Sunday, May 9, 2021

How to Dry Fresh Herbs


You can learn how to dry fresh herbs right in your own home. In the summer there is always an abundance of fresh herbs either in your garden, local farmer's market, or grocery store. The cheap prices and fresh grown herbs of summertime are perfect for drying for year long use. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on drying fresh herbs easily.

The first thing to remember is to use clean, sharp scissors. A sharp knife or razor will also work well when cutting fresh herbs from your garden or cleaning the fresh herbs you have brought home. Remember to cut perennial herbs very far down to the ground. It is important to cut perennials down very low because it will increase the size of their growth in the following year. Annual herbs can be pulled up and cut.

Next you will want to remove the dirt from your herbs. There is nothing nastier than dirt in your herbs so you must clean them very well. Spraying your herbs and shaking off the water will remove dirt. Be careful not to bruise or damage leaves in order to sustain the potency of your herbs.

When the fresh herbs are cleaned you can start getting them ready to dry. To do this carefully cut a few leaves off of the bottom of the stems. Gather several branches into a bundle and tie them with string or yarn. Do not group too many leaves together or they will not dry evenly. The diameter of a bundle should be about an inch depending on the size of the leaves.

Now you can hang your fresh herbs in a dark dry place. You will also want to make sure the place you are hanging your herbs gets plenty of ventilation to increase drying ability and prevent mold. You can opt to put your herbs in a brown paper bag if you like as well. Make sure to poke some holes in the bag to allow for air flow before stashing your herbs in them.

Herbs can take anywhere from 1 week to a month to become completely dried out. Check for the dryness of the herbs by bending the stems. If the stem cracks or snaps the herb is dried out correctly. A bendable stem means the herb still has time until it is dried. When the fresh herbs have completely dried you can take them down and remove the leaves. Place the leaves in clean, dry, and labeled jars to keep them over the rest of the year.

You can dry fresh herbs from your home garden easily. These simple steps will make learning how to dry fresh herbs fun and effortless.

Homemade Art Deco Wedding Invitations


Art Deco is a very popular wedding style, and making homemade art deco wedding invitations never got easier. This article will provide you with detailed instructions and thorough supply lists for creating homemade art deco wedding invitations.


Art deco floral designs create lovely wedding invitations, and all you will need for this homemade invitation is white cardstock, a ruler, a pencil, watercolors paints, a paintbrush, water, a ruler, and markers.

Start this art deco wedding invitation by folding the cardstock in half; use the marker to write the important information on the inside or print it out on the computer before hand. Next create a rectangle on the side of the front of the invitation using the ruler and pencil, and divide the rectangle into six even squares.

Next draw a heart shape in the middle of the top four squares and draw a small tear drop shape below it. Add two leaves to the sides of the middle line at the point where the bottom for boxes intersect and erase all of the lines inside the leaves and heart.

Use the water color paint to color in the heart and the leaves and allow the homemade wedding invitation to dry. Use a black marker to outline all of the lines, and remember to start at the top left corner is you are right handed to avoid smudging the ink.

When the ink has dried add a message to the front and your art deco wedding invitation is done. This homemade art deco wedding invitation is simple to complete and you can add more details and colors if you like.


Nature is a popular art deco theme, and leaves make a lovely focus for homemade wedding invitations with art deco in mind. For this homemade invitation you will need a ruler, a black marker, green colored pencils, a pencil, eraser, and cardstock.

Start this art deco wedding craft by folding the cardstock in half and writing the important information on the inside. Next use a ruler to create a square on the corners of the invitation, and separate those boxes into four smaller equal boxes.

Draw a leaf shape inside the square by drawing a teardrop shape. Use the lines inside the leaf to create a symmetrical pattern within the leaf. Erase the extra lines and color the leaf green with the pencil. Use the black marker to trace the lines of the box and outline of the leaf. This homemade wedding invitation is easy to create with an art deco theme in mind.


Another easy homemade art deco wedding invitation can be made using cardstock, colored pencils, a ruler, a pencil, and a black marker. You will also need a bottle cap and other small items with interesting shapes.

Start this homemade wedding invitation by folding the cardstock in half and writing the important information on the inside. Next draw a rectangle across the top of the front of the wedding invitation with the pencil; also divide this rectangle up into even boxes to make a grid.

Next use the household items to create an interesting pattern; remember to use the grid as a guideline for placing these items evenly. Trace all of the items with the pencil and color them in with the colored pencils, but remember to erase grid lines beforehand. Trace the outlines with the black marker and this art deco wedding invitation is complete.Creating homemade wedding invitations is a great way to personalize your wedding, and these art deco wedding invitations are easy to complete. Try making homemade art deco wedding invitations for your wedding, and you will be glad you did.

Growing Sorrel in Your Perennial Vegetable Garden


Growing sorrel in your perennial vegetable garden is easy enough for the novice gardener. Sorrel is a great perennial vegetable that will add variety to your vegetable garden while returning year after year for a new harvest. This article will provide you with tips and instructions on growing sorrel in your perennial vegetable garden.

Sorrel comes in several varieties; French, garden, and common sorrel are popular and easy to grow. Sorrel is a leafy green herb that has a sour or citric flavor. It can be used in a variety of recipes, and it this perennial vegetable is harvested early in the season. Sorrel is a hardy perennial vegetable that thrives in cooler climates.

Sorrel is a wonderful perennial for vegetable gardens that are in colder climates. Sorrel should be planted in early spring or a few weeks before the last frost date. It can be harvested even as seedlings. When thinning this perennial vegetable, save the seedlings for use in salads and soups.

Sorrel will grow up to 3 feet in height. Sorrel can be sown directly into the garden. Start by planting seeds 3 inches apart, and thin sorrel plants so that they are at least a foot apart when mature. Sorrel can also be planted in small pots for container gardens, and the perennial vegetable does not need a lot of care to thrive. Weeding is important to promoting the growth of this plant.

