Thursday, July 31, 2014

How to Monitor and Create an Interdisciplinary Learning Center in the Classroom

How to Monitor and Create an Interdisciplinary Learning Center in the Classroom

A classroom is made up of many different students, and their learning needs are diverse. In order to accommodate the many different learning styles of students, it is key to have interdisciplinary learning centers as a staple structure in the classroom. Learning centers are a great way to help teach students, and it is important to make sure that students' needs are met in these learning environments. Here is an example of how I would set up a learning center in order to fulfill both the needs of the teachers and the students.
In order to design an interdisciplinary learning center for elementary students I would concentrate on motivating, reinforcing, and supporting students' needs, while also allowing teachers to meet the different learning styles and ability levels of the students. My learning center will include many different subjects, and I will set up interactive displays for the subjects of math, science, English, and history.
The learning center will have tables for each subject set in the corners of the room, and there will be posters that apply to each subject up on the wall by the tables they correspond with. The math section will have flash chards for different mathematic equations and different games that help improve math skills. The science section will have many resources for experiments, toys that illustrate scientific theories, and many plants, minerals, fossils, and crystals. The English table will contain many different books of poetry and literature. I would also like to have a board with magnetic poetry pieces on it so the children can create their own writing easily. The history table will include many different pictures and writing about historical events. If possible I would also like to include some artifacts or replicas of artifacts to show the children. Arrowheads and tools that wear used in the past would be nice too. All of these items are key to helping the children interactive and see what these subjects are really about.
In the middle of the room there will also be a table, which will have computers that have interactive teaching programs that are based around these subjects, and there will be tape players and headphones so children can listen to books and lessons on tape. This table will also provide a place for quiet work for students who want to study separately.
This set-up is an effective room arrangement because it will allow the teacher to walk around the room easily; this is also important because it will be necessary to monitor the students efficiently. A teacher can monitor the classroom well by walking around, asking the students questions, examining there work or what they are looking at, and answering any questions the students have. In order to anticipate and handle problems the teacher must effectively monitor the classroom and make sure that each student has something they are working on. If a problem does occur despite the teacher's efforts a student can be asked to stay with the teacher as she monitors the class, or the student can be given an individual assignment and separated from the class. It is important to be able to handle any situation that arises in the learning environment and this classroom plan will help the teacher be aware of all of the students.
An interdisciplinary learning center can be a fun and effective way of learning. If all of the subjects of interest are elaborated on in interesting ways the students will be able to involve themselves in a way that is much more memorable than just sitting in the classroom or doing homework. Learning environments are also a good way of monitoring the classroom while also giving the students a sense of independent learning. A learning environment is a good way to teaching students that should be interactive, effective, and easily monitored, and all effective classrooms should have one!

