Showing posts with label Healthy Breakfast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy Breakfast. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The Importance of a Healthy Breakfast for Busy Moms


A healthy breakfast is usually far from the busy mom's mind first thing in the morning, but this choice can have a huge impact on your health. It is important to understand the value of a healthy meal as well as the importance of the various nutrients. This article will discuss the factors that impact personal food choices, a healthy breakfast recipe and how to proportion the recipe to suit different age groups.

There are many factors that affect personal food choices throughout the course of life. Work and school schedules are usually a large factor in diet and health, and it may seem like eating breakfast and other healthy meals may consume too much time. There are many breakfast choices that are quick, easy and suitable for people at different stages of life. Busy moms often forgo breakfast, but it is important to make this a part of the daily routine. Creating a healthy meal that both parents and children can enjoy is a good way to spend time with children instead of spending extra time preparing meals.

An excellent healthy breakfast idea that suits the dietary needs of the whole family includes a mixed berry smoothie, a slice of whole grain toast and an egg cooked over easy or any other way you like. This recipe can be made for multiple people at the same time by doubling the ingredients per person. The meal can be made all at the same time by using cookie trays for the toast and a large frying pan for the eggs. Smoothies can be processed together and distributed evenly. The ingredients for this recipe are as follows:

½ cup of milk

½ cup of ice

½ cup frozen raspberries

½ cup frozen blueberries

1 egg

1 piece of whole grain toast

1 tablespoon olive oil

To create this meal, you will need a blender as well as a frying pan, oven and spatula. Start by heating the oil in the frying pan on medium. Also, put the broiler on and place the bread under the flame to be toasted. Then crack the egg into the pan of heated oil. Add the ice, milk and berries to the blender. Let the egg cook until it is done and place it with the piece of toast on a plate. Make sure the lid is securely on, and turn the blender on medium. Then process the food in the blender until the mixture is smooth. Pour it into a glass and you are ready for breakfast

According to Canada's Food Guide for Healthy Eating, there are four main food groups are meat and alternatives, dairy and alternatives, fruits and vegetables and grains. These four food groups are all present in this menu item and they can be adjusted to suit the age and gender of the person eating. For instance, a busy mom between the age of 19-50 needs 7-8 fruit and vegetable products (How much food do you need every day) . The use of ½ cup of raspberries and ½ cup of blueberries is 2 servings of fruit. A young child between the ages of 2-8 needs only four fruits and vegetables per day. They can have half of the adult sized smoothie and still have plenty of fruits and vegetables later.

Eating right is important, and any healthy diet and lifestyle starts every day with breakfast. Creating healthy menu items can be fun, and they can be adjusted to suit any part of the life cycle.


" Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating - Health - Government of Saskatchewan ." Health - Government of Saskatchewan . N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2011.

"How Much Food You Need Every Day - Canada's Food Guide - Health Canada."Welcome to the Health Canada Web site | Bienvenue au site Web de Sant© Canada. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2011. .

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