This perennial vegetable can be divided or propagated through cuttings. Sorrel should be divided early in the growing season. When sorrel starts producing flowers the leaves will start to have a tough and bitter taste. Make sure to harvest the sorrel before flowers are produced. Adding compost and other organic materials to the soil you plan on planting your sorrel in is important before planting this perennial vegetable; it should also be top dressed with compost in the middle of the growing season to promote growth. Good drainage is helpful when growing this perennial vegetable in your garden, and it enjoys being kept moist.

Sorrel is best when eaten fresh, but it can also be dried or frozen. Harvesting young leaves is recommended. This vegetable will produce leaves that can be eaten within two months of being sown in your vegetable garden.

Growing sorrel in your perennial vegetable garden is a great way to add a leafy green herb with distinct flavor to your garden. It will increase your perennial harvest as well as variety in your garden.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

The History of Candy


Candy is a delicious treat that everyone from children to seniors enjoy very much. Candy comes in many varieties; it can be fruity, chocolaty, gooey, creamy, hard, sticky, and soft, but the main similarity to all types of candy is sugar. This is probably why candy can also be referred to as sweets. Everyone loves candy, but many people have no idea how it originated. This article will explain to you the birth of candy, and how it has changed throughout time.

The word candy itself originated centuries ago in Persia; around the year "500 A.D., they were able to make sugar in a solid form," and they called white sugar "kandi-sefid" (Leokum, 1986, p.182). Over time the word got shortened to candy, but it has been famous for a very long time.

Many people of many different cultures have all had a form of candy, but they did not all have sugar so they used other things for sweeteners. Some cultures did not know how to refine sugar so they had to use other forms of sweeteners for the candy making methods. The Egyptians used "honey" as a sweetener, and they even left "written and picture records of candy and candy making" (Leokum, 1986, p.182). In the Far East they also did not use sugar for there candy. They used dates as the sweet part of their candies, and even today they still use "almonds, honey, and figs" in their candies (Leokum, 1986, p.182). No matter what the sweetener was candy was still evident in these cultures.

For a long time in Europe candy was not made at all. In the "seventeenth century a great deal of sugar" was shipped to Europe from America , and the Europeans started their own candy making culture (Leokum, 1986, p.182). In America there was candy made from the beginning. The early settlers would make candy out of maple syrup. It would be boiled down and drizzled over snow or ice so that it would harden. Taffy pulls because ways of socializing during the beginning of this country, and rock candy was a simple and special homemade treat (Leokum, 1986).

As time went on candy shops started to sell more and more varieties of candies, and candy became even more of a household treat. In about 1850 "small lozenges, many of them heart shaped, had romantic messages printed on them" and were sold in candy shops along with "peppermint lozenges and chocolate drops" (Leokum, 1986, 183).

Candy has come along way, and I got to admit I am glad it was created!


Leokum, A. (1986). The Big book of tell me why. New York, NY: Grosset and Dunlap.

Techniques that Can Help You Relax


Relaxing is something most people wish they could do. I find myself always yearning for relaxation, but I always feel tired or stressed. Relaxing seems like it is always out of my grasp. This article will help you learn to deal with stress through visualization, how to cope with worry, and the importance of sleep when searching for true relaxation.

The Tibetan's believe in the "three humours", and each of these areas relate to a type of stress; these three types of stress are known as "wind stress" which causes tense muscles, "stress of the bile" which causes irritability and impatience, and " phlegm stress" which causes "depression and fatigue" (George, 1998, p.14). Stress can and will cause pain, and I find this to be true because many people, including myself, feel sick when they are stressed out. I particularly enjoyed an exercise for dealing with stress that allows you to see your problems disappear. The method described by Roth for dealing with stress is called "stress ballooning", and it calls for the use of a felt tip marker and 2 balloons (1998). This exercise can be done without the balloons, but I enjoyed using them. In order to complete this meditation you must think of what is stressing you out, and you must figure out which one is the most potent. Now take that stress and the emotion behind it and blow it in the balloon until it is filled up with your stress. Now take a pin and pop the balloon; with that the stress and the old reaction to stress is gone. Now fill a new balloon and think positively about the stressful situation. Now write on the new balloon a new positive idea about the situation that is causing you stress. If you can not write it in words draw a picture. Now play with the balloon while thinking about your new positive response. This method was helpful to me because I realized by simply drawing a flower on the positive balloon that I need to find a job that allows me to work outside. I am very excited about my new gardening job, and this exercise definitely helped me to realize that.

Sleep is a very important part of relaxation. Sleep allows the body to "regenerate itself through inactivity" and it allows "dreams to carry out their mysterious exploration of our unconscious" (George, 1998, p. 58). Many people do not sleep enough, and many people sleep too much. I find that I sometimes I sleep way too much, and sometimes I barely sleep at all. This exercise has helped me to find a sleep pattern that is natural to me. The exercise requires going to bed when moderately tired and noting what time it is. Remember not to set an alarm, and meditate before sleep. These ideas will help you drift to sleep calmly, and you will wake up when your body feels it is restored. I found that I sleep for 8 hours before I wake up naturally. I believe that this is the natural amount of sleep that my body needs, and I also believe that I should go to sleep around midnight. I have also found through this practice if I go to sleep earlier and sleep for more than 8 hours I will be tired when I awake, and if I sleep less I will want to take a nap in the afternoon. I know that with my busy life style I will not be able to always get 8 hours of sleep, but I will try. I have also become aware of the energy restoring ability of exercise and I recommend the use of healthy sleeping instead of napping to help restore energy.

Relaxing is not always easy in the world we live in. there are always things to worry about, but these methods have helped me to relax, and I feel that these methods can help others as well. So next time you are stressed out or feel tense try these exercises in order to feel relief.

Updating Your Bedroom on a Budget

You Don't Have to Spend a Fortune to Update Your Bedroom
So have you been laying in bed thinking I wish I had some money to fix up my bedroom? I know I have, and I am here to tell you that you can update your bedroom for under $200. Here are five great tips for updating your bedroom.

Color is everything in a bedroom and it sets the mood you are going to be in as soon as you wake up so it is very important to the mood and style of your bedroom. You can find cheap paints on the discount rack at many home improvement centers. If you are not sure about changing the entire rooms color simply paint one wall or two. This will add depth to the room while adding a new flare for your senses.