Effective Tips for Classroom Management, Organization, and Planning

Effective Tips for Classroom Management, Organization, and Planning

Being a teacher can be very rewarding, but it also takes a lot of work, time and consideration on the part of a teacher. Organization, planning, and time management hold an imperative role in managing a classroom. Students must be constantly monitored in order to make sure they are progressing; it is also important to monitor students to make sure that they are learning, and to help avoid disruption or off task behavior. Problems do occur in classrooms, and they must be anticipated and handled correctly. There are many things a teacher must take into consideration, and teaching can be a great job, but there is a lot of work involved as well.
In order to effectively manage my classroom I will have to have effective expectations, strongly organized procedures, and I must be able to utilize my resources and have good time management strategies. As a teacher of early childhood children it is important to provide a lot of work in the classroom; it is also important to provide involvement of the students. These procedures will help keep the children focused and enthusiastic in the classroom. As an elementary school teacher it is important to set rules and standards in the classroom during the first few weeks of classes (Lemlech, 2006). These rules can be established through socialization in the classroom, and these rules and standards must be specific and concrete so they can be understood and followed correctly. Enthusiasm in a classroom is a very effective way to help conserve time. Enthusiasm and encouragement is important in order to help the children get involved and interested in the lessons. Another very important way to save time in the classroom is being prepared; having materials and lessons ready before the day begins will help keep a continuous learning environment in the classroom (Lemlech, 2006). It is also important to monitor the students' progress and abilities in order to make sure they are all grasping the lessons. Group learning is a way of saving time through interaction because students will figure out lessons quicker in a group than they would alone. Another good way to help save time in the classroom is to provide students with immediate feedback. It is important to be organized, prepared, and able to utilize resources in a classroom; this is vital to saving time, keeping the class focused, and having the learning environment be effective.
In order to effectively manage a classroom it is important to have the environment arranged in a way that makes learning easier. As an art teacher my classroom will be completely revolved around art. My classroom layout will involve the students in many ways. First the desks will be in a U shape so that the students can converse with each other, and this way they will be able to see each other when they talk. This also allows me to put a table in the middle of the class for observation drawings, lessons, and motivational displays. I will also have a bookcase for students to research; there are so many different art ideas and styles, and I would like my students to have access to as much information as possible. I will also need cabinets for supplies and racks for large canvases. It is important to incorporated tables for drying artwork. I would like to have three tables that will have different art ideas, projects, and/or styles on them. The tables will give the students ideas for art as well as ideas on how to use different mediums. I have included a small table and two chairs for students looking at the books. I also included a plant because I think it is good to have plants in an artistic environment. I will also have plenty of art prints, pieces, originals, and copies all over the room; these various artworks will provide inspiration for the students, and they will also make the classroom a much nicer, prettier place to be.
It is important to monitor students' progress especially considering there are all different types of students and classes, and there are many ways to keep the attention of the students in a classroom. When monitoring independent classwork assignments it is imperitive to walk around the classroom, offer encouragement and assistance where needed, and observe the students' behavior. During independent work it is important to have a signal that will help the students ask for help (Lemlech, 2006). A student could stand up or wait at the teachers desk if the student has a question or problem; this will stop the class from being interrupted, and the students will be able to concentrate. During group work it is important to monitor the class as well because students can become unfocused and not complete the assignments. In order to keep a class focused during group work it is important to use two strategies. These strategies include asking specific students questions that pertain to the lesson and making sure each student in the groups have assigned roles (Lemlech, 2006). Some classrooms will contain students who are English language learners, and it is very important to monitor their progress. Initially if as a teacher you do not speak the student's native language that is an obstacle, but it can be helped by the assistance of someone who does speak the student's language. In order to monitor the progress of an ELL it is also important to ask the student questions to identify if the student understands the content and processes in the class. Homework is also important to monitor when you are teaching an ELL student, and in order to monitor homework a teacher can discuss homework in the beginning of the class (Lemlech, 2006). This is helpful when trying to keep enthusiasm up in the classroom amongst all of the students as well. Discussing the previous homework is also important because it helps to introduce the next lesson while remembering the last lesson. I believe there are many ways that I can keep students engaged in the lessons I plan to create. I think having a lot of different examples of art will help keep the students focused. I also plan on having a computer and a projector in the classroom at all times so I can show students different examples of art. I also plan on having a radio so that we can listen to music as we create. I think that encouraging students will keep them motivated, and letting them express their opinions and have a say in the projects we do is important. There are many ways to monitor a student's progress in a classroom, and it is vital to monitor students learning in order to be an effective teacher.
In all classrooms problems will sometimes arise, and it is the teacher's job to not only handle these problems, but to anticipate them as well. Initially I think it is extremely important to have standards and rules set in a classroom from the beginning of the school year. I also think that along with the rules and standards that I require in the classroom it will be important to offer incentives and rewards for students who follow the rules and observe the standards. In contrast to this idea I will also establish punishments for certain behavior (Lemlech, 2006). Even though problems can be anticipated and planned for they still occur, and as a teacher one must be able to handle them. When a problem occurs the student should be reminded of the lesson and the consequences of the actions the student has taken (Lemlech, 2006). If the problem persists the student can be separated from the class and given individual work; the student can also be used to help teach the lesson. If problems still continue or increase the student can be sent to the principal's office or a parent can be contacted. Students can also be asked to stay for detention, where they can be given extra work and spoken to about the problem. It is important to not only prepare for off task behavior in the classroom, but to pay strong attention to the students' behavior. If attention is given to the students it will be easier to diffuse problems and get to the root of them.
In order to be an effective teacher one must be very aware of the students, time, and oneself. Teaching takes a lot of time being prepared, and assessing lessons and the performance of the teacher and the students. A teacher must constantly monitor students to make sure there are not problems with learning. A teacher must also anticipate that a classroom may be disrupted at times. Time must be taken to create situations that avoid problems. When problems do arise they must be handled correctly and appropriate action on the teachers part must also be anticipated and taken. A teacher must also constantly assess her ideas, and what she is teaching the students. Advice given must come into consideration along with examples set. Rules must be abided by, and the teacher must also establish respect in a classroom. A teacher's job is very demanding, but the rewards completely out way the demands.
Lemlech, J.K. (2006). Curriculum and instructional methods for the elementary and middle school. [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-Text]. , : Prentice-Hall/Merrill. Retrieved November 4, 2007, from University of Phoenix, rEsource, Classroom Instruction Web site.

