Showing posts with label Business Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Management. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Socialization Tactics in Business

Socialization tactics are commonly used in organizations to bring employees together into a teamwork setting. These tactics are used for both new and old employees, and they require knowledge and skill in order to be used correctly. This article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of socialization tactics in business.

Collective socialization is economical since groups are socialized into a workforce at the same time (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3). A disadvantage of this type of socialization tactic is that employees may not become involved enough to be innovative.

Individual socialization tactics are the opposite of collective tactics, and an advantage of this type of tactic individual attention to the newcomer. Newcomers can easily become welcomed when mentored by another employee; they can also learn a lot of details about their position which allows them to have the background knowledge for innovation. One of the most evident disadvantages of this tactic is cost; providing individuals with this specific attention is very expensive (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3).

Fixed socialization tactics mean that an employee comes into a position with set stages of change in hierarchy. This is positive because it allows newcomers to be aware of the changes that will occur in their status and the time frame or monuments that must be reached to achieve these different levels. A disadvantage of this tactic is that innovation can be slowed, and employees may not work as hard if they do not see a reward in the future.

Formal socialization tactics require that all newcomers learn the same basic knowledge in their chosen area or profession. An advantage of formal socialization is a dependability knowledge and skill set. A disadvantage of formal socialization is that there instances where deviating from the book is necessary (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3).

Sequential socialization tactics are used when "when employees are being socialized to move up through a clearly defined organizational hierarchy" (Britt & Jex, 2008, Ch. 3). Sequential tactics are advantageous because they provide structure, procedure, and reliability. A disadvantage of this type of socialization tactic is there is a lack of innovation fostered by this method.

Socialization tactics have advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into consideration when deciding on the tactics used to socialize employees. It is important to weigh out the advantages and disadvantages of these tactics in order to use the most appropriate tactic for the current situation.


Britt, T. W., & Jex, S. M. (2008). Organizational Psychology: A Scientist-Practitioner Approach (2 ed.). New York, NY: Wiley.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Observational Studies for Determining the Productivity of an Assembly Line


Specific observational studies should be used to determine the productivity of an assembly line. Productivity can not always be measured easily, but understanding the types of observational studies that will work in an assembly line study will help you choose what type of study to use for your research. This article will discuss the use of nonverbal behavioral studies and product and activity analysis as an observational study method for assembly line productivity research.

When conducting observational studies, to determine the productivity of an assembly line, you should consider both quantitative and qualitative research. A nonverbal study is qualitative and informs a researcher about the deeper meaning of behavior in relation to productivity. A qualitative study such as product and activity analysis is also necessary to measure the actual productivity on the assembly now.

A nonverbal behavioral study is a type of observational study that can be made to determine productivity of an assembly line. This type of study would notice the movement and physical actions of the employees on an assembly line. This study would analyze productivity through motion, action, and behavior. The movements and physical expressions could easily reflect and be influenced by productivity, and productivity can also be influenced by nonverbal behavior. A simple nonverbal behavior is smiling at your neighbor. This may be part of an observational study on productivity because employees might be more productive when they are happy or smiling. I believe this hypothesis is a qualitative type of research question.

Product and activity analysis is another form of observational study that can be used to determine the productivity of an assembly line. This study would be more quantitative because it would measure in more specific means. The productivity being measured would be in figures of quantity or quality. This type of study is more effective for determining the productivity of an assembly line, but a nonverbal behavioral study is an effective study for determining the reasons behind productivity levels of an assembly line.

When attempting to determine the productivity of an assembly line it is important to consider using nonverbal behavioral studies as well as product and activity analysis studies. These research methods will provide you with helpful insights into the productivity of an assembly line.

Both of these observational studies deal with understanding productivity, but they are of different natures, and they answer different questions about the productivity of an assembly line.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Building Effective Technology Support Teams


Building an effective technology support team relies on several areas of consideration. Documentation allows for ease and timely transitions and solutions for technology support teams. Communication skills provide employees with the ability to deal with conflicts and communicate with customers and other employees of the business. Role clarification helps team members work effectually in a fast paced and often stressful work environment. Understanding the members of the technology team includes recognizing their strong points and weaknesses while also distinguishing their goals and what drives them. Building relations with other departments allows technology teams to increase productivity by working together with other departments in the business. These factors help to build an effective and proficient technology support team.