Another way you can update your bedroom is by adding a textured finish to the walls. You can keep the color you already have when creating this effect. Simply use a large dry sponge to add a detailed textured effect to the walls with a new color. This technique is simple and all you have to do is dip the sponge in paint and press it lightly to the wall moving in an overlapping pattern until the wall is fully colored. Remember when doing this to blot the sponge first or you will end up with uneven color.

Updating your bedroom can be accomplished by changing the lighting in the room. Lighting creates ambience and allows the room to be used in different ways. Buying a new lamp or adding a ceiling fan can completely change the atmosphere of the room, and these items can be purchased second hand or at discount prices.

To update your bedroom on a budget you can add a border around the room using stencils. These items do not cost a lot or take much time to complete. Using a stencil is simple, and all you will need is a stencil brush, some paint, and a good stencil. Stencils come in a wide variety and are very in expensive.

Another simple and inexpensive bedroom update can be made by changing the curtains. Curtains are inexpensive and can be made at home. First measure your curtains and figure out how much fabric you will need. Go to your local fabric store and check out their clearance rack. You can always find great deals on fabric on these clearance racks. To make your own curtains simply sew a hem on the top and the bottom, but make sure the top hem is wide enough to fit your curtain rod. This curtain will add a fun and personal style to your bedroom.

Updating your bedroom on a budget does not have to a struggle, and there are many minor changes you can make that will guarantee your bedroom a new style so be creative.

The Relationship Between Short Term and Long Term Goals and How to Accomplish Them


Life is boring without goals, and life goals provide us with hope and passion to work for something. It is important to have goals, and it is necessary to understand how to achieve these goals. In order to achieve your goals you must understand what a short term goal and a long term goal is, and you must be able to create a plan in order to achieve these goals. This article will help you understand these concepts, create a plan, and consider other factors that will influence your achievement of your goals.

Short term goals are the smaller steps that will help you achieve your long term goals. These goals are very important to one another because you can not achieve your long term goals without accomplishing short term goals, and short term goals are not very relevant if there is no long term goal to lead up to.

As you evaluate your goals you should consider if they are efficient in relationship to your dreams, means, and lifestyle. You should also consider whether or not these goals are realistic, and if there are other goals you will need to achieve before attempting these goals. You should also consider what may help or hinder your ability to achieve these goals, and you should create a solid plan in regard to all of these influences.

A short term goal in relationship to earning my degree is being able to double up on classes. In order to accomplish this goal I will need to do a few things, and here is my five-step plan. You can create a similar five step plan for accomplishing your short term goals by filling in the logical and necessary steps you must accomplish in order to fulfill your goal.

1. I will have to contact my counselor and I will have to find out the exact requirements I will need to fulfill in order to pick up an extra class.
2. I will have to contact my financial aid advisor to find out the exact cost of taking an extra class.
3. I must complete my first two courses and receive a high grade in order to be allowed to pick up an extra class.
4. I must set money aside every week in order to afford the tuition for an extra class because it is not covered by financial aid.
5. I will have to enroll in a new class, pay for the tuition, and I will have to set aside the extra time I will need to fulfill my obligations to this class.

It is important to understand what short term and long term goals are if you want to accomplish your goals, and it is also important to create a clear path and plan that will help you achieve these goals. When creating your plan remember to keep in mind the many factors that will help and hinder your, and think realistically and clearly about your goals.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Fast Growing Shrubs


I love gardening, but sometimes I hate waiting for my plants to grow to their full potential, and I know patience is something garden teaches you, but sometimes I just wish my plants would grow faster. If you are like me you are interested in plants that are hardy and fast growers, and this article will discuss how to care for the five fastest growing shrubs.

My favorite fast growing shrub is the Blackberry Navaho thornless. It is a berry bush that is easy to take care of and produces sweet and delicious fruit. This shrub is perfect for zones 6-10, and it is a heavy bearer. The Navaho thornless likes well drained, average or humsy soil, and it is a perfect bush for hedges and quick landscaping because it grows so quickly. It does not need a lot of water, and this bush deals well with drought. This blackberry bush thrives in sunny areas and loves full sun. It will grow to about 4 or 5 feet in height and width. This plant produces fruit and grows fast.

The black knight butterfly bush is the fastest growing butterfly bush. This shrub grows rapidly, and it produces an abundance of flowers. The fragrance of this bush is lovely, and it attracts butterflies. This bush is great for people who have problems with deer eating their plants, and it is also drought resistant. This plant can be grown in zones 5-10, and it does not need a lot of water. The black knight butterfly shrub likes average, well drained soil, and it enjoys full sun.

The cotton rosemallow, is one of the prettiest and rapid growing shrubs I know of. This bush flowers in the fall, and the flowers change from white to pink to fuchsia over time. This plant is so lovely because there are times when flowers of all shades of pink will be growing on it. This shrub is a fast grower, and it can live in full sun and partial shade. The cotton rosemallow, is zoned for areas in the 7- 9 range, and it likes well drained soil and average watering. It can grow up to 10 feet high and 8 feet wide, and it likes to be planted alone.

Azaleas are a great shrub that grows speedily. They come in various colors, and live in zones 5- 9. Azaleas like well drained, rich soil with a high acid content, and they enjoy being mulched. These bushes prefer partial sun, but can live in full sun. Azaleas are beautiful and easy to take care of; they do not have a lot of problems with pests and insects, and they only need pruning after they flower. Azaleas come in many varieties so be sure to pick the one that best suits your home.

Bridal Wreath Spirea is a lovely shrub that grows rapidly and can be planted in zones 4-9. It can grow up to 8 feet tall, and 10 feet wide. It has lovely white flowers that bloom in mid spring. Spirea likes full sun and average watering, and it can grow in acidic to alkaline soil. It is a hardy grower and a very showy shrub.

I love fast growing shrubs, and I hope this information has helped you decide what shrubs to plant at your home!

Homemade Wedding Decorations: Spring Butterflies


Spring is a lovely season for weddings, and this season should be incorporated into wedding decorations. Butterflies first make their appearance during the spring, and they are the perfect theme for spring wedding. This article will provide you with detailed instructions on creating three homemade wedding decorations with spring butterflies as the theme.