Developmental Stages of Infants and 6 to 10 Year Olds

Developmental Stages of Infants and 6 to 10 Year Olds

As a teacher, it is extremely important to understand the development of children. There are many different levels of development, and there are many different stages of development a child goes through before a child becomes an adult. From infancy to late adolescence it is important to understand the physical, emotional, cognitive, intellectual, language, reading, writing, social and interpersonal developments a child will go through in order to be an efficient teacher. Middle-childhood and infancy are both important developmental stages that have some things in common, but they are not completely the same.

Infancy is the developmental age group that encompasses children from birth to two years of age; middle childhood is the age group that includes children of the ages six to 10 years old. During infancy children tend to grow and change physically very rapidly. The "emergence of reflexes" and a "general decline in crying" also occurs during this age group (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p.106). During infancy there is an increase in ability of movement and children will start, crawling, sitting, and walking. Infancy is also the time when children will gain the ability to use the small muscles of their hands and eyes" (Mcdevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p.106). Middle childhood children will develop physically by growing steadily in weight and height; this is also the time when children will begin to lose their baby teeth and gain their adult teeth. During middle childhood children will also develop a "refinement and consolidation of gross motor skills and integration of such skills into structured play activities" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p.106). Middle childhood is the time where children will engage in organized sports; they will also increase the capability of their fine motor skills. Infancy is the beginning of physical development for children, and during middle childhood physical attributes become more complex.
Emotional development starts from birth. Infants exhibit strong amounts of attachment to those who take care of them, and may show some distress when they are separated from their caregiver. Throughout infancy a child increases their "repertoire of ways to communicate feelings" and gain a "beginning ability to soothe themselves" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p.400). During infancy children will develop a sense of self and may exhibit some possessiveness over toys. Middle childhood is a time where children develop an "increasing number of bonds outside of family" and an "increasing ability to regulate emotions" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p.400). During this age group children will start to compare their own abilities to those of their peers, and many children of this age group seem to have good self-esteem. During infancy children are starting to develop emotions, and during middle childhood children are starting to understand their emotions.
Congnitive development in infants is shown through an increase in "physical exploration of environment" and a "growing awareness of simple cause effect relationships" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 178). During this age children also exhibit the ability to characterize the world in their minds. During middle childhood children start to show " conservation, multiple classification, and other forms of adult logic", but they have a "limited ability to reason about abstract or hypothetical ideas" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 178). Middle childhood children become capable of participating in sports and games that require "coordinating multiple perspectives" (McDevitt &Ormrod, 2004, p.178). Cognitive developments in infants are very simplistic, and cognitive developments in middle childhood children are more advanced.
Intellectually infants have short attention spans and are easily distracted. During infancy children do well with "recognition memory, visual preferences, and eye-hand coordination" and their performance on assessments bases highly on "examiner's ability to establish a positive relationship with the infant" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p.258). Middle childhood is the age group where there is a noticeable difference in the understanding of academic subject matter amongst students. During middle childhood children show "success on test items that involve defining concrete words, remembering sentences and short sequences, understanding concrete analogies, recognizing similarities among objects, and identifying absurdities in illogical statements.
Language developments occur rapidly in infants. "Repetition of vowel sounds" will start as early as one month of age and will grow into "babbling" and the combination of vowel and consonant sounds by the age of "six months" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 308). By about a year old children will be able to use single words and a rapid increase in an infant's vocabulary will occur from the age of one year old to two years old. For middle childhood children the use of "comparative words" and "temporal word" will be successful, and pronunciation will be mastered (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 308). During this age children will also be able to maintain conversation about concrete topics; they will also understand the idea of cause and effect and narrative plots. "Linguistic word play" will also become part of a middle childhood child's knowledge base.
Reading and writing development in infants starts with the use of colorful toy books. During infancy children are more interested in pictures and rhyme schemes. Middle childhood children are much more advanced in reading and writing skills. They have the "ability to hear phonemes within words", and they are beginning to read silently" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 308). Reading and writing skills start at infancy, and they continue, to develop progressively as children get older.
Social development in infancy is marked by the awareness that people have goals and desires that are unique to themselves. Infants also exhibit social development when they look to others to see how to react to situations. During infancy children also show signs of "distress towards aggression" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 444). During middle childhood children have an awareness of other people's mental states, but they seem to "over simplify the nature of other people's mental states", and they have a "growing recognition that other people interpret experiences instead of taking them at face value" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 444). Children of the middle childhood age group also start to have knowledge of the government; they also start to feel empathy for others. Middle childhood is also the time when children start to feel "shame for moral wrong doing" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 308). From infancy to middle childhood there is a lot of developments that occur.
Interpersonally infants show a lot of emotion in regard to their toys. Aggression may occur during the first year "when another child takes a child's toy", and "in the second year pushing and shoving to gain toys" may occur" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 555). Infants also exhibit interpersonal development when they cannot control their environment, and they make take out their frustrations on the caregiver. Middle childhood children differ from infants because they have a "decrease in overt physical aggression", and they increase in "covert antisocial behaviors" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 555). During this age group children also have an understanding of the intentions of others. Infants have a tendency to show physical aggression, and middle childhood children instead internalize it.
It is extremely important to understand the development of children if you are going to be a teacher. Children develop very differently during different stages, and it is important to be aware of how they develop. It is also important to be aware of the normal developments that occur at different ages. Infants and middle childhood children develop a lot during these age groups. Although they both develop a lot there is a big difference in the developments that take place. During infancy children are beginning to develop on many levels, and during middle childhood children are taking the knowledge base they already have and increasing it in many complex ways.
McDevitt, T., & Ormrod, J. (2004). Child Development: Education and Working with Children and Adolescents (2nd ed.). : Prentice Hall

