Showing posts with label Your Inner Self. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Your Inner Self. Show all posts

Friday, May 28, 2021

Methods of Getting in Touch with Your Inner Child and Your Inner Self

In order to live a happy and healthy life one must be able to become in touch with their inner child. This may seems strange, but it is important to touch on that basic childlike instinct that many adults have lost with age. Here are some methods that can help you reach out to and embrace your inner child.

One method that I found very interesting involved only using crayons and paper. This method will help you meet your inner child. The first step to this process is to " sit quietly and picture in your mind's eye a beautiful place where the two of you can visit"; it will be beneficial if the place chosen is "safe and comfortable for your inner child" (Capacchione, 1991, p.54). Let your imagination really go into this place, and close your eyes to help the process. Now use your "non-dominant hand to draw a picture of your inner child," and do not "plan it or try to picture the outcome in advance" (Capacchione, 1991, p.55). When you are done observe the drawing and your feelings toward it.

Opposite parts of the brain control opposite parts of the body. The left hemisphere of the brain "contains language centers that control verbal and analytical processing," and the right side is "nonverbal and governs visual/spatial perception, as well as emotional expression and intuition" (Capacchione, 1991, p.37). This is important to understand because using the non-dominant hand means you are using the non dominant part of your brain a well. This will help unlock your inner child, and many repressed ideas.

Another interesting exercise that will help you become more in tune with your inner child and yourself is a portrait of protection. This exercises requires the use of paper and felt pens. Once again it is suggested that you use your non-dominant hand to "let your inner child draw a symbolic portrait of protection," and to use any image that feels right to you" (Capacchione, 1991, p.161). Then you must reflect on this picture and why it makes you feel safe, and what is required from it for comfort. This exercise helps you find the protective parent inside your self. It is important to understand what you need to feel safe, and sometimes you have to let yourself loose control in order to gain it I think it is particularly important in this exercise to use the non-dominant hand because of this fact.

These methods can help you look past your everyday outlook and beliefs; these exercises can help you reach inside and touch on something you have hidden away. If you can meet the needs that you are not aware of your life will become a much more peaceful and happy place.


Capacchione, L. (1991). Recovery of your inner child: the highly acclaimed method of liberating your inner self. New York, NY: Fireside Publishing.

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