A butterfly garland is a lovely spring wedding decoration, and this homemade spring craft can be made easily and quickly. For this homemade spring wedding decoration you will need coffee filters, watercolor paints, a paintbrush, water, pipe cleaners, scissors, and ribbon.

Start this homemade spring wedding decoration by wetting all of the coffee filters and the paint. Add some drops of paint to the filters and the colors will swirl together. Allow the coffee filters to dry completely.

Then fold a pipe cleaner in half and pinch the coffee filter in the middle. Place the folded end of the pipe cleaner on top of the pinched section of the coffee filter and pull the ends through. Wrap the pipe cleaner around itself until you reach the other side of coffee filter and curl the ends of the pipe cleaner to make the butterflies antennae. Cut a long piece of ribbon and hook the butterflies on to the ribbon by their antennae. This homemade spring wedding decoration is easy to complete and it will look lovely on your big day.


Butterflies make a beautiful spring wedding centerpiece; for this homemade decoration you will need a butterfly template, cardstock in various spring patterns, scissors, glue, fishing line, a clear vase, flowers, and a tree branch. You can use fake flowers for this craft if you like.

Start this homemade wedding decoration by tracing the butterfly template onto the cardstock. You can make a butterfly template easily by finding an image of a butterfly and cutting it out of cardboard. Next cut out several butterflies and glue pieces of fishing line to the backs of the butterflies.

After the glue has dried tie the butterflies to the tree branch so they dangle nicely and fill the vase with flowers. Place the branch across or on top of the vase, and add a little glue to secure it if you like. This homemade spring butterfly decoration will look lovely as a wedding centerpiece.

Place Card Holder

You can make beautiful butterfly place card holders for your homemade wedding decorations. For this wedding craft you will need a butterfly template, scissors, patterned cardstock, a pencil, glue, and a black marker. Start this craft by tracing the template onto the cardstock, cut the butterflies out, and color the bodies and antennae black.

Next lightly bend the butterflies in the middle so the wings are closer together. Add a line of glue halfway up the body of the butterflies and attach two butterflies together. Make sure to leave a space in between the butterflies on top to place the name card. This spring wedding decoration uses butterflies in a creative and fun way.

Spring is a wonderful season for weddings, and it is a lot of fun to incorporate butterflies into your homemade wedding decorations. These homemade wedding decorations feature spring butterflies, and they will make your wedding unique and lovely.

Time Management Tips to Help Reach Your Educational Goals and Reduce Stress


Life is not easy, and we are all way too stressed out, but it does not have to be this way. You can have your cake and eat it too. There are several easy tips you can try to help manage your time, reduce stress, and reach your educational goals, and this article will provide you with many tips to help you do just that!

1. One time management strategy I use to maximize my time and reach my goals is starting with a plan every week. You can try this by creating a calendar for the duration of each class, and using the syllabus to determine what you have due on what day. Organizing your work with a calendar is a great way to utilize your time because it will allow you complete assignments in an organized and timely manner; it will also allow you to see a progression of ideas which will in turn help you better understand the information you are supplied with.

2. Another time management strategy is assembling all the materials you will need ahead of time. You should try to have the syllabus, reading materials, and other important papers printed out and assembled at the beginning of your class. This will allow you to access your learning materials at any time or place. This will also allow you to prepare for my assignments ahead of time, and it will help you save time when assignments are due because you will already have the necessary information and documents available.

3. I think using a personal planner is a great way to stay organized, and everyone should get one. If you do not like using a personal planner there are many other similar options. Many email servers provide you with calendars, and many cell phones also have applications that can serve this purpose. It is important to have all the necessary deadlines organized in an easily accessible place in order to reduce stress and achieve your goals.

4. I enjoy the satisfaction of crossing things off of my to-do lists, and I recommend anyone with a lot on their plate to make a list. It is important to have a list because it can be your starting ground for getting things done. If you have a list you can use it to fill out your calendar or planner, and it is uniquely satisfying to cross things that have been accomplished off the list. This simple action can provide you with satisfaction, a sense of relief, and hope.

5. I, like many people, have a habit of procrastinating, and I sometimes try to trick myself by marking assignments done for a day early. This way if I am procrastinating I still won't be late.

6. Another trick I find helpful is writing down many simple things that I need to do that are not an extremely high priority such as file bills, clean closets, and other things that are not super important. I then take these pieces of paper and put them in a jar. When I have a few minutes I pull one out and get it done. This way the bigger things can stay in focus and the little things can still be accomplished.

7. I understand completely that there is never enough time. Just remember that no matter what you do there will always be more to do tomorrow; so when you are stressed out maybe you should take a few minutes just to relax. Take a minute to look at the sky or something else you find peaceful. Just stepping back even if it is only for 1 minute will make it much easier to delve back into the stresses and demands of life.

8. I also think it is important to prioritize, and I relate to learning to say you can't do something. This is something that is hard for me as well, but it is necessary. Make sure you accomplish what is the most important to you before you beat yourself up over the small things. Try to get the really important things done, and if you miss some stuff, well at least be proud of what you did do. Remember some people do as little as possible, and we can only do our best. If you are doing your best you can not be at fault; you can only be proud.

9. It is easy to be tired when you are overwhelmed with the demands of life, but correct time management requires that you schedule in some time for yourself as well. When I am working I take a break every 2 hours, and I do a few different things to help get my energy up. Simply stretching will help bring your energy up, and if you are feeling particularly spunky do some sit ups or push ups. You could also jog for a few minutes or just take a walk around the house. Another easy way to get some energy is to just go outside. The sunlight, change in temperature, and atmosphere will give your body a boost. Next time you are tired do 10 sit ups, and I guarantee you will be much more motivated. If you are not the type of person to work out try standing up and doing some simple stretches like touching your toes or reaching for the sky. It will get your blood moving, and it will revitalize you.

Life is full of stress, but we can take these stresses and turn them into positive things. These easy tips will help you learn how to manage your time effectively, and this management will help you reach your educational goals while reducing your own personal stress.

