowalchik, 1987, p.14). This use is still widely accepted today. The "Roman scholar Pliny" suggested using this herb to get rid of morning breath, and he also thought keeping anise by the bed at night would help rid the sleeper of bad dreams (Kowalchik, 1987, p.14).

My favorite part of anise's history started in Rome. The Romans used this plant for its "flavor, fragrance, and medicinal properties," and they actually made cakes with anise that were called "mustaceum," and they would serve at special events such as weddings (Kowalchik, 1987, p.14). This cake would help aid in digestion and the anise also provided it with a nice taste. Some people believe that the tradition surrounding this cake is how the "modern wedding cake" originated (Kowalchik, 1987, p.14).

Anise has many medicinal uses. The most well known use was for aiding in "digestion and flatulence," and it was often taken as a tea or baked into cookies or cakes (Kowalchik, 1987, p.14). In order to make a tea from anise crush the seeds and steep about a teaspoon of the powder in a cup of boiled water. This tea has a pleasant taste and can help with stomach and intestinal problems. Anise is also used to help alleviate coughs, and it can be found in natural cough syrups.

Anise is another great herb to cook with, and the seeds can be ground up and added to many recipes. The leaves can also be used fresh or chopped in many different meals. The taste of anise is similar to licorice, and it can be found in many liqueurs.

Anise is best propagated through seed, and it likes "poor, light, well-drained soil" and full sun (Kowalchik, 1987, p.16). Anise should be planted in a location where it is blocked by wind because wind can damage this plant easily.

Anise is a plant that has many medicinal and culinary uses; it is strong in history, and it should have a place in your garden.


Kowalchik, C. (Ed.). (1987). Rodale's encyclopedia of herbs. Emmaus, PA: Rodale.

The Egoscue Method of Healthy Living

How to Use Your Body the Way it is Meant to Be Used
The Egoscue method of healthy living is a theory based on the make up of the human body. It is not a diet, an exercise routine or a self help theory; it is a theory based on observations of the way the body functions. This method will help you understand how to improve your health and keep your body healthy by simply using it in the manner it was built to be used in.

One of the main observations of this theory is that people "are not moving enough," and motion is an essential resource to the human body (Egoscue 1992, p.2). This seems like an obvious but overlooked fact because people move naturally all the time. I believe this must be true because people start moving less as the grow-out of childhood. As people stop moving so often they start to develop pain. The key to being physically healthy is to "keep moving" (Egoscue, 1992, p.3). The body is composed of muscles, and the more we use them the stronger they get. Many people complain that they aren't physically active because they have pain in their body, but have they ever thought maybe they have pain because they are not physically active?

A main factor that affects people is the way the body is composed. Many people do not realize that they are using their bodies in an inefficient manner. The body is made up of right angles, the spinal column, nerves, and muscles (Egoscue, 1992). It is important for use to realize how we use all of these components in order to use them in a way that is natural and healthy.

The body is made up of right angles; some examples of this are shoulders, hips, ankles, and knees. All of these parts of your body move at a right angle, but many people do not move them in the angle that they are meant to move. The spinal column is an amazing creation that "distributes the weight evenly from head to hip" (Egoscue, 1992 p.8). All of the right angles in your body are aligned parallel to each other and if something is wrong with one place it can cause pain in the other. "Nothing is wrong with the design; something is wrong with the function" (Egoscue, 1992, p.21). It seems that if the body is being used in the wrong way it will affect other areas. This is possible because the body is really one unit, and it does work as a whole.

In order to function optimally, and feel good while doing it we must realize that our bodies are built to be used in a certain way, and lack of use will also provide poor functioning.

Symptoms and Types of Neuroses and Character Disorders

Most people suffer from neuroses or a character disorder, and these "two conditions are disorders of responsibility, and as such they are opposite styles of relating to the world and its problems" (Peck, 1978, p.35). These two types of personalities are evident in everyone, and some people can have a little of both. Here is a description of each condition that I hope will help you understand your own mental state as well as others. When one understands the character problems they have they can begin to overcome and work with them.