Documentation seems like an unimportant part of technology support teams to the untrained eye, but the necessity of documentation helps a company perform at its optimum ability. Documenting how to handle situations and conflicts allows technology support teams to handle situations routinely and quickly (Kearns, 2009). This helps when building a technology support team because it provides them with background information and standards for procedures; it also saves time and money.

Communication represents a large part of the technology support team's job. The ability to communicate allows technology support teams to work efficiently. Technology support teams communicate with customers and other employees everyday, and the team members must possess these communication skills if they expect to succeed. Communication skills provide a technology support team with the ability to complete the necessary task of coordinating, helping, and dealing with people inside and outside of their team (Kearns, 2009).

Role clarification provides team members with an understanding of their job duties and responsibilities. Role clarification helps determine a leader as well as the specific areas of interest for each member of the team (Arellano, 2008). It increase efficiency and allows members to dedicate their time where they may have the strongest impact. This helps build an effective technology support team because it provides team members with direction, focus, and value of their personal abilities and skills.

Understanding team members helps create productivity and a successful technology support team. When building an effective team, the strengths, weaknesses, and goals of the team members play a large role in its ability to function productively. Choosing members that provide you with a variety of strengths that apply to the team's goals provides successful results. Understanding the goals of the members of the team allows for creation of incentives which also increase productivity. Understanding the team members lets the building of an effective technology support team occur. Establishing relationships, with other areas of the business, increases chances for success of any team. A strong technology team requires familiarity with other areas of the business because the team works so closely with the entire company. Establishing these relationships allows a technology support team to work effectively because they can draw on the resources of other areas of the company to complete their tasks (Arellano, 2008). Often the technology support team solves problems that occur inside a business, and having these relationships makes it easier to communicate and work with other teams.


Arellano, N. E. (2008). Eight strategies to build a strong tech support team. IT Business - News, Articles, Info + Strategies for Business Managers and Information Technology Professionals in Canada - Computer Products - Technology Consulting. Retrieved March 20, 2011, from

Kearns, M. (2009). Building a technology support team. Retrieved from

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Advantages and Disadvantages of Control Systems in Business Management

There are many advantages and disadvantages of control systems in business management. These control systems should be thoroughly examined and applied in order to be a successful manager and have a business run smoothly. The types of control systems are bureaucratic control, market control, and clan control.
Bureaucratic control uses "formal rules, standards, hierarchy, and legitimate authority", and this type of control system works well with specific tasks that are done by independent workers (Bateman & Snell, 2009, p.34). Many businesses utilize this form of a control system in management.
Market control uses "prices, competition, profit centers, and exchange relationships" to establish control, and it works well where "tangible output can be identified and market can be established between parties" (Bateman & Snell, 2009). This type of control system is unpopular because the constant fluctuation of the market causes complications with the security of this control system.
Clan control involves shared culture, beliefs, standards, and trust. This control system works best where no one is strictly the decision maker and employees are encouraged to provide input, make choices, and act independently. This is a new control system that is starting to become popular with the increased need for innovation.
Some advantages of bureaucratic control systems are lack of confusion about decision making and lack of confusion in expectation and standards required from employees. This type of control system has clear management rules and responsibilities are cut and dry. Disadvantages of this system are lack of employee morale and lack of room for change and innovation. Independent workers and strict guidelines can make employees feel undervalued, and this is a disadvantage for business and management.
An advantage of market control systems is a flexible system, but this is also a disadvantage because value is always changing and employees may suffer from companies being repeatedly bought and sold. Flexibility can be positive one day and detrimental another, and human capital is at risk with this type of control system.
A clan control system is advantageous because it provides a company with more possibilities of innovation and ideas, but it lacks a direct form of control or strict authority which can lead to confusion of responsibility. Lack of standard management can cause problems in business when using this control system because employees may slack, take advantage, or shrug responsibility with out guidelines. This control system is advantageous to business and management because it can also encourage employees to take initiative and increase knowledge and skills.
Control systems are valuable to management in business, and understanding the three basic control systems is important when implementing a control system in a business. The disadvantages and advantages of each control system must also be considered when choosing a system for business management.
Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A. (2009 ). Management: Leading & collaborating in a competitive world. Retrieved from 1-8b6b-4f7d-a5b1-59e8755f8099&assetpdfdataid=a5d9d898-620d-4975-b3af-1957bf8ee4bd.

Gishmas 2021 List

 Day 1 Challenge: December 20th – Image or Video What powers GISH? Love, actually. So, let’s spread some cheer. Using the GISH App or search...