Home Decor Crafts to Incorporate the Color Blue in Your Living Room


If you want to incorporate the color blue into a room there are many easy home décor projects that you can do it with no matter what the color scheme of your living room. This article will provide you with several home décor crafts to help you add the color blue to your living room.

Sponge Paint Wall Border

A fun and easy home décor craft that will help you incorporate the color blue into your living room is a sponge paint wall border. Blue is a calming color, and this is important when thinking of an image to sponge paint. For this project you can use precut sponges, or you can cut your own shapes. You may want to use a simple pattern of triangles and circles or you may want to use a more complex image like fish or clouds. Remember to keep the color blue in mind when you pick the shape you are going to use.

For this home décor craft you will need blue paint, sponges, a paper plate, and paper towels; it also helps to have a ruler and a pencil on hand. Start by measuring how far down on the wall you would like to place your border, and draw a small dot in intervals equal lengths apart along the line of your border. This will help you place your sponge in an even pattern.

Next pour some paint on a plate, and dip your sponge in the paint. Lightly blot the sponge on the paper towel, and gently press it to the wall. Remove the sponge and your image will stay. This home décor craft is a great way to add the color blue to your living room.

Decoupage Lamps

Lamps are a great medium for home décor crafts, and you can decoupage your lamp with a blue theme to add blue to your living room. For this craft you will need a lamp, glue, paintbrush, and blue paper or fabric. Start this project by collecting several blue pieces of paper or fabric; if you are feeling crafty feel free to use papers found around your home or images from magazines.

Next apply a thin layer of glue to the lamp, and press the paper to it. Smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles using the paintbrush. Cover the entire lamp, and don't be afraid to overlap images. Allow the entire project to dry, and your blue home décor craft is ready for your living room.

Ribbon Curtain Accents

A simple and inexpensive home décor craft that will easily add blue to your living room is a ribbon curtain accent. For this craft you will need blue ribbons, scissors, fabric glue, chalk, and a ruler. Start by taking your curtains down and laying them out flat. Measure a few inches up from the bottom of the curtain, and place small dots along the line to ensure that your ribbon accent comes out straight.

Next cut the ribbon 2 inches longer than the width of the curtain, and run a line of fabric glue along the back of it. You can do this a little at a time to make it easier. Place the glue side down onto the curtain, and allow it to dry. You can add a couple of different ribbons for more detail if you like as well. This easy home décor craft is a unique way to add blue to your living room.

The color blue is loved by many people, but not everyone has the liberty of painting their walls whatever color they like. These easy home décor craft projects will allow you to incorporate the color blue into your living room; so try them today!

Nature Art Therapy Crafts: How to Create Nature Mandala Collage


Collages are a lot of fun, and the fall season is a great time to use things found in nature in your crafting projects. Mandalas are a great way to use natural items because the mandala means circle, and it can be seen in nature everywhere. This exercise is a great way to explore your creativity while getting back to nature and spirituality. This project will help you feel unified with the world, and it can help you find a inner calm. Here I will describe how to create a mandala using natural items.

First you will need to take a walk outside. Roam around and enjoy the natural sounds. Look around you in a peaceful manner. You will find many pretty nature treasures everywhere; the world is a lovely place, and these things are there for us to use and wonder at. Collect as many items as you like, and remember to enjoy the process; this time alone with nature is a great way to center your energy and be calm.

Now that you have all your lovely nature items you can start your project. Find a heavy piece of paper or cardboard for a base; you will also need glue, water, and a paintbrush for this project. A hot glue gun will also be helpful for bulkier items. Find a quite place in your home and clean off a table. Before you start gluing, lay all of your items out in front of you.

Now think about the circle and find some items to start with. A mandala starts with a circle in the middle; it can be small, or it can be large and filled with something. Start gluing your items to the paper in a circular fashion. Keep in mind the symmetry, lines, colors, and shapes of the items you are using. Play on their natural beauty as you find the circular pattern in this project.

When your first circle is complete you can continue with a circular pattern on the outside of the circle. Using leaves, sticks, acorns, and many other fun things found outside you can make many patterns of varying colors and shapes. When you are done with your piece, allow it to dry thoroughly before you hang it.

Allow this project to remind you of your unity with the world, and use the imagery and emotion represented by this picture to help you center yourself and find your inner peace. This project is a great way to help work through anxiety and stress; you should try it today!

What Causes Plagues of Locusts?


Everyone has heard of plagues of locusts in the bible, and most people associate plagues of locusts with the punishment of God, but most people don't know that plagues of locusts are common occurrences. In fact plagues of locusts are just a phase that locusts go through. This article will discuss the life of the locust and the reason plagues of locusts occur.

Plagues of locusts have occurred in many places, and they case terrible grief and suffering. A well known occurrence of locust plagues happened in "the western United States" (Leokum, 986, p.65). This terrible plague is a natural happening, and it caused a lot of damage. The plague came about in "1874," and it ended in "1876;" this plague caused "more than $200,000,000 worth of damage" (Leokum, 1986 p.65). Can you imagine that bugs that are smaller than our palms can cause such tremendous damage?

Locusts are actually a part of a large family of insects, and the name locust usually refers to the grasshopper family. Locusts are "actually any of a group of insects that belong to a family of "Acrididae," and there is a "17 year locust is not really a locust but a cicada" (Leokum, 1986, p.65). Locusts are not one type of insect; there are many different types of locusts.

Locust plagues are mysterious because when the locusts are not living in great swarms they seem to disappear. This strange occurrence has been an interest to many scientists, and it seems that the locusts live in two phases. These two phases are very different, and this is the reason locusts seem to disappear when they are not in a swarm.

The first phase of the locust is a "solitary phase," and locusts in the solitary phase are "sluggish" (Leokum, 1986, p.65). The locust appears to be lazy when living along, and the colors of the locust match the surrounding area that the locust is living in. This phase for locusts is the normal, peaceful phase.

The second phase for locusts is the group phase. During this phase the locust appears "black and yellow," and they are very "nervous and active;" the temperature of the locust during this phase is even higher (Leokum, 1986, p.65). When many locusts are in a close area they become active and restless; this overcrowding is what causes locusts to switch phases. The gregarious locusts become "irritable," and they start to group up; this is what causes the plagues of locusts we have heard of and fear (Leokum, 1986, p.65).