Social, Emotional and Moral Development in Children

Social, Emotional and Moral Development in Children

As children grow from infancy to adulthood, they are affected by the environment around them as well as the genetics they are born with. As they grow older the change and develop in many ways. Children go through many stages pf social and moral development from the time of early childhood through adolescence, and they also face many social and emotional developments.

Infancy is the time period of a child's life that starts at birth and goes through the age of 2 years old; during infancy children develop socially and morally. From birth babies begin to realize that humans are not inanimate objects. Infants realize that "unlike objects, people are active, expressive, and responsive"; they also realize that "people have an "inner life" that objects do not" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 415). At this early age a child begins to realize how to behave in order to accomplish a goal. An infant will reach for and point at an object that it wants. In the second year of infancy children "become increasingly cognizant of other people's mental states", and "they clearly have some awareness of other people's attentional focus and emotions" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 415). By the age of 18 months children become extremely aware of how their actions influence the people around them. At this point in time children become knowledgeable of what behaviors cause certain emotions from the people around them, and they act accordingly. Infancy is the beginning of childhood, and it is the beginning of emotional, social, and moral development for children.
Early childhood ranges from the age of two years old to six years old. During this time period children develop a lot, and they become increasingly aware of the mind frame of the people around them. As early as two years old, children " spontaneously use words that refer to people's desires and emotions (e.g., want, feel sad), and by age 21รข"2 or 3, words such as think and know appear in their speech", and "by the time children are 3, they realize that the mind is distinct from the physical world-that thoughts, memories, and dreams are not physical entities" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 415). Although children at this age are aware of a lot they do not always understand their own ability of thought. Sometimes children assume that "what they know is what other people know as well", and "Not may be unintentional. Early childhood is an important age of development. until age 4 or 5 do children appreciate a false belief: They realize that circumstances may reasonably lead people to believe something different from what they themselves know to be true" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 416). At the end of early childhood it is easier for a child to understand intentions, and what
Middle childhood is the age group that encompasses children of the ages six through ten. During this age group children become much more aware of a persons mental state. Children of this age "are more tuned in to the subtle nuances of other people's behavior, and they realize that people's actions do not always reflect their thoughts and feelings-for instance, that people who appear happy may actually feel sad" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 417). During this time children are also beginning to realize that thinking is a constant thing. Children of the middle childhood age group are beginning to realize that "people interpret what they see and hear, rather than just "recording" it verbatim, and so children realize that people may occasionally misconstrue an event they have witnessed" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 417). At this age children are becoming extremely more aware of how complex the mind and emotions are.
Early adolescence is an age group that covers children of the ages 10 years old to 14 years old. "As children move into early adolescence, they begin to appreciate that people can have ambivalent feelings about events and other individuals" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 417). At this age children also become aware that they may have many conflicting emotions and thoughts at the same time. This age group is so significant because it is the time when children "become increasingly thoughtful about such matters, and their ability to recognize the complexity of thoughts and emotions in themselves is correlated with their ability to recognize them in others", and "courtesy of their expanding cognitive abilities, memory capacity, and social awareness, young adolescents increasingly engage in recursive thinking" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 418). Recursive thinking is when a child can think about and reflect on the thoughts of others and how they affect themselves in many different ways. This age group is a time when other people's perspectives can be taken into consideration.
Late adolescence is the time period that encompasses children of the age of 14 through 18, and it is the time where children are learning to become adults. Children of this age group "may increasingly conceptualize knowledge as an integrated body of ideas (rather than a collection of discrete facts) that continues to evolve over time, and they may begin to discover that how people think about information affects their ability to learn it" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 418). During this time children have a large knowledge base to refer to in order to think and feel. They have had many life experiences that affect their emotions and thoughts. At this age children also "realize that other people are not always aware of why they act as they do" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 418). At this point the thought, social, and moral processes of a child are extremely complex.
The social and emotional development of middle childhood children and infants are similar but extremely different as well. Infants are directly responsive to the emotions of others, and "by 3 months, infants imitate the happy, sad, and angry faces their mothers make" " (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 376). Infants are increasingly aware of emotions and how they cause reactions from the people around them as well. During middle childhood children are capable of seeing themselves in more complicated terms. Children of the middle childhood age range "develop a generally positive-or negative-sense of their worth as human beings: They believe either that they are good, capable individuals or that they are somehow inept and unworthy" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 396). While infants are aware of their emotions and how they affect their situations; middle childhood children are concerned with how other's points of view affect their own self esteem. Both of these age groups are important, and should be taken into consideration when teaching children.
It is amazing how a child grows and develops. From as early as infancy children are aware of the world around them; they are aware of emotion and intentions. As children get older their thoughts and emotions become more complex, and they are able to understand and analyze the emotions of others as well. It is important as a teacher to be aware of all of these developments in order to fully understand and reach the students.