I believe that I am more neurotic because neurotic people "assume too much responsibility", and I have a habit of trying to do too much (Peck, 1978, p.35). Neurotic people automatically assume that there is something wrong with them when they are having problems. "The speech of the neurotic is notable for such expressions as "I ought to," "I should," and "I shouldn't" (Peck, 1978, p.36). I find myself using these phrases often, and I believe that although it makes me neurotic these ideas help me learn. Neurotic people also suffer from anxiety, depression, and fear, and people suffering from these symptoms may have obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorder, or clinical depression. It is common for people with neuroses to have low self confidence, but these people are capable of learning from this disorder and overcoming it.

People with character disorders "automatically assume that "the world is at fault", and they rely heavily on phrases such as "I can't," "I couldn't," "I have to," and "I had to," (Peck, 1978, p.36). People with character disorders are harder to work with because they do not see fault in themselves. Since this type of disorder causes people do not see "themselves as the source of their problems," and "therefore they fail to recognize the necessity for self-examination" (Peck, 1978, p.36). This behavior is counter-productive.

People with character disorders can not deal with frustration. They are especially upset by people that get in the way of what they want, and their answer to these people is aggression and anger. People who suffer from character disorders live in the moment, and they choose not to dwell on the past or the future because it would cause them to have to way out the consequences of their actions. (Peck, 1978). These type of people also have a problem with authority figures, and they normally suffer from antisocial disorder, conduct disorder, and sociopathic disorder. (Peck, 1978)

Both of these characters are in everyone, but we can choose to acknowledge and work with them. Some people may be a little of both personalities as well. In order to live healthy and happy lives we "must continually assess and reassess" ourselves and "where our responsibility lies" (Peck, 1978, p.37).


Peck, M.S. (1978). The Road less traveled: a new psychology of love, traditional values, and spiritual growth. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.

Spring Pompom and Pipe Cleaner Crafts with Kids

You can easily create spring pompom and pipe cleaner crafts with your kids. Pompoms and pipe cleaners are fun crafting mediums for kids in spring because of their versatile nature and bright colors. Here you can find pompom and pipe cleaner crafts perfect for your spring crafts with kids.


With spring, come caterpillars, everyone favorite many legged friend, and this craft is cute and cuddly to make. For this craft you will need green pompoms, wiggly eyes, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, scissors, and pipe cleaners. Start by assisting kids as they glue several pompoms together in a row.

Then help kids cut the pipe cleaner into 12 even pieces. Bend the ends of each piece at a 90 degree angle. Then glue two pieces to the top of the head of the caterpillar like antennae. Then glue the other pieces along the bottom of the caterpillar for feet. The finished product is a cute little caterpillar for spring, and it can be placed anywhere in your home to added decoration.

Flower Bouquets

Spring flowers are always festive, and kids will like making this craft because it is pretty and is a good gift. For this project you will need large pompoms, straws, green paint, a paintbrush, a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, scissors, and green pipe cleaners.

Start by helping kids paint the straws green; it is a good idea to place newspaper on the work area to avoid messes. Then help kids cut the green pipe cleaner into three pieces. Kids can then fold each piece in half and twist the two ends together. Then help kids pull the centers slightly apart to create leaves. Assist as kids glue the pompoms to the top of the straws, and help the kids glue the pipe cleaner leaves to the side of the straws. These pretty flowers are great for spring crafts. They can be placed in a vase or a glass jar. Add some sparkles or buttons to the pompoms for a varied look.

These spring themed crafts are easy and inexpensive to make with kids. Pompoms and pipe cleaners allow for many different projects, and these crafts will welcome spring into your home and promise good times with your kids.

Simple Ways to Change Your Look for the New Year

The new year can mean a new you, and there are many simple ways to change your look in the new year. You do not have to go into a major upheaval or spend a fortune to make a change to you look. This article will provide you with several easy ways to change your look this year.