Plagues of locusts are a scary thing to worry about, and it is interesting that locusts are calm when they are alone. Next time you hear about God smite the people with plagues of locusts you will know the real cause.


Leokum, A. (1986). The Big book of tell me why. New York, NY: Grosset and Dunlap.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

What is the Color Wheel and How Are Colors Created?


The color wheel is a basic theory in art that is the basis of many beautiful masterpieces. The color wheel is an important basic that artists should be aware of and understand when creating, and this article will explain everything you need to know about the color wheel.

Basic colors

The basic color wheel is made up of 6 colors. This does not include various shades of each color, but more complex color wheels do. Once you understand the basics of color and color mixing you will be able to understand even the most complex color wheel. The basic colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, and they appear in this order in the color wheel.

Primary colors

The color wheel is made up of 6 colors, and there are many colors found everywhere in nature and the world, but what most people do not realize that all of these colors come from three basic colors. These colors are known as the primary colors, and they are red, blue, and yellow. All of these colors mixed together in different amounts can replicate all the colors found in nature, and they are used to create the other colors on the color wheel. Red and yellow make orange, red and blue make purple, and yellow and blue make green. Green, orange, and purple are known as secondary colors, and all together with red, blue, and yellow you have all of the colors in the color wheel.

Complimentary colors

When looking at the color wheel you may notice that certain colors are across from each other, and when you use these colors together they make each other stand out. This combination of colors is known as complimentary color usage. Red and green, yellow and purple, and blue and orange are complimentary colors, and when you use them together they really pop.

White and Black

Now that you can see how all the colors of the basic color wheel exist in harmony with each other you may be wondering how pastel or dark shades of colors come about. Well, this is where black and white come into play. The use of black and white causes you to turn a regular color into a shade or a tint. Adding white to a color will make it a tint and change the tone of the color; adding black to a color will make it a shade, and it will also change the tone of the color. Using black and white is the perfect way to portray light in pictures, and it allows you to create subtle depth and realistic art.

The color wheel is a wonderful tool for all artists, and understanding the basic theory behind it can help any artist create better work. These theories can improve your art and your understanding of the art you see.

Natural Home Remedies for Dry Skin


Dry skin is not fun, and with the cold weather months coming I am not excited for dealing with tight and dehydrated skin. Moisturizers cost a fortune, and who knows what half the chemical compounds in them actually do to your skin and your body. If you are like me you would like to cut down the amount of synthetic chemicals you ingest, and you would like to replace these things with safe natural remedies that you can feel comfortable and assured about.

First when washing your skin try not to use warm water, and never use hot water because it will dry your skin out worse than it is. When washing your face always use lukewarm water, and if you must use anything else use a gentle cleanser, but the best method is soaking your face in lukewarm water.

Before you go to bed at night rub a few drops of olive oil on your face. This oil will penetrate your skin and add a smooth touch by morning time. Almond or grape seed oil can also be used for a more pleasant smell.

Banana is another common and effective method for treating dry skin; simply mash up a ripe banana and massage it onto your face. Allow this creamy fruit to penetrate your pores for about 15 minutes; rinse your face with lukewarm water and pat dry.

Egg yolk is another very potent at home remedy for dry skin. Egg yolk has a high fat and protein content that is perfect for helping your malnourished skin. Simply apply a beaten egg yolk to the face or skin as a mask and allow the mask to dry completely. Rinse with lukewarm water. For a more intense mask add a tablespoon of honey and a squirt of lime juice. These additions will help clean and moisten skin.

Avocado will help dry skin quickly and easily, and all you have to do is mash up this delicious fruit and massage into skin. Let the avocado mask absorb or about 15 minutes, and rinse your face. The type of fat in avocado is monounsaturated so it is healthy for your skin and body.

When trying to improve the health of your skin there are many factors that can affect you. Staying hydrated, eating fiber, fruits, and vegetables, and being active to increase circulation are all important parts of having healthy skin. So take care of yourself, and these natural remedies will help you take care of your skin.

How to Make a Miniature Plate of Pancakes from Polymer Clay

Pancakes covered in syrup are one of my favorite breakfast items, and I could eat some right now. Making pancakes at home are pretty easy, and making miniature pancakes for your dollhouse is pretty easy as well. Here are some detailed instructions on how to make miniature pancakes on a plate that your dolls can enjoy.

To make a plate simply roll a piece of white clay out onto a table coated with baby powder. Next use a quarter to cut perfect circle. Trace a nickel onto a thin piece of cardboard and cut this piece out. Sprinkle a little baby powder onto the piece of clay and press this piece into the middle of the circle of clay and turn it upside down on your baking dish.

To start making your pancakes you will need brown clay, white clay, translucent clay, a small piece of plastic or a lid, a wooden stick or tongue depressor, and liquid polymer clay. Mix a little brown clay with some white clay to make a beige clay for your pancakes. Remember you want them to be golden so add a little orange if you like. Mix the clay really well so that the color is one sold brownish beige. Break the beige clay into three semi even balls; slightly flatten the balls.

Now take some white clay and mix tiny bit of brown and tiny bit of translucent clay with it until it is one solid cream color. Break this into three pieces and roll it into a long tube. Now flatten the tube into a ribbon and wrap it around the outside of the flattened balls. Flatten the balls a little more and make sure the cream color forms a ring around the outside; this gives the effect of real pancakes. Bake these pieces and the plate in the oven for about 7 minutes.

While this is baking mix some translucent clay with some brown clay until it is very soft. Next add this clay to some liquid clay and stir with a wooden stick. You want to make this appear syrupy so add extra liquid clay to it. Mix until combined and set aside Now mix a little bit of white clay with the liquid polymer clay and set this aside too.

When the pancakes are done cooking, and they have cooled you can put everything together. Start this process by stacking your pancakes on top of the plate. Next use a paintbrush to drizzle the brown syrup concoction on top of the pancakes and around the sides of the plate; if the syrup is too thick dd more liquid clay to it.