Healthy Life Choices for Children

Healthy Life Choices for Children

Children of the age group 2- 6 years old are categorized as the early childhood developmental age group. "Physical movement is a hallmark of early childhood, and dramatic changes occur in both gross motor skills and fine motor skills" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 109). Gross motor skills such as running, climbing, throwing, and jumping are developed during the early childhood developmental age group; these skills help a child to move around his or her environment easily (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004).
Fine motor skills are also developed at this time, and these skills enable a child to use his or her hands more skillfully. Children of this age group are more capable of drawing and cutting (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004). Fantasy is also an integral part of this age group and children will pretend that they are "superheroes and villains, cowboys and cowgirls, astronauts and aliens" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004).
The middle childhood developmental age group includes children of the ages 6 - 10 years old, and during this period of time children will refine their motor skills, learn social lessons, and become more aware of their physical appearance. Gross motor skills will be refined and they will become more systematic.
Children will hone their athletic skills as they "intensify their speed and coordination in running, kicking, catching, and dribbling" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p.110). Fine motor skills will also increase as children of this age group create drawings that are more "detailed and complex" due to "physiological maturation and cognitive advances" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 110).
Children of this age will start learning valuable social lessons such as how to "negotiate over rules" and figure out "whose turn" it is . (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 110).
This is also a period of time when children will become more aware of and concerned with their physical appearance, and they can be critical of themselves and sensitive (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 110).
There are many factors that influence the physical well being of a child, but the three main factors are eating habits, sleep and rest, and physical activity (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 116). A child's eating habits "influences their energy level, ability to concentrate, and capacity for performing physical and mental tasks"; it also "affects their physical growth, brain development, and sexual maturation" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 116).
"A common feature of physical activity in early and middle childhood is rough-and tumble play, or good-natured "fighting" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 116). During early childhood children participate a lot in physical activity, but in middle childhood there is a decrease in physical activity. Sleep and rest play an important role in the physical well being of children, and "nightmares are common between the age of 3 and 6" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 116). Lack of sleep can result in irritability and hard transitions.
There are some simple decisions than can be made by children of the early and middle childhood age group in order to benefit their physical well being. A well balanced diet of nutrition is a healthy lifestyle choice that can be made. "Unfortunately, practitioners often encounter children who are poorly fed, perhaps because their parents have few financial resources, are homeless, are physically or mentally ill, or simply do not have access to appropriate nutrition", and this is a sad state of affairs (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 116). good nutrition is extremely important for all people, especially growing children.
An active lifestyle is important because it teaches children many life lessons, and it keeps them in good physical shape. Organized sports are a good way for middle childhood developmental age groups to stay active, and early childhood developmental age groups become increasingly active because they derive so much pleasure of physical activity (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004). Efficient sleep and rest is another healthy life choice that children can make. "Sleeping and resting are essential to growth and health.
Sleep actually helps young people to grow, because growth hormones are released at higher rates as children snooze. In addition to promoting growth, sleep may help the brain to maintain normal functioning and promote its development" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 122). Healthy life choices are important for children of all ages, and adult. Healthy life choices not only promote physical health and growth, but these choices help support a healthy mental state.
"The prevalence of childhood obesity has increased over the last few decades, as has the number of children who are extremely overweight", and "childhood obesity is a concern because it may lead to serious health risks, especially in adulthood" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p.117). Children who do not have a well balanced diet are in danger of making poor health choices that will have a serious impact on their lives. "Becoming excessively involved in sports and exercise can present medical problems for children" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p.117).
Children are still growing and physical activity is good for them, but too much can strain and wear on their bodies can be harmful. Insufficient sleep and rest directly affects children. Sleep is essential to early and middle childhood because children produce more hormones that help them grow when they are sleeping. Sleep also increases the body and mind's ability to focus and react (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004).
A child's development may be altered by inherited or environmental factors. "All children get sick now and then, but some have ongoing, long-term illnesses as a result of genetic legacies" (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p.133). These illnesses are not the child's fault, and the child may be sensitive to these differences. Obesity seems to have some genetic basis, but environmental factors, such as family eating patterns, also play a role (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p.118). Many children are in environments where their eating habits are not regulated, and they are not taught healthy eating patterns. The environment a child grows up in and the genetics a child is born with directly affects a child's growth.
McDevitt, T., & Ormrod, J. (2004). Child Development: Educating and Working with Children and Adolescents (2nd ed.). : Prentice Hall