If you have had the same hairstyle for so long that it practically does itself, you may want to change the look of your hair. This can be easy and inexpensive. You could add some layers or bangs without spending a dime. There are many instructional videos on the Internet that will give you step-by-step details on how to cut your hair. You can also try adding some streaks or changing your shade. Try using a semi-permanent hair dye so you can always go back to normal if you are not happy with it.


There are many simple ways to change your look by just being more health conscious. A simple way to add to your health is drinking more water. This will improve your skin and help you lose weight as well as fight off sickness. Another way to improve health is being more active. Try walking little everyday to increase happiness and health.

Make Up

If you have had the same make up routine day in and day out for the past year this could be the best way to change your look. Try focusing on a different feature of your face. Many women will either accent their eyes or their lips; try changing it up a bit by changing the focus. Add a new color to your palette. Do you always use black eyeliner? Try using brown, blue, or gold for a new look.


Attitude is another area of your look that can be a simple change for the new year. There are many ways to change your attitude, and they all start with a goal. Do you find yourself very cynical? Try being more open minded by listening to others. Are you introverted and antisocial? Say yes the next time you are invited out. Instead of saying no or going with your habitual response to life try a new response, and your look might be changed for more than just the new year.


If you want a very simple way to change your look, for the new year, check out your closet. What do most of your clothes have in common? Are they all shades of blue? Do you own way more pants than skirts? Try changing your look this year by adding something new to your wardrobe. If all of your clothes are in the same color group choose an item that is on the opposite side of the spectrum. If you normally wear long sleeved shirt, try incorporating tank tops into your wardrobe.


A great way to change your look for the new year is to learn something. Try reading a book about something that interests you. Take a class at a local college or community center. Volunteer or intern at a local organization that is interesting to you, and this could change your look for the better.

There are a lot of simple ways to change your look for the new year. These methods will not only change your physical appearance, but they will also change your mind. Try these ideas, and you will love the new you this year.

Recycling Things Found Around Your Home to Make Altered Art

Altered art is all about using things found around your home to make art. Many people spend a lot of money on expensive art supplies, and they simply overlook all the treasures they have right around their house. Here are some of the things I enjoying using that I have around my home. One if my favorite sayings is "Waste not, want not."

You know how a lot of products you buy from the store have that clear plastic cellophane around them; this is a great tool when creating art. Big pieces can be used to cover pictures, and a mat board frame can be placed on top of the cellophane to protect and enhance your art. Cellophane can be painted, crumpled, or shredded and added to art to create depth.

Another useful and overlooked art supply is newspapers and books. These items can come in handy in many ways; they can be used as interesting backgrounds for scenes. Newspapers and books can also be used to cut words, letters, and quotes out of. Some newspapers and books also have fun and interesting pictures that can be used as focal points of art projects.

Wire is a big helper when creating altered art because it can be used to create flowers, fairy wands, trees, and anything else you can shape it into. Wire is also helpful because it can be attached to art so that your art can be hung on the wall. Wire can also make a stand for your art, or it can help you tie parts of your art together.

Twist ties from bread and other packaged good are another fun art tool. Some come in pretty metallic colors, and some come in plain colors, but they can also help hold things together. These twist ties can also be tied into bows or used as flower stems.

Sticks, pine cones, dried flowers, and leaves are also helpful items when creating altered art. Sticks can be used to make frames, or sticks can be used to simulate trees in landscape scenes. Pinecones can be used as miniature trees, and they can be painted depending on what season is being simulated. Dried flowers and leaves can be used as wings or clothes for little flower fairies. They can also be used to create texture and depth to a work of art.

Altered art is my favorite art because iit gets your hands dirty, and because you can use all sorts of everyday junk to produce it. I hope you find these items as useful and inspiring as I have, and remember have fun!

Methods of Getting in Touch with Your Inner Child and Your Inner Self

In order to live a happy and healthy life one must be able to become in touch with their inner child. This may seems strange, but it is important to touch on that basic childlike instinct that many adults have lost with age. Here are some methods that can help you reach out to and embrace your inner child.