To make pat of buttter simply cut a cube out of a white piece of clay. Use some of the white liquid clay uou have created to look like melted butter in the middle of the pancake. The liquid clays will mix with each other for a natural look. Now add the square of butter to the top of the pancake and bake again for about 7 minutes. This will set your piece together.

This pancake plate looks realistic and delicious, and it will fit well in your dollhouse kitchen.

Three Fun and Free Ways to Show Your Love


When you love someone, it is nice to show it to them. If you want your relationship to last and you want your significant other to feel loved, you have to make sure they know how much you love them, but showing your love does not mean you have to break the bank. Here are some fun and free ways to show your love every day!

My first favorite idea for showing your love is the secret note. I love to write love quotes are a simple I love you on a scrap of paper. Then I will stick this note into my boyfriend's pocket so that when he least expects it he finds a sweet little note from me. This idea also works great if you decide to make your darling a bag lunch for work. Just make your love their favorite sandwich, add a cookie or an apple, and a little note that says something special.

Another completely free way to show your love is by helping your significant other out. It is easy and simple, but this idea is usually overlooked. A simple helping hand can show the person you love how much they really mean to you. Take the garbage out, do the dishes, or even just make dinner. Anything to help your significant other out will show how much you care about them because it shows that you value their time. This also shows that you are being considerate, and this is an important part of a healthy relationship.

Showing your love is important in keeping your significant other happy, and a great way to show your true feelings is to give your love a massage. I am not saying go out and buy a bunch of funny oils or weird vibrating machines. A simple foot, neck, or back rub does not require anything fancy. If you do want to bust out some heated oils or some fancy tools feel free, but don't feel like you can not give a good massage without them. Giving a massage is simple as long as you remember these few tips. Remember to start softly; you don't want to hurt anyone. Slowly increase pressure until your partner is comfortable and feels good. Move your hands in circular motions and work up and down and out. A good massage works the tension out. Also remember to end slowly; a massage is like a workout; it is important to have a warm up and cool down session.

Showing your love is fun and it does not have to make you go broke. You can show your significant other how much you care in many simple ways. You do not have to buy any expensive gifts because actions speak louder than roses, and a gift from the heart is a much more powerful message than a gift from your bankroll. So I hope you have enjoyed my suggestions, and I hope you have made someone you love very happy today!

Unique Holiday Activities for Kids in May


May has a lot of fun holidays, and there are a lot of fun activities for kids to celebrate with in May. Teaching kids about fun holidays is interesting and will provide you and your children with a lot of happy memories. This article discusses several unique holiday themed activities you can do with your kids in May.

Sock Hunt

Lost Sock Memorial Day is in May, and this is a good excuse to play a fun game. Start by gathering all of the socks in the house that are missing a match. Then assign points to each sock amongst the group. Divide all of the socks up evenly and take turns with kids hiding the socks. Then hunt for the socks and see how many points everyone gets. The winner can get a prize or pick the next activity.

Salad Party

May is National Salad Month, and in honor of this you can have a salad party with kids. This is a good way to get your children excited and interested in fruits and veggies, and it is a lot of fun. For this activity take your kids to the grocery store and choose small amounts of lots of fruits and vegetables. Take them home and create a salad buffet. You can also add cheeses, beans, meats, and croutons for even more flavor.

Enter Outer Space

More fun activities for children in May celebrate Space Day. For this unique holiday have fun with kids by eating astronaut ice cream. Watch movies that have outer space in the theme. You can also create great space themed mobile using these instructions.

Purple Passion for Peace

May celebrates Wear Purple for Peace Day, and you can celebrate this holiday by making unique purple items for your kids to wear. Help kid add purple to existing clothing by tie-dyeing shirts and socks purple. You can also add more activities to this day by creating purple bracelets using cord or embroidery floss. This holiday is fun to celebrate with kids of all ages, and you can tailor the activity difficulty level to the age of your children.

Celebrating unique holidays provides many activities for kids. These ideas are easy and fun for May.

What Do You Do When Ants Invade Your Plants?

I noticed in the past week or so that one of my plants is not doing too well. The leaves are yellowing and there are some white spots on them. I have had this hoya plant for over 5 years, and I want it to live. So I did some research, and I found out that it needs to be root bound so I decided I would transplant it. As I am lifting the plant, which is pretty big by now, out of the pot I realize something is moving in the dirt. So I pull it out and see that there is a huge ant colony living inside the roots of my plants.

All along I am thinking maybe I have root rot, and low and behold there are thousands of ants just crawling all over my plants roots. Now, normally I would say, "Okay, ants, you got to live too, right?", but now they are killing my favorite plant. So I leave the plant laying sideways on my table on my porch, and I try to figure out what to do. I see a bunch of white eggs that are going to more ants, and all of a sudden I see the mother ant, which is also known as the queen ant. She is at least 10 times bigger than the other ants, and she is ducking in and out of the soil.

So, I decide to be friendly and not buy pesticide. I don't want to kill all these ants, but they need to find a new home. I know that ants will follow the queen so I scoop her up in a cup and place her in the dirt next to my table. I move the plant down to the ground so all the little ants can follow, and I wait. As I am sitting inside I remember that cinnamon helps with this; so I grab my cinnamon and sprinkle it all over the dirt. Cinnamon will not harm your plants, but it will get rid of the ants.

After about an hour I go back out, and the ants are gone. I rinse the roots of my plant, and I repot it. The plants are safe and so are the ants, and everyone lives happily ever after.

You can use pesticides for this problem, but they might harm the plant, and they will definitely harm the ants. You can also use a hydrogen peroxide and water mix to remove ants, but I find cinnamon and a good rinse to be the best way to solve this problem. Remember no matter what you do you have to the queen or the ants will keep coming back.

If you have experienced this problem, I know it can be intimidating, but this method will help you and the ants. Good luck, and happy gardening!

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Homemade Alice in Wonderland Party Invitations


Alice in Wonderland is an age old tale that has stayed with many of us. It is a popular party theme, and you can make homemade Alice in Wonderland party invitations for your party.


For this homemade party invitation you will need construction paper, scissors, cardstock, glue, a pencil, and markers. You may also use a lid or cup to cut perfect circles from the construction paper.