Is Agricultural Soil Erosion Really a Cause of Global Warming?

Is Agricultural Soil Erosion Really a Cause of Global Warming?

Al Gore made a documentary about global warming, and cows are even playing a part in global warming. There are many studies and debates currently about what is causing global warming and what is affecting it the most. There are also many ideas of how to decrease the emissions into the atmosphere by means of prevention and production.

Recently, there has been some debate about the effect agricultural soil erosion is having on global warming. It was originally believed that carbon emissions caused by soil erosion were a contributing factor to the problem of global warming. This idea was challenged with controversy by those who believed that agricultural soil erosion may be helping to remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere thus helping slow down the process of global warming.
Global warming is an extreme change in climate that is caused by the emission of carbon and other greenhouse gases. The gases emitted cause heat from the sun to be trapped inside the Earth's atmosphere. This is causing a drastic change of climate to occur; serious environmental changes are occurring quicker than formerly believed, and this is causing the polar ice caps to melt and water levels to rise.
Global warming may be a serious threat, and measures to decrease the rate in which greenhouse gases are being released into the air are being taken, and methods of removing emissions from the atmosphere are being taken as well. A recent study has shown evidence that might determine that agricultural soil erosion is not really releasing as much carbon as previously anticipated.
Tests have shown that carbon might actually be re-emitted into the soil by means of erosion, and the carbon from plant matter decomposing in the soil (Daily Science, 2007). The study measured the net amounts of carbon emitted into the atmosphere and the net amount of carbon being deposit into the soil.
The study indicates that the amounts of carbon being released into the atmosphere due to soil erosion are not as extreme as believed, but the amounts of carbon being deposited into the soil was not that extreme either. Soil erosion is not one of the biggest threats in the conflict of global warming, and the amount of carbons being taken out of the atmosphere and mixed into the soil was dramatically less beneficial than previously thought.
Global warming is an effect of increased greenhouse gases. What is truly causing it is still under much discussion, but I am curious to see what will come of these extreme environmental changes.
Daily Science. (2007). Agricultural Soil Erosion Not Contributing to Global Warming. Retrieved October 26, 2007, from