One method that I found very interesting involved only using crayons and paper. This method will help you meet your inner child. The first step to this process is to " sit quietly and picture in your mind's eye a beautiful place where the two of you can visit"; it will be beneficial if the place chosen is "safe and comfortable for your inner child" (Capacchione, 1991, p.54). Let your imagination really go into this place, and close your eyes to help the process. Now use your "non-dominant hand to draw a picture of your inner child," and do not "plan it or try to picture the outcome in advance" (Capacchione, 1991, p.55). When you are done observe the drawing and your feelings toward it.

Opposite parts of the brain control opposite parts of the body. The left hemisphere of the brain "contains language centers that control verbal and analytical processing," and the right side is "nonverbal and governs visual/spatial perception, as well as emotional expression and intuition" (Capacchione, 1991, p.37). This is important to understand because using the non-dominant hand means you are using the non dominant part of your brain a well. This will help unlock your inner child, and many repressed ideas.

Another interesting exercise that will help you become more in tune with your inner child and yourself is a portrait of protection. This exercises requires the use of paper and felt pens. Once again it is suggested that you use your non-dominant hand to "let your inner child draw a symbolic portrait of protection," and to use any image that feels right to you" (Capacchione, 1991, p.161). Then you must reflect on this picture and why it makes you feel safe, and what is required from it for comfort. This exercise helps you find the protective parent inside your self. It is important to understand what you need to feel safe, and sometimes you have to let yourself loose control in order to gain it I think it is particularly important in this exercise to use the non-dominant hand because of this fact.

These methods can help you look past your everyday outlook and beliefs; these exercises can help you reach inside and touch on something you have hidden away. If you can meet the needs that you are not aware of your life will become a much more peaceful and happy place.


Capacchione, L. (1991). Recovery of your inner child: the highly acclaimed method of liberating your inner self. New York, NY: Fireside Publishing.

Lady Bug Crafts: Fun Summer Art Projects for Kids

Lady bugs are a popular summer insect, and it is said that lady bugs bring good luck with them. So making lady bugs with your kids can be a fun project, but it can also bring good luck to your home. Here are some ideas on how to create fun lady bug crafts with your kids.

Lady bugs can be easily made using old egg cartons and this is a good way to recycle your egg cartons. Cut one round pod out of the egg carton and paint it red. Now paint the first quarter of the pod black, and add eyes. Paint some black dots on the body, and give your lady bug antennas using pipe cleaners and glue. This lady bug is a great recycled craft and a nice edition to your home.

A lady bug apron is a simple kid's project that is also a lot of fun. Simply find a red dinner napkin, fabric glue, black felt, and black ribbon at our local craft or home store. Now cut the ribbon so that it is long enough to tie nicely around your child's waist, and glue it to the napkin. Cut black circles from the felt and glue these to the apron. This apron is ready to wear as soon as it is dry.

A lady bug crown is really cute and easy to make. Simply cute a red strip of paper long enough to fit around your child's head and glue it into a circular crown. Have your child decorate it with black dots, and wind 2 black pipe cleaners into spirals. You can use a pencil to make a nice spiral. Next cut 4 hearts from black construction paper, and sandwich one end of the pipe cleaners between 2 hearts. Glue these hearts together with the pipe cleaner in the middle. Repeat for the second pipe cleaner. Finally tape the pipe cleaner end without the heart to the inside of the crown in the center or on the sides and your crown is complete.

A great lady bug Wind chime can be made easily using an old flower pot, or tin can. Simply paint the tin can red and add black polka dots. With the pot facing upside down paint eyes onto it and a smile. Next add some strings to the inside of the pot and attach some black hearts made out of cardboard or the tin can lid to the strings. If using the tin can lid remember to have an adult cut the tin and sand the edges so it is not sharp. Attach a cord to the top of the pot or can and when it is all dry you can hang your lady bug wind chime outside.

Lady bugs remind me of childhood, and creating these crafts with your children will give them great memories and a good time.

Fun and Free Ways to Keep Kids Amused

Kids are a lot of fun, but you have to be able to keep them busy. Kids have a great imagination, and if you can tap into that imagination you can keep them laughing and having a good time for hours. Here are some ways to keep kids amused for free.