Start this homemade Alice in Wonderland party invitation by folding the cardstock in half and writing the important information on the side with the marker. Next use the lid to draw several small circles on construction paper. Cut out the circles and glue them to the front of the party invitation in the shape of a caterpillar.

Use your markers to add eyes and antennas to the caterpillar. If you have some extra buttons laying around your home you can use them for eyes as well. This homemade party invitation is perfect for an Alice in Wonderland party because it features one of the famous characters from Alice in Wonderland.


The tea party in Alice in Wonderland is easily remembered, and teacups are a great theme for Alice in Wonderland themed party invitations. For this homemade party invitation you will need cupcake liners, scissors, glue, cardstock, and markers.

Start this Alice in Wonderland invitation for your party by folding the cardstock in half. Write the important information on the inside of the invitation with the markers. Then flatten the cupcake liner out and cut it in half.

Glue the cupcake liner on the front of the party invitation to look like a cup. Cut a small handle from the remainder of the cupcake liner and glue it to the teacup. Add flowers and other patterns to the teacup or use patterned cupcake liners for unique details. You can also cut pieces out of the tea cup to make it look broken; this homemade party invitation will suit your Alice in Wonderland themed party well.


The Mad Hatter is a famous character in Alice in Wonderland, and you can use his hat as a theme for your party invitation. For this homemade party invitation you will need cardstock, construction paper, glue, scissors, ribbon, and feathers.

Start this Alice in Wonderland themed party invitation by folding the cardstock in half and write the information on the inside. Next cut a large `rectangle out of construction paper and taper the ends of one of the sides of the rectangle; this will make the hat look larger on top.

Next cut a long thin rectangle for the brim of the hat and glue it to the front of the party invitation. Glue a piece of ribbon to the smaller side of the large rectangle and wrap the ends of the ribbon around the back to hide the cut edge.Glue the large rectangle to the front of the party invitation on top of the brim and add some feathers for detail. This homemade Alice in wonderland party decoration is easy to make, and it is perfect for your Alice in Wonderland themed party.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Definition and Impact of Productive and Counterproductive Behavior


There is a huge difference between productive and counterproductive behavior, and they have a very important impact on business. This article will discuss the definition and impact of productive and counterproductive behavior.

The Definition of Productive and Counterproductive Behavior

Productive and counter productive behavior plays key roles in the productivity of an organization. These types of behavior are also an important part of organizational psychology. Understanding the definition of both productive and counterproductive behavior will allow an organization to maximize productive behavior and decrease counterproductive behavior.

Productive behavior and counterproductive behavior is opposite of each other. Productive behavior relates to behavior that increases productivity. This type of behavior is "defined as employee behavior that contributes positively to the goals and objectives of the organization" (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 4). Productive behavior promotes, encourages, and aids an organization in its purpose, but counterproductive behavior does the opposite.

Counterproductive behavior takes away from the productivity of an organization. This type of behavior is "defined as behavior that explicitly runs counter to the goals of an organization" (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 6). Counter productive behavior comes in many forms such as alcohol and drug abuse, theft, sexual harassment, and employee absenteeism; counterproductive behavior can also be considered ineffective performance (Britt & Jex, 2008). Productive and counterproductive behaviors have a strong impact on an organization.

The Impact of Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors

An organization is inevitably impacted by the behavior of its employees. An organization is positively impacted by productive behavior, and it is negatively impacted by counterproductive behavior. Job performance is also an area that is affected by productive and counterproductive behavior.

The performance of an organization relies on the behavior of the employees. If employees are productive the organization will be productive and gain value for stakeholders. If the employees are counterproductive the organization's performance will be negatively impacted and lose value. The performance of an organization is directly linked to the productivity of the employees.

Job performance can easily be impacted by both productive and counterproductive behaviors. A productive employee can encourage another employee to be productive which will increase their ability to perform their job. A counterproductive employee can discourage, interrupt, and aggravate a productive employee which will negatively impact job performance. It is important to try to increase productive behavior and decrease counterproductive behavior to keep job performance and the performance of an organization at its highest possible level.

It is important to fully understand the definition and impact of productive and counterproductive behavior on business to be successful.


Britt, T. W., & Jex, S. M. (2008). Organizational Psychology: A Scientist-Practitioner Approach (2 ed.). New York, NY: Wiley.

What Can I Do with a Degree in Marketing?


Many people assume that a degree in marketing will only provide people who obtain this degree with opportunities in promotional fields, but there are many more job opportunities available to someone with a marketing degree. This article will provide you with an overall look at the careers available to someone with a marketing degree.

A degree in marketing is a very valuable degree because marketing is a part of every type of business and organization. Marketing is more than just designing the look of a product; marketing degrees will provide you with job skills associated with public relations, public relations, and advertising. Sales plans and strategy are another part of a marketing career and degree.

One common job that is associated with a marketing degree is market researcher, and this career requires researching the target of a product or service. Through study of surveys, studies, and other forms of information a person with a marketing degree will determine valuable information and ideas about the target of a product or service; this career choice can be found at many different business.

A popular marketing career option is a brand manager, and this is the career most commonly associated with a marketing degree. This career choice will utilize the skills gained by a marketing degree to determine a brand, its competitors, and the specific benefits of a brand. This is where product development and marketing come into play, and this career option is something that is easily obtained by someone with a marketing degree.

A position in promotions is another viable career option for someone with a marketing degree, and this career utilizes the skills of a marketing degree. This career requires creative thinking and collaborative efforts with advertisers to create incentives for consumers. A marketing degree will provide you with the knowledge needed to obtain this career path.

Public relation careers are available to those with a marketing degree, and this career choice requires someone with a marketing degree to use their knowledge of people to represent the image of a company. This important career will utilize the skills of a marketing degree to convey a positive image of a company and its values.

Advertising is another career option that is common among people with a marketing degree, and this career path is something that most businesses will use so the business areas in need of this position vary widely.

Marketing degrees are valuable in the career world because they can be applied to many different businesses and organizations. This popular degree is a priceless tool in career success.

Gishmas 2021 List

 Day 1 Challenge: December 20th – Image or Video What powers GISH? Love, actually. So, let’s spread some cheer. Using the GISH App or search...