Four Standards for Teaching Art to Elementary Students in New York

Four Standards for Teaching Art to Elementary Students in New York

I am going to be an art teacher in the state New York. New York state standards for elementary art classes are very interesting. There are four basic standards; these standards are based on creating art, knowing and using art materials, responding to and analyzing art work and understanding the cultural influence of art (NYSED, 1996).
As an elementary art teacher the first standard required is to teach students how to create their own art by "exploring different kinds of subject matter, topics, themes, and metaphors" (NYSED, 1996, p.9). This will be an excellent standard to implement into the classroom, and it can be easily implemented. In order to determine different themes, topics, and ideas for the classes artwork the teacher can have all of the students write down something they would like to create, and then a new student can pick one of the topics out of a hat each day, and the next day's assignment can be based on that topic.
The second standard of art in New York State is understanding the materials, techniques, processes involved in creating art; it is also a standard to inform the students of the community's art involvement and the vocational options available to them (NYSED, 1996). This can be a fun experience for the entire class because in order to make students aware of the many different techniques and styles of art, trips to art museums can be arranged.
In New York State the third art standard refers to analyzing and interpreting works of art. "Students will reflect on, interpret, and evaluate works of art, using the language of art criticism, and students will "describe their responses to the works and the reasons for those responses" (NYSED, 1996, p.25). Interpreting and analyzing art is very important in an artists career, and it is beneficial to be able to discuss and critique your own and others art work. This can be implemented easily by having students critique each other's work. It is also good to learn the language of art because then students will have a common vocabulary in which to communicate ideas to each other.
The final standard of art learning is the understanding of cultural influence on art, and the history of art (NYSED, 1996). This can be implemented in a classroom very easily and enjoyably by studying different art from different time periods and reflecting projects on different art forms from history. This will also give the students a better understanding of artistic techniques, culture, and how they influence each other.
NYSED. (1996). Learning standards for the arts. Retrieved October 26, 2007, from

Gardner's Theory of Intelligences Can Benefit the Classroom

Gardner's Theory of Intelligences Can Benefit the Classroom

There are many theories on the way children learn, and they can all be helpful when trying to become an effective teacher. One well-known theory on education is Gardner's theory on intelligences. Gardner's theory classifies the way students learn into 8 different categories. These theories can amplify how your students learn and how much you reach your students.

I am planning on becoming an art teacher, and I think it is possible to assess knowledge on the topic of art using many of Gardner's intelligences. Gardner theorized that there were eight forms of intelligences, and they are linguistic intelligence, logical mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and naturalist intelligence. Linguistic intelligence pertains to words, logical intelligence pertains to numbers and reasoning, spatial intelligence relates to pictures and visual stimulation, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence relates to bodily movements, musical intelligence pertains to music and patterns, interpersonal intelligence relates to understanding people, intrapersonal development relates to understand ones self, and naturalist intellegience relates to nature.
Naturalist intelligence can help asses the qualities of nature in relation to art, and it can help determine natural ways of creating art. Musical intelligences can see the patterns of art and help incorporate music into an art lesson. Music can also be compared to art to establish the mood and emotion behind a piece. Intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence is useful well learning art because it can help a student and the class figure out what is behind a piece of art. These intelligences are also useful when critiquing ones own art and the art work of others. Logical-mathematical intelligences are useful in assessing knowledge in relation to art because these intelligences are familiar with formulas and equations which can be helpful in art forms that need proportion and measurements. Linguistic intelligences are also helpful when teaching art because they can help find descriptive words that can help with art lessons as well as creating inspiration and ideas for art work. Slogans and titles can also be easier for linguistic intelligences, and the entire class can benefit from that.
It is important as a teacher to understand the different ways in which students learn. In order to truly reach the students and nurture their natural abilities these intelligences must be maximized. Some may argue that these intelligences are just the subjects student excel in, and these intelligences are natural for students, but they should still be used to increase the potential of the student's learning.

What is the Element Ruthenium?

What is the Element Ruthenium?