My favorite kid game is I spy, and you can play this game anywhere. It is a fun game of guessing that you do not need anything to play. All you have to do is pick the spy to start, and let the fun begin. I usually will start as the spy and let the winner be the spy afterwords. It keeps the kids guessing because if they win they can than be the spy and the leader of the game. Now the spy must pick something in the room or the area of view, and they must recite the rhyme, "I spy with my little eye something that is ..." In the blank spot they must pick a color or a shape. Then the other players must take turns guessing what the leader was talking about. This is an awesome game that you can play for a long time.

Another fun game to play is 20 questions, but remember you don't have to stick to strictly 20 questions when playing this game. Again someone starts the game by picking a person. The person can be real or fictional, but they must be recognizable, and the leader must know things about this person. The other people playing than must ask questions that will help them determine who the mystery character is. This game is a lot of fun, and it can go on for hours. The best character I have ever chosen was Santa Claus, and I ended up giving away the answer.

One of my favorite fun and free way to keep kids occupied is by building furniture forts. All you need for this is a couch or a couple of chairs, blankets, pillows, a broom, and some other household furniture. Start by setting up two chairs directly in front of a couch. Next stack pillows on the line in between the couch and the chairs this will create a third wall for your fort. After the pillows are stacked up drape a blanket across the chairs and onto the couch. You can use some heavy books to hold the blanket in place. Add some personal touches or expand your fort using ottomans and brooms. You can also make a sign for your fort out of cardboard and markers for an even more personal touch.

Kids can be a lot of fun as long as you keep them occupied; it does not have to cost you a fortune to have a good time with children. I hope these ideas have made your day a little more fun, and remember use your imagination!

Football Themed Bulletin Board Ideas

Football is a fun and popular theme for bulletin boards, and there are many ideas that can be incorporated into this type of board. This article will discuss ideas on how to create several football themed bulletin boards.

Football Facts

Football facts are a good way to teach students about football, and this can inspire and students. For this bulletin board you will need green butcher paper, white tape, index cards, and markers. Start by asking students what they know about football, and jot some ideas down on the blackboard. Then break students into groups or pairs, and provide them with index cards and markers. Allow students to research football facts.

Then instruct students to write a fact on each card with the markers. They can add their own special style to each card as long as it is legible. While students complete their part of the project, teachers should cover bulletin boards with the green paper. Then use the white tape to create yard lines vertically on the board. When the students are done allow them to hang the cards on the bulletin board.

Football Name Game

This idea is good for younger children, and it teaches dexterity and coordination. For this bulletin board idea, teachers should cover the board in a similar manner as the previous idea. Before you start this project create several large football shaped stencils. Provide each student with a piece of brown paper, a stencil, a pencil, scissors, white yarn, and glue.

Let the students use the stencil to trace a football onto the paper. Then allow them to cut out the shape. Then help kids write their name on the football with the pencil. Help kids cut out the white yarn into several small pieces. Then help kids use the yarn and glue to cover the name they have written on the football. When the footballs dry, you can attach them to the bulletin board.

These fun football themed bulletin board ideas are easy to create, and students will enjoy creating them. Try these ideas for a unique bulletin board this football season, and you will be impressed with the results.

Flag Day Decorations to Make with Your Kids

Flag Day is a popular holiday to celebrate patriotism with children, and these crafts make great decorations for this special day. Kids will enjoy displaying their craft around the home for Flag Day. This article discusses how to create Flag Day crafts for decorating your home with children.

Star Centerpiece

This fun centerpiece requires cardboard, glue, a pencil, silver glitter, red, and blue paint, scissors, sticks, and foam. You will also need a knife and a flower pot. Start by assisting as kids cut the foam into a round shape that will fit into the flower pot.

Then help kids draw star shapes on the cardboard. Cut out several stars, and glue the end of the sticks to the stars. Paint the flower pot and some of the stars. Then add glue and glitter to cover the remaining stars. After the paint has dried, help kids push the foam into the flower pot. Then assist as kids cover the foam with glue. Then push the sticks into the foam so the stars are displayed well. Sprinkle plenty of glitter on the glue, and this Flag Fay decoration is ready to be put on your table.