I was looking at the periodic table of elements today, and I was astounded by the names of some of the elements. I was also shocked that I have never heard of some of them, except in brief passing in school. I decided to find out a little bit more about these mystery elements, and I started with Ruthenium. Ruthenium sounds funny at first, but it is used in many things around the world.
Ruthenium is a white metal that is hard and polyvalent. Ruthenium is part of the platinum family. This metal has four crystal modifications, and at normal temperatures it will not tarnish. Although Ruthenium does not tarnish it does oxidize. Ruthenium will melt if put into fused alkalis, and Ruthenium is not affected by acids but is strongly affected by high temperature halogens.
Some jewelers and metal workers use ruthenium to increase the hardness of platinum, and it also has a hardening affect when added to palladium. Titanium can also be mixed with a tiny amount of ruthenium to prevent corrosion and tarnish. Sometimes ruthenium is even mixed with gold to increase its wear resistance.
Karl Klaus, the Russian scientist, isolated and discover ruthenium in 1844. This element derived its name from Ruthenia which is a Latin word for Rus' which was an area of land that is now made up of parts of Russia, the Ukraine, and Belarus. Karl Klaus chose this name because it referred to where he was born.
Ruthenium is used for many things. Ruthenium is mixed to create super alloys used for the blades of jet engines. Ruthenium can also be used as a catalyst in order to split hydrogen sulfide; this can be useful in order to remove the hydrogen sulfide from oil refineries. Ruthenium also has renewable energy implications because it absorbs light; there is research currently establishing if Ruthenium can be used to catch solar energy. The smallest amounts of this element are also being used by IBM to increase disk drive sizes. Ruthenium is being used in things as large as jet engines and as small as fountain pens.
Ruthenium can be found in mines in both South and North America. This element is usually found in ore that also containes other members of the platinum family. Ruthenium can also be found in the Urul Mountains in Russia, and it is also known to be found in smaller extractable contents in Canada and South Africa.
Ruthenium is a very important mineral that may be an important tool in helping the environment and the world.

Theoretical Perspectives of Child Development

Theoretical Perspectives of Child Development

There are many factors that affect a child's development, and there are many theories that attempt to explain different developments in the life of a child. The following is a list of theoretical perspectives of child development. While no one theory is completely correct, all of these theories have valuable information that should be gleaned from them.
Maturational perspectives ascertain that the level of neurological development and the genetically directed increase of physiological developments directly affects the development of physical abilities. This is reflected when a child's writing ability increases throughout years of schooling because of the neurological growth that occurs (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 22). It is also obvious as a child hits puberty, and the child's body starts to physically mature.
Psychodynamic perspectives theorize that when children and young adults face social decisions they are directed by the impulses presented by sexuality and aggression, but they are also led by a need for social contribution and acceptance (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 22). Through many different stages children learn to use their impulses in a way that is constructive to society (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 22). This concept is exemplified when a student hits another student, or lashes out at teachers or parents. As a child develops and receives feedback on his reactions the child will learn to deal with these impulses in a better way such as playing an instrument or planting a garden.
Cognitive developmental perspectives suggest that children add to their own development intellectually. As children face conflicts they rearrange their perspectives and develop new methods of dealing with challenges and viewing the world. A good example of this is when a child has a problem learning arithmetic, and the child develops a system of remembering and figuring out the problem.
Behavioral learning perspectives suggest that children will actively work in order to gain recognition and the things they enjoy (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 22). Children will learn from observation what behavior is rewarded and use these ideas to gain their own rewards. This is reflected when a student tries to improve his grades in order to receive recognition of the teacher.
Evolutionary perspectives theorize that a child's behavior and personality may be reflected by the basic will to survive and be reproductive. This theory suggests that behavior is reflected by the genetic inclination to survive.
Information processing perspectives ascertain that the way a child remembers and processes information changes over time, and as a child becomes older the child can better choose what information is retained(McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 22). This is noticeable as children are young, and are confused easily by instructions.
Socio-cultural perspectives suggest that the cultures that a child is brought up in has a direct impact on how and what a child learns(McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 22). This is obvious when children are actively involved in habits that are valued at home or in the community; an example of this is a child who reads many books because his parents read on their own time.
Developmental system perspectives theorize that many factors within and outside of the child affect the child's development. Many different paths may be taken to achieve one same goal, and many children may take the same path to achieve very different results.
Life span perspectives are very interesting theories because they ascertain that a child's development may be influenced by life changing events (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 22). These events may happen globally, locally, and on a personal level. Some of these events occur through age and are natural. This is exemplified when a child is affected by the divorce of a parent.
All of these theories hold very valid ideas, and they should be taken into consideration when dealing with children and studying the development of children.
McDevitt, T., & Ormrod, J. (2004). Child Development: Educating and Working with Children and Adolescents (2nd ed.). : Prentice Hall

Gishmas 2021 List

 Day 1 Challenge: December 20th – Image or Video What powers GISH? Love, actually. So, let’s spread some cheer. Using the GISH App or search...