Flag Door Hanger Decoration

This easy craft can be made using Popsicle sticks, red, white, and blue paint, star stickers, paintbrushes, and glue. Start by helping kids place 2 Popsicle sticks on their work area. Then they can lay 11 sticks in the opposite direction to create a flag shape.

Covering the area with newspaper is a good idea during this project. Then help kids pant the top right corner blue. Assist as kids paint 6 strips red and 5 strips white in an alternating fashion. When the paint is dry add the star stickers to the blue section to finish the Flag Day decoration.

Stars and Stripe Garland

Another easy Flag Day craft for kids is a stars and stripes garland; for this decoration you will need white construction paper, red crepe paper, blue crepe paper, glue, a pencil, and scissors. Start showing kids how to draw stars with the pencil. Then assist as children draw several stars on the construction paper.

Help kids cut out the stars as well as 12 inch strips of crepe paper. Then cut one long piece of crepe paper to make the base of the garland. Glue the strips of crepe paper to the long piece, and add the stars at the tops and bottoms of the strips using glue.

These Flag Day crafts provide hours of fun with children. They are also great decorations for adding patriotism to your home for Flag Day.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Flag Day Crafts to Make with Preschool Kids

Flag Day commemorates the acceptance of the flag in the United States, and it as a fun holiday for making patriotic crafts with preschool kids. These fun crafts are easy for young children, and they help develop motor skills , coordination, and creativity. This article provides instructions on creating Flag Day crafts with your preschool kids.

Star Hangers

Stars hangers are a pretty item to decorate your door, and preschool kids will enjoy this easy craft. You will need red, white, and blue construction paper, scissors, a pencil, glue, and a paper plate. You will also need ribbon or string to hang the craft.

Start by helping kids draw star shapes using the pencil. Then supervise as children cut the stars out of the paper. Then the children can cut several strips from the colored construction paper. Help kids decorate the entire paper plate with the strips. Then glue the star to the center. Finally glue a loop of ribbon to the back of the flag craft so it can be hung up.

Patriotic Wind Sock

Another easy craft is a patriotic wind sock. Red, white, and blue tissue paper, scissors, tape, pipe cleaners, and ribbon are required for this project. Help children cut several long strips from the tissue paper. The strips should be about a foot long. Help kids lay the strips out flat on a table.

Overlap the strips and add tape to attach them to each other. Then assist as kids tape a pipe cleaner to the top length of the strips. Repeat the process to the bottom of the tissue paper using another pipe cleaner. Leave about an inch of pipe cleaner hanging off the end of the tissue paper collage.

Help kids bend the pipe cleaners into a circle. This will make the tube part of the wind sock. Secure the circle by twisting the pipe cleaner ends to each other. Then help children attach more strips of tissue paper to the bottom of the sock. To finish this project and make it hangable, cut a piece of ribbon about 6 inches long. Tape one side of ribbon to the inside of the top of the wind sock. Then tape the other end on the opposite side of the inside of the wind sock.

Stars and Stripes Garland

Another easy craft for preschool kids to create for Flag Day is a stars and stripes themed garland. For this craft you will need red, white, and blue construction paper, tape, scissors, and pencils. Help preschool kids draw several stars on the pieces of white paper. Then help kids cut out the stars.

Next assist as preschoolers cut strips off of the shorter side of the red and blue construction paper. Preschoolers should then make a chain using the strips. This is done by bending a strip into a circle and taping it shut. Then thread another strip through the circle, bend it into a circle, and tape it shut. After kids have made a long enough chain they can glue the stars on at various intervals.

These Flag Day crafts are a fun way for preschool kids to practice shapes, improve their dexterity, and learn about historical events in the United States. Try creating fun Flag Day crafts with preschoolers, and you can use them again for the Fourth of July holiday.

Gishmas 2021 List

 Day 1 Challenge: December 20th – Image or Video What powers GISH? Love, actually. So, let’s spread some cheer. Using the GISH App or search...